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艇HRP法对兔减压神经进行了研究,标记的传入神经元绝大多数位于迷走神经结状节尾侧半部偏一侧,少数见于颈静脉神经节,其中枢突标记终末见于延髓闩以上的孤束核内侧部,腹侧部以及迷背核内。在颈前节也出现标记细胞,表明减压神经中也含有起源于 前节的交感节后纤维成分。主动脉压力感受器有经减压神经来的感觉神经交感节后神经纤维支配。提示减压神经是含有一般内脏传入和一般内脏传出纤维的混合神经,为研究心血管生理提供了  相似文献   

用HRP法对20例家兔一侧“耳丁”穴区的神经分布及与中枢神经系的联系进行了研究。其结果如下;(1)C_(1-5)(主要是C_(2-4))脊神经节、三叉神经半月状神经节、迷走神经颈静脉神经节以及交感神经的星状神经节和颈前神经节均出现标记细胞。其中以小型细胞为主,中型次之,大型最少。(2)C_(1-3)段脊髓背农Ⅰ~Ⅳ层出现较明显的标记终枝,尤以第Ⅱ层最密集。(3)延髓三叉神经脊束核和楔内核出现效量不等的标记终枝。脊束核内以胶状质亚核最密集。(4)面神经核出现大量标记细胞。此外,适当延长反应时间,可加强标记终枝和纤维。  相似文献   

以30%HRP注入5只家兔颈前神经节,在C1-T2脊神经节、迷走神经结状节、颈静脉神经节、舌咽神经近节和远节以及三叉神经节均出现标记细胞,以舌咽神经远节最多,占42.55%;C1-T2脊神经节次之,占34.19%;其余各神经节标记细胞均在10%以下。标记细胞均以中小型细胞为主。5例均未见膝神经节。结果表明,投射至颈前神经节的感觉纤维来源广泛,为“以交感神经节为中心的中枢外短反射环路”理论和针灸机理  相似文献   

采用霍乱毒素辣根过氧化物酶(CBHRP)标记法,逆行追踪鸡输卵管蛋白分泌部初级感觉神经元位置。结果显示,两侧颈静脉神经节、结状神经节以及颈12至腰荐12脊神经节出现标记细胞,左侧的标记细胞明显多于右侧。在脊神经节的分布区域内,有两个相对集中区,分别位于胸5至腰荐2和腰荐8至腰荐10。颈静脉节和结状节的标记细胞数量比脊神经节的少。表明,鸡输卵管虽属单侧发育器官,但其蛋白分泌部接受双侧感觉神经的分布,只是以同侧(左侧)神经支配为主;感觉神经既经脊神经途径传入,也由迷走途径传入,但以前者为主,文中还对交感与副交感传入途径的优势现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

将CB-HRP溶液注入环颈雉泄殖腔的一侧壁内,逆行追踪其传出神经元,实验结果表明:①标记的节后神经元出现于双侧S4-S9交感干神经节内,左右侧泄殖腔神经节内,以注射侧为主。②标记的节前神经元分别出现于T6-L3髓节和S3-S8髓节内,但以同侧为主。  相似文献   

将CB-HRP溶液注入环颈雉泄殖腔的一侧壁内,逆行追踪其初级传入神经元及跨节追踪其中枢突在脊髓内的投射。试验结果表明:①标记细胞出现于双侧T4-S9脊神经节内和双侧迷走神经结状节内,以注射侧为主。②注射侧标记的初级传入纤维比对侧的粗。  相似文献   

将CB-HRP注入鸡一侧胸腺内,通过逆行和跨神经节追踪鸡胸腺副交感传入神经元的定位及其初级传入纤维在中枢的投射,其结果如下:①在双侧迷走神经结状节内出现标记细胞,标记细胞以大型细胞为主,呈长椭圆形和梭形的双极神经元,亦发现少量假单极神经元,还发现两个多极神经元。②双侧颈静脉神经节和岩神经节内出现标记细胞,标记细胞以小型细胞为主,突起不明显。③在闩前、闩后双侧孤束核内发现传入纤维的标记终末,在闩后0  相似文献   

对北京和通辽地区杂种仔猪11头的解剖,描述了迷走神经的构成、位置、行程和主要分支,分布情况。 猪的迷走神经由内,外侧支组成,内侧支通过颈静脉神经节和结状神经节,外侧支只有极少部分纤维通过这两个神经节。迷走神经起自延髓侧面,同副神经、舌咽神经由破裂孔出颅腔,可分成额、胸、腹三段。在颈段分出咽支、喉前神经和心支;在胸段分出返神经-喉后神经,并有支向食管、支气管、淋巴结等处。左、右侧迷走神经构成食管背、腹侧干、经食管裂孔进入腹腔。背侧干分成肠支、胃支。肠支大部分纤维不进入腹腔神经节和肠系膜前神经节、而直接沿肠系膜前动脉分布在肠管。胃支组成神经丛,分布在胃的脏面。腹侧干组成神经丛分布在食管末端、胃的隔面、肝、胰和十二指肠起始端。  相似文献   

将辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)注入山羊一侧眼球退缩肌后,被标记的运动神经元主要位于同侧副外展核,在同侧副外展核周围的网状结构及动眼神经核的前部也发现少数标记细胞,在一例外展核也见到少数标记细胞。副外展核内的标记细胞为典型的多极运动神经元,胞体直径为13.3~39.6微米,以20~30微米者最多(59.8%)。被标记的感觉神经元位于三叉神经节,主要分布在神经节的背部,中部较少,下部没有。三叉神经节内的标记细胞为圆形、卵圆形或纺锤形,以胞体直径为25~35微米者为最多(42.5%)。实验结果表明,山羊眼球退缩肌的运动神经元主要位于副外展核,感觉神经元定位于三叉神经节。  相似文献   

用辣根过氧化物酶标记法对鸡盲肠传入神经元分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用辣根过氧化物酶逆行法研究鸡盲肠感觉神经元的定位。结果表明,被标记的支配盲肠的初级传入神经元位于T2-LS1和LS8-LS12脊神经节,峰值位于T5,T6,LS9和LS10脊神经节;在颈静脉神经节,结状神经节和脊髓内未见到标记细胞。  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus (PRV) was inoculated intraocularly into BALB/c mice, and the distribution pattern of cells positive for several neurotransmitters and viral antigens in the eyeball, trigeminal nerve ganglia, and superior cervical ganglia was examined immunohistochemically to clarify the neural route of the virus spread. In the eyeball, substance P (SP)- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral iris and ciliary body, neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY)-positive cells were detected in the choloid membrane, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells were detected in the ipsilateral inner nuclear layer of the retina; all these cells contained viral antigens. In the superior cervical ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing TH or NPY were found at bilateral sites. In the trigeminal nerve ganglia, viral antigen-positive cells containing SP or CGRP were found at bilateral sites. These findings indicated that the SP- and CGRP-positive ganglion cells of the trigeminal nerve ganglia innervating the iris or ciliary body, and the NPY-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia innervating the iris, ciliary body, and choroid membrane served as the route for the virus spread. These findings also suggested that dopaminergic neurons, such as the TH-positive retinal cells and TH-positive ganglion cells of the superior cervical ganglia, served as the route for virus spread.  相似文献   

Ten specimens of the head and neck of the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) were dissected to study the situation, arrangement and branches of the cranial cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale craniale). The ganglion was a greyish fusiform structure, averaging 15–20 mm in length, 4–6 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness, located on the rostro-lateral surface of the longus capitis and covered by the mandibular gland. The branches of the cranial cervical ganglion included the internal carotid nerve, external carotid nerve, jugular nerve and the branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossal and first cervical nerves.  相似文献   

The heads of 12 White yaks (four castrated, four male and four female, 3-8 years old) were dissected to study the shape, location and branches of the cranial cervical ganglion macroscopically. The ganglion was a greyish arciform structure, with a mean length of 17.3 mm, a width of 8.0 mm and a thickness of 3.9 mm, located on the rostrolateral surface of m. longus capitis. Approximately 5% of the ganglion was covered laterally by the tympanic bulla and the rest by the m. stylohyoideus. The branches of the cranial cervical ganglion included the internal and external carotid nerves, the sympathetic trunk and communicating branches to the glossopharyngeal nerve, the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nerve. In one specimen, the left cranial cervical ganglion was fusiform and only covered by the m. stylohyoideus. Gender differences of the cranial cervical ganglion in the White yak were not observed.  相似文献   

用原位杂交法研究了10头长白猪(n=5)和梅山猪(n=5)颈前神经节、脊髓颈部和胃内Ob—Rb mRNA的分布定位。实验结果表明,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元位于长白猪和梅山猪颈前神经节、脊髓颈部和胃内。在颈前神经节,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元散在分布,胞体呈圆形或卵圆形。在脊髓颈部,Ob—Rb mRNA标记神经元分布于背侧角和腹侧角,以背侧角分布密集。在胃内,Ob—Rb mRNA标记细胞分布于黏膜层和黏膜下层。长白猪和梅山猪上述结构内Ob—Rb mRNA的分布定位无明显差异。  相似文献   

