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为了评估右美托咪啶与舒泰(替来他明和唑拉西泮合剂)对虎的麻醉效果,17只虎(4只孟加拉虎、4只华南虎和9只东北虎)按0.025~0.038 ml/kg的剂量肌肉注射进行麻醉,最终以阿替美唑进行苏醒,分别对诱导、麻醉及苏醒效果进行观察和评分。右美托咪啶和舒泰联合用药对虎的诱导期为(12.24±4.56)min,侧卧姿势进入麻醉期,平均诱导效果判定为1(极好),麻醉期间体温为(39.4±0.95)℃,较正常体温高;呼吸频率为(7.50±2.56)次/min,下降极显著,血氧饱和度为(87.32±8.43)%,与麻醉前相差不大。平均麻醉效果判定为4~5(中度麻醉至外科麻醉水平),静脉注射颉颃药阿替美唑后,苏醒时间(8.31±3.87)min,平均麻醉效果为2~3(一般,好),苏醒过程中所有虎出现较明显的共济失调或不协调的现象,苏醒后6 d内未见神经症状及其他副作用。右美托咪啶与舒泰联合用药对健康的虎是一种有效的麻醉药物,但苏醒过程中可能出现共济失调现象。  相似文献   

白虎( P.t.tigris(white))是孟加拉虎的白色变种,数量极为稀少,有很高的观赏价值,是动物园主要的展示虎种之一。舒泰(Zoletil)是动物上应用较为广泛的一种麻醉药品,以安全、高效的特点在宠物麻醉上大量使用,但在野生动物上应用较少,在虎的麻醉上更是少有。笔者尝试用舒泰麻醉白虎一例,出现苏醒缓慢、肝功损害及麻醉4 d后突发共济失调等较为严重的不良反应,特报道以供同行参考。  相似文献   

将25只犬随机均分为单纯舒泰麻醉组、1/3舒泰复合针刺麻醉组、1/2舒泰复合针刺麻醉组、2/3舒泰复合针刺麻醉组和空白组5组,再对前4组麻醉后行腹部切皮术,对试验过程中的7个时间点采血离心取血浆做免疫酶联吸附(ELISA)试验,以测定各时间点儿茶酚胺(CA)和阿片肽(OP)的含量,将针药复合组结果与单纯舒泰组及空白组做对照。结果显示,针药组中虽然复合的舒泰用量不同,但均能达到麻醉的效果,以复合1/3用量效果最佳,且在针刺过程中OP浓度显著高于未加针刺时的浓度,且CA浓度也随OP浓度的升高而降低或保持在较低水平;舒泰组在给予舒泰进入麻醉之后,CA浓度不再变化,而苏醒时,CA浓度显著升高,在整个过程中OP浓度并无明显变化;空白组的CA浓度先升高后降低,而OP浓度无明显变化。结果表明,针剌可以减少麻醉用药量,并能有效提高机体体内的OP水平,从而起到调节应激激素-CA的作用,且在针药复合麻醉组在术中术后,生理参数、动物情绪明显比单纯用药时稳定。  相似文献   

徐春忠  段俊堂  姜传坤  吴昆  张琴 《野生动物》2013,34(1):14-15,56
为观察舒泰对大食蚁兽的麻醉效果,对2只大食蚁兽用舒泰进行了4次麻醉试验,在麻醉过程中用Cardell兽用监护仪对食蚁兽的呼吸系统、循环系统采取无损伤连续动态监测,同时监测和记录麻醉过程中大食蚁兽的生命体征变化和不同时段的生物反射以及镇静、镇痛、肌松效果。结果表明舒泰用量在2~2.5 mg/kg体重时对大食蚁兽安全、有效,麻醉效果确实。肌肉注射舒泰后诱导期为2~5 min,麻醉期16~35 min,恢复期142~280 min。结论:舒泰麻醉大食蚁兽其诱导期平稳、迅速,无兴奋表现,有较好的镇痛、麻醉、肌松作用,效果确实,且苏醒平稳、安全范围大,是适合于大食蚁兽全身麻醉、保定的理想药物,为国内大食蚁兽的麻醉提供参考。  相似文献   

为了探讨舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ对绵羊进行复合麻醉的麻醉效果,试验以绵羊为试验动物,按体重1 mg/kg静脉注射舒泰同时按体重0.5,1,2 mg/kg肌肉注射速眠新Ⅱ,记录试验绵羊麻醉前后呼吸频率、心率、体温、血氧饱和度及诱导、镇痛、麻醉时长,对麻醉效果进行观察,并进行临床应用试验。结果表明:按照舒泰1 mg/kg静脉注射、速眠新Ⅱ1 mg/kg肌肉注射的剂量进行麻醉时,可以达到(52.67±1.53) min的完全麻醉时间,说明舒泰与速眠新Ⅱ复合应用于绵羊麻醉效果良好,可以应用于临床。  相似文献   

