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为探究美洲鲥室内人工育苗的技术方法,对其受精卵孵化及苗种培育进行了初步的研究。在美洲鲥苗种培育过程中,用空气能制冷制热机组将受精卵孵化温度控制在17~19℃,苗种培育温度控制在19.0~20.5℃,并以池塘培养的生物饵料(轮虫、枝角类和桡足类等)作为仔鱼的开口饵料。试验结果:2017—2019年连续3年,每年4—8月收集美洲鲥卵,数量分别为277.96万、471.48万、2 226.32万粒,获得的受精卵分别为18.58万、74.47万、195.85万粒,受精率分别为6.68%、15.80%、8.80%;受精卵孵化后,仔鱼经30~50 d的室内水泥池培育,最终分别获得体长30~50 mm并已成功驯化摄食配合饲料的幼鱼9 392、40 083、78 600尾,育苗成活率分别为11.01%、15.00%、15.72%。试验获得了1套适合上海地区美洲鲥室内人工育苗的模式,可以为美洲鲥后续的人工育苗研究和规模化苗种培育生产提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为探究美洲鲥室内人工育苗的技术方法,对其受精卵孵化及苗种培育进行了初步的研究。在美洲鲥苗种培育过程中,用空气能制冷制热机组将受精卵孵化温度控制在17~19℃,苗种培育温度控制在19.0~20.5℃,并以池塘培养的生物饵料(轮虫、枝角类和桡足类等)作为仔鱼的开口饵料。试验结果:2017-2019年连续3年,每年4-8月收集美洲鲥卵,数量分别为277.96万、471.48万、2 226.32万粒,获得的受精卵分别为18.58万、74.47万、195.85万粒,受精率分别为6.68%、15.80%、8.80%;受精卵孵化后,仔鱼经30~50 d的室内水泥池培育,最终分别获得体长30~50 mm并已成功驯化摄食配合饲料的幼鱼9 392、40 083、78 600尾,育苗成活率分别为11.01%、15.00%、15.72%。试验获得了1套适合上海地区美洲鲥室内人工育苗的模式,可以为美洲鲥后续的人工育苗研究和规模化苗种培育生产提供技术参考。  相似文献   

近日,由中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所朱新平研究员主持的“美洲鲥人工驯养项目》获得新突破。4月底至5月初,项目研究小组对池养2冬龄美洲鲥进行了多次人工繁殖试验,最终以生态调控方式,成功促使池养美洲鲥亲鱼自然产卵,获得美洲鲥受精卵10万余粒,孵化出美洲鲥仔鱼1万余尾。这是继2009年度该项目组在美洲鲥苗种培育与养殖中取得苗种培育成活率达到85%,养殖成活率达90%成绩基础上的又一突破。  相似文献   

美洲鲥,学名Alosa sapidissima,又名美国鲥鱼、美洲西鲱。美洲鲥以其肉质细嫩、丰腴肥美而著称,深受消费者青睐,经济价值极高。由于美洲鲥的受精卵引种孵化、池塘养殖技术的逐渐成熟,亟待形成一套受精卵孵化、苗种人工培育驯养技术。美洲鲥鱼苗摄食早,基本上在水温20℃左右、出  相似文献   

据《江苏水产技术推广信息》报道,我国水产养殖用水排放的标准《淡水池塘养殖水排放要求》(SC/T9101—2007)、《海水养殖水排放要求》(SC/T9103—2007)从2007年9月1日实施。  相似文献   

为研究美洲鲥低能高效的温室工厂化养殖新技术,于2010年6月~2013年6月进行了温室工厂化养殖试验,同时探索了物联网技术在美洲鲥工厂化养殖生产中的应用。通过智能化管理,共生产美洲鲥商品鱼11084 kg,年平均单产10.14 kg/m2,年平均养殖效益达7353.69元/m2。  相似文献   