A study of the origin of the sympathetic postganglionic axons innervating the trachealis muscle of the dog was carried out using horseradish peroxidase as a retrograde neuronal marker. It was demonstrated that this technique is not fruitful in adult dogs, but in 12 puppies demonstrated that these neurons arise from the cervicothoracic, middle cervical and cranial cervical ganglia. Contributions of nucleus ambiguus, nucleus of the vagus nerve and the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve to innervation of the trachealis muscle were also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Intoxication by pods of Prosopis juliflora (mesquite beans) causes an impairment of cranial nerve function in cattle and goats. In goats, vacuolation of neurons in the trigeminal motor nuclei has been reported. To study the lesions in cattle caused by consumption of P. juliflora pods and dry ground pods, eight 6- to 12-month-old male cattle were divided into 4 groups: group 1 was fed a ration containing 50% of pods; groups 2 and 3 received a ration containing 50 and 75% of dry ground pods, respectively; group 4 was the control. After 200 days, all cattle were killed and sampled for histologic evaluation. Samples of the trigeminal motor nucleus were examined by electron microscopy. All cattle from groups 1, 2, and 3 showed clinical signs resulting from impaired function of cranial nerves V, IX, X, and XII, starting 45-75 days after consumption of the plant. The main histologic lesions were vacuolation and loss of neurons in trigeminal motor nuclei and other motor cranial nerve nuclei with Wallerian-like degeneration in the cranial nerves. Mild denervation atrophy was observed in the masseter and other masticatory muscles. On electron microscopy, neurons of the trigeminal nuclei had markedly swollen mitochondria, with the mitochondrial cristae displaced peripherally, disoriented and disintegrating. Intoxication by P. juliflora seems to have a novel pathogenesis, characterized by a selective, primary, chronic, and progressive injury to mitochondria of neurons of the trigeminal and other cranial nerve nuclei. Cranial nerve degeneration and denervation atrophy of the muscles occurs as a consequence of the neuronal lesion.  相似文献   

In this study, the left and right cranial cervical ganglia (ganglion cervicale craniale) of eight young (four male, four female) domestic pigs weighing around 70-80 kg were inspected macro anatomically. The cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) was found cranio-ventrally of the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, medial of the jugular process extremity, ventral of the atlas, dorsal of the epiglottis base and medial of the common root (CR) established by the internal carotid and occipital arteries. The internal carotid nerve and jugular nerve ramified from the cranial part of CCG. The jugular nerve gave branches that merged with the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. Other nerve branches originating from the cranial part of the ganglion reached to the external carotid artery and CR. The internal carotid nerve varied among cadavers in number of branches (two to four). These branches did not travel along the side of the internal carotid artery. The central part of CCG gave thin nerve branches that reached to various anatomical structures including the first and second cervical nerves, wall of the pharynx, accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve, vagus nerve, external carotid artery and CR. The caudal part of CCG gave nerve branches that merged with the vagus, cranial laryngeal nerves, and common carotid artery. The external carotid nerves, which were two or three in number, also originated from the caudal part of CCG. In conclusion, the nerves ramifying from CCG of the pig varied in number among cadavers. Compared with literature raised in other species, there are also differences in number of nerve branches and course pattern of these nerves.  相似文献   

Seven heads and necks of Bactrian camels were dissected to investigate the origin, course, branches anddistribution of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve in the cranial cervical region. The spinal root and external branch of the accessory nerve were not present, but there was a delicate communicating branch between the dorsal root of the first cervical nerve and the root of the vagus nerve. The sternocephalic muscle was innervated by the second cervical nerve while the brachiocephalic and trapezius muscles were supplied by the sixth and seventh cervical nerves. In the head and cranial cervical region of the Bactrian camel the vagus nerve gave oft the auricular branch, pharyngeal branch, cranial laryngeal nerve, a common trunk to the larynx, oesophagus and trachea, and some communicating branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, first cervical nerves and the cranial cervical ganglion.  相似文献   

Aims of the present study were to investigate the distribution and morphology of aquaporin 1-immunoreactive (AQP1-IR) neurons in the sensory ganglia of the sheep. Double immunohistochemical staining was applied to figure out whether substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and galanin are present in AQP1-bearing primary afferent neurons. The expression of AQP1 was present only in trigeminal ganglion, whereas in nodose ganglion, jugular ganglion as well as C(1) -C(7) dorsal root ganglia no presence of AQP1 was found. In trigeminal ganglion, 15.4 ± 2.3% of Hu C/D-IR neurons (pan-neuronal marker) showed the presence of AQP1. The vast majority of AQP1-IR trigeminal sensory neurons (approximately 69.6 ± 3.3%, n = 5) were classified as middle in size, 28.6 ± 3.0% of AQP1-IR neurons were small and only 1.8 ± 0.6% of AQP1-positive neurons were large in size. Amongst the population of AQP1-IR trigeminal neurons as many as 58.5 ± 3.9% were immunopositive to SP, 30.7 ± 2.3% showed the presence of CGRP and 10.9 ± 0.2% coexpressed galanin. In trigeminal ganglion, SP-IR as well as CGRP-IR (but not galanin-IR) nerve fibres were found in close neighbourhood of AQP1-IR neurons. It is concluded that AQP1 is present in certain neuronal subsets of the ovine trigeminal ganglion; however, the exact role of this water channel has to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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