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R  C.  Sulabo  M.  D.  Tokach  E.  J.  Wiedemann  冯占雨 《国外畜牧学(猪与禽)》2009,(2):34-37
本试验的目的是测定不同设计类型的教槽料饲喂器和较高的采食便利性对仔猪教槽料采食量及其断奶前生产性能的影响。试验选用54头PIC1050系母猪及其所产仔猪,根据胎龄和分娩日期将试验母猪分成两批,再根据随机完全区组设计将每批试验母猪分入三个试验处理组中。处理1组为对照组,仔猪使用料斗型旋转式饲喂器;处理2组仔猪使用非料斗型旋转式饲喂器;处理3组仔猪使用长条式饲喂器。试验仔猪从分娩后第18天至断奶(第21天)进行自由采食教槽料,日粮含代谢能1585kcal/Ib、真回肠可消化赖氨酸仃IDLys)1.56%,并添加1.0%的三氧化二铬。母猪在整个哺乳期自由采食单一日粮(ME:1586kcal/Ib,TIDLys:0.97嘲。仔猪在出生后第0(出生当日)、18和21天(断奶时)进行个体称重,以计算总增重和日增重。计算饲喂器内饲料消耗量,并以此作为窝教槽料采食量。在断奶前3~12h,用无菌棉签对所有处理组的仔猪采集两次粪便样本。在两次取样中,仔猪粪便颜色至少有一次为绿色时,该仔猪就被认为采食教槽料仔猪(简称采食仔猪)。结果表明,使用不同设计类型的饲喂器进行饲喂的仔猪,断奶时在个体重(p〈0.18)和窝重(P〈0.51)上均没有显著差异,在个体和窝的总增重伊〈0.20)及日增重(P〈0.31)上也很接近。采用非料斗型旋转式饲喂器或长条式饲喂器饲喂的仔猪,所消耗的总教槽料比使用料斗型旋转式饲喂器饲喂的仔猪多2.7倍(P〈0.0001)。对于料斗型旋转式、非料斗型旋转式和长条式饲喂器饲喂的仔猪,每12h平均饲喂频率分别是1、2.3和4.2次。饲喂器设计类型对饲喂教槽料仔猪中采食仔猪的比例有显著影响(P〈0.0001)。在使用料斗型旋转式、非料斗型旋转式和长条式饲喂器的仔猪中,采食仔猪分别占69%、47  相似文献   

本研究共选用54头PIC 1050系母猪及其所产仔猪,以研究不同的教槽持续时间对教槽窝的仔猪教槽料采食量和断奶前生长性能的影响.试验进行时根据胎次和分娩日期将母猪分成2组,并利用随机化完全区组设计法将它们分成3个处理.试验仔猪从出生后第7、14和18天开始教槽,持续时间依次为13、6和2 d.利用带有送料斗的旋转式教槽料饲喂器给仔猪供应添加了氧化铬的教槽日粮(含1 585大卡代谢能/lb、1.56%真回肠可消化赖氨酸),直至断奶时(20日龄)结束.教槽期间仔猪实行自由采食,自由饮水.母猪在整个哺乳期采取自由采食,哺乳期日粮含1 586大卡代谢能/lb和0.97%真回肠可消化赖氨酸.仔猪在出生当日、出生后第7、14、18和20天进行个体称重,以计算总增重和日增重,记录并计算每窝仔猪的每日教槽料采食量.用无菌棉拭分别在仔猪出生后第14、18和20天(第一处理组)、或第18和20天(第二处理组)、或第20天(第三处理组)每天两次对所有仔猪采集粪样.在采样日的任一天中,凡仔猪粪便有一次呈绿色,则该仔猪就被认定为"采食仔猪".总体而言,采用不同教槽持续时间的试验仔猪,在断奶体重(P<0.61)、总增重(P<0.38)和日增重(P<0.38)上无显著差异.教槽持续13 d和6 d的仔猪其每窝教槽料总采食量高于教槽持续2 d的每窝仔猪教槽料采食量(P<0.0001).教槽13 d和6 d的仔猪在窝教槽料采食量上无显著差异(P<0.69).教槽持续13 d的仔猪在每窝"采食仔猪"比例上比教槽持续6 d和2 d的多10%(80%比70%;P<0.03);教槽6 d和2 d的仔猪在窝采食仔猪百分比上无显著差异(P<0.98).总之.较长的教槽持续时间并不会影响仔猪断奶前增重和断奶体重,但的确会提高整窝仔猪中的采食仔猪数;然而,在断奶前仅教槽持续2 d的仔猪窝中具有相时较高的采食仔猪比例(70%).  相似文献   

