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蜂花粉是由工蜂采集花粉后,加入自身分泌的特殊腺体分泌物、花蜜和唾液混合而成的"花粉团",富含营养成分和天然活性物质。蜂花粉具有很高的食药用价值,现已被广泛开发利用。从蜂花粉的药用功效、食用价值、工业应用等方面出发,对列入新资源食品的花粉的病理作用和综合利用进展进行综述,可为花粉产品的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

张雅欣  彭及忠 《蜜蜂杂志》2010,30(11):10-15
随着保健养生的意识的增强,人们于利用蜜蜂相关产品的基础上,逐渐地了解且接触并开始应用蜂花粉。蜂花粉中的多酚类及黄酮类化合物提供了良好的抗氧化活性,对人类的健康有很大的益处,可减少人体被自由基攻击。蜂花粉的成分及香气亦会因花粉来源不同而有很大的差异,本研究将针对常见的几种蜂花粉产品进行抗氧化活性测试并比较之间的差异性。在此分别针对油菜花粉、花莲百草花粉、蒲盐花粉、茶花粉、松花粉、含羞草花粉、云林百草花粉等7种不同蜂花粉产品进行抗氧化测试包含清除DPPH自由基能力、清除氢氧自由基能力、清除超氧自由基能力、抑制亚麻油酸能力及还原力等抗氧化活性方法测试,并分析其总蛋白质含量及总酚类含量。结果显示,不同蜂花粉产品因花粉源、制程或加工不同,总酚类含量即不同,进而影响了抗氧化活性之表现。其中以油菜花粉、花莲百草花粉及蒲盐花粉于多项抗氧化能力测定下,具有较佳之抗氧化性效能。  相似文献   

蜜蜂生物学研究发现蜂巢花粉才是蜜蜂真正的食物。蜂巢花粉是蜜蜂将自身唾液、蜂蜜与植物花粉之间的一种完美组合,蜜蜂其幼虫缺食蜂巢花粉就不能健全羽化。通过蜂花粉、蜂巢花粉、仿生蜂巢花粉(均为油菜花粉)对比研究,发现仿生蜂巢花粉中的活性物质含量高于蜂花粉、蜂巢花粉的含量;蜂花粉精油中含有12种脂肪酸,其收率10.99%;蜂花粉精华素中黄酮含量较高(其中蜂花粉精华素收率达到29.40%、总黄酮为6.45%、总多糖为37.08%)外,还含有大量的活性成分,如山柰酚等。蜂花粉的化学成分包括活性物质较为复杂,未来开发应以蜂花粉精油、蜂花粉精华素(蜂花粉总黄酮等)等产品的精加工为方向。  相似文献   

DHG—1型电热蜂花粉干燥器的研制及使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,许多养蜂者都不同规模地生产了蜂花粉,但由于缺乏适当的蜂花粉干燥器,蜂花粉未能及时干燥而霉变损失,或因干燥处理不当,蜂花粉的营养成分受到严重破坏,影响产品质量。为解决花粉干燥设备短缺这个问题,我们参考了国外蜂花粉干燥设备及技术,研制出DHG—1电热蜂花粉  相似文献   

陕西省标准局于1986年11月19日至20日,在武功农业科学研究中心,对陕西省开发蜂花粉系列产品制定了质量标准,一致通过了“花粉晶”、“全破壁蜂花粉乳剂”、“全破壁蜂花粉”、“花粉蜜”、“花粉健美酥”、“蜂花粉胶囊”、“三宝嫩口服液”、“蜂花粉口服液”、“蜂花粉酯溶液性提取物”、“蜂花粉水提物”、“花粉蜜酒”、  相似文献   

为了探索酶解与包合技术在蜂花粉深加工中的具体作用,试验选择了多种酶制剂与环糊精制备水溶性花粉,比较了单一酶制剂、环糊精、复合酶制剂及酶制剂+环糊精复合工艺提取蜂花粉水溶性蛋白质及水溶性黄酮的效果。结果表明:利用单一酶制剂或环糊精制备水溶性花粉,水溶性蛋白质及黄酮提取率最高的为碱性蛋白酶及环糊精1∶2,水溶性蛋白质提取率分别为84.55%和84.33%,黄酮提取率分别为19.51%和18.50%。采用酶解与包合复合技术制备水溶性花粉,水溶性蛋白质提取率最高的为果胶酶+β-环糊精和纤维素酶+β-环糊精,水溶性蛋白质提取率分别为95.40%和88.91%;水溶性黄酮提取率最高的为纤维素+碱性蛋白酶和纤维素酶+β-环糊精,黄酮提取率分别为35.93%和37.86%。综合比较,采用纤维素酶+β-环糊精制备水溶性花粉能够获得较高的水溶性蛋白质提取率和黄酮提取率。由此说明,多种技术的复合使用,有助于蜂花粉深加工的进一步发展。  相似文献   

