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冠状病毒是人畜共患传染病的病原体,其传播速度快,病程急骤,病症明显,给人类和畜禽带来了极大的危害.本文简述了冠状病毒对人类的危害,探讨了冠状病毒感染禽类、猪、犬、犊牛等动物后所患传染性疾病的病症,传播特点以及病毒灭活方法等,这将为预防此类病提供一定的益处.  相似文献   

由犬猫冠状病毒感染导致的犬猫冠状病毒病对宠物危害较大,不仅影响宠物行业的健康发展,还对人类健康和公共卫生安全构成潜在威胁。本文从病原学、临床症状与病理变化、诊断方法等方面分别对犬冠状病毒病和猫冠状病毒病进行介绍,并对犬猫冠状病毒病的防治进行概述,以期为犬猫养殖者、饲养者及研究人员提供参考。  相似文献   

犬冠状病毒可经垂直传播途径感染犬冠状病毒(CCV)可使犬产生轻重不一的胃肠炎症状,是当前对养犬业危害较大的一种传染病。据现有文献记载,CCV的传播途径是病犬或带毒犬从粪便、口涎、鼻分泌物中排出病毒,污染饲料、饮水、用具和周围环境等,通过消化道和呼吸道...  相似文献   

冠状病毒可感染人和多种动物,主要引起呼吸道和消化道症状,给人类及动物健康带来严重危害。论文从冠状病毒的组织嗜性、传播特点和病理变化等方面概述新型冠状病毒与畜禽冠状病毒的致病性,为畜禽冠状病毒病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们对能引起人类疾病的病原体的传播相当重视,如埃博拉病毒、艾滋病病毒等,而常忽视威胁农牧业的流行性疾病。生物学家认为,像疯牛病、口蹄疫等与直接危害人类健康的疾病同样可怕,这些人畜共患疾病不仅对所到国家的农牧经济打击十分沉重,而且这些疫病的暴发国家和地区随时危及别国的畜禽和人类健康。因此,有科学家把这随时可以在不同国家和地区暴发的生物类疾病称为“生物入侵”。由于,一些生物病毒(或病原体)的传染相当强,且传播速度惊人,比如口蹄疫,它可通过牲畜、车辆、人员、鸟类,甚至空气等多种途径传播。近年…  相似文献   

结核病为危害严重的人畜共患传染病,被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病[1],我国也将其列为二类动物疫病,其传播流行严重影响畜牧业的持续发展和人类的健康。  相似文献   

奶牛“两病”是指奶牛结核病和奶牛布鲁氏菌病,世界卫生组织将“两病”列为B类动物疫病。我国则将这两种传染病列为二类动物疫病,都是人畜共患传染病。这二病分布广、传播快、危害大,对畜牧业生产和人类健康均带来了严重的危害,特别是对奶牛危害更大。前几年我市对“两病”进行了很好的控制,结核病达到了国家规定的控制区标准,  相似文献   

当前出现的人类新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)病给整个社会生活和人民健康带来了巨大的影响。犬也会患冠状病毒病,犬冠状病毒病会不会传染给人呢?于此,就犬冠状病毒病做一个简要的论述。一、冠状病毒病的前世今生冠状病毒按病毒学分类属于尼多病毒目、冠状病毒科、冠状病毒亚科。之所以称为冠状病毒是因为其电镜外形类似皇冠样。  相似文献   

我国新发人畜共患传染病及其防控策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,各种生物学因素、自然因素以及社会因素加剧了新发人畜共患传染病的发生、传播与流行,给人类的健康带来了很大的威胁,也造成了很大的经济损失,同时,也导致了诸多的社会问题.面对新发人畜共患传染病的挑战,人类应重新认识人畜共患传染病对人类健康的危害和影响,提高警惕,采取切实有效的应对措施,预防和控制传染病的发生和流行.本文就新发人畜共患传染病对人类健康和生存的严重威胁、影响因素和预防控制对策进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

金宁一   《动物保健》2006,(9):9-10
近年来.传统传染病卷土重来,新发传染病威胁加重,人兽共患病毒病逐年增多.特别是禽流感、口蹄疫、非典型性肺炎、疯牛病、副粘病毒、狂犬病及多种虫媒病毒病等。疫情席卷而至,传播迅速、死亡率高,造成畜牧业生产、国内外贸易和人类健康,造成空前打击和严重威胁.给社会稳定带来极大危害。另表明,从20世纪70年代以来,新发现的拉沙热、埃博拉出血热、马尔堡出血热等诸多侵袭人类的病毒病,其疫源均追查到动物.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖产业的快速发展也导致养殖中的疾病问题开始逐渐凸显,防治畜禽养殖中疾病兽药的使用量也不断提高,兽药的不规范使用易导致残留的情况,对于畜产品中兽药的残留问题受到广泛的关注。畜产品中兽药的残留会影响畜产品的质量,对消费者的机体健康带来负面影响,同时部分兽药的残留会导致生态环境的污染,进而影响人类健康。该文对畜禽养殖中畜产品兽药残留出现的原因,造成的危害及改进和防控措施进行论述。  相似文献   

