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张颖  程如岐  陈绍慧 《保鲜与加工》2021,21(12):111-117
果蔬分选是农业果蔬产后不可缺少的重要环节,以可编程逻辑控制技术为核心的自动化生产线为现代农业的智能化发展提供了新途径.为提高果蔬的分选效率,减少本地分选的人工成本,将数据采集、数据处理、无线通讯、智能控制等技术深度融合,研究一种可远程控制的果蔬智能分选机制,并通过可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)自动化数据采集与机械控制和.NET Core架构的分布式网络控制方法两方面对远程控制分选方案进行研究,配合合适的糖度-质量等果蔬品质模型,实现高速远程在线果蔬智能分选.基于该分选技术的软硬件方案进行试验,对控制策略和分选精确度进行仿真.结果表明,与传统的果蔬分选技术相比,该系统从系统成本、反应速度、分拣精度、管理效率等方面均有优势,果蔬分选精度能达93%以上,可以实现远程故障排查,节省了人工成本,具有推广应用价值.  相似文献   

基于无线传感器网络的鱼塘监控系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文设计了基于无线传感器网络的鱼塘实时在线智能监控系统,有效解决了传统的鱼塘观测手段存在的问题,例如:费时费力、步骤复杂、成本高等。该系统在鱼塘的监测区域中利用无线传感器节点,测得该区域中的温度和溶氧量,并通过Zigbee网络将数据传输到终端控制系统,控制系统作出判断并发出报警信号和控制增氧机的状态。系统中以MSP430和XBEE模块为核心芯片,能够实时在线监测鱼塘中的一些参数,例如温度、溶氧量等。同时该系统还可以进一步扩展使用GPRS或3G网络实现远程监控。  相似文献   

Modern power system is a complex, open and distributed system. Multi-agent is a new technology of distributed artificial intelligence. It is easy to make the distributed systems run well. The basic principles and the applicable scopes of Multi-agent are described in this paper. Especially the various applications of Multi-agent in power system are introduced, such as security-defense system, secondary voltage control, electricity markets, EMS and power plant. The further studying works of Multi-agent are schemed. The the studying ways in control system, adaptive ability and foreground on wide control fields of power system. applications of the other fields in power system are described, intelligence, communications are pointed out and especially the foreground on wide control fields of power system.  相似文献   

四川高粱良种繁育存在的问题与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱建忠 《中国农学通报》2010,26(15):120-123
本文对四川高粱产业发展与品种利用现状做了评述。通过对四川高粱品种繁育中存在的常规高粱品种选育滞后于杂交高粱品种选育、高粱良种繁育体系建设滞后、高粱良种繁育基地建设滞后,不适应新形势发展的分析,提出了四川发展高粱产业的当务之急是及时完善高粱良种繁育基地建设规划、加大对高粱良种繁育基地建设的投入,加大对高粱新品种选育、推广的投入等建议。  相似文献   

随着保鲜技术的日益发展,低压静电场作为一种新兴保鲜技术,得到广泛关注。低压静电场可以通过降低组织中水分含量及酶的活性抑制微生物生长,从而达到延长贮藏期、维持食品原有口感的目的。从低压静电场的保鲜机理、特点、应用及其存在问题进行了阐述,并对该项技术的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

L(+)-lactic acid and its salts have been widely used in food and pharmaceutical. Advances of production (L(+)-)lactic acid by Rhizopus oryzae fermentation from starch in recent years are reviewed. Rhizopus oryzae is a preferable species for its outstanding ability to produce almost optically pure L(+)-lactic acid with low nutritional requirement.Studies on L(+)-lactic acid focused on the selection over-production strains,optimization of fermentation culture medium and fermentation technology,extraction and separation course,the design of new bioreactor and so forth.Controlling the growth forms of Rhizopus oryzae mycelial can improve the ability of production L(+)-lactic acid and make the operation easier.And breeding L(+)-lactic acid over-production strain by gene engineering technology,improving the fermentation equipment and optimizing the appropriate immobilized carrier,will greatly reduce the cost of L(+)-lactic acid production.Increasing in the research and development of lactate and polylactic acid will extend the use of L(+)-lacic acid.  相似文献   

