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The objective of this field study was to describe the temporal pattern of dairy cattle health and production and associated risk factors in rural smallholder communities in northern Vietnam, one of the target areas of the government's dairy development programme. A total of 99 dairy farms (11 per commune) were recruited from 9 of 32 communes in Ba Vi District, Ha Tay Province, using random two-stage cluster sampling. All dairy cattle present on the selected farms were included. After the initial questionnaire survey was conducted, farms were visited to collect follow-up information at 3-monthly intervals over a period of one year. The results suggest that offtake as well as mortality are important productivity indices because farmers sell or slaughter dairy cattle that are in poor health at low prices during summer months. Changes in relation to the farming operation suggest that for the farmers adopting dairy production it has become one of the main agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Status of dairy cow management and fertility in smallholder farms in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A review of the smallholder dairy production in Malawi was conducted using livestock annual reports and other literature that was supplemented with primary data from a baseline survey conducted in December 2009. Smallholder dairy farming in Malawi operates with support from institutions that facilitate access to initial stock and dairy production technologies. Most farmers (94%) keep the animals in pens where feed is provided throughout the year. Results indicated unsatisfactory feeding, housing and health management practices, which negatively impact cow fertility. Dairy population trends suggest low replacement rates, which could be associated to low cow fertility and inadequate management skills. There are challenges related to access to breeding and health services, which further contribute to low productivity. Low fertility is evidenced by low calving rates (22–61%) and long calving interval (405–549 days). Existence of programmes on farmer capacity building provides an opportunity for improved management skills and cow productivity. It is concluded that dairy cow management and fertility have challenges and opportunities that are influenced by the extent to which farmers have access to important services such as extension, health, breeding and finance.  相似文献   

本文从乳品生产、牛奶价格、养殖结构以及优质饲草行业发展等4个方面,分析了2013年内蒙古奶业发展情况,认为当地奶业发展在进入转型调整期后,受国内、国际乳品市场价格和供求力量对比等因素影响,奶牛养殖行业结构升级与生产稳定之间存在微妙的动态平衡,乳品加工企业更加倾向于高盈利性产品市场的开拓。虽然产业自身及其外部都存在不确定性因素,但内蒙古奶业总体仍处于上升发展阶段。建议政府和金融机构加快理念转换,创新服务产品,为奶业发展营造更加稳定有利的外部环境。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate constraints to dairy cattle health and production in rural smallholder communities in northern Vietnam, one of the target areas of the Vietnam government's dairy development programme. A total of 99 dairy farms (11 per commune) were recruited from 9 of 32 communes in Ba Vi District, using random two-stage cluster sampling. After the initial questionnaire interviews were conducted, farms were visited at three monthly intervals over a period of 1 year. Information on several health and production parameters relating to the study cattle was collected. Using multiple indicator modelling, it was found that Fasciola infestation, farmers who had been involved in dairying for longer (not indicative of better management skills), larger herd size, and cattle being kept in a shed were linked to reduced reproductive performances.  相似文献   

在碳中和发展目标与农业现代化需求的双重背景下,规模化奶牛场亟需探索绿色高效的养殖模式,以提升经济与环境效益,实现行业的可持续发展。本文引入能值分析理论,对奶牛养殖系统进行了综合效益分析,结合天津地区城郊型和农区型规模化奶牛场的技术应用、生产效率、经济效益和环境影响等,探讨了技术选择对经济和环境效益的影响程度,为奶牛场今后的综合效益提升及碳减排提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

奶产业是张掖市农牧经济的特色优势产业之一,也是农牧经济的标志性产业之一,更是张掖市现代畜牧业支柱性产业之一。历经十年高速发展,张掖市奶产业发展水平已有较大提高,但仍存在产业发展资金不足、生产管理水平较低、生鲜乳的精深加工水平低下等问题。本文概述了张掖市奶产业发展取得的成效,总结了目前产业发展存在的问题,阐述了今后产业高质量发展思路和措施,诣在为张掖市构建奶产业全产业链,促进奶产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断提升,市场对牛奶的需求量越来越高,很大程度上促进了奶牛养殖业的发展。在奶牛养殖、乳品加工产业化水平不断提高的进程中,作为新型农业经营主体的奶牛养殖专业合作社有助于提高奶牛养殖场(户)组织化、产业化程度,解决小生产与大市场的矛盾,有效应对市场风险。因此,因地制宜探索不同的奶牛养殖专业合作社模式成为发挥合作社功能、保障奶牛产业健康发展的重要课题。本文分析了奶牛养殖专业合作社的不同发展模式,并就促进奶牛养殖专业合作社发展的措施进行探究。  相似文献   

