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以CTB-HRP为顺行示踪剂,经微电泳引入鸡一侧古纹状体,追踪其向脑桥和延髓的下行投射。结果观察到双侧的许多核团均有顺行标记终末出现。在脑桥水平,出现于三叉神经运动核簇、面神经运动核簇、三叉神经感觉主核、上橄榄核、蓝斑核以及内、外侧桥核。在延髓内,出现于前庭核簇、耳蜗核簇、孤束核、下橄榄核、小细胞网状核、大细胞网状核、疑核、疑后核、舌下神经核、三叉神经脊核以及背索核(包括楔束外核)。  相似文献   

以CTB-HRP为顺行示踪剂,经微电泳引入鸡一侧古纹状体,追踪其向脑桥和延髓的下行投射。结果观察到双侧的许多核团均有顺行标记终末出现,在及脑桥水平,出现于三叉神经运动核簇,面神经运动核簇、三叉神经感觉主核、上橄榄核、蓝斑核以及内、外侧桥核。在延髓内,出现于前庭核簇、耳蜗核簇、孤束核、下橄榄核、小细胞网状核、大细胞网状核、疑核、疑后核、舌下神经核、三叉神经脊核以及背索核。  相似文献   

为了探明乌鸡中枢神经系统内神经核团的细胞构筑,本试验以8羽泰和乌鸡为研究对象,采用石蜡切片和HE染色技术,在光镜下观察分析乌鸡脑桥内耳蜗神经核、外展神经核及其副核、面神经核、三叉神经感觉主核、三叉神经运动核、蓝斑、蓝斑下核和脑桥中缝核的形态特征。结果表明:乌鸡脑桥的耳蜗神经核也分为耳蜗神经大细胞核、板核、角核3个亚核,核团内神经元以中型为主,耳蜗神经大细胞核相对比较发达,角核核周界不明显;外展神经核吻极与面神经核吻极几乎平行,外展神经副核与外展神经核非常接近,不易分开;面神经中间核不发达;三叉神经运动核没有明显的内、外、腹侧亚核之分;蓝斑细胞排列较密集,细胞多为圆形、椭圆形,以中型细胞为主;蓝斑下核细胞排列松散,核团界限不明显,绝大多数细胞为椭圆形、纺锤形,中型细胞占多数。中缝脑桥核位于脑桥后段中部以下的中缝区,神经元多为三角形、星形和椭圆形,突起很发达,多为巨型细胞。各核团的分布与北京鸭和鸡的大体相似。  相似文献   

30%HRP水溶液注入鸡小脑的Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ叶内,逆行追踪鸡桥核向小脑的投射。结果表明:鸡具有内、外两对桥核、各核均可投向小脑Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ叶,说明鸡虽无明显的脑桥延髓界线,但确实存在脑桥部。与桥核同时出现的标记核团有蓝斑核、前庭上核、三叉神经脊束核极间亚核、网状结构等。  相似文献   

鸡红核和蓝斑核的细胞构筑及其5-HT神经元的分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
光镜下观察鸡脑内红核、蓝斑核细胞构筑及其5-羟色胺神经元分布情况,结果表明:红核没有明显的亚核划分,由大、中、小3种细胞构成;鸡脑内有蓝斑核存在,核团呈横向宽、背腹向扁的板状,位于脑桥前部的室底灰质腹外侧区,被盖背外侧核后方,主要由小型细胞构成。用免疫组织化学SP法的研究结果表明红核和蓝斑核内有5-HT阳性神经元分布,这在禽类属首次提出。  相似文献   

利用SABC免疫组织化学方法,研究神经型一氧化氮合酶(nNOS)阳性神经元在家兔脑干中的分布和衰老变化。结果表明,家兔脑干内分布有丰富的nNOS阳性神经元;阳性神经元主要分布于动眼神经核、红核、脑桥核、三叉神经感觉主核以及脑干的网状结构等;在中央灰质周围、上丘(前丘)浅灰质层、臂旁核、中央上核、舌下神经核、下橄榄核、楔束核等核团也发现一些阳性神经元。对动眼神经核、红核、脑桥核、三叉神经感觉主核和延髓的外侧网状核这5个核团内阳性神经元的数量、胞体平均截面积和最长突起长度在5个年龄组的变化进行了比较。与成年兔相比,仔兔、青年兔阳性神经元的数量、胞体平均截面积和最长突起长度均没有显著性变化(P0.05),但老年兔(36月龄)阳性神经元的数量和最长突起长度都显著减少(P0.05),胞体平均截面积在动眼神经核、脑桥核、三叉神经感觉主核和外侧网状核减小,而在红核则增大(P0.05)。结果提示,脑干内丰富的nNOS阳性神经元,可能通过其生成的NO参与内脏活动、感觉和运动的传导以及睡眠和觉醒等脑的高级整合功能的调节;随着年龄的增长,nNOS阳性神经元的衰老变化会影响NO的合成与释放,从而影响它们在脑干中的正常生理功能。  相似文献   