本研究共选用54头PIC 1050系母猪及其所产仔猪,以研究不同的教槽持续时间对教槽窝的仔猪教槽料采食量和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验进行时根据胎次和分娩日期将母猪分成2组,并利用随机化完全区组设计法将它们分成3个处理。试验仔猪从出生后第7、14和18天开始教槽,持续时间依次为13、6和2d。利用带有送料斗的旋转式教槽料饲喂器给仔猪供应添加了氧化铬的教槽日粮(含1585大卡代谢能/Ib、1.56%真回肠可消化赖氨酸),直至断奶时(20日龄)结束。教槽期间仔猪实行自由采食,自由饮水。母猪在整个哺乳期采取自由采食,哺乳期日粮含1586大卡代谢能/Ib和0.97%真回肠可消化赖氨酸。仔猪在出生当日、出生后第7、14、18和20天进行个体称重,以计算总增重和日增重,记录并计算每窝仔猪的每日教槽料采食量。用无菌棉拭分别在仔猪出生后第14、18和20天(第一处理组)、或第18和20天(第二处理组)、或第20天(第三处理组)每天两次对所有仔猪采集粪样。在采样日的任一天中,凡仔猪粪便有一次呈绿色,则该仔猪就被认定为“采食仔猪”。总体而言,采用不同教槽持续时间的试验仔猪,在断奶体重(P〈0.61)、总增重(P〈0.38)和日增重(P〈0.38)上无显著差异。教槽持续13d和6d的仔猪其每窝教槽料总采食量高于教槽持续2d的每窝仔猪教槽料采食量(P〈0.0001)。教槽13d和6d的仔猪在窝教槽料采食量上无显著差异(P〈0.69)。教槽持续13d的仔猪在每窝“采食仔猪”比例上比教槽持续6d和2d的多10%(80%比70%;P〈0.03);教槽6d和2d的仔猪在窝采食仔猪百分比上无显著差异(P〈0.98)。总之,较长的教槽持续时间并不会影响仔猪断奶前增重和断奶体重,但的确会提高整窝仔猪中的采食仔猪数;然而,在断奶前仅教槽持续2d  相似文献   