1范围本标准规定了南美白对虾封闭循环水养殖生产中的设施建设、苗种放养、养成管理、病害防治、养成收获等。本标准适用于盐度为2~7水体南美白对虾封闭循环水养殖技术操作。2规范性引用文件GB 18406.4~2001农产品安全质量无公害水产品安全要求GB/T 18407.4~2001农产品安全质量无公害水产品产地环境要求NY 5051~2001无公害食品淡水养殖用水水质  相似文献   

一、生产绿色无公害水产品有什么要求首先,养殖基地必须经过认证,其中最主要的是大气、土壤、水质必须符合《农产品安全质量———水产品产地环境要求》国家标准和《食品淡水养殖用水水质》农业部标准的要求;其次,必须按照无公害的生产技术操作规程进行养殖,从苗种放养到饲料、  相似文献   

所谓绿色水产品是从绿色食品延伸而来的,绿色水产品以其“无污染”的鲜明质量特征和实行“从水体到餐桌”的全过程质量管理模式,对养殖水环境有着极其严格的要求,必须按国家《渔业水质标准》执行.在生产过程中如何管理养殖用水就显得十分重要.绥滨县去年在国家农业部申请到了全省为数不多的绿色水产品认证.本人就多年来在绿色健康水产品养殖过程中,如何管理好养殖用水的问题和大家共同探讨.  相似文献   

综合国内外有关文献,比较中华鲥(Tenualosa reevesii)和美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)两种鲥鱼洄游路径中对温度的适应性特征,结合笔者多年来在美洲鲥养殖及技术研发过程中所观察到的美洲鲥在繁殖、育苗和养殖阶段的温度适应性变异现象,提出适合美洲鲥养殖的温度和水质管理方案,以期降低高温缺氧综合症(thermal hypoxemia)和低温水霉病引发的养殖风险,促进其养殖产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

利用体重1~4kg的怀仔黑亲鱼56尾,完全人工控制弱光,长流水、自然水温培育,共产仔272万尾。布池后,根据不同日龄投喂轮虫、卤虫无节幼体、配饵和糠虾,控制光照,调节水质,防病治病,及时疏稀,420m~3水体育出平均全长28.8mm的黑苗77.6万尾,总成活率30%。认为,全人工控制光源蓄养亲鱼,溢水法布池,夜间开灯少量投饵,效果较好。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎的循环水养殖模式及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至10月进行了半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossuss semilaevis Guanther)生产性养殖试验,期间对一套循环水养殖系统的水处理效果及半滑舌鳎养殖模式进行了深入的研究。养殖水体经系统处理后,养殖池内水温18~21℃,pH 7.0~8.0,DO≥6.6 mg/L,养殖池进水氨氮0.017~0.178 mg/L,亚硝酸氮0.012~0.064mg/L。文中详细阐述了放苗前养殖车间消毒、苗种选择与运输、生物滤池的培养、苗种投放、养殖过程中系统的日常维护、饵料投喂、光照控制、水质因子控制等内容,并对养殖半滑舌鳎8个月的经济效益进行了分析。以期为国内工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎提供技术支持和经济效益分析方面的参考。  相似文献   

试验以广州梅县鱼类苗种场为试验基地,研究了池塘水体自然净化系统技术在鱼类人工繁育中的应用。试验中应用成果的核心技术对该场老化鱼池和陈旧设施进行调整和改造,形成了鱼类人工繁育两套鱼池水体自然净化系统。结果显示:经过2007—2008两年运行试验,25亩鱼池和繁育设施展现出高效功能,亲鱼成熟率和催产率达100%,受精率和孵化率达95%以上,年鱼苗生产总量达5亿多尾的规模化程度,比试验前提高效率达38.7%;育成10 cm以上的草鱼鱼种成活率达80%以上。结果表明,该两套系统特别适合水源较为缺乏,水质不同程度污染区域应用;也可作为鱼池建设和改造升级的技术支撑。  相似文献   