卫生填埋是生活垃圾最主要的处理方式,生活垃圾卫生填埋场产生甲烷(CH4)等温室气体,加快全球气候变暖进程,引起各国政府的高度重视。笔者探讨了影响生活垃圾卫生填埋场CH4产生的因素,对CH4减排技术进行了总结。目前,生活垃圾卫生填埋场CH4减排技术主要包括填埋层原位减排、资源化利用和末端控制技术等。为了控制和减少CH4排放量,中国需要增加技术和设施投入,加强生活垃圾卫生填埋场气体排放的管理,开发有效的CH4抑制技术,建立适合中国国情的CH4等温室气体减排技术体系。  相似文献   

The traditional Automobile-inertia -brake-testing-system adopts the Mechanical Inertia pan to imitate automobile the Moving Inertia. This kind of system volume is bigger than new one, more difficult in inertia adjusting, and lower in automation degree. Aiming at the problems, this paper puts forward the innovative design of Automobile-inertia-brake-testing-system based on electrical inertia. The mathematic model of the Mechanical Inertia is analyzed. To use the algorithm to control motor, the authors make the output inertia generated by the controlled motor can imitate the Mechanical Inertia, then apply electrical inertia to replace Mechanical Inertia .The simulation result shows that the design idea is correct and feasible, stronger in system rubustness, lower in cost, more accurate in control quality, and higher in automation level.  相似文献   

温室环境控制系统的最大特点是控制对象的精确数学模型很难建立。文章将常规PID控制算法与现代控制理论相结合,对常规PID算法进行改进,得到新型MPT控制算法,并加入模糊控制算法规则,在误差大时,运用模糊算法进行调节,以彻底消除PID饱和积分现象,当误差较小时,采用改进后的PID算法控制输出。同时加入了自适应调节规则和自整定专家系统,建立了基于人工智能的温室环境控制算法。将此算法应用于温室环境控制。系统具有无超调和控制精度高等特点。  相似文献   

根据本地区生态区域特点和储粮实际情况,中央储备粮安陆直属库在试验仓内开展节能保水降温通风、仓房隔热、粮面压盖、自控排热换气、仓顶喷淋降温等多项绿色储粮技术措施,有效地控制了粮温,减少了储粮水分丢失,延缓了储粮品质陈化,抑制了虫霉的生长繁殖、达到绿色储粮的目的。  相似文献   

Electromagnetic radiation, which is caused by the engine ignition system, is the most powerful electromagnetic interference (EMI) source in the vehicles, as well as the main reason of most electronic control unit (ECU) malfunction. In order to reduce interference from ignition noise on ECU, we use optical isolation technology to isolate electrical connections between the interference source and the control circuit. The formation mechanism of the ignition system EMI is analyzed. The possibility of suppressing ignition system EMI with optical isolation technology is discussed. Then, as a result we design an experimental platform of suppressing ignition system EMI. The experimental results show that the effect of suppressing ignition noise, in 20~100 MHz frequency band, is obvious after applying optical isolation circuit. It can address the issue of automotive EMC.  相似文献   

提高农民科技文化素质是解决“三农”问题的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"三农"问题的最终决定因素是人,因此农民科技文化素质提高就成为当前或今后相当长时期内的一项重要任务。在此,围绕这一想法从现代农业科技发展、农业现代化、外向型农业以及农民自身素质现状等方面谈及提高农民科技文化素质,培养新世纪现代农民的必要性,针对农民科技文化素质提高问题提出了一是实施旨在提高科技文化素质的农民全面教育培训行动计划,二是政府办学、企业岗位培训与农民自发求学相结合,三是拓展农业科技推广项目内容,利用参与式培训的方式,四是提高农村劳动力中农业科技人员比例和基层农技推广人员科技素质四点对策与建议。  相似文献   

有机农业是指一种在农业生产中完全不使用化学合成的物质,也不使用基因工程生物及其产物的生产体系。发展有机农业是改善环境质量、增加农民收入、促进农业可持续发展的必由之路。目前发展有机农业存在着政府支持不够、缺乏有机农业技术和知识、没有形成产业化及有机产品认证难以及销售难等问题。转变观念,加大政府支持、科学制定发展规划、建立生产体系和认证制度及建立、培育和完善中介服务组织等是发展有机农业的对策。  相似文献   

