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培育新型农民的思路与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张瑞春  郭明顺 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(32):10499-10500,10502
党的十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村的宏伟目标。新农村建设的出发点和落脚点是农民,培育新型农民在新农村建设中具有重要的现实和战略意义。从理论上论述了培育新型农民的意义,分析了培育新型农民的内涵和当前我国农民素质的现状,以及培育新型农民的主要措施。  相似文献   

在分析当前我国农民素质与新农村建设存在的差距,以及培育新型农民对新农村建设的重要意义的基础上,通过5个"结合"论述了如何培育新型农民以推动社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,农业人口众多,农民文化程度参差不齐,新型职业农民的培育工作任务重、难度大。能否对职业农民采取一系列有效的培育措施,是破解我国"三农"发展难题和社会主义新农村建设的得力措施。本文通过对湖南省新型职业农民培育模式进行比较分析,总结出职业农民培育模式选择路径。  相似文献   

结合实际开展科技培训培育新型农民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培育新型农民是社会主义新农村建设的重要基础,提高农民素质、培养新型农民,把农村人力资源转化为人力资本,是建设新农村的首要环节。阐述了培育新型农民的5条措施,4个结合。  相似文献   

农民是建设社会主义新农村的主体,培育新型农民就是培育新农村建设的主体力量,在新农村建设中必须要牢牢抓住这个根本。本文以此为思路,对我国农民素质现状进行说明,并分析了农民素质较低的原因,接着对新农村建设下新型农民培育的必要性进行阐述,最后对如何培育与新农村建设相适应的新型农民提出几点可行性建议,即大力发展农民义务教育,办好农村职业教育,营造良好的科技文化环境,强化带头人队伍建设,加强农村公共文化建设。  相似文献   

张鸿 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(20):6254-6255
阐述了培育新型农民的意义,分析了新型农民的基本内涵,探索了培育符合新农村建设需求的新型农民的有效途径。  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村关键是培育新型农民   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六届五中全会提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,推进新农村建设必须首先培育新农民。没有千千万万高素质的新型农民,新农村建设就不可能取得成功。为了确保社会主义新农村建设取得成功,必须采取多种措施,通过多条途径,切实全面提高农民的素质,培育新型农民。  相似文献   

近几年,我国的城市发展脚步十分迅速,但是农村的发展还相当缓慢,为了统筹城乡发展,国家提出了新农村建设,这个战略目标的实现,与农民的整体素质的提高、能否积极参与进来以及主观能动性是否得以发挥密切相关,所以通过农民教育培训来提高农民的整体素质、培育新型农民为新农村建设做出贡献,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

培育新型农民是新农村建设的关键。从五个方面探讨了培育新型农民的途径。  相似文献   

农民是新农村建设的主体,提高农民整体素质是建设新农村的人才保障。采取问卷调查与走访相结合的方式对河南省18个地市的农民教育状况及教育需求进行了调研,分析了新农村建设中在农民培育方面存在的成人教育、留守培育及精神文化建设方面的问题,提出了培育适应现代社会发展的新型农民的对策和建议。  相似文献   

中国马铃薯栽培史考略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国地方志记载的分析表明:川、鄂、陕、甘交界的山区是马铃薯的最早输入地和栽培区,并以此为中心向周围传播形成西南马铃薯主产区;从马铃薯名称的演变可说明中国马铃薯栽培走向成熟的过程,及以晋北为中心的华北马铃薯主产区和东北马铃薯主产区的形成;论证了台湾和闽粤沿海不是中国马铃薯最早或较早输入地的观点;讨论了研究中国马铃薯栽培史存在的3个基本问题。  相似文献   

中国跳小蜂二新记录种(膜翅目:跳小蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了在甘肃兰州和青海西宁采集的寄生盘粉蚧的跳小蜂新记录种:盘粉蚧点刻跳小蜂Discodes atraphaxidis Myartseva,以及在陕西西安和甘肃兰州采集的寄生瘤坚大球蚧Eulecanium gigantea的跳小蜂新记录种:大球蚧花翅跳小蜂Microterys eulecanii Pilipjuk et Sugonjaev。并记述了它们的形态特征、寄主、标本记录等。  相似文献   

陈磊  高瑛 《安徽农业科学》2016,44(25):105-108
针对我国农业劳动力人口规模下降,结构趋于老龄化、女性化、素质低级化的特点,基于农业现代化发展的方向和路径,从农业劳动力规模和农业劳动力结构角度分析农业劳动力现状,介绍新型职业农民的潜在培育对象,在对比发达国家新型职业农民培育模式的基础上对我国新型职业农民培育提出政策建议,以期对指导我国新型职业农民培育活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER) is a global partnership between international and national agricultural research institutions. INGER focuses on worldwide exchange, evaluation and utilization of improved varieties and elite breeding lines of rice. China has actively participated in the activities of INGER since 1980.During the pasted years, 26 500 INGER entries with diversity genetic background have been introduced and evaluated by Chinese scientists. Among of them, 37 commercial varieties directly from elite INGER entries and 27 rice hybrids using INGER lines as their restorer lines/donors have been released to farmers in China. About 1 900 INGER entries were indirectly utilized as cross parents or pest resistant donors in various national and provincial rice breeding programs. Based on the incomplete statistics, there were 14.5million cumulated hectares planting these varieties and hybrids, from which 5.44 MT of increased rough rice has been received by farmers. INGER accelerates the transfer of adapted varieties and hybrids to farmers, and increases the diversity of rice germplasm in cultivation. Therefore, INGER cooperation has made great benefit both in economy and society in China.  相似文献   