为完成马全身麻醉下的去势手术,使用舒泰复合陆眠灵对5匹马进行全身麻醉:2.2 mg/kg舒泰+1 mg/kg陆眠灵,静脉注射。麻醉诱导期1~3 min,麻醉过程平稳,麻醉时长约60 min,术中痛感小、无挣扎,术后2~3周均痊愈。  相似文献   

为了探究舒泰50麻醉对家兔相关生理生化指标影响及家兔血流动力学变化机制,试验取12只健康家兔,按体重肌肉注射0.1 mL/kg舒泰50,建立舒泰50麻醉模型,并记录家兔麻醉相关时间(诱导、维持、苏醒和总麻醉时间).对舒泰50麻醉前(0分钟)、麻醉后5,10,15,20分钟及苏醒后10分钟的收缩压(SAP)、舒张压(DA...  相似文献   

为探讨舒泰联合盐酸右美托咪定对妊娠期梅山猪实施子宫卵巢全摘除术的麻醉效果,对6头8~10月龄妊娠60d梅山猪肌肉注射麻醉药(麻醉剂量为5mg/kg舒泰和3.3μg/kg盐酸右美托咪定)观察麻醉效果和安全性。结果显示,联合用药麻醉妊娠期梅山猪的诱导期为(2.4±0.7)(1.9~3.7)min,麻醉维持期为(76.0±8.9)(62.5~86.3)min;苏醒期为(92.7±17.9)(60.5~113.8)min。麻醉过程中梅山猪出现体温降低、心率下降、呼吸频率升高、血氧分压降低,但均可自行耐过且无明显不良反应。联合用药麻醉能维持40~55min完全镇痛、肌松期。这表明舒泰与盐酸右美托咪定联合用药对妊娠期梅山猪镇痛、镇静、肌松效果良好,完全能够满足猪子宫卵巢全摘除术等常规实验手术的麻醉需要。  相似文献   

华南虎剖腹产手术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雄森熊虎山庄虎繁殖基地的 2只母华南虎在繁殖期出现难产后 ,对母虎麻醉手术切开腹下正中线 ,每只母虎各取出休克的胎儿 4只 ,对休克的 8只仔虎进行急救约 2h ,其中 1 998年 5号华南虎剖腹产取出胎儿 4只 ,仅救活 2只仔虎 ;1 999年 3号华南虎剖腹产取出胎儿 4只 ,2只成活。由于母虎难产时间达 1 1h ,再加上母虎全身麻醉 ,其麻药影响胎儿 ,所以 ,剖腹产术取出的仔虎各成活 5 0 %。对华南虎剖腹产切开腹下正中线上的手术未见有关资料报道 ,现将其过程报告如下 :1 母虎临产表现两只华南虎分娩的临床表现大致相同。其临产前不吃食 ,仅饮水 ,…  相似文献   

为了比较舒泰与右美托咪定或丙泊酚复合对新西兰兔麻醉效果,将12只健康成年新西兰兔分为2组,每组6只,其中舒泰右美组静脉注射舒泰50(15 mg/kg)和盐酸右美托咪定(0.02 mg/kg),舒泰丙泊酚组静脉注射舒泰50(15 mg/kg)和丙泊酚(6 mg/kg),对2种麻醉方案进行麻醉指标、生理生化指标监测。结果显示:麻醉时期,舒泰右美组诱导期(2.6±0.4)min,麻醉期(31.2±5.2)min,苏醒期(8.5±2.6)min;舒泰丙泊酚组诱导期(3.6±2.24)min,麻醉期(50±5.48)min,苏醒期(3.8±1.31)min。镇静镇痛肌松效果显示,麻醉中舒泰右美组好于舒泰丙泊酚组。舒泰右美组体温、心率下降明显,舒泰丙泊酚组呼吸抑制明显;2组肝功能指标无显著变化、肾功能指标有一定影响。结果表明,舒泰右美复合方案麻醉诱导期短,对新西兰兔体温和心率有抑制作用,对肾功能有一定影响;舒泰丙泊酚复合方案麻醉期长,呼吸抑制明显,对肾功能影响较小。2种方案麻醉效果良好,均可用于兔的麻醉。  相似文献   

为了探索速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂对比格犬的麻醉效果,选用健康比格犬20只,用速眠新Ⅱ(0.6mg/kg)与舒泰(0.75mg/kg)混合肌注诱导麻醉,30min后给予该混合制剂静脉维持麻醉(每小时速眠新Ⅱ0.2mg/kg,舒泰0.3mg/kg),随麻醉时间延长逐渐减量。结果显示,速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂,诱导麻醉迅速,维持麻醉效果安全、稳定,镇痛及肌松等效果良好,麻醉期间能保证动物的正常心肺功能。试验表明该复合麻醉剂是一种理想的麻醉剂,能满足各种外科手术操作需求。  相似文献   

