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土壤熏蒸剂研究进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
土壤熏蒸剂可有效防治土传病虫害,但效果最好的熏蒸剂溴甲烷由于破坏臭氧层,已被禁止用在农业上(必要用途豁免除外)。碘甲烷、氯化苦、异硫氰酸甲酯、1,3-二氯丙烯、二甲基二硫、硫酰氟、棉隆及威百亩是国际上已经登记使用的土壤熏蒸剂;甲酸乙酯、乙二腈、糠醛、丙烯醛是有希望开发为新的土壤熏蒸剂品种。国内已经商品化的土壤熏蒸剂品种有4种,分别为氯化苦、威百亩、棉隆和硫酰氟,二甲基二硫正在登记当中。本文系统综述了上述熏蒸剂在应用、环境行为等方面的研究进展,在未来一段时间内,氯化苦、棉隆及威百亩将会占据着国内土壤熏蒸剂的主要市场。二甲基二硫的登记也将会改善国内熏蒸剂品种匮乏的局面。  相似文献   

我国土壤熏蒸消毒60年回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
熏蒸剂棉隆和氯化苦于20世纪60年代在我国曾用于棉花黄萎病的防治,由于缺乏施药机械、相关施药标准和方法,加之与国外交流甚少,虽然发现熏蒸剂对土传病害有一定的效果,但一直未形成规模化应用。我国大量使用熏蒸剂进行土壤消毒处理始于20世纪90年代,随着溴甲烷的引进与广泛应用,溴甲烷的替代技术及产品研发,开启了我国土壤熏蒸消毒的新纪元。伴随着土壤消毒技术与理论的不断丰富,新型配套机械装备的成功研发,社会化服务模式的广泛运用,土壤熏蒸消毒在我国进入快速发展时期,大批专业化服务组织应运而生,为我国农作物病虫害的绿色防控、实施乡村振兴战略提供了强有力的技术支撑。该文从土壤熏蒸剂的种类、发展历史、基础理论的建立与阐明3方面综述了我国土壤熏蒸发展情况,并对我国土壤熏蒸消毒未来发展方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

土壤熏蒸是目前防治土传病、虫、草害有效且快速的方法,但随着作物的种植,一些病原物可能会再次繁殖,导致病害持续发展,并且土壤经熏蒸处理后,会导致土壤微环境处于一种失衡状态,而土壤改良剂可以有效改善土壤环境、减少作物根部疾病、减少土壤养分流失并可提高农产品的品质。将熏蒸剂与改良剂联合使用在一定程度上可以修复或改良土壤,使受熏蒸剂影响的微生物群落得到恢复或有益微生物的相对丰度增加,防止土壤病原菌再次侵染,更有利于作物的生长。本文简单概述了常用熏蒸剂和土壤改良剂的分类信息,重点综述了土壤改良剂与熏蒸剂联合使用,对熏蒸后土壤的理化性质、酶活性、微生物群落及作物生长方面的影响,可为土传病害的防治、熏蒸剂与土壤改良剂的联合使用及相关机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

棉隆对病原细菌、真菌、根结线虫及杂草均有较高防效,而且作为固体微颗粒剂具有使用简单、安全的特性,被广泛用于作物种植前熏蒸土壤以防治土传病虫害。施用过程中,土壤环境因素(包括土壤类型、土壤温湿度、土壤有机质及pH等)、施药方式、施药季节和施药剂量均会对棉隆的熏蒸效果产生显著影响,不正确的使用方式常会导致熏蒸效果不理想或产生药害问题。该文系统综述土壤熏蒸剂棉隆的使用概况(包括作用机制、适用作物、施用方式和施用效果等)、存在的问题及原因分析(包括施用深度、水分、温度对棉隆有效成分含量的影响及其熏蒸对土壤微生物群落结构的影响等)、解决对策(包括改善施药方式、优化土壤环境和活化熏蒸后土壤微生物等)以及未来发展趋势,以期为棉隆的高效应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

土壤化学熏蒸剂在根结线虫防治中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了化学熏蒸剂在根结线虫防治中的应用。介绍了溴甲烷、碘甲烷、硫酰氟、棉隆、威百亩、1,3-二氯丙烯、氯化苦、氰氨化钙、异硫氰酸甲酯、二甲基二硫等主要土壤化学熏蒸剂的研究、开发和应用概况。提出应增强新型熏蒸剂的筛选和产品商业化开发,深化作用机制和田间应用技术研究。  相似文献   

