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近年来,我国农业不断发展,为了提高农作物产量,大量使用农药和化肥,在污染环境的同时破坏了土壤结构,不利于土地资源的可持续利用。减少化肥使用量、提高肥料利用率,成为促进玉米绿色生产、保护生态环境的重要措施。基于此,以高原玉米为研究对象,以玉米养分需求法、高效品种营养潜力、化肥有机替代技术为研究对象,对玉米栽培化肥减量增效技术模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

化肥减量增效技术及其农学、生态环境效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
化肥减量增效是国际社会的普遍共识,化肥是国家粮食生产的重要支撑,但农业生产的盲目性导致化肥滥用,对作物、生态环境产生负面影响,不利于农业健康持续发展。当前,我国化肥减量增效以“精、调、改、替”为技术路径,推广绿色生产方式。对化肥减量增效技术进行了归纳,并总结了减量增效后的农学、生态环境效应。化肥减量增效有利于改良培肥土壤,提升土壤生物多样性和土壤健康,在保障作物产量、改善农产品品质的同时,对农业面源污染控制、氨及温室气体减排也有积极作用。未来我国在充分借鉴发达国家环境友好型农业的基础上,应当坚持发展因地制宜、技术创新、政策惠民的现代农业,建立化肥减量增效的长效机制和规范  相似文献   

农业生产投入品和农村生活垃圾造成农村水质普遍明显下降;化肥、农药、地膜等的大量投入,恶化了农业环境;生活垃圾、畜禽粪便、工业污物的随意弃置或大量堆积,给农村水土造成深度污染;人类活动的不断加剧,使生物多样性受到严重挤压。本文针对亟待改善农业农村环境与持续提高农业生产能力和农民生活水平的矛盾,提出推进农业农村生态化发展的途径和措施。  相似文献   

阐述了武汉黄陂区农作物生产过程中农药化肥减量工作,通过15个街、乡的实践探索,让农民学习减少化肥农药的使用量,做到减量不减产;实施精准施肥化肥测土配方施肥技术,鼓励有机肥资源综合利用,实行有机肥与无机肥相结合,依托新型农业经济主体和专业化服务组织,集中连片调整施肥结构提高肥效,使农药化肥使用量逐年有所下降,达到减肥减药及提质增效的目的,提出了黄陂区农药化肥减量工作发展的新思路。  相似文献   

我国农业生产中化肥过量施用问题较为普遍,肥料利用率不高、资源浪费、环境污染等问题时有发生。“十三五”期间国家开展了化肥减量增效行动计划,取得了积极成效,在生产层面实现了化肥消费总量负增长,但化肥绿色增效的基础理论研究与技术创新不足,推广应用覆盖面不够,政策法规仍有待完善。当前我国化肥减量增效工作步入了全面攻坚期,本文调查分析了国际化肥减量增效的经验,总结了我国前期化肥减量增效工作取得的成效和存在问题,结合我国具体国情农情,以“精准、高效、绿色、智能”为指导原则,提出了新阶段全面推进化肥减量增效的战略导向和具体举措建议,为保障国家粮食安全和生态环境安全提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

化肥农药减施是实现茶叶产品质量安全、农业生态环境保护相协调可持续发展的重要路径。分析重庆主产茶区化肥农药使用现状,提出实现重庆茶区化肥农药减施增效的4条对策,即:开展化肥农药减施增效相关技术及装备研究,优化集成化肥农药减施增效技术模式,建立相应标准化技术体系,开展培训与示范推广等。  相似文献   

当归是甘肃道地大宗中药材,化肥和农药作为当归生产的主要投入品,过量施用直接影响当归的产量和品质,同时造成产地环境污染和耕地质量下降等问题。经过试验研究和生产示范,按照化肥农药减施增效目标,从范围、规范性引用文件、术语和定义、产地环境、化肥减施、种苗移栽、田间管理、主要病虫害防控、采收等方面总结提出了当归化肥农药减施增效栽培技术规程,以更好地指导当归生产。  相似文献   

过量或不合理地使用化肥不仅会增加农业生产成本,造成土壤养分失衡,而且带来环境污染。为了响应农业部提出的"到2020年化肥、农药使用量零增长行动",探讨化肥减量增效优质技术措施,针对眉县猕猴桃产业生产,通过生物有机肥和化肥配合施用,减少化肥用量,提高化肥利用率,确保猕猴桃高产稳产优质,为眉县猕猴桃科学施肥提供技术参考。  相似文献   