The effects of prolonging romifidine/ketamine anaesthesia in horses with a second injection of ketamine alone or both romifidine/ketamine compared with only induction injection of romifidine and tiletamine/zolazepam were studied in 6 horses anaesthetised in lateral recumbency on 3 random occasions. All horses were sedated with romifidine 0.1 mg/kg bwt iv and, on 2 occasions, anaesthesia was induced by iv injection of ketamine 2.2 mg/kg bwt. To prolong the ketamine-induced anaesthesia, either ketamine (I.1 mg/kg bwt iv) or ketamine and romifidine (I.1 mg/kg bwt and 0.04 mg/kg bwt iv, respectively) were given 18–20 min after the start of the ketamine injection for induction. On the third occasion, anaesthesia was induced by iv injection of 1.4 mg/kg bwt Zoletil (0.7 mg/kg bwt tiletamhe + 0.7 mg/kg bwt zolazepam). No statistically significant differences in the measured cardiorespiratory function were found between the 3 groups. Heart rate was decreased significantly after sedation but increased during anaesthesia. Arterial blood pressure increased after sedation and remained high during anaesthesia. A significant decrease in arterial oxygen tension was observed in all groups during anaesthesia. The muscle relaxation induced by romifidine was, in most cases, not sufficient to abolish the catalepsy following a repeated injection of ketamine alone. Zoletil or a repeated injection of ketaminehornifidine resulted in smoother anaesthesia. When additional time is required to complete surgery during field anaesthesia, it is advisable to prolong romifidine/ketamine anaesthesia with an injection of both romifidine and ketamine in healthy horses. When a longer procedure is anticipated from the start Zoletil is an alternative for induction of anaesthesia. The mean time to response to noxious stimuli and mean time spent in lateral recumbency was 28 and 38 min for the anaesthesia prolonged with ketamine, 3.5 and 43 rnin for the anaesthesia prolonged with ketaminehornifidine and 33 and 45 min for the anaesthesia with Zoletil. All horses reached a standing position at the first attempt.  相似文献   

将舒眠宁应用于猫,观察其麻醉诱导时间、维持麻醉时间、苏醒时间、各项生理参数及麻醉效果。给猫肌注舒眠宁0.08 mL/kg后,诱导、维持麻醉、苏醒时间分别为(3.8±0.3)m in,(59±16)m in和(16±13)m in,对各项生理参数影响不明显。在拟进行绝育或去势术的猫静注舒眠宁0.04 mL/kg后,诱导、维持麻醉、苏醒时间分别为(30±5)s、(30±16)m in和(20±12)m in,所监测的生理参数均在正常范围内。将舒眠宁和舒泰分别以0.08 mL/kg和10 mg/kg给猫肌注后,舒泰组出现眼球震颤,舌、头部不自主运动,开口困难、大量流涎等副作用,舒眠宁组则无明显副作用;舒泰比舒眠宁对猫的心率影响大;舒眠宁的肌松效果好于舒泰。  相似文献   

犬使用舒泰期间体温降低程度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏巍 《吉林畜牧兽医》2010,31(6):13-14,18
目的:统计犬使用舒泰(Zoletil)期间体温降低的程度。方法:在22~25℃环境中,使用舒泰(按照10mg/kg的剂量)对犬实施麻醉,并用监护仪测量,从给药前10min至犬苏醒后,体温恢复至38℃期间的直肠内温度,设立未注射舒泰的对照组进行对比。结果:通过spss17.0对每只犬麻醉前正常体温与麻醉期间的最低体温进行分析,得出犬使用舒泰期间体温降低1.126~1.734℃。结论:临床上如果对其他导致犬体温降低的因素采取措施,则可避免低体温的发生。  相似文献   

崔多英  杨静  卢岩  李俊祥  张桂军 《野生动物》2012,33(6):320-322,341
2005—2011年,持续对北京动物园的3只圈养东北虎进行了医疗管理训练,相继完成串笼、体尺体重测量、后肢力量增强、肌肉注射、尾部采血、尿液收集、口腔及牙齿检查、修剪前爪等训练项目。通过训练,减少了日常饲养管理中动物对环境改变和人类干扰的应激反应;以往需要麻醉动物才能进行的肌肉注射、采血、口腔及牙齿检查和修爪等操作,现在可以引导动物在放松状态下主动完成,去除了麻醉对动物造成的伤害。圈养野生动物医疗管理训练不同于驯兽表演,是提高动物福利的有效手段。  相似文献   

