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小金海棠MxYSL1基因的克隆与表达分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
小金海棠属于铁高效基因型。为了研究小金海棠的抗缺铁分子机理,根据苹果的EST库得到一个791 bp的YSL(yellow stripe 1-like protein)基因片段序列,设计特异引物,在苹果铁高效基因型小金海棠(Malus xiaojinenesis)中克隆到此基因片段。3'-RACE得到YSL基因的3'端序列,拼接后得到1 114 bp的3'端基因序列。预测该基因片段编码一个含7个跨膜区的蛋白多肽,与拟南芥AtYSL1同源性达74%,命名为MxYSL1。RT-PCR及Northern blot分析表明,该基因在小金海棠各个检测部位都有表达。在根、茎与成熟叶中,该基因在低铁(EDTA-NaFe,4 μmol/L)时减弱表达,在过量铁(EDTA-NaFe,320 μmol/L)供应时增强表达。MxYSL1基因在新叶中的表达趋势与以上器官中的表达趋势正好相反。  相似文献   

稻麦联合收获机分段式脱粒装置设计与优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对纵轴流联合收获机在收获稻麦时出现的脱粒不彻底、分离不完全等问题,该研究设计了一种分段式纵轴流脱粒分离装置。该装置主要由锥形脱粒滚筒、脱粒强度可调式凹板筛、360°分离式凹板筛、作业参数电控调节系统等构成。通过单因素试验,分别获得了脱粒强度可调式凹板筛的开关板针对小麦和水稻脱粒的最佳开关状态。为寻求装置作业参数对脱粒效果的影响规律及最优参数组合,进行了多目标优化试验。以滚筒转速、导流板角度、凹板筛脱粒间隙、凹板筛分离间隙及喂入量作为影响因素,以破碎率、损失率、脱出物含杂率为试验指标,建立了破碎率、损失率、脱出物含杂率的数学模型。试验结果表明:各因素对破碎率影响的显著性大小顺序为滚筒转速、凹板筛脱粒间隙、导流板角度、喂入量、凹板筛分离间隙;对脱出物含杂率影响的显著性大小顺序为滚筒转速、导流板角度、凹板筛脱粒间隙、喂入量、凹板筛分离间隙;对损失率影响的显著性大小顺序为滚筒转速、导流板角度、凹板筛脱粒间隙、喂入量、凹板筛分离间隙。通过多目标参数优化分析,确定装置进行小麦脱粒的最优作业参数组合为脱粒滚筒转速905 r/min、导流板角度69°、凹板筛脱粒间隙18 mm、凹板筛分离间隙19 mm、喂入量4 kg/s。在该参数组合条件下进行了田间验证试验,结果表明,与常规纵轴流脱粒装置相比,整机作业破碎率由1.46%降为1.00%,含杂率由1.85%降为1.43%,损失率由1.72%降为1.20%,各指标实测值与模型优化值的相对误差均小于5%,满足国家相关标准要求。该装置有效解决了破碎率高、脱粒不干净、分离不彻底的问题,研究结果可为纵轴流联合收获机脱粒装置的结构改进和作业参数优化提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding mature human tyrosinase was cloned into pET-23a(+) and transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3). Three major recombinant proteins, mature human tyrosinase (RHT??????), N-terminal truncated human tyrosinase (RHT???????), and β-lactamase, were overexpressed as inclusion bodies in E. coli after 12 h of induction with 1.0 mM isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside at 37 °C. After sonication and centrifugation, the inclusion body was harvested, solubilized, dialyzed, and refolded into the active form with monophenolase and diphenolase activities. It was purified to homogeneity by DEAE-Sepharose FF and Sephadex G-75. The molecular mass and N-terminal sequence were 57.0 kDa and GHFPRAC, respectively, and corresponded to those of mature human tyrosinase. The RHT was active in a broad range of temperature and pH, and with optimum activity at 70 °C and pH 8.5.  相似文献   

刚收割的高水分稻谷中夹杂较多碎禾叶、禾秆等纤维性杂质,进入烘干机之前必须进行清理。针对国内外对高水分稻谷清理技术研究很少和现有稻谷清理设备不适合处理高水分稻谷的现状,设计了稻谷组合清理机。运用生产试验和现场检测的方法,分析处理量与稻谷水分、设备吸风量、筛孔尺寸及分布、筛板倾角及分布、振动频率等参数之间的联系与相互作用。试验表明:当稻谷含水率高于20%时,组合清理机的筛孔尺寸按上层50×50、中层30×30、下层15×15分布,筛板倾角按上层21°、中层17°、下层13°布置,并且穿过筛孔的实际风速为稻谷悬浮速度的1.1~1.2倍时,处理量较大,清理效果较好。  相似文献   