我国农业面源污染治理技术研究进展   总被引:66,自引:4,他引:62  
随着我国经济社会的进一步发展,农业面源污染已经成为造成我国环境污染尤其是水环境污染的主要因素,农业面源污染治理技术的研究也越来越得到政府和科技工作者的重视。本文重点介绍了当前我国农业面源污染的状况、农业面源污染的成因及特征,并从农村生活污水的治理技术、农村生活垃圾的处理处置技术、农田径流生态拦截技术以及包括化肥减量化技术和农药减量化与残留控制技术为主的农业化学品减量使用技术等方面介绍了我国农业面源污染治理研究的发展现状,提出未来我国农业面源污染治理的系统控制思想和相关技术研究的趋势,包括系统控制与区域治理结合、技术研发与工程示范结合、面源污染控制与管理结合及建立健全国家级农业面源污染监测评价与预警体系等。  相似文献   

由于农用化学品的过度施用,中国农业的可持续发展面临一系列资源环境问题,政府通过合理的政策措施以促进农用化学品减量,应该成为农业可持续发展的主要目标之一。基于此,该研究以高标准农田建设政策的实施为切入点,运用双重差分法(Differences-in-Differences,DID)方法,基于长江中下游3个粮食主产省湖北、湖南和江苏282个县域2007-2017年的面板数据,分析了高标准农田建设政策对农业化肥减量的影响及其作用机制。结果发现:1)基础回归分析表明,高标准农田建设政策实施后化肥施用总量减少了5.1%;2)影响路径分析表明,高标准农田建设通过提升产粮大县的机械化和粮食作物种植专业化水平实现对化肥施用量的削减效应。机械化水平的提升扩大了粮食作物种植专业化水平对化肥减量效应,进而增强了高标准农田建设政策的化肥减量作用;3)异质性分析结果表明,高标准农田建设政策对平原和丘陵县、中部县域以及中高化肥施用强度地区的化肥减量有更显著的影响。因此未来各区域要继续大力推进高标准农田建设,充分发挥高标准农田建设在化肥减量和减污降碳的有效作用。同时,在高标准农田建设中,大力推进农业机械化发展水平和作物种植专业化水平可成为产粮大县兼顾发展农业和生态保护的统筹之策。  相似文献   

Sustainability of agriculture became a major issue of global concern during this decade. Agronomic practices aimed at reducing the dependence on inputs such as chemical fertilizers can contribute to sustainability. Nitrogen (N) is the most limiting and commonly applied nutrient for crop production. The development of nutrient-responsive cultivars especially during the past three decades led to an intensive use of N fertilizers in many agricultural systems. Environmental and economic issues associated with such practices have, however, generated an interest in alternative management systems. These include practices such as exploitation of beneficial biological functions (symbiotic nitrogen fixation, etc.) and substitution of chemical fertilizers with farm-generated products.  相似文献   

化肥农药减施增效可助力党参产业绿色健康发展。为更好地指导甘肃省党参种植生产中化肥和农药施用,针对党参种植生产中化肥农药过量施用、养分利用率低、防控过度依赖化学农药等问题,经过多年试验研究和生产示范,从范围、规范性引用文件、术语和定义、产地环境、化肥减施、种苗移栽、田间管理、主要病虫害防控、采收等方面总结提出了党参化肥农药减施增效栽培技术规程。  相似文献   

无公害水稻高产栽培配套技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验示范结果表明水稻无公害生产示范区实施作物健壮栽培、施用农家肥和水稻专用生物有机肥 ,应用无公害农药和农业措施 ,必要时限量使用高效、低毒和低残留化学农药防治病虫草等高产栽培配套技术 ,可减少种子、化肥和农药施用量 ,稻谷中农药和重金属等有毒害物质残留量低于绿色食品卫生指标 ,并增加田间蜘蛛等天敌 ,降低生产成本 2 85元 /hm2 ,增加稻谷收入 16 6 7元 /hm2 。  相似文献   