总计84头母猪(PIC,Line1050)和它们所生仔猪被用于本实验,以确定泌乳料和教槽料采食对母猪和仔猪性能的影响。母猪按照分娩日期和胎次被分为3组,并按照2×2因子实验:母猪采食(自由采食与限饲)和仔猪采食(不喂仔猪料与喂仔猪料)共4个处理。仔猪被交叉寄养于每个实验组,以均衡窝重和窝仔猪数(>11头仔猪)。实验采用的是一种普通泌乳母猪料(ME 14.65MJ/kg,TID 0.97%lys),产仔后3d自由采食组母猪开始自由采食,限饲组母猪饲喂比自由采食组少25%的泌乳母猪料。饲喂仔猪料组仔猪采用的是加有1%氧化铬标记物的颗粒料(ME 14.64MJ/kg,TID 1.56%Lys),从3日龄喂到21日龄断奶。仔猪分别于3、7、14、21日龄称个体重,并每天计量仔猪采食量。在7、14、21日龄采集所有喂仔猪料的仔猪的粪便样本,同时通过仔猪粪便颜色区分采食仔猪料的仔猪和未采食仔猪料的仔猪。母猪在分娩后和断奶时称重,并测量P2点(距背中线6.5cm,最后肋骨)背膘。泌乳料采食和仔猪料采食没有相互作用,自由采食组母猪减少了体重损失(-15kg与-24kg;P<0.01),提高了仔猪窝重(P<0.04)和日增重(P<0.04),并比限饲组提高了断奶后14d内发情率(90%与71%;P<0.03)。饲喂仔猪料对母猪体重、背膘损失无影响(P>0.30),但会拖后母猪断奶后14d内发情间隔(5.4d与4.9d;P<0.09)。饲喂仔猪料有改善断奶窝重(61.2与56.7kg/d;P<0.09)和减少交叉寄养后仔猪死亡率(3.9%与7.3%;P<0.06)的倾向。自由采食母猪组和限饲母猪组仔猪采食仔猪料量差异不明显(2.24与2.28;P<0.93)。喂仔猪料组大约60%仔猪被确定采食了仔猪料,在被确定采食仔猪料的仔猪中有23%、20%和57%开始采食分别从3~7日龄、7~14日龄、14~21日龄。从断奶后0~28d,饲喂仔猪料与不喂仔猪料组在断奶后28d重(P<0.95)、日增重(P<0.86)、日采食量(P<0.93)和料重比(P<0.95)差异不显著。采食仔猪料的仔猪在断奶后28d重(P<0.16)和日增重(P<0.06)方面好于不吃仔猪料和不喂仔猪料仔猪。结论:喂仔猪料可以改善仔猪成活率但不能改进仔猪断奶前增重和母猪性能表现。泌乳母猪采食量低会对母猪性能和仔猪性能产生负面影响。让更多的仔猪采食仔猪料对改善仔猪断奶后性能是有利的。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究哺乳仔猪采食教槽料的日龄规律。选用出生7日龄、窝均仔猪数11.7头、母猪2.5胎的哺乳仔猪13窝,统一补饲教槽料直至28日龄断奶,以窝为单位记录采食量,计算仔猪的平均日采食教槽料量并进行回归分析。结果表明,哺乳仔猪70%以上采食教槽料发生在21~28日龄,7~28日龄平均日采食教槽料量符合指数型增长曲线(R2=0.899,P<0.001),根据试验结果和拟合曲线,提出哺乳期教槽料补饲方案:7~14日龄5~10 g/头/d、15~20日龄10~15 g/头/d、21~24日龄20~30 g/头/d、25日龄至断奶50~60 g/头/d。  相似文献   

为了找出合适本场猪群的教槽料,本试验对断奶仔猪饲喂两种不同的教槽料,饲喂15天,观察不同教槽料对仔猪增重、腹泻的影响。结果显示,教槽料B与教槽料A对比,断奶仔猪头均日增重高65.66g,料重比降低0.44;每增重1kg体重的饲料成本:A料组为11.0元,B料组为10.96元。本试验结果表明,本猪场使用教槽料B能有效减少断奶仔猪断奶应激、提高日增重和降低料重比。  相似文献   

三种不同饲喂器对哺乳仔猪教槽效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以河南省中牟县正大种猪场的30头长大二元母猪的304头仔猪为研究对象,利用SPSS10.0软件中的单因素方差分析,研究了不锈钢式转动料槽、塑胶不可转动式料槽和铸铁式料槽3种喂器对哺乳仔猪生长性能的影响。结果表明:不锈钢式转动料槽,塑胶不可转动式料槽和铸铁式料槽饲对哺乳仔猪的采食量、窝重、体重和料肉比等生长性能均无显著影响,不同饲喂器组仔猪腹泻率、死亡率和淘汰率无显著差异(P>0.05)。利用不锈钢式转动料槽、塑胶不可转动式料槽和铸铁式料槽对仔猪进行教槽时,不会因为饲喂器类型而影响教槽效果,这三种圆盘型饲喂器在仔猪教槽中均可使用。  相似文献   

于震  张政  刘春雪  洪平 《饲料工业》2020,41(1):31-34
研究应用营养、价格差异化的两种教槽料和两种代母奶组成哺乳期仔猪饲喂方案,探讨其对哺乳仔猪生长性能和断奶重影响。试验选取分娩日期相近的哺乳母猪(长×大)12头,将其所生12窝哺乳仔猪随机分成2个处理组,每组6个重复。对照组只用一种干教槽料饲喂,不补充代母奶。试验组分阶段用教槽料和代母奶组合方案饲喂。试验从仔猪初生开始到28日龄断奶结束。试验结果表明:试验组仔猪0~21日龄日增重比对照组高14.35%(P=0.048),在21日龄时均重达到7.33 kg,比对照组高0.71 kg(P=0.06),0~28日龄日增重比对照组高12.01%(P>0.05),在28日龄时断奶均重达到9.49 kg,比对照组高0.87 kg(P=0.088)。由此可见,本研究所制定的饲喂方案可以提高哺乳仔猪生长性能和断奶重。  相似文献   