水稻中过量砷(As)能够损害叶片中叶绿素和叶片内部结构,进而影响水稻光合作用效率,并改变水稻在光谱上的表现。利用高光谱植被指数(CARI、PRI、SIPI)和独立变量分析(ICA)模型对水稻中As含量进行了研究。结果表明,以上3种高光谱植被指数与水稻中As含量均呈一定的相关关系,其相关系数在0.67以上;而经过独立变量分析(ICA)可知,在蓝光波段(440~540nm)和红光波段(600~700nm)之间各有一个独立变量与水稻中As含量高度相关,相关系数达到0.95以上。将上述植被指数与独立变量和水稻中As含量之间进行回归分析,得到水稻中As含量的线性回归方程。研究表明,重金属As对水稻生长的影响可以通过其在光谱上的特征(如相关植被指数)改变来体现,并可以用独立变量分析(ICA)方法提取光谱中关于As胁迫的隐含弱信息,建立遥感预测模型,为大面积监测农作物As污染提供依据。  相似文献   

认识和理解水稻产量影响要素是实现水稻高产稳产的关键。选取冬水田、垄作免耕和常规水旱轮作3种处理,采用相关分析、主成分分析与主成分多元线性回归3种方法对水稻产量与成熟期根、茎、叶、籽粒碳同位素组成,根系特征以及养分的响应关系进行比较与综合分析。结果表明不同耕作模式下垄作免耕的水稻产量最高,根、茎、叶、籽粒的碳同位素组成与水稻产量有极显著的负相关关系(P0.01);主成分分析提取的6个主成分累计贡献率超过80%;主成分多元线性回归模型能够解释冬水田、垄作免耕和常规水旱轮作水稻产量67%、73%和97%的变异;与常规水旱轮作相比,冬水田和垄作免耕水稻产量与碳同位素组成及磷的关系更密切。该研究表明,垄作免耕具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究氮、磷、钾肥不同配比对寒地粳稻功能叶片、茎鞘及籽粒可溶性糖积累和转运的影响,揭示其与气候资源利用和产量的关系。  【方法】  大田试验采用“3414”施肥方案,供试寒地粳稻品种为东农427。在水稻分蘖至成熟的5个主要生育期,取样测定了功能叶片、茎鞘和籽粒中的可溶性糖含量,计算功能叶片、茎鞘和籽粒可溶性糖积累转运量,以及水稻对气候资源的利用效率。  【结果】  氮、磷、钾肥配施显著影响寒地粳稻产量,以N2P2K2处理最高。与N0P0K0处理相比,各施肥处理地上部各器官可溶性糖积累量和运转量均显著升高。花前功能叶片可溶性糖最高积累量出现在N3P2K2处理,花后出现在N2P2K2处理。茎鞘和籽粒可溶性糖积累量在各生育时期均以N2P2K2处理最高。功能叶片和茎鞘花后可溶性糖转运量均以N2P2K2处理最高。N2P2K2、N3P2K2处理生育期最长。各施肥处理光合有效辐射量 (PAR)、辐射利用率 (RUE) 和积温生产效率 (TPE) 均高于N0P0K0处理,以N2P2K2处理最高。由相关分析可知,各生育时期各器官可溶性糖积累量与PAR、RUE和TPE呈极显著正相关。分蘖期和孕穗期功能叶片可溶性糖积累量对PAR、RUE和TPE的影响大于茎鞘。齐穗期、灌浆期和成熟期茎鞘可溶性糖积累量对PAR、RUE和TPE的影响大于功能叶片。成熟期籽粒可溶性糖积累量对PAR、RUE和TPE的影响大于齐穗期和灌浆期。花后茎鞘可溶性糖转运量对PAR、RUE和TPE影响大于功能叶片。  【结论】  寒地粳稻各生育时期各器官可溶性糖积累量与光合有效辐射量 (PAR)、辐射利用率 (RUE) 和积温生产效率 (TPE)呈极显著正相关。其中,花前功能叶片可溶性糖积累量对PAR、RUE和TPE的影响大于茎鞘,花后茎鞘可溶性糖积累量和转运量对PAR、RUE和TPE的影响大于功能叶片。充足的氮磷钾肥供应促进了水稻群体对光、温资源的捕获,提高了光、温资源利用率。而且,合理的养分供给还延长了生育后期的天数和功能叶片、茎鞘可溶性糖向籽粒转运的时间,进而提高产量。在本试验中,氮磷钾配比为150–120–80 kg/hm2(N2P2K2) 时,寒地粳稻产量和花后功能叶片、茎鞘可溶性糖运转量均最高,并且通过延长灌浆期到成熟期的天数进而延长整个生育期,进一步提高了光、温资源的利用效率。  相似文献   

