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蓝孔雀泌尿系统的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓝孔雀主要泌尿器官有肾脏和输尿管。肾表面有极薄的结缔组织伸入实质形成含量较少的小叶间和肾小管间结缔组织,内有淋巴组织和丰富的毛细血管。实质主要由大量肾小叶构成,每个肾小叶形似梨状,内有许多肾单位。肾小叶分皮质部分和髓质部分,可是没有明显的界限。皮质部分有中央静脉,中央静脉周围有肾小体。肾单位分皮质型肾单位(爬行动物型)和髓质型肾单位(哺乳动物型),输尿管管壁由黏膜层、肌层、外膜构成。  相似文献   

蓝孔雀主要泌尿器官有肾脏和输尿管.肾表面有极薄的结缔纽织被膜,部分表面覆有浆膜.被膜的结缔组织伸入实质形成含量较少的小叶间和肾小管间结缔组织,内有淋巴组织和丰富的毛细血管.实质主要由大量肾小叶构成,每个肾小叶形似梨状,内有许多肾单位.肾小叶分皮质部分和髓质部分,可是没有明显的界限.皮质部分有中央静脉,中央静脉周围有肾小体.肾单位分皮质型肾单位(爬行动物型)和髓质型肾单位(哺乳动物型),输尿管管壁由黏膜层、肌层、外膜构成.  相似文献   

大鲵精巢的解剖及组织形态结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对 3只成年不同时期的大鲵精巢进行大体解剖及组织形态结构观察 ,结果表明 ,大鲵精巢由被膜和实质构成。被膜由外层的腹膜和内层的白膜构成 ,白膜从精巢头部向实质伸入形成隔膜 ,把精巢实质分成许多形状和大小不同的精小叶 ;大鲵精巢实质由皮质部和髓质部两部分构成 ,皮质部主要由精小叶和少量的间质组织构成 ,精小叶内分布有生殖细胞聚集而成的精小囊和壶腹。雄性大鲵的生殖细胞的整个发育过程都是在精小囊和壶腹中进行 ,不同时期的精巢内的生殖细胞发育有一定的规律 ;髓质部主要由丰富的血窦、毛细淋巴管和结缔组织构成。  相似文献   

笔者于1988年6月4日,在出口冻兔的宰后兽医卫生检验中,发现1只大耳白老龄母兔右肾肿大,呈黄褐色,表面凹凸不平,质地变硬,被膜增厚,变脆,与皮质部粘连,强行剥离,被膜和皮质部组织均撕裂。沿肾门纵向剖开,皮质部变薄,与髓质部界限不分明。切面固有纹理模糊不清,有许多粟粒大黄白色小结节和一些充满淡黄色透明液的小囊肿。肾盂和肾乳头有针尖大隆起出血点,肾盂内有灰白色、粗糙坚实的3个结石头,计重0.37克。左肾大小正常,无明显病理组织变化,仅见肾盂内有1结石块,重0.14克。镜检见肾脏实质肾小管萎缩。管壁变薄,上皮细胞呈扁平形,肾小球囊壁增厚,可见玻璃样变。还有成纤维细胞等结缔组织成分。非病变区域的肾单位可见代偿性肥大和扩  相似文献   

新疆细毛羊肾乳头和肾盂的解剖结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言如果说肾小体和肾小管是家畜肾的组织结构和生理机能单位的话,那么、肾小叶就是肾的解剖结构单位了。肾小叶包括皮质部和髓质部;髓质部构成肾锥体,锥体尖端称肾乳头。哺乳动物的肾小叶形态各异。有的独立分开,形成多个小肾;有的完全融合成为一个整体,构成总乳头肾;有的部分融合部分分开,形成多乳头肾。根据肾小叶的融合程度,牛肾属于表面有沟的多乳头肾;猪肾属于表面光滑的多乳头肾;马肾属于表面光滑的总乳头肾。至于绵羊肾的解剖结构,国内外的许多家畜解剖学经典著作、教科书、甚至绵羊解剖学专著,都只记述属于总乳头肾、具有典型肾盂。很少进一步记述。如  相似文献   