钤莉妍  耿越 《蜜蜂杂志》2011,31(12):8-9
采用酸碱消煮法对10种花粉中粗纤维的含量进行测定。结果表明,在10种花粉中,马尾松花粉的粗纤维含量最高,为36.15名(干重);其他9种蜂花粉中粗纤维的含量较小且差别不大,以山楂花粉含量最低,为5.03%(干重)。此结果为进一步研究花粉中的化学成分以及花粉的食用、深加工等提供基础数据。  相似文献   

蜂巢花粉是蜜蜂真正的天然食物,是蜜蜂采集植物花粉过程或在蜂房内掺入自身唾液与蜂蜜后酿造成熟的产品,蜜蜂及其幼虫缺食蜂巢花粉,将造成群势下降、幼虫不能完全羽化。根据蜜蜂酿制花粉的原理,我们采用多级发酵技术,确立了仿生蜂巢花粉的制备方法;通过蜂花粉、蜂巢花粉、仿生蜂巢花粉(三种材料都是油菜花粉)对比研究试验,发现仿生蜂巢花粉中的活性化学成分含量高于蜂花粉、蜂巢花粉的含量。通过对不同花粉淀粉酶、蛋白酶的对比检测试验,发现仿生蜂巢花粉中这两种活性酶的含量与蜂巢花粉的含量十分接近。本研究为进一步开发活性仿生蜂巢花粉制剂及其单一活性物质产品提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

△在蜂花粉市场由畅转疲的情况下,山西省襄垣县外贸花粉厂由于注重质量,其产品“实验用破壁花粉”销往江浙、山东和上海等地,并远销香港。这种花粉产品主要用于有关厂家、科研单位和  相似文献   

为了探究不同蜂花粉多糖含量的差异,试验对杂花粉、油菜花粉和茶花粉进行了多糖提取及含量的测定,蜂花粉原料通过粉碎、冷冻、水浴加热、过滤、烘干、二次醇析、离心和低温真空干燥等步骤,获得蜂花粉的粗提取物,再采用苯酚-硫酸法检测花粉多糖的实际含量,并通过计算得出蜂花粉多糖的提取率。结果表明:在相同提取条件下,茶花粉、油菜花粉的多糖含量与杂花粉1号、2号相比存在极显著差异(P0.01)。  相似文献   

转基因水稻对蜜蜂及其产品潜在性影响研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以蜂花粉团重量差别研究蜜蜂采集的偏爱性,以阵列杂交技术比较混合蜂花粉和水稻蜂花粉中的蛋白种类,并探讨可食性稻花粉开发利用的可能性和蜂花粉作为检测转基因蜂蜜的可行性,根据转基因水稻对蜜蜂及其产品存在潜在影响的必然性,强调建立检疫转基因蜂产品体系的紧迫性.  相似文献   

中蜂对不同蜂花粉的取食偏好   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以来自不同地区的10个蜂花粉,在云南及重庆两地的缺粉季节饲喂中蜂蜂群,探索中蜂对花粉取食的偏好。研究结果显示中蜂蜂群对来自不同地方不同种类的花粉有选择偏好性,对同种花粉选择差异性不显著,发现中蜂对所用的山东茶花粉的取食量最大。  相似文献   

为了研究速溶蜂花粉的抗疲劳作用,给小鼠灌胃不同剂量的速溶蜂花粉21d后,进行负重游泳实验,分别测定小鼠的负重游泳时间,运动后的肝糖元、血乳酸和血清尿素氮含量。结果表明:速溶蜂花粉可以明显延长小鼠游泳时间,减少肝糖元消耗,降低血乳酸和血清尿素氮含量。破壁蜂花粉的抗疲劳效果显著,速溶蜂花粉的中高剂量组具有显著效果,其中高剂量组(5g/kg)抗疲劳效果最好。  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜观察茶蜂花粉和不同酿制时间的蜂蜂中花粉粒外部形态和萌发沟,没有发现花粉的细胞壁和细胞结构被破坏的迹象,花粉粒在蜂粮酿制过程中外部形态保持不变。通过体外模拟消化试验和光学显微镜观察,发现蜂粮中花粉粒内含物外吐的数量比蜂花粉多,而且在蜂粮酿制过程中,随着时间的延长,其内含物外吐的花粉粒所占的比例增加,花粉内含物外吐使花粉更易于被破壁和消化。蜂花粉和蜂粮中营养成分测定结果表明,蜂粮配制初期,由于蜜蜂的添加物和乳酸发酵的作用,其蛋白质、总糖含量比蜂花粉高;随着配制时间的延长,蜂粮中营养成分有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