2020年在南京市浦口区桥林街道对稻纵卷叶螟[Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Güenée(C. medinalis)]自然发生的水稻农田进行高光谱观测试验,以探明不同稻纵卷叶螟危害程度下水稻叶片光谱特征与产量的关系,并对水稻产量进行预测。试验共选取80个样点,各样点虫害等级根据稻株的受害叶片数量占叶片总数的比例进行划分,利用SOC710VP便携式高光谱成像仪,采集水稻主要生育期(拔节期、孕穗期、灌浆期和成熟期)各样点水稻叶片的高光谱数据,调查收获后各样点的水稻产量数据,分析不同虫害等级下水稻叶片原始光谱、一阶导数光谱特征和产量参数的变化规律,并利用观测光谱与产量相关性较强的特征波段计算植被指数,建立基于植被指数的水稻产量估算模型。结果表明:(1)同一生育期内,水稻叶片近红外波段和红边波段的反射率随着虫害等级的升高而降低,而红光波段则相反。(2)同一生育期内,一阶导数光谱的峰值、红边幅值和红边面积随着虫害等级的增大而降低,红边位置的“蓝移”现象加重。(3)水稻的有效穗数、千粒重、结实率以及产量总体上随着虫害等级的上升而降低;但虫害等级较低时,有效穗数、千粒重以及结实率...  相似文献   

Potamophila parviflora is a wild relative of rice from Eastern Australia. The species was found in the Richmond, Clarence, Macleay and Hastings River systems of northern New South Wales. Existing populations had wider leaves (10–15 mM) than those previously reported (4–6 mM). This species and North American wild rice, Zizania palustris were investigated as genetic resource for rice improvement. Both species, Potamophila , and Zizania , occur in colder climates than rice (Oryza sativa). Sequencing of the ITS1 of the ribosomal genes of these two species indicated that Zizania and Potamophila were more closely related to each other than either was to Oryza sativa. Potamophila has a similar number of chromosomes (n=12) and a greater sequence homology to rice and may thus be a better source of useful genes for rice improvement.  相似文献   

【目的】 饲料添加剂阿散酸是一种有机砷制剂,在动物肠道内吸收较少,绝大部分以原形随粪便排出体外。阿散酸中的砷可以随施用粪肥进入农田,对作物生长发育产生不利影响,并影响人类健康。本文研究了阿散酸进入土壤后,其所含砷在作物体内的迁移和积累,为粪肥合理施用提供依据。 【方法】 以水稻进行了盆栽模拟试验,供试土壤为褐土。将含有一定量阿散酸的动物粪便与供试土混匀,制成含阿散酸分别为30、75和150 mg/kg的试验用土样,按照每公顷22000 kg施用量,以无阿散酸污染的动物粪便为对照。在水稻分蘖期和开花期取样,分为根、茎、叶,成熟期样品分为根、茎、叶、稻壳和糙米,测定砷的含量和积累量。 【结果】 1) 与对照相比,30~150 mg/kg阿散酸各处理水稻根系长度、单株根数和株高无显著差异,150 mg/kg处理无效分蘖显著增加 (P < 0.05),75 mg/kg和150 mg/kg处理稻米产量显著降低 ( P < 0.05);2) 与对照相比,阿散酸各处理水稻分蘖期、开花期和成熟期根、茎和叶中砷含量显著增加 ( P < 0.05);与30 mg/kg阿散酸处理相比,150 mg/kg处理分蘖期、开花期和成熟期水稻根中砷含量显著增加了40.51%、46.25% 和53.1% ( P < 0.05),开花期和成熟期茎和叶中砷含量显著增加了56.1%、30.9% 和86.7% ( P < 0.05)、61.75% ( P < 0.05);阿散酸各处理水稻根中砷含量均在开花期达到最高,成熟期下降,阿散酸含量 ≤ 75 mg/kg时,水稻茎和叶中砷含量在开花期达到最高,成熟期下降,阿散酸添加量为150 mg/kg时,水稻茎和叶中砷含量为成熟期 > 开花期 > 分蘖期。3) 与对照相比,阿散酸处理籽粒砷含量显著增加 ( P < 0.05);与30 mg/kg阿散酸相比,75 mg/kg处理米糠和糙米中砷含量显著增加了138.5% 和126.1% ( P < 0.05),150 mg/kg处理颖壳、米糠、糙米和精米砷含量显著增加了24.6%、165.7%、158.7%和125.0% ( P < 0.05)。 【结论】 在褐土中施用含阿散酸非堆沤粪肥时,当阿散酸含量 ≥ 75 mg/kg时即对水稻产生毒害作用,并增加可食部砷污染风险,建议土壤阿散酸污染不得高于该值。   相似文献   

