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近年来,温室养鳖业在国内发展很快,通常池底铺放细沙,以利中华鳖隐蔽和栖息。然而,我们在养殖过程中发现,在鳖的放养密度高和升温条件下,底沙同时是所有病菌及有机废物、有毒气体集中的地方,常常引起水质败坏,暴发疾病。而清除这些污物又相当麻烦,严重影响鳖的正常摄食和生长。针对这种状况,笔者于1997年9月至1998年5月首次在温室内进行无沙养鳖新技术的摸索,采用“人工鳖巢”替代河沙,结合使用有益微生物制品,改善水质环境。经试验证明具有水环境优良,疾病少,换水次数少、高产、低耗的优点。现将此技术试验介绍如下。材料与…  相似文献   

祖国各地温室养鳖的重大改革──无沙养鳖法鳖喜在沙中栖息和隐蔽,因此国内外人工养鳖均在池底铺沙。可是,在密集型养鳖的情况下,沙很易被鳖粪、残饲污染,且不容易清洗打扫;严重时,底沙发黑发臭,并导致池水变质,环境恶化。据测定,被鳖粪等污染的水,溶氧量可降低...  相似文献   

家庭温室养鳖,采用“养鳖温室自动加温控温装置”、“无沙养鳖新工艺”和“温室养鳖生态调控与综合防病新技术”,稚鳖经12个月的饲养,平均规格即可达到500g的商品鳖,小型温室20m2~30m2,养鳖500只;中型温室30m2~50m2,养鳖1000只,并...  相似文献   

章剑 《水产养殖》1997,(1):10-11
家庭工厂化养鳖,采用“养鳖温室自动加温控温装置”新专利、“无沙养鳖”新工艺和鳖病防治新技术,难鳖经12个月的饲养。平均规格即可达到500克的商品鳖。苏州市郊缀福生家庭,工厂化养鳖500只,1995年盈利44万元。其主要饲养技术总结如下。1温室控温培育推幼鳖及露天池养成1.1全封闭型温室保温系统温室内养殖水温应恒定在30℃,气温33C。全封闭温室保温性能好,热损失小,常采用钢架混凝土永久性结构,延长使用年限。屋顶用接板封顶,围护结构中屋顶、墙体和养殖池底与土层接触面,均选用导热系数小、保温性能好的泡沫塑料作保温材料。…  相似文献   

鳖也称“甲鱼”、“团鱼”,它味道鲜美,营养丰富,并且有多种药用功能。近年来,鳖的人工养殖业不断发展,但由于常用的动物性饲料,如福寿螺肉、动物内脏等,往往在数量和营养上都不能满足鳖的生长需要,造成饲养周期长,成活率低,效益差。为了解决人工养鳖的饲料问题,促成鳖的快速生长,提高经济效益,我们于1992年6月至9月进行了幼鳖人工配合饲料饲养试验。  相似文献   

甲鱼又称鳖,在动物学上属于脊椎动物门、爬行纲、无弓亚纲、龟鳖目、鳖科、鳖属,是一种名贵水产品。然而,由于甲鱼的自然栖息环境和生态环境的不断缩小和严重破坏,以及乱捕滥杀等原因,致使甲鱼资源日益减小,天然产量已远远不能满足市场的需要。因此,进行甲鱼的人工养殖已成为必然趋势。  相似文献   

1987年永康县掀起了“养鳖热”,一年来,该县养鳖又有新进展。人工养鳖场仍是5个,养鳖专业户已由10户增至14户,存塘1.9成鳖万只,比原5。000只增加了1.4万只,并人工孵化了幼鳖6,125只。今年该县计划孵化幼鳖1万只,养成鳖2万只。他们的主要经验是,县水产主管局、科委因势利导,组织群众成立永康县特种水产研究会,承担甲鱼人工养殖。  相似文献   

为使养鳖业在买方市场下仍立于不败之地.就必须进行技术改造.千方百计降低养鳖成本和养鳖风险、增强市场竞争力。为改造养鳖生态环境,采用无沙养鳖、用活性酵素、光合细菌等微生态制剂改善水质和底质环境.并在饲料中添加保健促生长剂等、对鳖的养殖进行内外调控,包括环境、结构、生物三维生态调控。为进一步降低能耗和其它物化成本.一采用先进的节能方法,保温性能好的节能型全封闭温室,造价不超过200元/m2。采用节能加温装置代替锅炉.节能75%以上(见表)。一般节能装置的投资为注:计算方法。电费按0.5元/kwh;无烟煤按300元…  相似文献   