施肥与土壤健康质量论施肥对环境的影响(3)   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
曹志洪 《土壤》2003,35(6):450-455
就施肥与土壤健康质量而言,有机肥的问题比无机肥的更严重。无机的N肥、K肥是化学晶体,比较洁净,导致污染的可能性不大。国产P矿为原料的P肥和钙镁磷肥的Cd含量也较低,但进口的磷矿粉以进口P矿为原料的P肥的Cd含量较高,是无机肥料对人畜健康的主要危险。有机肥有病原微生物,有机毒物及重金属污染的问题。从生态安全和充分利用自然资源看,有机堆肥、污泥堆肥是必须开发利用的。因其使用量特别大,所含污染物的危险性也就较大。制定相应的法规和有机肥产品的质量标准进行监督和控制是紧要的任务。建议其产品主要应用在林木、草坪、花草及木本经济作物上,蔬菜和一年生的粮食作物上应慎用。  相似文献   

The greatest challenge for tropical agriculture is land degradation and reduction in soil fertility for sustainable crop and livestock production.Associated problems include soil erosion,nutrient mining,competition for biomass for multiple uses,limited application of inorganic fertilizers,and limited capacity of farmers to recognize the decline in soil quality and its consequences on productivity.Integrated soil fertility management(ISFM) is an approach to improve crop yields,while preserving sustainable and long-term soil fertility through the combined judicious use of fertilizers,recycled organic resources,responsive crop varieties,and improved agronomic practices,which minimize nutrient losses and improve the nutrient-use efficiency of crops.Soil fertility and nutrient management studies in Ethiopia under on-station and on-farm conditions showed that the combined application of inorganic and organic fertilizers significantly increased crop yields compared to either alone in tropical agro-ecosystems.Yield benefits were more apparent when fertilizer application was accompanied by crop rotation,green manuring,or crop residue management.The combination of manure and NP fertilizer could increase wheat and faba bean grain yields by 50%–100%,whereas crop rotation with grain legumes could increase cereal grain yields by up to 200%.Although organic residues are key inputs for soil fertility management,about 85% of these residues is used for livestock feed and energy;thus,there is a need for increasing crop biomass.The main incentive for farmers to adopt ISFM practices is economic benefits.The success of ISFM also depends on research and development institutions to provide technical support,technology adoption,information dissemination,and creation of market incentives for farmers in tropical agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

有机肥部分替代化肥氮对叶菜产量和环境效应的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对叶菜类蔬菜有机肥氮替代化肥氮的最佳替代比例及对经济效益和环境效应综合评价较缺乏等问题,本研究采用田间试验,对包心菜和小青菜进行等氮水平下不同比例有机肥替代化肥处理,包括:纯化肥氮(0M),25%、50%、75%和100%有机肥替代化肥(25%M、50%M、75%M和100%M),研究不同处理下蔬菜产量、经济效益、土壤氨挥发和氧化亚氮排放。结果表明, 25%M处理下包心菜和小青菜产量均达最高,且与0M处理相比包心菜和小青菜的产量分别增加15.0%(P0.05)和16.3%(P0.05)。25%M比0M处理经济效益分别增加11.7%和5.4%,但在50%M、75%M和100%M处理下经济效益为负增长。25%M处理下,氨挥发累积排放量在包心菜和小青菜季分别为42.1kg·hm~(-2)和12.9kg·hm~(-2),比0M处理分别降低23.4%(P0.05)和41.6%(P0.05); 0M和25%M处理间氧化亚氮累积排放量无显著差异, 25%M处理在包心菜和小青菜季的氧化亚氮累积排放量分别为0.74 kg·hm~(-2)和3.06 kg·hm~(-2);与25%M处理相比, 50%M、75%M和100%M处理下氧化亚氮排放分别增加33.7%~60.8%(P0.05)、50.0%~134.3%(P0.05)和56.8%~185.6%(P0.05)。基于此,提出叶菜类蔬菜有机肥氮替代化肥氮的适宜替代比例在25%左右时可实现最佳的增效减排效果。  相似文献   