谷子脂转移蛋白cDNA的克隆及特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:首次报道了从谷子(Stetaria italica )未成熟种子cDNA文库中克隆到1个与其它物种脂转移蛋白(LTP)具有较高同源性的脂转移蛋白基因Siltp。将核苷酸序列和推断的氨基酸序列在GenBank中进行比较,发现Siltp与大麦脂转移蛋白LTP7a2b和LTPcw-19,玉米脂转移蛋白,欧洲油菜的脂转移蛋白基因的核苷酸序列的同源性分别为72%,70%,60%,54%;氨基酸序列的同源性分别为79%,73%,65%,57%。序列分析表明,编码区含363个碱基 ,编码121个氨基酸,其中包括26个氨基酸的信号肽序列,分子量为9.3 kD。基因组Southern杂交结果表明,Siltp在基因组中以单拷贝存在。Northern杂交研究Siltp的时空表达特异性,发现Siltp仅在茎、叶、穗中表达。利用软件PAUP对17种植物的LTP进行进化分析,从进化系统树可以看出LTP有4个分支,其中,小麦发生分化较早,其它几种单子叶植物如玉米、谷子、大麦和水稻分化较晚,说明发生了早期的基因复制事件。在整个系统图中,双子叶比较分散,说明LTP基因的进化是个复杂的过程;禾本科作物的脂转移蛋白基因是由一个原始基因分化而产生的不同分支,Siltp与大麦LTP亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

基于特征转移植被指数的水稻叶片氮素含量定量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水稻叶片氮素含量遥感检测是实现水稻精准施肥的前提条件.为了探究利用光谱技术快速、便捷的实现水稻叶片氮素的精准检测,该研究在水稻关键生育期,利用水稻叶片400~1000 nm高光谱反射率信息,利用连续投影法提取敏感波段,在此基础上,提出了一种波段特征转移的植被指数构建思路,构建了由3个波段构成的氮素特征转移指数(Nitr...  相似文献   

水稻不同生育期对硒的吸收、转运及累积规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管文文  戴其根  张洪程  尹雪斌 《土壤》2018,50(6):1150-1154
采用大田试验,研究土壤施用含硒肥料后水稻中硒的积累和分布的动态变化。结果表明:在水稻不同器官中硒的积累量与含硒肥料施用量呈正相关,相关系数达到0.98以上。水稻成熟期,硒施用量30 kg/hm2和120 kg/hm2处理全株硒浓度分别比对照处理提高了98.9%和313.7%。不同生育期,水稻各个器官中硒含量及累积量不同,水稻硒的生物富集高峰期表现在孕穗期,叶与水稻穗部吸收累积硒有着密切关系。水稻成熟期整个植株中硒的累积量为茎叶精米根颖壳。在整个水稻生育期硒有一定的运转累积规律:水稻分蘖期时,硒从根、茎流向叶片;孕穗期再由叶流向茎;灌浆期又从根运转到叶和穗中;最后成熟期叶中的硒流向穗。苗期施用含硒肥料是一条提高水稻硒含量的有效农艺措施。  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Doriru) leaf samples were collected from a field comprising three plots, plot F chemical fertilizer treated, plot S receiving sewage sludge and sawdust mixed compost, and plot H receiving sewage sludge and rice husk mixed compost. Relative concentrations of selected elements, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and chloride (Cl) of young, mature, and old barley leaves were determined by microscopic energy dispersing X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The objective of this investigation was to verify the applicability of EDXRF for rapid nutrient element diagnosis of plants. Typically whole leaves were washed in deionized‐distilled water and dried by ironing for analysis. Intact dried barley leaf sample irradiation was accomplished with X‐rays obtained from an X‐ray tube focused on an area <100 μm of the respective sample specimen surface. The EDXRF provided sufficient sensitivity for relative concentrations of K, Ca, and Cl. Element content data of all the elements investigated, specifically K, resulted in adequate plant nutrient element values to diagnose K insufficiency in barley leaves taken from plants in the sewage sludge receiving plots. Potassium was more densely accumulated in the new leaf than in mature and old leaves in case of plants from the S and H plots. In contrast, such K accumulation was more dense in old and mature leaves than young leaves in case of plants from the F plot. However, Cl and Ca coupling in barley leaves from all of the F, S, and H plots had shown the similar pattern of distribution and followed the order: old > mature > young. Therefore, EDXRF can be an easy, rapid, and practical method for diagnosing the elemental content of plant tissues and thereby help to aid plant growth and development through timely supplements of the required element(s).  相似文献   