Radiographs of the stifles of 6 species of 34 large, non-domestic cats were reviewed foremost for the presence of meniscal ossicles and then for the presence of the other potential four sesamoids. The animals in the review included 12 lions, 7 tigers, 7 cougars, 3 leopards, 3 bobcats, and 2 jaguars. Fluoroscopy, arthrography, computed tomography, necropsy, and histology were also used to evaluate the stifles of one tiger after euthanasia. Ossicles were found in the region of the cranial horn of the medial meniscus in most of the lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars. These ossicles were found in half of the cougars but in none of the bobcats. Among the large, non-domestic cats, meniscal ossicles had been reported previously only in Bengal tigers. The lions, tigers, and leopards having meniscal ossicles appeared to have a lateral but often not a medial fabella of the gastrocnemius muscle, an observation previously unreported. Popliteal sesamoids and patellas were present in all the skeletally mature cats.  相似文献   

由于南方雨水较多,气候温暖潮湿,细菌相对活跃,诱发韶关2只华南虎(Panthera tigris amoyensis)皮肤感染。2013年2月23日,发现506号雄性华南虎臀部两侧及后腿内侧成片(块状)脱毛和断毛,脱毛部位皮肤较红,湿疹状,初诊为细菌性感染。8月18日,发现470号雄性华南虎行走艰难,后脚趾间溃烂发炎,初诊为真菌感染。作者针对2例皮肤感染病症,采取口服和外用广谱消炎杀菌药物,加强虎舍杀菌消毒等治疗和卫生措施,使患虎3 d内病情得到有效控制,10 d后病情基本痊愈,30 d后皮毛恢复正常。此外,本文还对患虎致病原因进行了分析研究,并提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

An outbreak of dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum canis occurred in tigers (Panthera tigris) at an exotic felid sanctuary in 2003. In an attempt to find an effective, practical, safe, and affordable method for controlling this epizootic, a clinical treatment trial was conducted. Nonalopecic tigers were studied to address the inapparent carrier state observed at the facility. The efficacy of three topical and environmental treatment combinations of a 2% lime sulfur solution and a peroxide-based cleaner were evaluated in nonalopecic, culture-positive tigers (n = 18) housed in four separate enclosures. Lime sulfur solution was applied topically to all of these animals. As a control, nonalopecic but culture-positive tigers (n = 6) housed in two other enclosures were not treated. Environmental treatments included lime sulfur solution (n = 1), a peroxide-based cleaner (n = 1), and no treatment (n = 2). All solutions were applied at 2-wk intervals for seven treatments. The 2% lime sulfur solution treatments were unsuccessful in resolving infections in most tigers. Lime sulfur was effective in suppressing environmental fungal growth immediately posttreatment, whereas the peroxide-based cleaner was not effective. A follow-up survey of all study tigers and their enclosures was conducted 2 yr later, at which time 22 of 24 tigers (92%) had attained resolution, defined as two sequential negative hair cultures. Review of the culture results during the clinical trial and follow-up study suggests that nonalopecic dermatophytosis in tigers that are housed outdoors may not warrant aggressive individual or environmental treatment, as the infection may clear with time.  相似文献   

To determine the accuracy of Doppler blood pressure measurement in anaesthetised pigs eight large white pigs (Sus scrofa) were anaesthetised with zolazepam and tiletamine as Zoletil 100 (4 mg/kg) and xylazine (2 mg/kg) by intramuscular injection followed by isoflurane in 100% oxygen. Blood pressure measurements were recorded using a Doppler probe on the radial artery and a catheter in the femoral artery connected to a transducer. The sample mean of the Doppler measurements were compared with the sample mean of the invasive systolic arterial blood pressure while accounting for the heart rate, end-tidal CO2 and temperature. The predicted error of the Doppler was greatest when pigs were hypotensive and normothermic: 11 mmHg (CI: 6–15). Doppler measurements should be interpreted with caution in anaesthetised pigs that are hypotensive and normothermic.  相似文献   

The majority of wild Sumatran tigers are believed to live in 12 Tiger Conservation Landscapes covering approximately 88 000 km2. However, the actual distribution of tigers across Sumatra has never been accurately mapped. Over the past 20 years, conservation efforts focused on the Sumatran tigers have increased, but the population continues to decline as a result of several key threats. To identify the status of the Sumatran tiger distribution across the island, an island-wide questionnaire survey comprised of 35 respondents from various backgrounds was conducted between May and June 2010. The survey found that Sumatran tigers are positively present in 27 habitat patches larger than 250 km2 and possibly present in another 2. In addition, a review on major published studies on the Sumatran tiger was conducted to identify the current conservation status of the Sumatran tiger. Collectively, these studies have identified several key factors that have contributed to the decline of Sumatran tiger populations, including: forest habitat fragmentation and loss, direct killing of tigers and their prey, and the retaliatory killing of tigers due to conflict with villagers. The present paper provides management authorities and the international community with a recent assessment and a base map of the actual distribution of Sumatran tigers as well as a general overview on the current status and possible future conservation challenges of Sumatran tiger management.  相似文献   

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