为了探索火鸡胸腺随日龄变化的规律,协助做好火鸡的免疫与疾病研究,分别取28,58和88日龄火鸡的胸腺,采用石蜡组织制片,H-E染色,在显微镜下进行对比观察,比较不同日龄火鸡胸腺的组织形态结构。结果表明,火鸡胸腺由表面的被膜和中央的实质构成,被膜伸入实质将其分成许多大小不等的胸腺小叶,每一个小叶又由外周的皮质和中央的髓质组成。且随着火鸡日龄的不断增加,胸腺小叶的面积逐渐增大,数量逐渐增多,皮质部和髓质部的面积也同时增大,皮质内胸腺细胞和巨噬细胞及髓质内胸腺小体和髓质上皮细胞的数量逐渐增多。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解宁都黄鸡泌尿系统的组织学特征,观察PAS阳性物质和肥大细胞在宁都黄鸡泌尿系统中的分布。通过石蜡切片,采用H.E染色,观察宁都黄鸡泌尿系统的显微结构;采用PAS反应法及甲苯胺蓝染色鉴定阳性细胞分布情况。结果显示,宁都黄鸡泌尿系统由一对长条豆荚状的肾脏组成,每侧肾脏有一支输尿管,无膀胱和脂肪囊。肾实质由若干肾小叶构成,有皮质和髓质之分。肾小体体积较小,肾小球结构简单,数量众多。肾脏内有较多PAS阳性细胞,主要分布于肾小管间的结缔组织、肾小球基底膜以及连接小管上皮细胞的顶部。肥大细胞体积较大,呈紫红色,多为圆形和梭形,主要分布于肾小管间的结缔组织和肾小体内。结果表明,宁都黄鸡泌尿系统与常见家禽的泌尿系统显微结构相似,PAS反应法对鉴定宁都黄鸡肾小球基底膜的病理变化及研究预防尿结石的发生有重要意义,肥大细胞对宁都黄鸡泌尿系统疾病的防御具有积极的作用。  相似文献   

为了研究兰州大尾羊肾脏血管的分布情况,试验利用ABS塑胶液的冷塑性,用红色的塑胶液灌注于羊肾动脉,定型后,经过浓度为30%的盐酸腐蚀、自来水冲洗及人工修整等过程,制作羊肾脏铸型标本。结果表明:兰州大尾羊肾动脉入肾门后在肾实质内相继分支形成叶间动脉,在肾脏的皮质与髓质交界处延续为弓形动脉,由弓行动脉发出与肾表面近似垂直的小叶间动脉,小叶间动脉发出球小动脉和直小动脉;直小动脉可由弓行动脉、小叶间动脉和出球小动脉发出,伸向肾髓质。  相似文献   

第一节母猪生殖器官及其机能母畜生殖器官包括三部分:①卵巢;②生殖道,包括输卵管、子宫、阴道;③外生殖器官,包括尿生殖道前庭、阴唇、阴蒂。一、卵巢1.形状卵巢附着在卵巢系膜上,其附着缘上有卵巢门,血管、神经由此出入。初生仔猪的卵巢类似肾脏,色红,一般是左侧稍大;接近初情期时,表面出现许多小卵泡,很像桑椹;初情期开始后,根据发情周期中时期的不同,卵巢上有大小不等的卵泡、红体或黄体突出于卵巢表面,凹凸不平,像一串葡萄。2.组织构造卵巢组织分皮质部和髓质部,外周为皮质部,中间为髓质部,两者的基质都是结缔组织。这种结缔组织在皮质…  相似文献   

黄腹角雉的肺解剖及组织形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究黄腹角雉的饲养管理、人工繁殖、疾病诊治和预防,采用常规方法对1只人工繁殖的黄腹角雉进行解剖,并观察其肺的解剖学特征。取黄腹角雉的肺部组织,采用石蜡切片法制片,在显微镜下观察黄腹角雉的组织形态结构,并对其进行显微摄影。结果表明,黄腹角雉的肺部组织形态类似于鸡,其肺间质和肺部毛细血管都比较发达,肺小叶之间的界限不明显。黄腹角雉肺组织的这种结构有利于肺部气体的流通和交换。  相似文献   

The clinico-pathological findings are described in thirteen young dogs with advanced renal disease. All but three dogs were less than 2 years old. Some had signs of renal dysfunction since birth. Presenting signs were variable but anorexia, lethargy and weight loss were most frequent. All dogs had raised blood urea levels and most passed dilute urine; proteinuria and anaemia were variable findings. At necropsy all dogs had extra-renal lesions of renal failure and finely granular or lobulated, shrunken kidneys. The microscopical appearances of the kidneys were not those of amyloidosis, inflammatory or glomerular disease but were considered likely to be of developmental origin. The renal lesions were divided into three histologically distinct groups.
  • 1 Predominantly cystic and connective tissue changes, characterized by striking dilatation of glomerular capsular spaces and cortical tubules.
  • 2 Atypical connective tissue changes in which there were segmental bands of fibrous tissue containing primitive glomerular and tubular structures.
  • 3 Predominantly glomerular and connective tissue changes, characterized by varying degrees of glomerulosclerosis and widespread calcification of glomeruli, tubules and blood vessels.
All groups had cortical and medullary interstitial fibrosis but minimal inflammatory cell infiltrates.  相似文献   