试验采用新农猪场杜洛克公猪与PIC母猪杂交所产配套系商品仔猪,试验分为3组,每组3窝(30~33头仔猪,n≥30),分别饲喂3种不同的教槽料。结果表明:粉料开口王的诱食效果好于半粉料的乐口酥,颗粒料教槽王的诱食效果最差。从日增重来看,乐口酥和开口王的饲喂效果明显好于教槽王,尽管乐口酥的采食量没有开口王大,但是日增重却超过了开口王。断奶后,饲喂乐口酥的仔猪料肉比最低;采食量最好的开口王反而料肉比最高。7~14 d,饲喂3种教槽料的仔猪腹泻率差异不显著(P0.05);14~28 d,饲喂开口王的腹泻率极显著高于教槽王与乐口酥(P0.01)。饲喂乐口酥的仔猪皮毛光滑程度高于教槽王和开口王。3种教槽料基本上都能保持仔猪肤色红润,皮毛光滑,除个别腹泻仔猪影响毛色外,无显著差异。各组仔猪在全程生长过程中,死亡率无显著差异(P0.05),个别仔猪的死亡是由于先天性发育不良,体弱,不吃、拉稀不止、脱水所导致的。  相似文献   

教槽料的品种和料性是决定仔猪早期断奶后适应能力的重要因素。文章以教槽料为研究对象,比较教槽料与代乳料的教槽品质,跟踪哺乳仔猪到断奶28日龄的生长性能,以腹泻率和皮毛指数为参考指标评价粉料型和颗粒型教槽料的饲喂效果。结果表明,断奶前教槽料采食量和平均日增重高于代乳料(P0.05),断奶后教槽料采食量和平均日增重高于代乳料(P0.05),断奶后教槽料组成活率高于代乳料组,教槽料组腹泻率和皮毛指数高于代乳料(P0.05),粉料型组断奶后腹泻率和皮毛指数优于颗粒型组。结论:仔猪实现早期断奶应当采用教槽料,断奶前后粉料型教槽料优于颗粒型教槽料。  相似文献   

To assess the effects of creep feed consumption on individual feed intake characteristics and performance of group-housed weaned pigs, 16 litters (149 piglets) were fed a commercial creep feed (3,040 kcal NE/kg, 15.2 g lysine/kg) supplemented with 1% chromic oxide. Another five litters (48 piglets) were not given access to creep feed (no-feed). Piglets were weaned at 28 d after birth. On d 18, 22, and 27 of age, fecal samples from all the piglets were taken using fecal loops. A green color of the feces indicated that the piglet had eaten creep feed. Piglets that had green-colored feces three times were considered as eaters. Piglets that never showed green-colored feces were considered as non-eaters. At weaning 22 piglets of each type (no-feed, non-eaters, and eaters) were selected based on BW, litter origin, and sex. These 66 pigs were assigned to six pens equipped with computerized feeding stations. Eaters, non-eaters, and no-feed pigs were equally divided over all six pens. After weaning a prestarter (d 0 to 13) and a starter diet (d 14 to 34) were offered for ad libitum consumption. The individual feed intake characteristics of latency time (interval between weaning and first feed intake) and initial feed intake (intake during the first 24 h following first feed intake) and performance traits were determined for all piglets. The pigs that were designated as eaters needed less time between weaning and first feed intake than the pigs that were designated as non-eaters and no-feed pigs (P = 0.04 and P = 0.06, respectively). Initial feed intake was not affected (P > 0.1) by feed intake prior to weaning. However, during d 0 to 8 the eaters had more visits per day during which feed was consumed than both the non-eaters and no-feed pigs. Averaged over the first 8 d after weaning, the ADFI and ADG of the eaters were higher than that of the non-eaters and no-feed pigs (P < 0.05). Averaged over the total 34-d period the effect of creep feed intake on postweaning ADFI was much less pronounced (P = 0.20), whereas ADG of the eaters was the highest (P < 0.05). Creep feed intake during the sucking period stimulates early postweaning feed intake as well as postweaning performance.  相似文献   

王统石 《饲料广角》2010,(18):35-36
<正>1教槽料的目的教槽料可加速胃肠道的健康发育,尽早锻炼乳猪的胃肠道功能,从而达到早期断奶,可保证后期育肥阶段胃肠道内营养最大程度的消化吸收,从而使猪场总体效益最大化。  相似文献   