Pectin methylesterase (PME) is the key enzyme responsible for the gelation of jelly curd in the water extract of jelly fig (Ficus awkeotasang) achenes. The jelly fig PME extracted from achenes was isoelectrofocused at pH 2.5 and subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. A cDNA fragment encoding the mature protein of this acidic PME was obtained by PCR cloning using a poly(T) primer and a degenerate primer designed according to the N-terminal sequence of the purified PME. The complete cDNA sequence of its precursor protein was further obtained by PCR using the same strategy. The PME clone was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and its expressed protein was immunologically recognized as strongly as the original antigen using antibodies against purified PME. Fractionation analysis revealed that the overexpressed PME was predominantly present in the pellet and thus presumably formed insoluble inclusion bodies in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

The presence of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the rice sieve tube was examined. Proteins in the rice phloem sap from leaf sheaths were separated by sodium dodecylsulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to polyvinylidine difluoride membranes and immunoblotted with anti-GS1 antibody. A cross-reacting band, thought to be GS1, was detected in the phloem sap. Moreover, the phloem sap contained a significant amount of GS transferase activity. Previous studies have shown that the concentrations of substrates and cofactors in the rice phloem sap are sufficient for cytosolic GS reaction. These data suggest that physiologically active GS1 is present in rice phloem sap, which might convert glutamate to glutamine in vivo .  相似文献   

水稻不同品种在海南富硒土壤中硒的吸收和分配机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用盆栽研究了5个水稻品种在两种不同的富硒土壤中Se吸收累积的生育期动态变化和Se在水稻植株不同部位的分配机理.结果表明,随着生长发育期的推进,水稻在孕穗期对Se含量和累积量同时骤增,从苗期到孕穗期水稻Se的累积量占总Se累积量的45.5%~67%,同时Se含量也达到最高,说明这一段时期是水稻吸收Se的关键时期;在富硒土壤1中水稻各器官Se含量都显著大于相应土壤2中水稻各器官,水稻各器官Se含量顺序依次为根>叶>茎>籽粒,Se易向营养体富集;5个水稻品种中只有杂交稻在土壤1中生长正常;3个常规水稻中旱14、2004-95、稻翅品种在土壤2中的SOD、POD酶活性比土壤1中呈明显减小趋势,但杂交稻特优10 SOD酶活性变化相反,其POD酶活性变化的幅度也最小;在土壤2中5个水稻品种生长都正常,杂交稻的平均硒含量最低,但累积量最高.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are “Strategy II” plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by “coculturing,” to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

Comparison of Iron Availability in Leaves of Barley and Rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are "Strategy II" plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by "coculturing," to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

高温时数和热积温对超级早稻结实率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以超级稻淦鑫203为材料,于2012年和2013年分别进行分期播种试验,根据田间试验获得的产量结构数据和地面观测站气象资料,探讨该品种抽穗后各阶段内高温时数、热积温对超级稻结实率和秕谷率的影响。结果表明:影响超级稻结实率的主要原因是乳熟-成熟期高温导致秕谷率增加,高温与空壳率相关性不明显。高温时数、日热积温及时热积温均与结实率和秕谷率之间存在一元二次函数关系,结实率与三者呈负相关,秕谷率与之呈正相关。且三者影响结实率存在临界值,乳熟-成熟期不同量级(35.0~37.0℃)的高温时数对结实率影响的临界值分别为:44.4h、32.6h、22.6h、15.0h和6.0h;日热积温对结实率影响的临界值抽穗-成熟期为18.6℃·d,乳熟-成熟期为12.8℃·d;时热积温对结实率影响的临界值抽穗-成熟期为44.9℃·h,乳熟-成熟期为53.2℃·h。低于临界值时,随着高温影响的累积,结实率呈下降趋势;当高温因子达到临界值后,结实率变化不再明显。研究认为乳熟-成熟期的高温天气导致超级稻籽粒灌浆不充实,秕谷率增大,是影响结实率下降的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

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