植物对重金属镉的吸收与耐受机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了有效降低土壤中镉含量,保障人类健康,人们希望通过一种经济、有效的方法——植物修复技术来治理土壤镉污染。因此,植物对重金属镉的吸收与耐受机制研究,已成为近年来植物逆境生理研究的热点。笔者主要综述了植物对镉的吸收、转运及积累机制,以及植物体通过细胞壁的沉积、细胞区室化、螯合作用和抗氧化系统的保护作用对镉的耐受机制,以期为今后通过植物修复技术更好治理土壤镉污染提供基础资料。  相似文献   

近年来植物病害问题的频繁发生,严重影响着中国农业的生产与发展。为了提高植物抗病能力,从而抵御植物病害,本文归纳了基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学和代谢组学技术在植物抗病研究中的应用,总结了培育抗病品种、生物防治、植物病害监测技术等方法来减轻植物病害,从分子水平上分析了不同植物抗病机理,揭示相关抗病基因与其生长发育之间的密切关联。同时本文指出组学技术应用于植物抗病存在的不足,仍有一些低丰富度或低分子量的功能蛋白未被成功鉴定,提出提高检测技术的灵敏度、完善基因、代谢数据库等意见。组学技术不断发展与创新,为防治植物病害带来了新的契机。将有助于抗病品种的选育、病原菌的检测与防治和提高植物抗病能力等,从而促进植物生长和增加作物产量。  相似文献   

西安地区智能通风冬季降温试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用冬季低温进行机械通风来降低粮堆温度是粮食储藏的重要技术,但选择适当的通风时机和适宜的通风方式,可以降低通风能耗,减少通风水分损失。试验表明:智能通风能够及时准确地把握有利的通风时机,自动控制通风设备的启停,提高通风效率,降低通风能耗和减少粮食水分损失。  相似文献   

In the civil industry, quality is a key factor, so quality management and quality control play decisive roles in construction especially. At present, the main method of construction is quality controlling that engineers and technicians consult the standard and norm concerned, then check them one by one, and supervise the construction. It is not only inefficient but also easy to make mistake. Using computer technology in the quality control of construction will promote quality control level and improve management measures. Through the research of the quality control of construction,the system of quality control in construction is studied and developed, the structure of the software and its developed technology are expounded.  相似文献   

Continuous industries CIMS is a complex system consists of human and machines under certain environment. It has been proved that there is limitation to only pursue high degree intelligent system, so the idea of human machine can be used to research CIMS under system theory viewpoint. Combining advanced multi agent technology and theory, a human machine cooperation mechanism with agent as the middle medium is presented which can provide a more flexible information mutual interface. In addition, the roles of human and machine under this new mechanism are analyzed.  相似文献   

This paper uses motorcycle as the research object and uses ADAMS/View as tools to deal with the inconvenience of constructing Motorcycle simulation model in ADAMS/View.The parameterized design system of Motorcycle is developed according to the requirements of simulation model by using ADAMS/View secondary development technology.The system has solved very complicated problem of motorcycle modeling in ADAMS/View,whose spatial structure is very complicated,and solved the problem of model imported by other CAD software which has information lose,model scale tends to heavy,follow-up simulation difficult and so on.The system is used to make the simulation model in ADAMS/View easier for follow-up simulation according to the basic dimension of Motorcycle and user's needs,and shorten the development period of the motorcycle,reduce the development cost,and carry on the series design.  相似文献   

辽东楤木的人工繁殖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20 世纪80 年代以来,国内外在辽东楤木的人工繁育方面已经取得了一定成果,笔者通过查阅和整理相关文献资料,从辽东楤木的繁殖方式入手,归纳和总结了种子繁殖、根插繁殖和组织繁殖3 种主要方式的研究现状,指出了人工繁殖技术的最佳方案,并提出今后进一步研究的方向:(1)人工繁殖技术参数优化,相应技术规程的制定;(2)培育辽东楤木无刺嫩芽新品种,解决多刺、易老、不易采收等问题,提高产量与品质;(3)建立无性快繁技术体系,加快新品种种苗繁殖速度,尽早实现新品种生产应用。  相似文献   

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