人工快速培育亲鳖试验初报本场自1985年开始进行“甲鱼人工快速饲养”试验,在温室养鳖试验成功后,于91年放养过一批经温室饲养快速育成的大规格成鳖用于培育亲鳖,但这批成鳖于翌年开春大批死亡且产蛋率极低,当时我们认为经过温室快速育成的成鳖似乎不适合做亲鳖...  相似文献   

鳖的养殖张幼敏李茵明(湖北省水产研究所,武汉430071)第一讲亲鳖的选择与培育一、亲鳖的标准1.亲鳖的来源与选择亲鳖有天然野生鳖和人工养殖鳖两种,现将野生鳖与养殖鳖两者之间的区别列于表1。人工养殖的鳖,年龄易掌握,可避免因捕捉而引起的损伤。但亲鳖必...  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry from 26 loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and 10 olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtles captured and released from pelagic longline fishing gear provided information on the turtles’ position and movement in the central North Pacific. These data together with environmental data from satellite remote sensing are used to describe the oceanic habitat used by these turtles. The results indicate that loggerheads travel westward, move seasonally north and south primarily through the region 28–40°N, and occupy sea surface temperatures (SST) of 15–25°C. Their dive depth distribution indicated that they spend 40% of their time at the surface and 90% of their time at depths <40 m. Loggerheads are found in association with fronts, eddies, and geostrophic currents. Specifically, the Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front (TZCF) and the southern edge of the Kuroshio Extension Current (KEC) appear to be important forage and migration habitats for loggerheads. In contrast, olive ridleys were found primarily south of loggerhead habitat in the region 8–31°N latitude, occupying warmer water with SSTs of 23–28°C. They have a deeper dive pattern than loggerheads, spending only 20% of their time at the surface and 60% shallower than 40 m. However, the three olive ridleys identified from genetics to be of western Pacific origin spent some time associated with major ocean currents, specifically the southern edge of the KEC, the North Equatorial Current (NEC), and the Equatorial Counter Current (ECC). These habitats were not used by any olive ridleys of eastern Pacific origin suggesting that olive ridleys from different populations may occupy different oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

稚、幼鳖饲料配方的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了9种稚、幼鳖饲料,共进行4次饲养试验。软颗粒饲料(自然干燥,含水率约10%)可以取得极高的饲料利用率,获得1000g鳖肉仅需耗费饲料蛋白570g,远优于市售商品饲料1200g的值。唯稚鳖对其嗜好性差,摄食量少,致生长速度缓慢。以国产鱼粉和秘鲁鱼粉(均为褐色鱼粉)作为主要蛋白源加工成的软颗粒饲料和粉状饲料(制成面团)均未取得好的饲养效果。饲料中含有38.7%的植物蛋白(豆粕、生物蛋白粉),同时减少鱼粉用量,稚鳖的生长和饲料效率这两个主要指标均有下降,但成本可大幅度降低,表明植物蛋白在饲料中应占有适当份额,比例过高并不适宜。生物蛋白粉的适口性优于豆粕。通过调整粘结剂的种类与数量等方法,可以较大幅度地改变现行鳖饲料的配方模式,达到提高水稳定性、降低成本并获取良好饲养效果的目的。本文报导的D和B1饲料即属这一类型,其试养实绩明显优于某品牌市售商品饲料。  相似文献   

鳖常用消毒剂的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章剑  季雪芳 《水产科学》2000,19(5):27-29
重点介绍消毒剂的分类、选择使用以及二氧化氯(ClO2)和碘伏在养鳖中的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