Poultry farmers faced dual risk when mutant avian influenza (AI) virus showed the zoonotic characteristics. A/H5N1 and A/H7N9 were two dominant AI virus strains that have captured the attention of the public over the years for they have been reported to bring about greater loss to poultry and human, respectively. Previous studies mainly used quantitative methods investigating either the means that poultry farmers adopted for protecting their poultry against A/H5N1 infection or the poultry farmers' self‐protective behaviours against A/H7N9 infection. We sought insights into the underlying factors influencing Chinese poultry farmers' protective behaviours in response to the dual risk of AI by a qualitative way. Semi‐structured in‐depth interviews were conducted with 25 Chinese chicken farmers recruited by purposive sampling between November 2016 and May 2017, the peak season of AI. All interviews were audio‐taped, transcribed and analysed using a grounded theory approach. From participants' experiences, we revealed five main themes: Measures adopted for protecting poultry and farmers, Emotional response to the AI epidemic, Perceived risk of AI, Perceived effectiveness of the preventive measures adopted and Perceived self‐efficacy to take preventive measures. The information of AI outbreak directly triggered Chinese chicken farmers' emotional response and thereafter preventive actions. Compared to the perceived risk of poultry infection with A/H5N1 which mainly connected to economic loss, participants perceived much lower risk of human infection with A/H7N9. AI epidemic information played a key role triggering poultry farmers' response behaviours. Chinese poultry farmers weighted more attention on the risk of poultry infection which was highly associated with economic losses. The government should build and improve an early AI warning and information transmission network to poultry farmers. Further reinforcement of related self‐protective and preventive knowledge training towards poultry farmers is necessary.  相似文献   

马杰  舒鼎铭 《中国畜牧兽医》2009,36(11):203-205
为防止个人身份信息的泄漏,身份证、密码、签名、生物特征(指纹、虹膜等)及遗传物质DNA等身份识别技术都得到了迅速的发展和应用。如今随着现代畜牧业的发展,这些身份识别技术不仅用于人类,在畜禽中也得到了广泛的研究和应用。笔者阐述了身份识别技术在畜禽的产品流通、疾病防控、育种、生产管理及品种鉴定防伪等方面的研究进展和应用情况。  相似文献   

饲料作为动物营养的主要来源,其安全性关乎动物健康和人类食品安全.然而饲料在生产、加工、贮存、运输等过程中可能污染有毒有害物质,并通过食物链在畜禽体内富集,最终进入人类体内,危害人体健康.现代社会人们对食品安全关注度日益增强,为畜禽提供绿色、健康、无污染的饲料,确保畜禽产品的卫生安全已成为重要的研究方向.文章简要概述蛋鸡...  相似文献   

轮状病毒(RV)是引起婴幼儿、幼畜禽急性肠胃炎的人畜共患病原,常与其他病原体混合感染,多以呕吐,严重水样腹泻,脱水为临床症状,感染后具有较高病死率,对人类公共卫生以及养殖业造成极大危害.RV病原相关分子模式(PAMP)可被肠上皮细胞(IECs)中一组可遗传的模式识别受体(PRR)识别,通过IECs、先天免疫细胞与RV互...  相似文献   

动物源性食品中糖皮质激素残留检测方法的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
糖皮质激素常用于治疗家畜的炎症反应、免疫性疾病、牛的酮病等,并且能提高饲料的转化率,促进畜禽的生长,因而广泛用于畜牧业中。然而,动物生长过程中过量使用糖皮质激素会导致其在动物源性食品中残留,给人体健康带来极大的危害。世界各国对动物源性食品中糖皮质激素残留实施愈来愈严格的监控,对各种检测方法也提出了越来越高的要求。本文介绍了糖皮质激素在畜牧业中的应用、糖皮质激素残留的危害,并对其残留检测方法进行综述。  相似文献   