取健康成鸡(星杂288)10只,经秋水仙素处理,灌流固定后取脑,作冰冻连续切片,ABC法显示,鸡脑强啡肽A1-13(DynA1-13)免疫反应神经元分布于端脑的上纹状体、新纹状体、旧纹状体、外纹状体、海马、旁嗅区和伏隔核;间脑的下丘脑外侧核、丘脑背内侧核后部、丘脑背外侧核后部、室旁核和视前大细胞核等;中脑和延髓的视峡核、中脑外侧核背侧部、峡核、视叶脑室室周灰质、螺旋外侧核、被盖背外侧核、三叉神经中脑核、动眼神经核、中脑中央灰质、前庭核和延髓背侧网状核等。在侧脑室、第三脑室、中脑导水管和视叶脑室的室管膜上有阳性细胞和纤维分布,与脑脊液接触。结果表明,鸡脑DynA1-13阳性神经元分布十分广泛,提示DynA1-13可通过侧脑室、第三脑室、中脑导水管和视叶脑室释放入脑脊液。  相似文献   

肖啸  雷治海 《畜牧与兽医》1994,26(5):196-200
本文用HRP(辣根过氧化物酶)法研究了6只仔猪大脑皮层缘回和外缘回与皮层及皮层下结构的联系,结果如下:(1)将HRP注入缘回后,在双侧大脑半球缘回、外缘回和外薛氏回及同侧大脑半球冠状回、扣带回和梨状叶、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后外侧核、后核群、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞末梢;在丘脑网状核、脑干网状给构、脑桥核、上丘、顶盖前区、壳核和尾状核中出现标记末梢。(2)将HRP注入外缘回后,在双侧大脑半球外缘回、缘回和外薛氏回及同侧压部回、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后核群、后外侧核、腹后核、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞和末梢;在脑干网状结构和脑桥核出现标记末梢。  相似文献   

强啡肽A1—13免疫反应神经元在鸡脑的定位:ABC法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取健康成鸡(星杂288)10只,经秋水仙素处理,灌流固定后取脑,作冰冻连续切片,ABC法显示,鸡脑强啡肽A1-13(DynA1-13)免疫反应神经元分布于端脑的上纹状体,新纹状体、旧纹状体、外纹状体、海马、旁嗅区和伏隔核;间脑的下丘脑外侧核、丘脑背内侧核后部、丘脑背外侧核后部,室旁核和视前大细胞核等;中脑和延髓的视峡核,中脑外侧核背侧部、峡核、视叶脑室室周灰质、螺旋外侧核、被盖背外侧核、三叉神经中  相似文献   

本试验利用免疫组织化学SP法,研究了雌激素受体α在大鼠脑中的表达.结果表明,ER_α免疫反应产物主要定位于神经元细胞核,部分区域出现阳性神经元和阳性突起,在海马CA1、CA2辐射层、齿状回、下托的分子层等出现阳性星形胶质细胞;ER_α在脑中表达广泛,免疫反应产物在端脑的隔外侧核、海马锥体细胞层、大脑皮质等,间脑的缰内侧核、下丘脑室旁核、弓状核、视上核等,中脑的动眼神经核,脑桥的脑桥核外侧部等为高密度;在端脑的尾壳核、杏仁中央核、海马CA4区,间脑的下丘脑室周核、缰外侧核等,中脑的黑质致密带,脑桥的脑桥被盖核等为较高密度;在问脑的视前室周核、丘脑后核、中脑的红核、脑桥的脑桥被盖网状核等为中等密度;在端脑的苍白球,间脑的无名质,无免疫反应产物出现.结果显示,雌激素在调节脑的认知和生殖内分泌过程中,ER_α可能起主要作用;雌激素可通过ER_α调节星形胶质细胞功能.  相似文献   