Dairy farming in Chiang Mai was established in 1965 by the Thai–German Dairy Project and was subsequently taken over by Department of Livestock development in 1970. Starting from 1979, the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand also supports the development of dairy farming in northern Thailand. However, dairy farming in Chiang Mai still faces numerous problems. At present, farm sizes are relatively medium, with an average of 23.75 cattle/farm (cows, heifers and calves). Almost all dairy farmers are member of a dairy co‐operative that provides them with an artificial insemination service, supplies of concentrated feed, loans and a center for collecting milk. The average pasture area is 0.3 ha/farm. The main feed resources are green forage from the farm pasture, public areas and roadside pastures, which are abundant only in the rainy season. The farmers are forced to use crop by‐products as roughage in the dry season, especially rice straw, even though its nutritive value is limited due to its low digestibility, low nitrogen and low mineral and vitamin content. To improve the nutritional value of crop by‐products, physical and chemical treatments are implemented. Agro‐industrial wastes such as pineapple waste, sugarcane molasses, the peel, husk or silk of sweet corn and baby corn are also used as dairy feed.  相似文献   

集约化养殖提高了牧场奶牛的生产效率,其生产过程中动物福利、环境保护以及产品质量等议题也逐渐引起消费者的关注。放牧养殖将户外放牧和牧草采食作为养殖模式的评判标准,其产品正逐渐受到欧美等发达国家消费者的青睐。饲料中的优质牧草是影响乳成分及其乳制品品质的主要因素之一,牧草中较高的纤维含量维持了瘤胃健康,较高的不饱和脂肪酸提高了乳脂中不饱和脂肪酸的比例,丰富的可降解蛋白提供了乳蛋白的合成原料,并且牧草中脂肪酸、氨基酸、碳水化合物和其他营养物质在奶牛体内的代谢影响了牛奶以及乳制品的感官品质。作者重点关注一些国家放牧养殖的实际状况和标准要求,及其与有机养殖的差异对比,并分析放牧养殖和全混合日粮喂养条件下饲料成分差异对奶牛瘤胃代谢的影响,以及由此造成的牛奶脂肪、蛋白成分和感官指标等方面的差异。  相似文献   

With the development of intensive cultivation in dairy cows,the production efficiency of dairy farms has been improved.However,issues such as animal welfare,environmental protection and product quality of dairy farm have received more attention.As judging criteria in the pattern,outdoor grazing and grass intake necessary in grass-fed farming,and its products are gradually being favored by consumers in developed countries,such as Europe and the United States.The effect of grass-fed on milk and dairy products mainly depend on the quality of forage grass.The high fiber content in forage grass maintains rumen health,high unsaturated fatty acids increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in milk fat,and rich degradable proteins promote milk protein synthesis.The metabolism of fatty acids,amino acids,carbohydrates and other nutrients from forage in dairy cows may affect the sensory quality of milk and dairy products.This review focused on the actual situation and standard requirements of grass-fed in some countries,and their differences compared with organic farming,and analyzed the effects of feed composition differences on rumen metabolism of dairy cows under grazing farming and total mixed diet feeding conditions,as well as resulting differences in milk fat,protein and sensory indicators.  相似文献   