二甲基二硫的生物活性评价及对土壤养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内生物活性测定方法,评价二甲基二硫(dimethyl disulfide,DMDS)对土壤病原线虫和土传病原菌的毒力,比较不同浓度药剂处理对土壤理化性质和土壤呼吸的影响,为探究DMDS作为新型土壤熏蒸剂提供切实可行性的依据。结果表明:DMDS熏蒸对土传病原线虫和镰刀菌属的LD_(50)分别为4.743 mg/kg和1.513 mg/kg,可见DMDS对病原线虫和镰刀菌有良好的生物活性。对土壤理化性质进行数据分析发现:DMDS能显著增加土壤铵态氮含量,抑制硝化作用过程,减少NO~-_3-N的产生,提高植物可吸收态氮素水平。DMDS处理的土壤有机质含量和电导率均显著高于对照土壤,而土壤pH和速效钾含量较对照均有降低。此外,熏蒸土壤中有效磷含量较对照减少,但两者无显著差异。对DMDS熏蒸后土壤进行底物诱导呼吸试验,表明DMDS能够在试验初期抑制土壤微生物生物量。本试验结果可为指导DMDS的科学使用提供理论依据及对土壤微生物活性的影响作出科学评价。  相似文献   

根据"蒙特利尔议定书"要求,防治土传病害效果优异的溴甲烷已于2015年全面退出农业领域(除必要用途豁免外),环境友好型的生物熏蒸技术作为最具发展前景的溴甲烷非化学替代措施而受到普遍关注。文章主要综述了生物熏蒸的作用机理:产生挥发性活性物质及提高土壤温度;介绍了生物熏蒸对腐霉菌、疫霉菌、尖孢镰刀菌等土传病害以及线虫的防治作用;同时阐述了生物熏蒸对土壤中氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、pH值等土壤理化性质以及作物生长指标和产量的影响,阐明了生物熏蒸材料的选择以及施用熏蒸材料时的环境条件是影响生物熏蒸效果的两个主要因素。作者认为,由于受生物熏蒸材料自身的限制,目前将生物熏蒸技术与其他技术相结合,如生物熏蒸与化学熏蒸轮用等,依然具有广阔的研究应用前景。  相似文献   

微生物菌肥对熏蒸剂处理后土壤微生态的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤熏蒸是防治土传病害的有效手段,但化学熏蒸剂在杀死病原微生物的同时也会对有益微生物群落的组成与活性造成影响。微生物菌肥不仅能够减少农作物的病虫害侵染,而且能够改善农产品的品质与产量。将土壤熏蒸剂与微生物菌肥配合使用将有利于连作土壤修复、土壤-植物微生态环境的改良与重塑。一方面,土壤熏蒸剂用于消灭前茬作物遗留下的土壤病原物,给土壤进行消毒处理;另一方面,施用微生物菌肥给“纯净”的土壤环境输入有益菌群,引导更利于植物生长的土壤微生态环境(土壤理化性质、土壤微生物群落结构)形成。本文简述了土壤熏蒸剂、微生物菌肥以及微生物菌肥介入熏蒸后的土壤对土壤理化性质、土壤酶系及土壤微生物群落变化的研究进展,旨在系统解析微生物菌肥对经熏蒸剂处理后土壤微环境变化的影响,以期为解决连作障碍、防治土传病害、恢复植物根际功能提供相关理论与技术参考。  相似文献   

瓜类枯萎病,茄子、番茄等黄萎病、枯萎病,姜瘟,各种蔬菜根结线虫病等多 种 土传病害,对蔬菜为害严重,一直是蔬菜优质高产的重要障碍,严重制约了菜农的经济效益 。对这些土传病害的防治尚缺乏安全、有效的药剂。本刊曾介绍的溴甲烷土壤重蒸剂,虽防 效好,但非长远发展使用的品种,且成本较高。本期刊出应用熏蒸剂氯化苦处理土壤防治蔬 菜土传病害的文章,介绍了应用大连染料化工有限公司生产的氯化苦处理土壤防治西瓜、甜 瓜枯萎病及姜瘟的方法和效果,供预防各种土传病害时参考。氯化苦是一种高毒熏蒸杀虫剂 ,其气体为三氯硝基甲烷,易挥发,但在蔬菜中无残毒,在充分散气后再定植,对蔬菜生长 无药害。日本等国早已应用于土壤熏蒸,防治蔬菜等作物的土传病害,并在生产中大面积推 广。大连染料化工有限公司近年还与辽宁、山东等省有关单位协作,做了氯化苦防治各种蔬 菜土传病害的试验、示范,都取得了较好的防治效果和经济效益。但应当指出:使用氯化苦 熏蒸土壤防治各种蔬菜的土传病害,必须使用专用的施药器具,严格按施药要求操作,才能 达到安全、高效的目的。  相似文献   