The decline of populations of certain seabirds and sea turtles around the world is partly related to their incidental capture in large-scale fisheries. However, the impacts of small-scale fisheries on endangered seabirds and sea turtles, being carried out in many places around the world, have been largely neglected by scientists and governments. We monitored 178 fishing days and described a range of poorly known hook-and-line commercial fisheries carried out by the Itaipava fleet, southeastern Brazil, composed by 497 vessels and deploying hooks from 18°S to 35°S. Seven fisheries were defined: fast trolling for tuna and tuna-like species, slow trolling for Bigeye tuna, handlining, surface longline for Dolphinfish, pelagic longline for Swordfish, bottom dropline, and pole-and-line with live bait. We observed bycatch of 47 seabirds of six species and 45 turtles of four species. Capture rates were higher for the surface longline for Dolphinfish (0.15 birds/1000 hooks and 1.08 turtles/1000 hooks), slow trolling for Bigeye tuna (0.41 birds/day) and handlining targeting Yellowfin tuna (0.61 birds/day). Endangered Spectacled petrel (Procellaria conspicillata), Atlantic Yellow-nosed (Thalassarche chlororhynchos), and Black-browed (T. melanophris) albatrosses were the main seabirds caught. Immature Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and immature or adult Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) were the main sea turtles affected by the surface longline for Dolphinfish. Monitoring the fleet and bycatch levels, development of mitigation measures, establishment of educational programs, government control over the fleet, and enforcement, are urgently required for the hook-and-line fisheries described in the present study.  相似文献   

鳖病防治中的科学用药   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国的鳖养殖生产中,用药方面还存在着某些问题。本文根据国内外对鳖用药物的研究、使用状况和我国目前鳖病用药的现状,提出了科学用药的一些见解。  相似文献   

从患病甲鱼的肝脏中分离到9株细菌,其中7株为温和气单胞菌,2株为豚鼠气单胞菌。两种菌JA—1和JA—2对鲫鱼的半数致死量(LD_(50))各为4.3×10~5和5.5×10~7,在两种菌培养的上清液中均有一种具有溶血活性的毒素。研究表明:甲鱼的爆发性传染病是由温和气单胞菌和豚鼠气单胞菌引起,用两种菌为菌种做成菌苗,结合免疫增效剂免疫家兔制得血清,效价可达1:512,治愈率达100%。  相似文献   

  • 1. Incidental catches by the pelagic longline fishery is a major global threat for loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtles.
  • 2. The reduction of incidental capture and post‐release mortality of sea turtles in the Brazilian pelagic longline fishery, operating in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean, was investigated by comparing the performance of 18/0 circle hooks with 9/0 J‐type (control) hooks. Hook selectivity experiments were performed between 2004 and 2008, in a total of 26 trips, 229 sets and 145 828 hooks. The experimental design included alternating control and experimental hooks along sections of the mainline.
  • 3. An overall decrease in capture rates for loggerhead turtles of 55% and for leatherbacks of 65% were observed when using circle hooks. In addition, deep‐hooking in loggerheads decreased significantly from 25% using J‐hooks to 5.8% with circle hooks, potentially increasing post‐release survival.
  • 4. Circle hooks increased catch rates of most of the main target species, including tunas (bigeye Thunnus obesus and albacore T. alalunga), and sharks (blue Prionace glauca and requiem sharks of the genus Carcharinus), with no difference in the capture rates of yellowfin tuna (T. albacares), shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena), and dolphinfish or mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). On the other hand, a significant decrease in the capture rate of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) was detected when using circle hooks.
  • 5. Overall, results support the effectiveness of using circle hooks for the conservation of loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles, with positive effects on capture of most target species of the south‐western Atlantic longline fishery. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

生石灰是水产养殖的一种常规药物,非常普遍的用在水质消毒,疾病防治中,许多水产养殖用户也把生石灰作为一种常用的水质改良剂,但在甲鱼的养殖中,要根据情况酌情使用,否则,会出现pH值过高从而导致有毒气体的产生,造成甲鱼中毒的病况。本文介绍了温室甲鱼养殖中生石灰使用不当引起的病况,并提出了相应解救措施。实验中采用了生石灰日常消毒常用的浓度和间隔日期,伴随着pH值与氨氮的浓度升高,甲鱼出现了死亡现象,在解除了生石灰的使用后,甲鱼停止了死亡现象。  相似文献   

本文报道了对鳖的“红底板病”致病菌的研究,确认其致病菌为气单胞菌属(Aeromonassp),并进行了药敏试验,提出了治疗该病的有效药物。  相似文献   

中华鳖“红底板病”组织病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察了患红底板病鳖的皮肤、肝、肾组织的超微结构,并与正常组织进行了比较。结果表明,皮肤、肝、肾细胞都有不同程度的坏死解体,在皮肤、肝脏组织中观察到许多病原菌。  相似文献   

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