复合酶在教槽料中的应用效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过双盲试验,在某大型猪场对市场口碑较好的三种教槽料用复合酶进行评估,研究其对乳仔猪生产性能的影响。采用单因子试验设计,分为4个处理组,分别为基础教槽料对照组及在基础日粮中分别添加不同公司复合酶的三个试验组:酶制剂A组、尤特尔教槽料复合酶组(由多种内源消化酶和外源非淀粉多糖酶复配而成)、酶制剂B组(酶制剂A、B为市售的复合酶)。每个处理组设4个重复,每个重复8头仔猪,共128头仔猪。经过21d的饲养试验,结果显示,与基础日粮对照组相比,在日粮中添加尤特尔复合酶制剂能增加日采食量2.99%、提高日增重7.24%,显著降低腹泻率和料重比(P<0.05);尤特尔酶制剂组的仔猪在日增重和平均末重方面显著高于酶制剂B组(P<0.05),优于酶制剂A组。综上所述,尤特尔教槽料复合酶能够提高仔猪采食量和日增重,降低腹泻率和料重比;对生长性能改善的效果优于其他国内外两种酶制剂。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of chromic oxide (Cr(2)O(3)) to creep feed could be used as a visual marker in feces for selection of creep feed-eating suckling pigs. ANIMALS: 20 suckling pigs. PROCEDURES: Via syringe, 5 pigs (2 to 3 days old on day 0; 1 pig/treatment) from each of 4 litters received oral administrations of 10, 20, 30, or 40 g of creep feed containing 10 g of Cr(2)O(3)*kg(1) on each of 2 consecutive days (days 20 and 21) or 30 g of creep feed containing 10 g of Cr(2)O(3)*kg(1) on day 20 and 30 g of Cr(2)O(3)-free creep feed on day 21. On days 21 through 24, 6 fecal samples were collected from each pig at regular intervals between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Green-colored feces were considered indicative of creep feed consumption (eaters). Data analyses were based on single and multiple fecal samples. RESULTS: On day 22, evaluation of 1 fecal sample/pig and multiple fecal samples per pig resulted in identification of as many as 40% and only 15% of the feed-treated pigs wrongly as noneaters, respectively. Repeated sampling over multiple days would identify 99% of eaters accurately. Pigs erroneously identified as noneaters were those administered either low amounts of Cr(2)O(3)-supplemented creep feed for 2 days or Cr(2)O(3)-supplemented creep feed on only 1 day. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Data suggest that addition of Cr(2)O(3) to creep feed enables selection of individual creep feed-eating suckling pigs via examination of feces, provided that repeated fecal samples are evaluated.  相似文献   