Hepatic fibrosis with bile duct ectasia and hyperplasia associated with polycystic kidney disease, analogous to Caroli syndrome in humans, was observed in a rat used as a control in a subchronic toxicity study. Light microscopy of liver sections showed multiple cystic and segmental saccular dilatations and hyperplasia of the intrahepatic bile ducts associated with overgrowth of portal connective tissue; the kidneys had diffuse cystic dilatation of cortical renal tubules. The lesions resembled those of human cases of the fibropolycystic disease termed as Caroli syndrome, which is thought to be the result of a pathologic developmental process known as ductal plate malformation. Recently, an animal model of Caroli syndrome has been described in mutant rats from a colony that constantly showed renal and hepatic cysts and an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The finding in our case of identical hepatorenal lesions suggests that the same mutation has occurred incidentally in a standard colony.  相似文献   

Six normal dogs were subjected to ultrasound-guided biopsy of the liver, spleen and kidney to examine the accuracy of the technique (i.e. the presence of targeted tissue) and the histologic quality of the biopsies. Five consecutive tissue-core biopsies of each organ were taken on one or more occasions. The accuracy of the technique was 77% for hepatic, 90% for splenic, 53.5% for left kidney and 40% for right kidney biopsies. The histologic quality of the liver and kidney samples was sufficient, although for some samples the diagnostic value was limited by their size and in renal samples either cortical or medullary tissue was sometimes lacking. In contrast, the quality of the splenic sections was not good. The effect of reused and resterilized needles on the quality of the specimens was evaluated by histologic inspection of the samples and by the amount of biopsies lacking tissue. All tissue samples, including those taken with reused or resterilized needles had sharp-cut edges. Twenty-two of the total number of 120 biopsies (18%) contained no tissue. Absence of tissue in the samples was observed in biopsies taken with all needle types. The animals were observed for possible complications of the repeated needle biopsy. Apart from one case of hematuria, no complications were encountered.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old C57BL/6J mouse had progressive abdominal distension over a 1-week period, and a distended left renal capsule was discovered at postmortem examination. Incision of the capsule showed a tan, cloudy fluid that separated the renal capsule and the remnant left kidney. Microscopically, the capsule was significantly separated from the renal parenchyma by clear space and necrotic cellular debris. The majority of the lining of the renal capsule was composed of fibrous connective tissue and lacked an epithelial lining, consistent with a subcapsular perinephric pseudocyst. In addition, attached to intermittent portions of the renal capsule were thin rims of compressed cortical tissue lined by transitional epithelium. The finding of remnant cortical tissue lined by transitional epithelium is consistent with severe hydronephrosis and indicates that the hydronephrosis preceded the formation of the perinephric pseudocyst. To our knowledge, this is the first case report to characterize a perinephric pseudocyst secondary to severe hydronephrosis in a mouse.  相似文献   

磺胺类药物对猪肾脏损害的病理学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对14例含有磺胺结晶的猪肾脏用10%中性福尔马林固定,常规石蜡切片技术切片染色,对肾脏进行组织病理学观察。结果显示,皮质区肾小管上皮细胞肿胀变性、髄质区肾小管破坏较为严重,大部分肾小管、集合管上皮细胞脱落、变性坏死,并引起梗阻性肾病,同时,肾小球囊腔扩张、血管球萎缩。结果证实,超剂量或长期使用磺胺类药物会严重损害肾实质,导致肾功能下降甚至肾衰竭。  相似文献   