土壤熏蒸是防治土传病虫害的重要手段之一, 熏蒸剂在土壤中的散发直接影响其对土壤有害生物的防治效果。为明确二甲基二硫、顺式-1, 3-二氯丙烯、反式-1,3-二氯丙烯、异硫氰酸烯丙酯, 以及棉隆和威百亩的前体异硫氰酸甲酯等5种常用熏蒸剂在土壤中的散发情况, 本研究以北京顺义采集的沙壤土为材料, 按100 mg/kg剂量添加熏蒸剂, 在室内模拟田间熏蒸剂在土壤内的散发, 并在不同温度(15、25、35℃)和不同土壤含水量(6%、10%、15%)等条件下分别对5种熏蒸剂的散发进行监测。同时拟合出5种熏蒸剂的累计散发量随时间变化的Logistic模型, R2均高于0.98, 拟合度较好。本研究为熏蒸剂的合理化利用、减少农药滥用、减轻环境压力提供一定参考。  相似文献   

The effect of a soil fumigant on soil-borne pests and pathogens depends largely on a sufficient distribution through the top soil and the availability of the fumigant or the biologically active degradation products in the water phase. Nearly all the fumigants are dispersed in the soil mainly in the vapour phase and therefore the amount of air between the soil particles is very important. Consequently on light soils it is relatively easy to obtain an efficient control, but on heavy or wet soils and on soil types with a high humus content it is rather difficult to get reliable results. The concentration of the fumigant in the upper few cm. of the soil is often insufficient to get good control after injection of the material at 15–20 cm. depth. The effect may be improved by using a plastic cover or a «split plot>> application.
The elimination of most of the fumigant, to avoid a phytotoxic effect is a cause for concern on wet soils and on soil types with a high organic content. Factors influencing the decrease of the fumigant residue in the soil are discussed. The soil fumigant application gives rise to important changes in the whole ecosystem in the soil. Information on the influence on non-target organisms is scarce. The application of dichloropropene and of chloropicrin may lead to a noticeable effect on the nitrificating bacteria.
The soil application of fumigants may give rise to residues in plants of the parent chemical or, to a larger extent, to residues of metabolites e.g. Br- after soil disinfection with Br- containing fumigants such as methylbromide, EDB1), etc. The enrichment of the soil with Br- may cause phytotoxic effects on susceptible crops such as carnations. The fate of the metabolites arising from dichloropropene and related compounds has not been fully clarified.  相似文献   

Plastic films are used in soil fumigation to control fumigant emission into the atmosphere. In previous studies it was shown that the plastic films are permeable to fumigant vapors. Virtually impermeable films (VIF) have been developed to reduce such emission and to increase the efficacy of pest control. A rapid, accurate, sensitive and simple method to measure the permeability of plastic films to soil fumigants that was developed in the present study is described in this paper. The method uses a static, closed system in which the tested film is fixed between two cells. The fumigant is sampled by a solid-phase microextraction method and measured quantitatively by gas chromatography. The method was used to assess the permeability of two plastic films — a low-density polyethylene film (LDPE) and a VIF — to commercial soil fumigants formulated individually or in mixtures. All the tested fumigants permeated through the commonly used LDPE film, in the following descending order of permeability: methyl isothiocyanate (MITC), methyl bromide (MBr), 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D; Telone), chloropicrin (CP). The VIF was impermeable to all the tested fumigants except MITC, the permeation of which was reduced by 40%. The permeation of some fumigants through LDPE films was influenced by the formulation used. The permeation of CP was increased when it was combined with MBr in Bromopic. With Telopic, a mixture of 1,3-D and CP, the permeation of 1,3-D through LDPE film was 62% greater than that of Telone, whereas that of CP was not affected. The permeation rates of both MBr and CP were 25–30% greater when they were formulated as a mixture in Bromopic than when they were formulated individually. The formulation of fumigants as mixtures of two components did not affect their permeability through VIF. This study showed that differences in the suitability of plastic films for soil fumigation can be measured easily in a laboratory. It also showed that the VIP was more effective than LDPE in reducing losses of fumigant to the atmosphere, thus allowing more efficient use of fumigants to manage soilborne pests. The presented method helps us to choose the most adequate film for optimizing fumigation efficacy, and reducing costs and environmental risks. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 17, 2006.  相似文献   

The phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant has stimulated research into the use of other soil fumigants for weed control. Methyl bromide, methyl iodide, propargyl bromide, 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and metam-sodium were tested alone and in combination with chloropicrin in laboratory experiments to determine their efficacy against Cyperus esculentus L (yellow nutsedge) tubers. Propargyl bromide and metam-sodium were the most efficacious fumigants tested, with EC50 values of 3.7 and 6.5 microM, respectively. The relative potencies of methyl iodide and chloropicrin were not significantly different but were 2.6 and 2.9 times more potent than methyl bromide, respectively. The EC50 values for all fumigants other than 1,3-D were significantly lower than that of methyl bromide. Combining each fumigant with 17% chloropicrin resulted in a synergistic interaction. The greatest increase in potency between the expected result and the actual result was a relative potency of 3.8 with the methyl bromide/chloropicrin combination. The smallest increase in efficacy was with propargyl bromide and chloropicrin, with a relative potency of 1.5. There was no significant difference between the EC50 values of methyl bromide/chloropicrin and methyl iodide/chloropicrin combinations. Combining 1,3-D with 17% chloropicrin resulted in an EC50 value for C. esculentus control similar to that of methyl iodide applied alone.  相似文献   

Metam sodium (metam) is a widely used soil fumigant. Combined application of metam and other available fumigants is intended to produce synergic pesticidal effects for a broad spectrum of pest control in soil fumigation. This study aimed to test the compatibility of metam with the halogenated fumigants 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), chloropicrin, methyl bromide, methyl iodide and propargyl bromide. Halogenated fumigants and metam were spiked simultaneously into organic solvents, water and moist soils, and metam-induced degradation of these halogenated chemicals was evaluated. In all three media, the halogenated fumigants were incompatible with metam and degraded via rapid chemical reactions. The degradation rate varied with halogenated fumigant species and increased as the amount of metam present was increased. In moist soil, 15-95% of the halogenated fumigants were decomposed within 72 h by metam at a 1:1 molar ratio. Combined application of Telone C-35 (62.5% 1,3-D + 35% chloropicrin) at 265 mg kg(-1) and Vapam (42% metam) at 567 mg kg(-1) in soil resulted in complete disappearance of the applied chloropicrin and 20-38% of the 1,3-D within 8 h. The results suggest that simultaneous application of halogenated fumigants and metam at the same soil depth will not maximize pest control. In practice, sequential treatment of soil or application at different soil depths is recommended when these two types of fumigants are used in combination.  相似文献   

Reducing fumigant emissions after soil application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yates SR  Gan J  Papiernik SK  Dungan R  Wang D 《Phytopathology》2002,92(12):1344-1348
ABSTRACT Volatilization and soil transformation are major pathways by which pesticides dissipate from treated agricultural soil. Volatilization is a primary source of unwanted agricultural chemicals in the atmosphere and can significantly affect fumigant efficacy. Volatile pesticides may cause other unique problems; for example, the soil fumigant methyl bromide has been shown to damage stratospheric ozone and will soon be phased out. There is also great concern about the health consequences of inhalation of fumigants by people living in proximity to treated fields. Because replacement fumigants will likely face increased scrutiny in years ahead, there is a great need to understand the mechanisms that control their emission into the atmosphere so these losses can be minimized without loss of efficacy. Recent research has shown that combinations of vapor barriers and soil amendments can be effective in reducing emissions. In this paper, some potential approaches for reducing fumigant emissions to the atmosphere are described.  相似文献   

Production and use of methyl bromide, a soil fumigant, are being restricted because of this chemical's deleterious effects on stratospheric ozone concentrations. Several products, some of which are currently used as soil fumigants, are being considered as possible replacements for methyl bromide, alone and in various combinations. Among these, 1,3-dichloropropene, methyl isothiocyanate generators such as metam-sodium, and chloropicrin are currently registered, while others such as methyl iodide and sodium azide are at different stages of the registration process. This review examines physicochemical properties, environmental fate, and metabolism of the various potential methyl bromide replacement products.  相似文献   

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