为解决美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)人工培育亲本性腺发育不佳的问题,开展了美洲鲥亲本仿洄游的培育,研究观察了美洲鲥亲本卵巢和精巢不同发育阶段(II^V期)的形态特征及相关参数,确定了仿洄游培育美洲鲥亲本性腺初次发育的特征。结果显示:在美洲鲥仿洄游培育过程中,在卵巢、精巢发育前期(II期),雌雄亲本生长迅速;而性腺发育到III期后,雌雄亲本的生长滞缓,雌鱼亲本甚至出现负生长。仿洄游培育美洲鲥性腺初次发育(II^V期)过程中,雌雄亲本均有较高的肥满度,分别为1.55~2.07和1.56~1.71;卵巢发育Ⅴ期雌鱼亲本的肥满度(2.07)显著高于在卵巢II^IV期亲本(1.55~1.67);而雄鱼亲本肥满度在精巢发育各阶段(II^V期)均无显著性差异。仿洄游培育美洲鲥性腺发育良好,雌雄亲本的性腺指数均较高,性腺发育Ⅴ期雌雄亲本的性腺指数(GSI)分别为(26.10±6.46)(18.88~33.62)和(5.18±0.68)(4.49~6.11)。研究表明,仿洄游培育的水温(10.8~30.8℃)和盐度(1~15)的周年变化符合美洲鲥亲本性腺发育的要求。  相似文献   

Acute toxicity tests were carried out for four compounds commonly used against various fish pathogens to determine their 24-h LC50 values to fry of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). Compounds tested and their calculated 24-h LC50 values (mg l?1) were as follows: praziquantel (13.4); malachite green oxalate (0.14); acriflavin neutral (10.0); and mebendazole (315). The results show that dosage levels of malachite green oxalate, praziquantel and acriflavin neutral recommended in the literature for the control of most fish ectoparasitoses caused substantial mortalities and cannot be applied to Clarias gariepinus fry.  相似文献   

Abstract. The endangered Australian freshwater fish trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis (Cuvier), was the subject of a captive breeding programme to produce fry for reintroduction into the wild. Trout cod broodfish were maintained in earthen ponds for up to 5 years and underwent gonadal maturation each spring but did not spawn in the ponds. Infestations of the protozoan parasite Chilodonella hexasticha caused the death of at least 21 broodfish. Mature fish, removed from ponds when water temperatures had reached or exceeded 16°C, had a higher proportion of atretic oocytes and fewer fish spawned successfully compared to fish removed at lower temperatures. Ovulation was induced by a single injection of 1000–3000 iu/kg HCG. Between 1188 and 11338 eggs ranging from 2·5 to 3·6 mm in diameter were stripped from individual fish. Hatching commenced on days 5–9 and continued for up to 10 days (at 15·5–23°C). Larvae commenced feeding on days 21–25. Trout cod larvae were grown out to fry (363.3–48.6mm total length [TL]) in fertilized fry rearing ponds then released. Between 1986 and 1989, 8420 trout cod fry were released into several sites in the upper Murray River and upper Murrumbidgee River, and reports indicate that released fish are surviving.  相似文献   

Substantial loss of fry to cannibalism by brood-fish occurs in live-bearing ornamental fish farms. Previous results demonstrated that fry yields in breeding tanks of the guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) can be increased by attracting the newborns by a light stimulus into net baskets from which they are collected. In the present study the effects of the number of daily collections and timing of lighting on fry yield in breeding tanks in the laboratory were tested. No difference in fry yield was found between one and two daily collections, and no effect of the timing of lighting (lighting during the day versus during the night). Contrasting of the morning and afternoon collections within the two-collection treatment under day lighting versus night lighting revealed that more fry were collected when the collection followed the lighting period than the no-lighting period. Experiments conducted in commercial farms revealed no difference in fry yields between one and two daily collections when the baskets were illuminated, concurring with the laboratory results. The farm experiments demonstrated that without illumination there is an advantage for two collections over one collection. Taken together, the results showed that the novel method of using light to attract newborn guppies into mesh baskets have a double benefit; it increases fry yields and concurrently lessens the labor required to harvest maximal fry yields in guppy breeding tanks.  相似文献   

