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赛里木湖高白鲑的人工繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1998年春以来,新疆连续3年从俄罗斯引进了高白鲑(Coregonus peled)发眼卵700万粒,孵化后,向新疆高山湖赛里木湖移植3 00余万尾高白鲑稚鱼.通过2年的跟踪观测,高白鲑在赛里木湖生长迅速,性腺发育良好.尤其是1998年春移植的鱼苗至2000年底,捕获的雌性个体平均体重达1390g,体长37.4cm;雄性个体平均体重891g,体长34.4cm.其生长速度比原产地要快得多,并且性腺也提早1~2年达到性成熟.2000年12月至2001年1月,我们在赛里木湖现场捕捞高白鲑进行人工繁殖试验,获得了一些数据和实践经验.  相似文献   

赛里木湖高白鲑和凹目白鲑肌肉、卵的营养分析评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年作对赛里木湖高白鲑和凹日白鲑肌肉、卵的营养成分进行测定。结果表明:高白鲑和凹目白鲑肌肉蛋白质含量分别为18.83%和19.78%(鲜重);肌肉脂肪含量分别为13.75%和10.40%;氨基酸总量分别为17.48%和17.71%,其中必需氨基酸含量分别为9.16%和9.24%,占氨基酸总量的52.40%和52.17%;高度不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的16.08%和22.73%。高白鲑和凹目白鲑卵的蛋白质含量分别为24.16%和24.48%。  相似文献   

赛里木湖高白鲑的人工繁殖   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
自 1998年春以来 ,新疆连续 3年从俄罗斯引进了高白鲑 (Coregonuspeled)发眼卵 70 0万粒 ,孵化后 ,向新疆高山湖赛里木湖移植 30 0余万尾高白鲑稚鱼。通过 2年的跟踪观测 ,高白鲑在赛里木湖生长迅速 ,性腺发育良好。尤其是 1998年春移植的鱼苗至 2 0 0 0年底 ,捕获的雌性个体平均体重达 1390g ,体长 37 4cm ;雄性个体平均体重891g ,体长 34 4cm。其生长速度比原产地要快得多 ,并且性腺也提早 1~ 2年达到性成熟。 2 0 0 0年12月至 2 0 0 1年 1月 ,我们在赛里木湖现场捕捞高白鲑进行人工繁殖试验 ,获得了一些数据和实践…  相似文献   

赛里木湖高白鲑引种移植效应评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
1998年以来,新疆从俄罗斯引进高白鲑发眼卵1.72×107粒,经孵化后向赛里木湖移植,投放数量共7.575×106尾。经观测,高白鲑在赛里木湖发育良好,生长迅速,现已具有了一定的种群数量。就赛里木湖引种移植高白鲑的效应、前景和存在问题进行评价和探讨。  相似文献   

高白鲑(Coregouns peled)属鲑科冷水性鱼类,其主要分布在北纬50度以上的河流、湖泊中,尤以俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的鄂毕河流域为多.由于该鱼适应性强,肉味美,易捕捞,长势快,又是典型的食浮游动物的鱼类,早在上世纪30年代前苏联已将高白鲑作为重要的增养殖开发对象,在其境内冷水水域广泛移植和推广.我国黑龙江省于1985年从日本国引进过高白鲑,并在池塘进行过养殖和人工繁殖试验.然而对高白鲑在大型水域引种移植和在天然水域中直接进行人工繁殖在我国尚未进行.1998年以来新疆连续3年从俄罗斯引种高白鲑发眼卵700万粒,经孵化向赛里木湖移植高白鲑鱼苗300万余尾.1998~1999年通过跟踪观测,高白鲑在赛里木湖生长发育良好.为使高白鲑苗种本地化,2000年我们对赛里木湖高白鲑的性腺发育规律进行了观测,以掌握其在赛里木湖水域中性腺成熟度的变化规律,为高白鲑的人工繁殖做好准备,同时作者还对高白鲑在赛里木湖的食性变化进行了观测.  相似文献   

高白鲑属鲑科,白鲑属,为冷水鱼类。高白鲑是俄罗斯的特有鱼类,它分布于俄罗斯境内的西起晋河东至科雷马河一带的湖、河中,以鄂毕河流域为多。由于高白鲑适应性强,生长速度快,肉味鲜美(脂肪占10%~20%),营养价值高,是俄罗斯和欧洲其他国家备受推崇的营养珍品。据新疆兵团农五师科委负责人介绍,高白鲑更具有医学价值,医学专家已从高白鲑的血液中提取了一种物质,制成药品,可防止和治疗心血管病、脑血管病、高血压等多种疾病。赛里木湖位于新疆天山西部,海拔2072米,水面453平方公里,是新疆最大的高山湖泊,典型的…  相似文献   