In this study, the spinal nerves that constitute the lumbosacral plexus (plexus lumbosacrales) (LSP) and its distribution in Chinchilla lanigera were investigated. Ten chinchillas (6 males and 4 females) were used in this research. The spinal nerves that constitute the LSP were dissected and the distribution of pelvic limb nerves originating from the plexus was examined. The iliohypogastric nerve arose from L1 and L2, giving rise to the cranial and caudal nerves, and the ilioinguinal nerve arose from L3. The other branch of L3 gave rise to the genitofemoral nerve and 1 branch from L4 gave rise to the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve. The trunk formed by the union of L4-5 divided into medial (femoral nerve) and lateral branches (obturator nerve). It was found that the LSP was formed by all the ventral branches of L4 at L6 and S1 at S3. At the caudal part of the plexus, a thick branch, the ischiadic plexus, was formed by contributions from L5-6 and S1. This root gave rise to the nerve branches which were disseminated to the posterior limb (cranial and caudal gluteal nerves, caudal cutaneous femoral nerve and ischiadic nerve). The ischiadic nerve divided into the caudal cutaneous surae, lateral cutaneous surae, common fibular and tibial nerve. The pudendal nerve arose from S1-2 and the other branch of S2 and S3 formed the rectal caudal nerve. The results showed that the origins and distribution of spinal nerves that constitute the LSP of chinchillas were similar to those of a few rodents and other mammals.  相似文献   

Intoxication by pods of Prosopis juliflora (mesquite beans) causes an impairment of cranial nerve function in cattle and goats. In goats, vacuolation of neurons in the trigeminal motor nuclei has been reported. To study the lesions in cattle caused by consumption of P. juliflora pods and dry ground pods, eight 6- to 12-month-old male cattle were divided into 4 groups: group 1 was fed a ration containing 50% of pods; groups 2 and 3 received a ration containing 50 and 75% of dry ground pods, respectively; group 4 was the control. After 200 days, all cattle were killed and sampled for histologic evaluation. Samples of the trigeminal motor nucleus were examined by electron microscopy. All cattle from groups 1, 2, and 3 showed clinical signs resulting from impaired function of cranial nerves V, IX, X, and XII, starting 45-75 days after consumption of the plant. The main histologic lesions were vacuolation and loss of neurons in trigeminal motor nuclei and other motor cranial nerve nuclei with Wallerian-like degeneration in the cranial nerves. Mild denervation atrophy was observed in the masseter and other masticatory muscles. On electron microscopy, neurons of the trigeminal nuclei had markedly swollen mitochondria, with the mitochondrial cristae displaced peripherally, disoriented and disintegrating. Intoxication by P. juliflora seems to have a novel pathogenesis, characterized by a selective, primary, chronic, and progressive injury to mitochondria of neurons of the trigeminal and other cranial nerve nuclei. Cranial nerve degeneration and denervation atrophy of the muscles occurs as a consequence of the neuronal lesion.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old male Husky dog developed atrophy of the right masseter muscle and pruritis of the right side of the face. A myogenic origin was excluded using muscular biopsy. Electrophysiologically, there was involvement of the motor and sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve, suggesting a lesion located between the brainstem and the trigeminal ganglion. On MRI examination, a nodular mass was detected in the right caudal fossa. This mass was characterized by intense enhancement after injection of contrast medium. Because of the progressive clinical signs, electrophysiology, and MRI results, a presumptive diagnosis of a trigeminal nerve schwannoma was made. The animal's condition improved slightly with corticosteroids. The dog underwent euthanasia 3 months after initial presentation. Necropsy was not performed.  相似文献   

本文用HRP法研究了鸡胃的副交感节前神经元和感觉神经元的定位,结果如下:1.将HRP注入腺胃左侧壁后,标记的感觉神经元位于双侧颈静脉神经节和运神经节,以颈静脉神经节占优势(63.2%);标记的运动神经元位于双侧走神经背侧运动核的大细胞亚核后部、中间小细胞亚核和腹侧小细胞亚核前部,在多形细胞亚核及疑核内也出现少数标记细胞。2.将HRP注入肌胃左侧壁后,标记感觉神经元位于双侧大细胞亚核、多形细胞亚核和  相似文献   

A young dog was presented with rapidly progressive, unilateral, exophthalmos. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the retrobulbar mass resulted in a diagnosis of fibrosarcoma. Magnetic resonance imagery revealed tumor invasion into the brain, and palliative therapy was elected. The dog was euthanized 4 weeks following diagnosis due to progressive neurological signs. The final diagnosis was neurofibrosarcoma involving the pons, brainstem, left orbit and left trigeminal nerve.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To (1) describe a caudal approach to equine medial and lateral femorotibial (FT) joints and (2) illustrate the complex anatomic detail of the caudal compartments of the lateral FT joint. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective experimental study. ANIMALS: Cadaveric equine hindlimbs (n = 36; 26 horses) and 6 horses (11 hind limbs). METHODS: Stifles (n = 8) were dissected and 10 FT joints were injected with silicone. Arthroscopic exploration (n = 29) was performed, followed by dissection to determine sites and structures penetrated during entry. RESULTS: A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the medial FT improved anatomic observation. A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint occasionally caused damage to the common peroneal nerve; however, after reverting to the previously described approach, damage was avoided. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopy of the caudal pouch of the medial FT joint was facilitated using a more caudomedial approach, which improved observation of intrasynovial structures, most importantly, the caudal cruciate ligament and caudal horn of the medial meniscus. A more caudal approach to the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint cannot be safely performed without risk to the common peroneal nerve and therefore the standard caudal approach is described in detail. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A caudomedial arthroscopic approach allows improved surgical assessment of meniscal or caudal cruciate ligament injury. Care should be exercised when exploring the caudal pouch of the lateral FT joint because the common peroneal nerve is variably located and could easily be damaged during arthroscope or instrument insertion, especially if the limb is minimally flexed.  相似文献   