Under controlled, but varied dietary conditions 35 geriatric, uninephrectomized, spayed Beagle bitches (dogs) observed for 4 years, renal cortical and renal medullary echogenicity was measured relative to hepatic and splenic echogenicity. Regardless of the diet fed, 60-75% of these aged dogs had renal cortical echogenicity less than that of either the liver or spleen across time; 25-35% of these dogs had renal cortical echogenicity equal to that of the liver, but less than that of the spleen across time. Less than 3% of these dogs had renal cortical echogenicity greater than that of the liver, but less than that of the spleen. Only 1 (one) of these dogs had renal cortical echogenicity equal to that of the spleen and that occurred at only one of the 14 chronologic assessments. Therefore, in either mature or aged dogs imaged with 4.0 to 5.0 MHz equipment, the renal cortical echogenicity should be considered normal if it is less than or equal to that of the liver and less than that of the spleen. In 29 dogs imaged with the 4.0/5.0 MHz equipment and 6 dogs imaged with 7.5 MHz equipment, there was no significant diet or individual dog effect. The 7.5 MHz (6 dog) group had significantly higher average cortical echogenicity scores than the 4.0/5.0 MHz (29 dog) group. However, the occurrence of renal cortical echogenicity greater than liver echogenicity was seen in only 5 of 83 samples (approximately 6.0%) made on 6 dogs imaged with 7.5 MHz equipment and only 1 of 375 samples (approximately 0.27%) made on 29 dogs with 4.0/5.0 MHz equipment. With the exception of one occurrence, all dogs had renal medullary echogenicity less than that of the liver or spleen regardless of imaging equipment frequency. The renal medulla was always hypoechoic compared to the cortex.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the best method to ultrasonographically monitor renal size changes associated with acute allograft rejection in dogs. Qualitative changes in renal cortical and medullary echogenicity were also evaluated, although this was not a major focus of the study. Four unrelated, mixed-breed dogs underwent bilateral nephrectomies and heterotopic renal allograft transplantation. Ultrasound examinations of transplanted kidneys were initiated at 3 days after surgery and continued at 2–3 day intervals until death (38±2 days). Ultrasound measurements of kidney length, width, height, cross-sectional area, and estimated volume were used to assess relative changes in renal size associated with transplantation and rejection. Transplanted kidneys had a rapid increase in volume and cross-sectional area that averaged 103% and 83% above baseline levels, respectively, by 17 days after transplantation. The increased size was attributed to a combination of hypertrophy and acute rejection, the latter of which was confirmed at postmortem. Kidney volume decreased to approximately 35% above baseline volume by day 34 as rejection became more advanced. Qualitative changes associated with rejection included medullary enlargement with decreased echogenicity early in the study, followed by increased cortical thickness and echogenicity with poor cortical medullary definition in the latter stages of the survival period. It was concluded that relative changes in renal allograft size can be easily monitored with ultrasound. In regard to linear measurements, changes in renal width were more pronounced than changes in height or length with acute rejection. Therefore measurements that incorporate the width, namely volume or cross-sectional area, appear to be the most sensitive for monitoring changes in allograft size. Renal cross-sectional area measurements are preferred because they are simple to perform using the automated calculation capability of most newer ultrasound units.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight grossly and histologically normal cat kidneys were examined ultrasonographically. The echogenicity of the renal cortex was subjectively evaluated by scoring it as largely or not largely different from the echogenicity of the renal medulla and as similar or not similar to the echogenicity of the renal sinus. The presence or absence of a medullary hyperechoic band was determined. The length, width, and height of each kidney was measured. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of each kidney were examined microscopically. The amount of fat vacuoles in the tubular epithelium of the renal cortex was scored as plentiful or not plentiful. The presence or absence of a medullary band of mineral deposits within the lumina of renal tubules was determined. A plentiful amount of fat vacuoles in renal cortex was associated positively with a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla (P less than 0.01) and with similar echogenicity of cortex and sinus (P less than 0.01). The presence of a medullary hyperechoic band was associated positively with a band of mineral deposits within medullary tubular lumen (P 0.01). Kidneys with a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla and kidneys with a plentiful amount of fat vacuoles were not significantly different in size (P = 0.56). These groups were larger (P less than 0.01) in length, width, and height than were kidneys without a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla and kidneys that did not have plentiful cortical fat vacuoles.  相似文献   

Haemal nodes are lymphoid organs found in various mammals and some birds. The structure of haemal nodes has been described in a number of species but not yet in the camel. Therefore, haemal nodes from 10 camels were studied histologically and tested for CD3, CD22, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II/DR, alpha-smooth muscle actin and for the demonstration of acid and alkaline phosphatases. The haemal nodes were of spherical or kidney shape with one or two hili and had a capsule and trabeculae of connective tissue and smooth muscles. The main parenchyma was composed of a cortex and a medulla. The cortex was formed from lymphoid follicles and diffuse interfollicular lymphocytes. The medulla consisted of lymphoid cords separated by medullary sinuses. The interfollicular lymphocytes and those in the medullary cord were CD3-positive. The lymphoid follicles showed CD22-positive cells. MHC class II/DR was expressed by most cells of the parenchyma. There were also subcapsular, peritrabecular and medullary blood sinuses. Afferent and efferent lymphatics and lymphatic sinuses were also found. Acid phosphatase-positive cells were localized mainly in the marginal, the interfollicular zone and in the medullary cord. Alkaline phosphatase positivity was observed in the endothelium of the sinuses and in the lymphoid follicles. The morphology of these organs in the camel allows a classification as haemolymph nodes and suggests involvement in blood and lymph filtration.  相似文献   

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