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奶牛繁殖障碍疾病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在从事奶牛繁殖工作中,经常遇到奶牛不能正常发情,甚至不能受孕等繁殖障碍。引起奶牛繁殖障碍的因素有奶牛生殖道疾病、内分泌紊乱及产科病等。1生殖道疾病久配不孕的牛中,大多数牛有生殖道炎症,且多数为子宫内膜炎和子宫颈炎(很少有输卵管炎的,除非该牛只有子宫撕裂史)。  相似文献   

在规模奶牛场中,经常遇到奶牛不能正常发情,甚至不能受孕等繁殖障碍,给场主造成很大的经济损失。引起奶牛繁殖障碍的原因很多,常见的因素是奶牛生殖道疾病,另外还有内分泌紊乱及胎产病等等。在久配不孕的奶牛中,大多数牛只有生殖道炎症,且多数为子宫内膜炎和子宫颈炎,很少有输卵管炎的,除非该牛只有子宫撕裂史。  相似文献   

奶牛常见的繁殖障碍性疾病及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在奶牛繁殖工作中,经常遇到奶牛不能正常发情,甚至不能受孕等繁殖障碍。引起奶牛繁殖障碍的原因很多,常见的因素有奶牛生殖道疾病、内分泌紊乱及胎产病等。1生殖道疾病在久配不孕的牛中,大多数牛只有生殖道炎症,且多数为子宫内膜炎和子宫颈炎,很少有输卵管炎的,除非该牛只有子宫撕裂史。生殖道炎症之所以引起不孕,是因为生殖道发炎危害了精子、卵子及合子。同时,使卵巢的机能发生紊乱从而造成不孕,常见的生殖道炎症如下:1.1子宫内膜炎产房卫生条件差,临产母牛的外阴、尾根部污染粪便而未彻底洗净消毒;助产或剥离胎衣时,术者的手臂、器械消毒…  相似文献   

正繁殖障碍病是奶牛的多发病,是影响奶牛养殖效益的重要因素。通过大量临床诊断分析与总结发现,生殖道疾病或激素紊乱是引起奶牛繁殖障疫病的主要原因。由于致病原因较为复杂,引起的繁殖障碍性疾病种类也较多。因此本文介绍了常见的奶牛繁殖障碍病,并提出了防治方法,为奶牛养殖户提供参考。1常见的奶牛繁殖障碍病1.1子宫内膜炎(1)病因:由于奶牛生产时未对母牛的外阴或尾根等部  相似文献   

奶牛瘫痪病、酮血病、乳腺炎、繁殖障碍病、蹄病,俗称为奶牛的五大疾病,在奶牛疾病中,因瘫痪病淘汰占被淘汰牛的大部分,因而不得不引起重视.  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖障碍的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
奶牛的繁殖障碍是指由于先天性或后天性的原因引起奶牛不孕不育以及产后胎衣不下、子宫内膜炎等一系列疾病的总称。现在临床上多以营养性不育尤其是非传染性疾病不育的病例居多;另外环境气候、配种技术、传染性疾病等因素也会对奶牛的正常繁殖产生重大影响。  相似文献   

张大华 《中国乳业》2021,(12):82-85
繁殖障碍是奶牛饲养过程中一类常见的疾病,可导致奶牛繁殖性能降低。子宫内膜炎、胎衣不下、卵巢囊肿等疾病是引发奶牛繁殖障碍的主要原因。此外,遗传、营养、环境等因素也可造成奶牛繁殖障碍,严重影响奶牛的正常生产,对我国奶牛养殖业造成巨大的经济损失。本文对引起奶牛繁殖障碍的疾病原因、临床症状、治疗方法和预防措施进行论述,提高奶牛场对该病的认识。  相似文献   

奶牛的繁殖障碍指奶牛不能正常发情、受孕或妊娠的现象。引起奶牛繁殖障碍的原因很多,常见的有奶牛的子宫疾病、卵巢功能异常、人为操作不当等;此外,营养不平衡、季节性因素等也可引起不孕,其中奶牛繁殖疾病是造成奶牛繁殖障碍的主要原因。奶牛子宫感染后,产生炎性渗出物,严重时出现脓性分泌物,不但破坏子宫内部环境,还导致精子和卵子不能受孕。  相似文献   