凹目白鲑在赛里木湖生长的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1998~2000年从俄罗斯引进凹目白鲑发眼卵600万粒,经孵化后将体长20mm左右的202.5万尾鱼苗投放赛里木湖。2001年9月至2002年9月采集68尾凹目白鲑,对其年龄与生长进行了初步研究。结果表明:在赛里木湖凹目白鲑1龄理论体长112mm、2龄173mm、3龄232mm、4龄321mm。  相似文献   

本研究采用DNA条形码技术对新疆赛里木湖引进种贝加尔凹目白鲑(Coregonus migratorius)、高白鲑(Coregonus peled)和宽鼻白鲑(Coregonus nasus)进行了种质鉴定和遗传多样性分析。单倍型检测发现,3种白鲑共检测到15种单倍型,其中贝加尔凹目白鲑独享5种,宽鼻白鲑7种,高白鲑5种,后二者共享2种单倍型为高白鲑特有单倍型,表明二者存在不同程度的基因交流,高白鲑可能将其基因通过杂交渐渗到宽鼻白鲑群体内。系统发育分析显示,15种单倍型分成3组分别聚类在3个不同分支上,每个分支所属白鲑分别与其发表序列聚在一起,表明赛里木湖引进的3种白鲑仍保持着原种良好的种源特性;而贝加尔凹目白鲑的近缘种秋白鲑(Coregonus autumnalis)则单独聚为一支,与贝加尔凹目白鲑的遗传距离最大(0.027),支持将二者划分为两个独立种。遗传多样性分析显示,3种白鲑的遗传多样性适中,但由于宽鼻白鲑存在杂交的可能性,因而其遗传多样性高于贝加尔凹目白鲑和高白鲑。建议赛里木湖渔业生产部门继续在繁殖、捕鱼等生产方式上进行科学规划,引进先进的种质鉴定技术,避免人工杂交造成的种质污染;同时维持和提高白鲑属鱼类的遗传多样性,保证湖区特色渔业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

高白鲑的生物学特性及增养殖技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
高白鲑 (CoregonusPeled)属于鲑科白鲑属鱼类。白鲑属系冷水性鱼类 ,世界上约有30余种 ,广泛分布在北纬 5 0°以北的广大淡水水域 ,是欧洲、北美、亚洲北部的经济鱼类 ,也是重要的增殖、养殖对象 ,其中高白鲑、普通白鲑 (C .lvaretus)、楚德白鲑 (C .maraeus)更受人们亲睐 ,现已移植到美国、法国、波兰、日本等许多国家 ,在人工繁殖及养殖上已取得了显著的成果。 1 998年被移植到新疆赛里木湖。1 白鲑属和高白鲑的生物学特征1 1 白鲑属鱼类的特征鳞片较大 ,具脂鳍 ,一般不具颌骨齿 (如有 ,那么在舌和间颌…  相似文献   

赛里木湖凹目白鲑的生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1998年至2000年连续3年从俄罗斯引进凹目白鲑发眼卵600万粒,经孵化后将体长20mm左右的203万尾鱼苗投放入赛里木湖。2001年9月在湖中首次捕到凹目白蛙成鱼,利用捕捞标本进行了生物学研究。结果表明:凹目白鲑在赛里木湖以浮游动物和底栖动物为食,雄性个体最早3^ 龄性成熟,雌性4^ 龄性成熟。体重在1400g以下个体的绝对怀卵量为22440~95380粒,平均为57860粒;相对怀卵量为30~76粒/g,平均为51粒/g;Ⅳ期末卵径平均为1.9mm。卵粒橙黄色,粘性,繁殖期在11月中旬至12月中旬。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Fingerling yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata (initial mean body weight 4.3 g), an active pelagic fish, were reared under fed (4 weeks) and unfed (1 week) conditions to investigate the effects of swimming exercise on growth performance and whole body composition. The fish were raised in three water velocities: < 0.3 body length/s (bl/s), 1.0 bl/s, and 2.25 bl/s and fed diets containing two fat levels (13.2 and 20.3%). The exercised fish had significantly higher weight gains and feed efficiencies than the unexercised fish in both dietary fat levels. A second-order polynomial suggested that the optimum water velocity for the growth occurred at about 1.6 bl/s. The whole-body crude protein and fat contents were higher in the exercised fish than in the unexercised fish, and consequently apparent body protein and fat retentions were improved in both dietary fat levels by swimming. However, during 1 week starvation, body fat loss/g body weight loss was higher in the exercised fish than in the unexercised fish. The results of the present study clearly show that swimming condition improves growth performance of fingerling yellowtail, and suggest that swimming exercise stimulates both anabolism and catabolism of protein and fat; however, under fed conditions anabolism appears superior to catabolism.  相似文献   