In the 21st century, nutrient efficient plants will play a major role in increasing crop yields compared to the 20th century, mainly due to limited land and water resources available for crop production, higher cost of inorganic fertilizer inputs, declining trends in crop yields globally, and increasing environmental concerns. Furthermore, at least 60% of the world's arable lands have mineral deficiencies or elemental toxicity problems, and on such soils fertilizers and lime amendments are essential for achieving improved crop yields. Fertilizer inputs are increasing cost of production of farmers, and there is a major concern for environmental pollution due to excess fertilizer inputs. Higher demands for food and fiber by increasing world populations further enhance the importance of nutrient efficient cultivars that are also higher producers. Nutrient efficient plants are defined as those plants, which produce higher yields per unit of nutrient, applied or absorbed than other plants (standards) under similar agroecological conditions. During the last three decades, much research has been conducted to identify and/or breed nutrient efficient plant species or genotypes/cultivars within species and to further understand the mechanisms of nutrient efficiency in crop plants. However, success in releasing nutrient efficient cultivars has been limited. The main reasons for limited success are that the genetics of plant responses to nutrients and plant interactions with environmental variables are not well understood. Complexity of genes involved in nutrient use efficiency for macro and micronutrients and limited collaborative efforts between breeders, soil scientists, physiologists, and agronomists to evaluate nutrient efficiency issues on a holistic basis have hampered progress in this area. Hence, during the 21st century agricultural scientists have tremendous challenges, as well as opportunities, to develop nutrient efficient crop plants and to develop best management practices that increase the plant efficiency for utilization of applied fertilizers. During the 20th century, breeding for nutritional traits has been proposed as a strategy to improve the efficiency of fertilizer use or to obtain higher yields in low input agricultural systems. This strategy should continue to receive top priority during the 21st century for developing nutrient efficient crop genotypes. This paper over views the importance of nutrient efficient plants in increasing crop yields in modern agriculture. Further, definitions and available methods of calculating nutrient use efficiency, mechanisms for nutrient uptake and use efficiency, role of crops in nutrient use efficiency under biotic and abiotic stresses and breeding strategies to improve nutrient use efficiency in crop plants have been discussed.  相似文献   

《Biosystems Engineering》2002,81(3):347-354
One requirement for an oilseed crop to be considered for biodiesel production is that it provides a positive energy return compared with the energy used to produce the fuel. This in part depends on the energy input for the oilseed production. This paper studies the energy balance between the input and the output per unit area for a sunflower crop grown in Greece, in order to evaluate it as a source for biodiesel production. Calculation of the energy input was based on the operations and various inputs as used by farmers in Evros in the north of Greece. To estimate the energy required to produce the sunflower seeds, to manufacture fertilizers and pesticides and to produce and use the farm machinery, appropriate energy equivalents from the literature were taken into account. The energy outputs were estimated by simply multiplying the yield of sunflower seeds and stems by their corresponding energy value. The total energy input was calculated to be 10·49 GJ ha−1, with fertilizers being the major inputs. Assuming a typical sunflower seed yield of 1800 kg ha−1, as obtained under normal conditions on fertile drylands, and taking into account the energy value of the seed, the net energy value was estimated to be 36·87 GJ ha−1 and the ratio of energy outputs to energy inputs approximately 4·5:1.  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns on the environmental impacts of intensive chemical agriculture.The effect of high agrochemical inputs used in intensive chemical farming was assessed on soil microbiological,molecular and biochemical properties in tropical Vertisols in India.Farm field sites under normal cultivation of arable crops using high inputs of fertilizers and pesticides in chili(Capsicum annum L.,5.0× dose for fertilizers and 1.5× dose for pesticides over normal inputs) and black gram(Vigna mungo L.Hepper,2.2x dose for fertilizers and 2.3× dose for pesticides over normal inputs) were compared with adjacent sites using normal recommended doses.Organic carbon and basal respiration showed no response to high inputs of fertilizers and pesticides in soils of both crops.Labile carbon decreased by 10% in chili soils and increased by 24% in black gram soils under high input farming system.The proportion of soil labile carbon as a fraction of soil organic carbon was unaffected by high inputs.The labile carbon mineralization coefficient(qM_(LC)) increased by 50.0% in chili soils,indicating that the soil microorganisms were under stress due to high agochemical inputs,whereas qM_(LC) decreased by 36.4% in black gram soils.Copiotrophs increased due to high inputs in soils of both chili(63.1%) and black gram(47.1%).Oligotrophs increased by 10.8% in black gram soils but not in chili soils.The abundance of amoA gene reduced by 39.3% in chili soils due to high inputs and increased significantly by 110.8% in black gram soils.β-Glucosidase also increased by 27.2% and 325.0%,respectively.Acid phosphatase activity reduced by 29.2% due to high inputs in chili soils and increased by 105.0% in black gram soils.The use of high agrochemical inputs thus had adverse consequences on biological health in chili but not in black gram soils.In soils cultivated with black gram,the moderating effect of cultivating legumes and their beneficial effect on soil health were evident from the increase in soil labile carbon,lower qM_(LC),higher amoA gene and enzyme activities.Overall results showed that cultivation of legumes permits intensive chemical farming without deteriorating soil biological health.  相似文献   

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