培育新型职业农民:美国经验及对中国的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
万蕾  刘小舟 《农学学报》2014,4(6):120-124
梳理了美国通过《莫里尔赠地学院法案》等系列立法保障农业后继有人的做法,阐述了美国2013年农业法案支持新农场和农场主(beginning farmers and ranchers)培养的政策措施。对国内新型职业农民培育提出建议:坚持政府主导地位,加快新型职业农民培育立法,走培育和吸引相结合的道路,强化教育培训在新型职业农民培育中的基础地位。  相似文献   

为推进乡村振兴,加快建设农业强国,推动人才振兴是重要途径。如何对农村职业教育改革从而提高新型职业农民培育质量,是本文研究的问题。通过对有关新型职业农民研究文献进行分析,从理论、现实、内涵、作用多个角度分析了培育新型农民的重要意义,归纳总结出农村职业教育培育新型农民在学校或机构办学、社会观念、政府扶持、农民自身四个方面存在的现实问题,对我国农村职业教育培育新型农民提出提升办学质量、转变社会观念、完善政府扶持机制以及构建系统农民培育体系的改革建议。  相似文献   

记述采自中国甘肃省肃南半翅目(Hemiptera)盲蝽科(Miridae)叶盲蝽亚科(Phylinae)顶窝盲蝽属(Monosynamma)中国1新记录种--鲍氏顶窝盲蝽(Monosynamma bohemani Fallen,1829).标本存放于内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

[目的]研究影响我国水禽养殖户采纳新型养殖模式的影响因素及其差异性,为养殖模式革新、新型养殖模式推广及产业支持政策制定提供理论支撑.[方法]利用国家水禽产业体系产业经济团队对北京、河北、山东、江西和重庆5省(市)养殖户的调查数据,运用ML-Binary Logit模型和差异性分析法对养殖户采纳新型养殖模式决策的影响因素进行实证研究.[结果]目前养殖户采纳新型养殖模式的意愿并不强烈,养殖户家庭劳动力人数、参与养殖人数、年养殖批次、距中心城区距离和是否临近河湖等对其新型养殖模式采纳行为影响显著.经营方式差异下,参与养殖人数对兼业经营养殖户采纳新型养殖模式的决策具有显著正向效应,而距中心城区距离的远近对专业经营养殖户新型养殖模式采纳行为影响最大且方向为负.自然环境差异下,区域公路等级对临近河湖地区养殖户新型养殖模式采纳行为具有显著负向效应,而距中心城区距离远近对远离河湖地区养殖户新型养殖模式采纳行为产生显著负向效应.[建议]应综合利用宣传媒介,推广新型养殖模式;开展养殖培训,培育示范小区;充分优化家庭劳动力配置,加强生产经营管理;提倡适度规模,调整生产布局;规划建设产品交易市场,完善基础设施建设,以促进我国水禽养殖业实现规模化、集约化经营.  相似文献   

Problems associated with land degradation are serious in China. Sloping land in South China has experienced a decline in crop productivity by 30-60% due to soil erosion and it has been predicted that most topsoil will be lost within the next 100 years if current erosion rates continue. Considering these situations, an agro-environmental research and development project (Sustainable Highland Agriculture in South-East Asia - SHASEA) was conducted in a catchment in Yunnan Province, China, to address the objectives of increasing crop productivity in sustainable and environmentally-friendly ways. A range of cropping practices was developed and implemented in a rural upland catchment (Wang Jia). At the end of the project, farmers were surveyed to evaluate project effectiveness. All farmers from Wang Jia Catchment, who were involved in project implementation, were surveyed. A sample of farmers working in an adjacent catchment (not associated with the project) was surveyed for comparative purposes. Farmers had different perceptions of the cropping practices employed. Contour cultivation was preferred and likely to be adopted. Others practices such as straw mulching and intercropping were seen as less appropriate and unlikely to be adopted. Polythene mulch was recognized as effective, but likely to be adopted only if financial returns were favourable. The availability of relevant information had an important impact on the extent of technology testing by farmers and their willingness to adopt the practices in the future.  相似文献   

Significant achievements have been made in generating sustainable agricultural technologies in developing countries. Usually, these new technologies have been more effective in increasing production and productivity than existing technologies. However, many new technologies considered 'effective' have not been successful in alleviating the associated sustainability problems, due to poor adoption by targeted users. Success of any novel technical intervention should be judged on the basis of how widespread adoption is in the target area by targeted users. In this context, a case study identified the factors affecting farmers' adoption of improved technologies extended by an agricultural development project in a rural Village in Yunnan Province, China. Initial adoption/adaptation of project technologies was influenced by farmers' awareness of the technology. Farmers were more aware of polythene mulch, contour cultivation, intercropping and tree planting technologies than others. This led to a comparatively high initial uptake of polythene mulch, contour cultivation, sweet chestnut, and intercropping technologies. Farmers had inadequate knowledge about some Project technologies, the adoption of which was particularly low. This reveals the need for increasing farmers' awareness about the rationale for Project technologies to achieve greater adoption/adaptation of project technologies by farmers over wider areas. Farmers' testing of the technology leads to better adoption/adaptation compared to mere awareness. However, considerable time and resources are required for testing/trying technologies. This justifies the usefulness of comparatively quick and less resource demanding options for awareness creation. Development of effective cropping technologies is important for sustainable agricultural development. The success of any agricultural development project, especially in terms of improving sustainability, depends on how widely those improved technologies are adopted/adapted by farmers in the targeted region. Therefore, farmers' adoption of technologies should be a key criterion for judging the success of any project. The awareness-adoption matrix is a useful tool to guide research and development projects to achieve expected adoption/adaptation of technologies. Use of the matrix helps identification of weak and strong aspects of research and development projects and thus assists strategic decision-making.  相似文献   

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