在专用鲟鱼苗培育池内,以水蚯蚓为饲料,对俄罗斯鲟稚鱼进行较大规模的生产性培育实验。从开食起培育期25d,稚鱼由全长15cm、均重003g,增至51cm、083g,成活率91%,饲料系数401。实验发现,俄罗斯鲟稚鱼摄食凶猛、食量大,在供饵不足时,互食现象较严重。  相似文献   

Abstract In an attempt to identify appropriate feeding rates for multispecies of fish raised in fertilized earthen ponds, the present work was conducted over a 19‐week experimental period to establish the growth performance, production and body composition of Nile tilapia, common carp and silver carp fed 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, 5.0% biomass and to apparent satiation (treatments). Twelve ponds were stocked with a similar number and weight of each fish species. Two ponds were assigned to each of the treatments, and a 25% protein pelleted fish feed was used to feed fish at the specified rate of feeding. At the end of the experiment, growth, weight gain, survival, yield and body composition of fish groups were affected by the treatments. The economic effectiveness also varied among treatments. The most conspicuous attribute of the feeding rates was its lack of influence on growth (g day?1), weight gain (g per fish), yield (kg ha?1) or body composition of silver carp. The results of whole‐body proximate analysis indicated that various feeding rates had either an irregular pattern or no effects on the protein and ash gain per 100 g of fish body weight (bw) gain. The most notable exceptions were significant (P < 0.05) increases in body fat and gross energy gains in Nile tilapia, common carp and silver carp accompanied by decreases in percentages of moisture (but not in silver carp) as feeding rate increased. Among the six different feeding levels, feeding to apparent satiation (feed amount was equivalent to 2.67% of fish bw day?1) appeared to be optimal, as it significantly (P < 0.05) supported the highest fish production, income and net profit compared with all other treatments except for the 3% feeding level, for which the differences in those measurements were comparable.  相似文献   

伊犁河欧鲇某些生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任波 《水产学杂志》2012,25(2):51-55
本文测定了移植于伊犁河的欧鲇(Silurus glaris Linnaeus)的形态、年龄与生长,观察了繁殖和食性等生物学特性,用Von.Bertalanffy生长方程等从理论上阐明生长特征。结果表明:河欧鲇在渔获物组成中的比例为:体长分布在16~121cm之间,以体长40~70为主,占60.36%;体质量在50~13400g之间,以500~20000 g为主,占56.7%;年龄为0+~8+,9个年龄组,以1+~3+龄为主,占65.1%。补充群体大于剩余群体,由Von.Berta-lanffy生长方程推导运算的生长参数为:L∞=191.1cm、W∞=59 875g、-k=0.087、to=0.038,tmax=34.5,tip=12.7。4+龄体长70 cm,体质量3500g的个体即可性成熟,6月份产卵,雄鱼有营巢和护卵孵化习性。为典型的肉食性鱼类。欧鲇生长快、个体大,适应能力以及扩展能力强,移植后极易形成群体,已成为伊犁河水系主要经济鱼类之一。  相似文献   

广东北江南方白甲鱼的生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘炯华  郑文彪 《水产学报》1986,10(4):419-431
南方白甲鱼是珠江水系的重要经济鱼类之一。本文中,作者对其形态、年龄和生长、繁殖、食性、分布和渔业等问题作了调查和研究。  相似文献   

Chinese perch are one of the most valuable food fish in China, but the sole source of feed for intensive culture is live prey fish. Our previous studies on systematic sensory physiology revealed that this species have a mechanism for this peculiar feeding habit. In the present study, a specific training procedure was designed, and both experimental (initial body weight 171.0 g; 120 days) and commercial (initial body weight 52.4 g; 240 days) net-cage cultures were conducted to investigate the training success, growth performance and survival of the trained yearlings fed with nonlive or Oregon-type moist diet. The training successes of minced prey fish and the Oregon moist diet were 100 and 89.9%, respectively, in experimental culture, and 92.2 and 83.5% in commercial culture. In an experimental trial, the fish fed minced prey fish or the Oregon moist diet attained final body weights of 472.7 g or 344.7 g, although the specific growth rates of these groups were significantly lower than that of the fish fed live prey fish (final body weight 560.0 g). Mortality was not significantly related to dietary treatment. In commercial culture, the final body weights were as follows: 750 g on live prey fish, 705 g on minced prey fish and 651 g on the Oregon moist diet. Feed costs to produce 1 kg fish were estimated to be US$6.59 for live prey fish, US$1.76 for minced prey fish and US$2.07 for the Oregon moist diet. The results of the present study confirmed that sensory modality and associative learning appear to be critical factors in determining food discrimination of Chinese perch, indicating that both minced trash fish and Oregon-type moist diet can be substituted for live prey fish in intensive commercial production.  相似文献   