Avian tuberculosis is an animal disease notifiable for statistical purposes in Germany. Cases notified (between 130 and 230 annually) were primarily related to private flocks of pedigree poultry and layers consisting of less than 20 animals and individual animals in game enclosures and zoological gardens. Mycobacterium (M.) avium infection does not play any role in modern intensive poultry husbandry. Human M. avium infections have considerably gained in importance in the last two decades, mainly in HIV-infected patients. Due to the ubiquitous character of MAIC (Mycobacterium avium intracellulare-Complex), it is difficult to establish confirmed epidemiological associations with infections in humans. Surface and drinking water, soil and also foods as well as direct contact with infected birds (pet birds) have been discussed as possible sources of infection. Recently, strains of the serovars 1, 2 and 3 which have often been isolated from birds (bird-type strains) could be defined as a taxon on its own right among MAIC by using molecular-biological methods for MAIC typing (RFLP--restriction fragment length polymorphism and PFGE-pulsed field gel elektrophoresis). In exceptional cases only, strains of this character have been isolated from humans. Consequently, poultry-to-man transmission of M. avium appears to be a very improbable event. In contrast, extensive conformity has been found to exist between M. avium isolates of human origin and isolates from pigs. This fact has rightly given rise to assumptions of either the presence of epidemiological links between pigs and humans or of infection from common sources. In a summarizing view, it can be stated that M. avium infection of farm poultry is hardly of any importance for poultry production as well as for human disease. The importance of MAIC for infections in other farm animals (cattle and swine) is outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

葡萄球菌感染是家禽养殖中一种常见的细菌性传染疾病,鸡养殖中的葡萄球菌感染通常是致病性金黄色葡萄球菌感染的一种慢性或急性传染性疾病,通常慢性疾病感染会导致鸡只出现关节炎症或者足部疾病,急性型感染会导致鸡只出现急性败血症病变。葡萄球菌感染疾病所导致的鸡只死亡率较高,尤其在雏鸡和育成阶段,对于成年鸡的死亡率相对较低,但是会对其生产性能和机体健康状况造成严重的损伤,进而影响鸡养殖的经济效益。该文主要对鸡养殖中葡萄球菌感染的临床症状,解剖检查变化及相关的防治措施进行论述。  相似文献   

Avian influenza: eradication from commercial poultry is still not in sight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avian influenza viruses are highly infectious micro-organisms that primarily affect birds. Nevertheless, they have also been isolated from a number of mammals, including humans. Avian influenza virus can cause large economic losses to the poultry industry because of its high mortality. Although there are pathogenic variants with a low virulence and which generally cause only mild, if any, clinical symptoms, the subtypes H5 and H7 can mutate from a low to a highly virulent (pathogenic) virus and should be taken into consideration in eradication strategies. The primary source of infection for commercial poultry is direct and indirect contact with wild birds, with waterfowl forming a natural reservoir of the virus. Live-poultry markets, exotic birds, and ostriches also play a significant role in the epidemiology of avian influenza. The secondary transmission (i.e., between poultry farms) of avian influenza virus is attributed primarily to fomites and people. Airborne transmission is also important, and the virus can be spread by aerosol in humans. Diagnostic tests detect viral proteins and genes. Virus-specific antibodies can be traced by serological tests, with virus isolation and identification being complementary procedures. The number of outbreaks of avian influenza seems to be increasing - over the last 5 years outbreaks have been reported in Italy, Hong Kong, Chile, the Netherlands, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, China, Pakistan, United States of America, Canada, South Africa, and Malaysia. Moreover, a growing number of human cases of avian influenza, in some cases fatal, have paralleled the outbreaks in commercial poultry. There is great concern about the possibility that a new virus subtype with pandemic potential could emerge from these outbreaks. From the perspective of human health, it is essential to eradicate the virus from poultry; however, the large number of small-holdings with poultry, the lack of control experience and resources, and the international scale of transmission and infection make rapid control and long-term prevention of recurrence extremely difficult. In the Western world, the renewed interest in free-range housing carries a threat for future outbreaks. The growing ethical objections to the largescale culling of birds require a different approach to the eradication of avian influenza.  相似文献   

珠三角地区H7N9禽流感传播途径具有复杂性和特殊性。为进一步明确传播途径,基于家禽产业链视角,在H7N9禽流感最为严重的广州市、深圳市、佛山市,采用分层抽样法选取有代表性且能反映整体情况的养殖场、批发市场、屠宰场、农贸市场,调查H7N9禽流感的动物防疫和个人防护情况。结果显示:养殖场的生物安全隔离仍不完善,存在活禽接触候鸟感染禽流感的风险;批发市场和屠宰场防疫水平高,人感染风险较低;农贸市场的动物防疫条件和个人防护不充分,易扩散病毒;最有可能的传播途径是与候鸟接触后携带病毒的活禽,通过"养殖—批发—零售"产业链蔓延。该结论在明确"禽传人"、"活禽市场环境暴露"观点上深化了产业链各环节间的传播路径。因此,珠三角地区H7N9禽流感的防控重点要加强养殖环节的生物安全隔离,并做好零售环节中活禽与人之间的防控。  相似文献   

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