Research on domestic animals (cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, and aquatic species) at land grant institutions is integral to improving the global competitiveness of US animal agriculture and to resolving complex animal and human diseases. However, dwindling federal and state budgets, years of stagnant funding from USDA for the Competitive State Research, Education, and Extension Service National Research Initiative (CSREES-NRI) Competitive Grants Program, significant reductions in farm animal species and in numbers at land grant institutions, and declining enrollment for graduate studies in animal science are diminishing the resources necessary to conduct research on domestic species. Consequently, recruitment of scientists who use such models to conduct research relevant to animal agriculture and biomedicine at land grant institutions is in jeopardy. Concerned stakeholders have addressed this critical problem by conducting workshops, holding a series of meetings with USDA and National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials, and developing a white paper to propose solutions to obstacles impeding the use of domestic species as dual-purpose animal models for high-priority problems common to agriculture and biomedicine. In addition to shortfalls in research support and human resources, overwhelming use of mouse models in biomedicine, lack of advocacy from university administrators, long-standing cultural barriers between agriculture and human medicine, inadequate grantsmanship by animal scientists, and a scarcity of key reagents and resources are major roadblocks to progress. Solutions will require a large financial enhancement of USDA's Competitive Grants Program, educational programs geared toward explaining how research using agricultural animals benefits both animal agriculture and human health, and the development of a new mind-set in land grant institutions that fosters greater cooperation among basic and applied researchers. Recruitment of outstanding scientists dedicated to using domestic animal models for agricultural and biomedical research, strong incentives for scientists to take advantage of training opportunities to write NIH grants, and greater NIH and USDA cooperation to sponsor the use of agricultural animals as dual-purpose animal models that benefit agriculture and biomedicine will also be necessary. In conclusion, the broad diversity of animal models needed for agricultural and biomedical research is at risk unless research priorities at the land grant universities are critically evaluated and financial support for such research is dramatically increased.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, livestock farming policy is designed to develop milk production to increase the country's dairy self-sufficiency. However, workload is one of the main constraints limiting the potential for increasing production and herd sizes on family-run farms. The aim of this paper was to explore the relationships connecting work organisation forms and durations to herd sizes in order to understand the impacts of rationalising work by increasing herd numbers. A work organisation survey was carried on 19 dairy farmers in two regions of northern Vietnam. Statistical analysis was run to identify relationships between herd size, work organisation forms and work durations. A cluster analysis was used to establish a typology. The results show that the volume of routine work is higher in large herds but is also more efficient. Farmers running large herds lighten their family workload by mechanising routine tasks and by employing permanent contract workers. The paper concludes on a set of guidance strategies to help dairy farms develop their activity, such as hiring farm labour and mechanising farm tasks.  相似文献   

Organic farming principles give rise to multifunctionality: different activities are combined at farm level to create ecological and economic synergies. These principles do however allow for different operationalisations and different farm development strategies, for example with regard to the use of external inputs or the decision whether or not to use advanced breeding technologies such as artificial insemination. Maintaining and improving diversity are therefore characteristic to organic farming. Since organic farming took off in the early 1990 s, many specialised dairy farms which tend to be more mono-functional in nature, have converted to organic, adding a new farming strategy to the diverse collection of farming strategies in organic dairy farming. All these farming strategies actually create different organic production environments for cows, which might result in different demands on selective breeding and breeding technology. This differential demand was explored in a survey, among 151 organic dairy farmers, on general farm strategy, milk production, breeding goal, choice of breed and approach to reproduction. Farmers were divided into one of two groups on each of three strategic options: a) diversification in farm business—Specialised Dairy Farming vs. Multifunctional Farming; b) intensity of milk production—Low Input vs. High Input Farming and c) naturalness of breeding—Farming with Artificial Insemination vs. Farming with Natural Service.A pair-wise comparison within each strategic option showed that each pair differed significantly with regard to farm characteristics, farm goal and animal production goals. However, there were only minor or no significant differences within each pair with regard to overall breeding goal. For each strategic option, big differences were found within each pair as regards preferred cattle breeds and crossbreeds. Farmers in the Specialised Dairy Farming and High Input Farming groups preferred milk-type cattle (Holstein and Holstein crossbreeds), while farmers in the Multifunctional Farming and Low Input Farming groups preferred various native Dutch breeds. But even farmers with a similar strategy (within one group) differed strongly in their choice of breeds and crossbreeds. These results indicate that organic farmers are going through process of learning by doing, experimenting as they search for breeds or crossbreeds that are optimally suited to their farm environment and that best agree with their farm development strategy. In this, the growing preference for keeping bulls on the farm for natural service is remarkable.  相似文献   