The growth of aquaculture has negatively affected the environment due to the high levels of nitrogen excreted by farmed fish. Here we propose that modifying the nitrogen metabolism of the fish themselves using transgenic technology might solve the pollution problem. Growth hormone (GH) is known to increase protein retention and absorption, and is thought to reduce ammonia excretion. Thus, we produced transgenic Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) that over-expressed the GH gene throughout their bodies. Our findings showed that the food-conversion efficiency of the transgenic fish was 35% higher than that of their non-transgenic siblings. The rearing period required for the transgenic fish to reach a body weight of 20 g was about 75% of that required for non-transgenic fish that were fed the same type and quantity of food. The total amount of ammonium-nitrogen excreted by the transgenic fish was about 69% of that excreted by the wild-type fish over their lifetime. These results suggest that our transgenic approach has the potential to reduce the amount of nitrogen pollution caused by farmed fish. This strategy is a promising option for making aquaculture more ‘eco-friendly’.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Feeding experiments were conducted to evaluate corn gluten meal (CGM) as an alternative protein source for fish meal in the diet of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus . A diet containing 75% white fish meal as a sole protein source was the control, and 20, 40, and 60% of fish meal protein was replaced with CGM protein in the experimental feeds. Juvenile fish of about 8 g initial body weight were fed each diet to apparent satiation twice a day. 6 d per week for 8 wk at 20 C. Survival rates of fish ranged from 98 to 100% and were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) among treatments. Final body weight, weight gain, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio of fish fed the diets containing CGM up to 40% substitution levels were not statistically different from those of fish fed the control diet. All production parameters for fish fed the diet replacing 60% of fish meal protein were significantly lower than the control ( P ≤ 0.05). Supplements of crystalline amino acids to the CGM diet improved the nutritive value of the diet. Since substitution up to 40% did not adversely affect hematological and hematochemical parameters as well as whole body composition of the cultured fish, it is suggested that up to 40% of fish meal protein can be replaced with CGM in the diet of juvenile Japanese flounder.  相似文献   

The growth performance of Arctic charr of wild (W) and hatchery (H) origin was compared in a commercial coldwater recirculation system (Villmarksfisk, Bardu, 68°N, 19°E, Norway). The initial individual body mass was 115 g and similar between groups. The rearing temperature was 9.2 °C and the fish were held under continuous light (24:0 L:D). At the end of the experiment (day 240), the average body mass of the H fish was 451 g compared to 231 g in the W fish. The accumulated mortality of wild Arctic charr was about 40%; 10 times higher than the mortality of hatchery-produced Arctic charr (4%). The difference in growth performance and survival rate impose a great disadvantage of using this wild caught fish as compared to commercially available hatchery-produced Arctic charr in coldwater recirculation system. However, further improvements in the production chain (catching, live transport, quarantine, size grading, etc.) may still make production of wild caught Arctic charr profitable, especially as it demands a higher price in niche markets.  相似文献   

White sturgeon juveniles were raised for 10 months posthatch under various regimens of feeding, water temperature, and stocking density. Transition to external feeding in larvae occurred 9 to 11 days posthatch and was accompanied by major changes in allometric growth and larval behavior. Condition factor, hepatosomatic index, and survival rate varied significantly throughout the rearing period in the 4 progenies investigated. Growth in body weight for all progenies was largely dependent on water temperature and feeding. On the average, fingerlings raised on natural diets (brine shrimp and tubifex, followed by ground fish) grew 6% of their body weight per day, whereas fingerlings fed artificial pelleted diets (Oregon Moist Pellets) or a mixture of pelleted and natural feeds grew 1–4% per day. Certain individuals (20% of population investigated), however, established a strong feeding performance on artificial diets and exhibited twice the growth rate of fish raised on natural diets; these fish reached a mean body weight of 282 g at 10 months post-hatch. Assuming more efficient procedures are developed for weaning this fish onto artificial diets, the white sturgeon has demonstrated a potential for use in intensive grow-out systems.  相似文献   

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