The distribution of muscle fiber types in rostral and caudal portions of the musculus digastricus (digastric muscle) was studied in 6 dogs. Staining procedures which stain specifically for type IIM fibers, a fiber type found in other muscles supplied by the trigeminal nerve, were used. Rostral and caudal portions of the muscle were compared because the rostral portion is innervated by the trigeminal nerve, and the caudal portion is innervated by the facial nerve. The musculus triceps brachii (triceps muscle), which contains fiber types I and IIA, and the musculus masseter (masseter muscle), which contains type IIM, were used as controls. Mean fiber diameters were calculated for each of the muscles. Both portions of the digastric muscle exhibited the same histochemical behavior, possessing types I and IIA myofibers. Neither portion contained type IIM fibers. Type I fibers in the masseter muscle were histochemically different from type I fibers in the other muscles studied. Type II fibers predominated in all 3 muscles, but there were significantly (P less than 0.001) more type I fibers in the triceps muscle than in either portion of the digastric muscle or in the masseter muscle. Type II fibers were significantly larger than type I fibers in the caudal digastric (P less than 0.01) and masseter (P less than 0.05) muscles. There was no difference in the size of type I or type II fibers between any of the muscles studied (P greater than 0.20).  相似文献   

The spinal nerve root origins of the cutaneous nerves innervating the canine pelvic limb were determined in 12 barbiturate-anesthetized, healthy dogs by stimulating the dorsal roots L1-S3 and recording the evoked-action potentials from each cutaneous nerve. The dogs were then euthanatized, identification of each dorsal root and cutaneous nerve was verified by dissection, and the type of lumbosacral plexus (prefixed, median fixed, or postfixed) was determined. With one exception, the dorsal cutaneous branches and lateral cutaneous branches of L1-L3 originated only from their corresponding spinal nerve roots. The genitofemoral nerve received afferent fibers predominantly from L3-L4 nerve roots. The lateral cutaneous femoral nerve originated from L3-L5 nerve roots, and the saphenous nerve from L4-L6 nerve roots. The proximal caudal cutaneous sural nerve originated from L6-S1. The lateral cutaneous sural nerve originated from L5-S1; the deep and superficial fibular nerves arose primarily from L6-L7. The distal caudal cutaneous sural nerve originated predominantly from L7-S1, and the medial cutaneous tarsal nerve originated from L6-S1. The medial plantar nerve originated predominantly from L6-S1 roots, whereas the lateral plantar nerve originated from L6-S2 roots. The middle clunial nerve received afferent fibers primarily from S1-S2; the caudal clunial nerve received fibers from S1-S3. The caudal cutaneous femoral nerve originated predominantly from L7-S2. The dorsal nerve of the penis originated predominantly from S1-S2, and the superficial perineal nerve originated from S1-S3. One dog had a prefixed plexus, 8 dogs had median-fixed plexuses, and 1 dog had a postfixed plexus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The area of skin supplied by the afferent fibers in a peripheral nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) of that nerve. The CA responsive to movement of wool or hair in the genital regions were mapped in 17 ewes, with the identifications of the peripheral nerves and of the spinal nerves contributing to the pudendal plexus being checked at necropsy. Differences were found in the origins and extent of CA of the cutaneous branches from the sacral plexus. The CA of the caudal rectal nerves and of a nerve that passed caudally between the caudal vertebrae and the ventral sacrococcygeus muscle lay lateral to the anus and in the adjacent skin of the tail. The CA of the proximal cutaneous branch and of the distal cutaneous branch from the pudendal nerve (or plexus) overlapped craniocaudally (by approx one-half) the CA of the distal cutaneous branch extending ventrally and ending just caudal to the ipsilateral mammary gland. The deep perineal nerve innervated the skin immediately lateral to the anus and vulva. The dorsal nerve of the clitoris innervated hairs on the ipsilateral half of the vulva. Other fibers in the pudendal nerve were presumed to pass into the mammary branch of the nerve. They innervated the skin ventral to the vulva, the ipsilateral mammary gland, and (in some ewes) areas of the skin cranial to the mammary gland. The CA of the genitofemoral nerve included the ipsilateral teat and the inguinal fossa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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