我国奶牛养殖业作为畜牧业当中最具活力、潜力的产业之一,整体呈现发展态势良好,但由于起步相对较晚,以及受到经济投入低、养殖水平低、市场不完善等各方面因素的影响,相较于奶牛养殖产业较为发达的国家,当前奶牛养殖产业还存在经营方式过于粗放、优质饲料投喂不足、乳制品产业结构不科学、疾病防控能力不足等问题.本文对我国奶牛养殖产业的...  相似文献   

粪污管理是奶牛养殖业的重要环节,在奶业可持续发展中举足轻重。北京是人口密集的国际化大都市,乳制品供应需求与养殖用地、污染排放、畜禽粪污的土地消纳之间的矛盾突出,在大型都市农业发展过程中具有典型性和示范性。本文以北京市为例,总结了当前牧场奶牛粪污管理的技术和方法,结合实验室前沿研究,对奶牛粪污的微藻处理和水热转化等高值化转化技术进行介绍,以期为大型都市的粪污管理和养殖业可持续发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

建立绿色健康产业技术体系,是前进牧业发展的必由之路。人与自然是生命共同体,人类必须尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然。就是在这样的信念指引下,前进牧业从2017年开始,按照国家《有机产品》标准,依据国际标准,制定了前进牧业有机奶生产的企业标准。并将有机奶的生产作为企业发展的战略定位予以明晰确立,上下贯通,并以此为发展总目标,着力建立生态循环农业体系与有机奶生产示范基地。前进牧业立足张掖独特的光热水土资源条件,开展牧草有机种植与奶牛清洁健康养殖技术,建立有机奶及其产品管控体系,应用智慧牧场技术,数字农业技术有效控制奶牛生产关键技术环节,确保养殖环境清洁健康、生态安全、循环利用,牛奶绿色有机、产品优质、营养富集。并不断引进现代畜牧前沿学科的最新技术和科研成果,加大技术推广力度,实现前进牧业旗下18家牧场奶牛清洁健康养殖全覆盖,着力创建有机奶品牌,提高奶牛养殖效益,建立起农业生产力与资源环境承载力相匹配的农业发展新格局,实现奶业绿色持续健康发展的总目标。  相似文献   

印度是南亚最大的国家,也是一个农业大国,近70%印度人的收入主要来源于农业,仅畜牧业对农业国内生产总值的贡献率就达到18%,成为印度农业经济的支柱产业.由于印度人宗教信仰的不同,印度畜牧业,特别是乳业的发展具有独特性.本文对印度乳业发展现状,包括奶牛养殖情况、乳业分布布局、乳制品加工和消费、乳业贸易等方面进行系统的梳理...  相似文献   

关于推进中国奶牛全混合日粮饲养技术的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
全混合日粮(total mixed ration ,TMR)饲养技术的使用能够保证奶牛摄入均衡的营养,节省大量的人力和物力,并提高奶牛的生产性能,在中国加快推进TMR饲养技术有着重要的现实意义。而中国现阶段奶牛的饲养模式主要以小规模养殖为主,由于缺乏资金和技术支持,大多数中、小型奶牛场、养殖户还不能使用TMR饲喂技术来提高奶牛生产性能。TMR配送服务是由专门的配送公司集中生产不同饲养阶段的TMR日粮,再提供给周边养牛户的一种生产配送形式。此种方式可以使小规模奶牛养殖户也能用到TMR饲喂技术,从而提高奶牛生产水平,增加养殖者收益,并且推进TMR技术在中国的推广和应用。  相似文献   


The manufacture of dairy products from the milk of small ruminants presents an opportunity to improve the economics of farming in remote areas such as the mountainous regions in northern Italy. Mastitis, particularly subclinical and chronic, is the most persistent and widespread problem affecting milk quality. Currently, there is a lack of information concerning the most common causal agents of mastitis in dairy goat herds in Italy. This study was undertaken to determine the aetiology and prevalence of intramammary infections (IMI), and to measure somatic cell counts (SCC) of dairy goats in mountainous regions of northern Italy.  相似文献   

八师奶牛养殖优势突出,已形成以奶牛养殖为基础、乳制品加工为支撑的“养-加-销”于一体的产业链条,掌握师市规模化奶牛场的生产、管理和发展现状。通过加强政策支持和技术服务支撑,提高繁育水平,降低饲养成本。助力师市奶牛养殖扩繁增量突破10万头的目标。  相似文献   

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