试验采用高效液相色谱法测定饲料样品中色氨酸的含量。样品经过处理后,用Agilent C18(4.6 mm×150 mm,5μm)色谱柱分离样品,以0.008 5 mol/l的乙酸钠+甲醇=95+5为流动相;检测波长280 nm,流动相流速1.0 ml/min。结果表明,色氨酸在4.656~298μg/ml范围内,峰面积与其浓度线性关系良好(r=0.999 9),最低检测限为0.033 5μg/ml,两种饲料中色氨酸含量均在国标允许的误差范围内。方法准确、简便、快速,适用于色氨酸的含量测定。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of offering supplementary creep feed to piglets during the suckling period on the faecal shedding of haemolytic Escherichia coli bacteria and occurrence of spontaneous post-weaning diarrhoea 0-5 days after weaning. Supplementary creep feed was offered to half of the piglets in 12 litters, from 2 weeks of age until weaning at 4 weeks, and the individual feed contact was recorded by direct observations. It was found that diarrhoea occurrence was associated with faecal shedding of haemolytic E. coli bacteria (p=0.003), specifically E. coli O149 (p=0.004). Occurrence of diarrhoea and faecal shedding of haemolytic E. coli was not associated with creep feeding per se. However, the faecal E. coli O149 shedding occurred significantly less often in piglets that were offered creep feed in the suckling period but only showed limited interest in the feed (i.e. contacted the feed less than or equal to the median level of contact) compared to piglets that had frequent creep feed contact or piglets that had not had access to creep feed at all (p=0.015). Correspondingly, the diarrhoea occurrence tended to be lower in these piglets (p=0.081). Piglets with low creep feed contact during the suckling period ate the same total amount of feed during the 5 days after weaning, however, they ate less feed on days 0-2 after weaning compared to the piglets with frequent creep feed contact and non-creep fed piglets. It is suggested that intestinal function associated with a voluntary low creep feed contact during the suckling period leads to decreased feed intake just after weaning, and thus reduces the intestinal proliferation of E. coli O149 in these piglets.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine if the improved creep feed intake observed during intermittent suckling (IS) is important for postweaning performance. Therefore, creep feed intake of litters was assessed, and within litters, eaters and noneaters were distinguished using chromic oxide as an indigestible marker. Batches of sows were suckled intermittently (IS, 7 batches; n = 31) or continuously (control, 7 batches; n = 31). In the IS group, litters were separated from the sow for a period of 12 h/d (0930 to 2130), beginning 11 d before weaning. Litters were weaned at 4 wk of age. Litters had free access to creep feed from 1 wk of age onward. Five days after weaning, the piglets were moved as a litter to weanling pens. At 8 wk of age, 2 barrows and 2 gilts were randomly chosen from each litter and moved to a finishing facility. Feed intake was improved by IS during the last 11 d of lactation (IS, 284 +/- 27 vs. control, 83 +/- 28 g/piglet; P < 0.001) and after weaning during the first (IS, 201 +/- 24 vs. control, 157 +/- 25 g x piglet(-1) x d(-1); P < 0.05) and second (IS, 667 +/- 33 vs. control, 570 +/- 35 g x piglet(-1) x d(-1); P < 0.05) wk. Thereafter, no differences were found to slaughter. Weaning BW was lower in IS litters (IS, 7.1 +/- 0.01 vs. control, 8.1 +/- 0.01 kg/piglet; P < 0.05), but 7 d after weaning BW was similar (IS, 8.5 +/- 0.2 vs. control, 8.7 +/- 0.2 kg/piglet; P = 0.18), and no differences were found to slaughter. The percentage of eaters within a litter was not increased by IS during lactation (IS, 23 +/- 4.5% vs. control, 19 +/- 4.1%; P = 0.15). Weaning BW did not differ between eaters and noneaters (eater, 7.7 +/- 0.1 vs. noneater, 7.5 +/- 0.08 kg/piglet; P = 0.63). From 1 until 4 wk after weaning, piglets that were eaters during lactation had heavier BW than noneaters (eater, 20.3 +/- 0.3 kg vs. noneater, 18.2 +/- 0.2 kg; P < 0.05). The influence of eating creep feed during lactation on BW and ADG and the influence of suckling treatment never showed an interaction. We conclude that IS increases ADFI during lactation on a litter level and improves ADG in the first week and ADFI in the first and second weeks after weaning. No long-term effects on ADFI or ADG were observed throughout the finishing period. In the current experiment, in which creep feed intake was low, the percentage of eaters within a litter was not increased, suggesting that creep feed intake of piglets that were already eating was stimulated by IS. Further, piglets that were eaters during lactation had heavier BW up to 4 wk after weaning.  相似文献   

4种教槽料对断奶仔猪生长性能、腹泻和皮毛的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选取160头体重7.02.4±0.505kg的健康断奶仔猪,随机分4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复10头猪。分别饲喂粉料^组、扮料B组、颗粒料C组和粉料D组。结果表明:断奶后10d试验期内,扮料A组仔猪采食量和日增重均显著高于粉料B组和颗柱料C组(P〈0.05),与粉料D组差异不显著(P〉0.05);粉料B组和颗粒料C组采食量.日增重均差异显著(P〈0.05)。粉料A组仔猪料肉比与扮料B组和颗粒料C组差异均显著(P〈0.0,5),与粉料D组相比,粉料A组料肉比降低4.76%。腹泻率和腹泻指数粉料A组和粉料D组间差异不显著(P〉0.05),但与粉料B组和颗拉料C组间差异显著(P〈0.05)。除颗粒料C组皮毛指数与各组存在显著差异外(P〈0.05),各组间均差异不显著(P〉0.05)。以上结果表明,粉料A和粉料D提高断奶仔猪生产性能、降低仔猪腹泻率、生产效果最佳。  相似文献   

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