调查了浙江省缙云县80家转地蜂场2011年生产蜂花粉的经济效益,结果显示:2011年蜂花粉平均产量3.49 kg/群,同比增长175.79%,平均产值87.70元/群,同比增长160.86%,占群总产值的7.85%,为8年来最高。其中,蜂花粉收入前10位蜂场的蜂群饲养量平均168群/家,蜂花粉收入35 007元/家(207.88元/群),占蜂场年总收入的16.48%,表明蜂花粉生产在提高蜂农经济效益中大有可为。在与历年数据综合比较分析的基础上,探讨了蜂花粉生产的经济效益以及存在的问题,并提出了一些合理化建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine possible effects of bee pollen added to the feed mixture (FM) on rat ovarian functions (secretion activity and apoptosis). We evaluated the bee pollen effect on the release of insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I) and steroid hormones (progesterone and estradiol), as well as on the expression of markers of apoptosis (Bcl‐2, Bax and caspase‐3) in rat ovarian fragments. Female rats (n = 15) were fed during 90 days by FM without or with rape seed bee pollen in dose either 3 kg/1000 kg FM or 5 kg/1000 kg FM. Fragments of ovaries isolated from rats of each group (totally 72 pieces) were incubated for 24 h. Hormonal secretion into the culture medium was detected by RIA. The markers of apoptosis were evaluated by Western blotting. It was observed that IGF‐I release by rat ovarian fragments was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased; on the other hand, progesterone and estradiol secretion was increased after bee pollen treatment at dose 5 kg/1000 kg FM but not at 3 kg/1000 FM. Accumulation of Bcl‐2 was increased by bee pollen added at 3 kg/1000 kg FM, but not at higher dose. Accumulation of Bax was increased in ovaries of rats fed by bee pollen at doses either 3 or 5 kg/1000 kg FM, whilst accumulation of caspase‐3 increased after feeding with bee pollen at dose 5 kg/1000 kg FM, but not at 3 kg/1000 kg FM. Our results contribute to new insights regarding the effect of bee pollen on both secretion activity (release of growth factor IGF‐I and steroid hormones progesterone and estradiol) and apoptosis (anti‐ and pro‐apoptotic markers Bcl‐2, Bax and caspase‐3). Bee pollen is shown to be a potent regulator of rat ovarian functions.  相似文献   

蜂粮中的细菌对pH的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定中国茶(Camellia sinensis)的新鲜蜂花粉、晒干蜂花粉和不同酿制时间的蜂粮的平均pH分别是5.63、5.05和4.06。通过接种试验,发现细菌是引起蜂粮pH下降的直接原因,其中植物乳球菌、果糖乳杆菌、詹氏乳杆菌等是产生有机酸的主要细菌,而利斯特氏杆菌对pH的作用不大。  相似文献   

The effect of bee pollen on productive and reproductive performances of adult buck rabbits and their offspring was studied during winter and summer seasons. Forty New Zealand White bucks were equally divided among four groups feeding the same commercial diet and receiving a water solution containing, respectively, 0 (control), 100, 200 and 300 mg bee pollen/kg body weight, twice per week along two experimental periods. The experimental periods were listed for ten weeks both during winter (30–40 weeks of age) and summer seasons (56–66 weeks of age). During the trials body weight, body weight gain, total feed intake, semen quality, fertility and blood constituents were determined. Fertility was determined after natural mating with no treated females. For each season, 80 weaned rabbits obtained from the bucks of the control group were equally divided (20 per group) among 4 levels (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg BW) of bee pollen, given as a water solution twice per week. The offspring sired by bucks given 100, 200 and 300 mg (20 for each group and season) were not administrated bee pollen. The effect of bee pollen on growth performance of rabbits was studied from 4 to 12 weeks of age. Bee pollen at 200 mg/kg BW significantly (p < 0.01) improved semen quality, increased fertility percentage, improved biochemical profiles of blood and helps outstanding of bucks during both seasons. The same concentration of bee pollen increased body weight gain and survival rate and reduced feed intake and feed conversion ratio of offspring up to 12 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Forty New Zealand White (NZW) rabbit does were equally divided among four groups feeding the same commercial diet and receiving a water solution containing, respectively, 0 (control), 100, 200 and 300 mg bee pollen/kg body weight (BW), 1 week before and after mating during moderate (October-February) and hot seasons (May-September) for three consecutive mating in each season. Does were mated with non-treated adult NZW male rabbits 11 days after kindling. Body weight of does, number of service per conception, conception rate, feed intake, litter size, milk production, blood constituents, weight of kits from birth up to weaning and survival rate were determined. For each season, 80 weaned rabbits originated from the does of the control group (untreated does) were equally divided into four groups (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg BW) of bee pollen, given as a water solution twice per week from 4 to 12 weeks of age. The kit of the does given 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg BW did not receive bee pollen during the growing period (4-12 weeks of age). The effect of bee pollen on growing rabbit's performance was studied from 4 to 12 week of age. Bee pollen at 200 mg significantly (p < 0.01) increased body weight of does, conception rate, milk yield, litter size; improved biochemical profiles of blood and helps outstanding of does during both seasons. The same dose of bee pollen significantly increased kit growth and their survival rate until weaning. Growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of kits from the treated does during 4-8 weeks of age were significantly better than growth of kits from the untreated does that administrated bee pollen during 4-12 weeks of age. Meanwhile, during the following period (8-12 weeks of age) growth and FCR of kits given bee pollen from the untreated does were significantly better than that of treated does.  相似文献   

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