石斑鱼是我国南方海水养殖的主要种类之一,而大部分石斑鱼种类均为暖水性鱼类,养殖水温要求在15℃以上,限制了石斑鱼在北方的发展。七带石斑鱼是唯一一种可以在较低温下生活,被人们称为“冷水石斑”,适合在北方养殖,如今已成为中、日、韩三国海水鱼类繁育研究的热点。由于七带石斑鱼人工繁殖和苗种培育过程中有许多制约条件,其人工繁育仍未达到稳定大批量生产的规模。主要问题有以下几个:①雄性亲鱼难获得,数量较少,限制了苗种的大量繁育;②初孵仔鱼的个体弱小、口径小,对开口饵料要求严格,适口饵料极少;③稚鱼期鱼苗互相残杀极其严重,出现大鱼吃小鱼的现象。此外,还有卵质不良,仔稚幼鱼疾病等难题。本文简要概述了国内外七带石斑鱼繁殖生物学与人工繁育研究进展情况,并对其养殖过程中出现的问题进行探讨和总结,为今后开展七带石斑鱼规模化人工养殖研究提供参考。  相似文献   

苗种是水产养殖生产的基础资料,苗种科技创新与推广的有效程度直接影响到产业可持续发展。以作为我国海水鱼类代表的鲆鲽类养殖业为例,基于养殖生产者的技术需求调研结果,提出了该产业苗种技术创新与推广的策略,即以市场为导向,始终将苗种科技创新作为重要的产业发展战略;密切结合产业发展转型战略,有效对接产业差别化需求,有差别地重点推进快速生长苗种、强抗逆性苗种以及全雌化优质苗种的培育与推广;因地制宜推进特色品种苗种培育,为塑造区域性鲆鲽类产品品牌提供支撑;认真做好战略储备性品种的苗种培育,切实推进产业的梯度发展;密切关注我国近海渔业资源修复之需求,培育适于增殖放流的鲆鲽类苗种。  相似文献   

An optimal flow domain in culture tanks is vital for fish growth and welfare. This paper presents empirical data on rotational velocity and water quality in circular and octagonal tanks at two large commercial smolt production sites, with an approximate production rate of 1000 and 1300 ton smolt/yr, respectively. When fish were present, fish density in the two circular tanks under study at Site 1 were 35 and 48 kg/m3, and that in four octagonal tanks at Site 2 were 54, 74, 58 and 64 kg/m3, respectively. The objective of the study was twofold. First, the effect of biomass on the velocity distribution was examined, which was accomplished by repeating the measurements in empty tanks under same flow conditions. Second, the effect of operating conditions on the water quality was studied by collecting and analysing the water samples at the tank’s inlet and outlet. All tanks exhibited a relatively uniform water velocity field in the vertical water column at each radial location sampled. When fish were present, maximum (40 cm/s) and minimum (25–26 cm/s) water rotational velocities were quite similar in all tanks sampled, and close to optimum swimming speeds, recommended for Atlantic salmon-smolt, i.e., 1–1.5 body lengths per second. The fish were found to decrease water velocity by 25% compared to the tank operated without fish. Flow pattern was largely affected by the presence of fish, compared to the empty tanks. Inference reveals that the fish swimming in the tanks is a major source of turbulence, and nonlinearity. Facility operators and culture tank designers were able to optimize flow inlet conditions to achieve appropriate tank rotational velocities despite a wide range of culture tank sizes, HRT’s, and outlet structure locations. In addition, the dissolved oxygen profile was also collected along the diametrical plane through the octagonal tank’s centre, which exhibits a close correlation between the velocity and oxygen measurements. All tanks were operated under rather intensive conditions with an oxygen demand across the tank (inlet minus outlet) of 7.4–10.4 mg/L. Estimates of the oxygen respiration rate in the tank appears to double as the TSS concentration measured in the tank increases from 3.0 mg/L (0.3 kg O2/kg feed) up to 10–12 mg/L (0.7 kg O2/kg feed). Improving suspended solids control in such systems may thus dramatically reduce the oxygen consumption and CO2 production.  相似文献   

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