正卵巢疾病在奶牛繁殖生产中很常见,可导致奶牛繁殖障碍,严重影响奶牛生产性能的发挥,影响养殖场的经济效益和持续发展。该病的发病原因复杂,主要有先天性因素、饲养管理性因素、疾病因素等,可导致屡配不孕,应引起兽医和配种技术人员的重视。一、病因主要有先天性因素、饲养管理性因素和疾病因素。  相似文献   

在奶牛饲养过程中,繁殖性能是决定奶牛能否发挥其最大生产性能的首要因素。在繁育过程中,经常遇到奶牛不能正常发情,甚至不能受孕等繁殖障碍。引起奶牛繁殖障碍的原因很多,常见的因素有奶牛生殖道疾病、内分泌紊乱等。1激素紊乱性疾病由于饲养管理不当,生殖道炎症、应激等使生殖系统功能异常、体内激素分泌紊乱而使母牛的生殖机能受到破坏,...  相似文献   

应用B超诊断法对黑龙江省几个奶牛场的繁殖障碍奶牛进行卵巢和子宫检查,获得了奶牛卵巢和子宫疾病的超声影像图,并分析了引起奶牛不孕的卵巢和子宫疾病的超声影像图特点,以期为B超诊断奶牛繁殖障碍疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

过去二十多年,随着奶牛群体遗传改良计划的持续推进和养殖技术的不断进步,中国奶牛集约化养殖水平和产奶量正在不断提高。但是,历年来的繁育数据显示,越是高产的牛群,繁殖性能下降的趋势越明显,繁殖问题越突出,高产引发的繁殖力下降已经成为制约中国乃至全球奶业发展的瓶颈。低繁殖力会严重影响奶牛生产群的更新速度以及优质牛群泌乳性能的正常发挥。奶牛养殖生产中,造成高产奶牛繁殖性能降低的因素众多,包括遗传因素、环境因素和疾病因素等。近年来,疾病因素对奶牛繁殖性能的影响越来越突出。根据疾病的发生部位,可将影响高产奶牛的疾病分为生殖器官疾病和非生殖器官疾病。作者详细介绍了近年来国内外不同疾病对奶牛繁殖性能影响的相关研究资料,重点分析了疾病通过神经系统、生殖内分泌系统和体液免疫系统等多个途径影响奶牛繁殖性能的分子机制,并对疾病与高产奶牛繁殖性能今后研究的方向提出了展望和思考,以期为提高中国高产奶牛群繁殖效率和经济效益提供一定的借鉴和理论依据。  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years,with the continuous promotion of the genetic improvement plan of dairy cow population and the continuous improvement of feeding technology,the intensive level and milk yield of dairy cow population in China are continuously improving.However,the reproduction data over the years showed that the more milk yield,the more obviously decline in reproductive performance,and the more prominent of the reproductive problems.The decline of fertility caused by high yield has become the bottleneck of the development of dairy industry in China and even in the world.In dairy farming,there are many factors that cause the reduction of reproductive performance of high-yield dairy cows,including genetic factors,environmental factors and disease factors.Recently,the influence of disease factors on reproductive performance of dairy cows has become more and more prominent.According to the location of the disease,the diseases can be divided into genital diseases and non-genital diseases.This paper discussed the relevant research data on the effects of different diseases on the reproductive performance of dairy cows in recent years,and focusing on the analysis of the molecular mechanism of diseases affecting the reproductive performance of dairy cows through the nervous system,reproductive endocrine system and humoral immune system.The prospect and thinking for the future research of diseases and reproductive performance of high-yield dairy cows were put forward to provide reference and theoretical basis for improving the reproductive efficiency and economic benefits of high-yield dairy cows in China.  相似文献   

酮症是高产奶牛在泌乳前期的常见病。根据有无临床症状将酮症分为临床酮症(clinical ketosis,CK)和亚临床酮症(subclinical ketosis,SCK)。酮症会导致奶牛血液或牛奶中酮体浓度增加,目前主要通过检测血液中β-羟丁酸(BHBA)浓度高低来对酮症进行诊断。CK对奶牛的影响比较明显,因此更能引起牧场主的关注。而奶牛患有SCK后不表现出临床症状,往往容易被牧场主忽视。SCK如同CK和奶牛围产期其他疾病一样是造成奶牛经济和福利损失的主要原因之一。SCK大大增加了奶牛产后相关疾病的风险,如CK、真胃移位、胎衣不下、乳房炎和子宫炎等,另外患有SCK的奶牛生产性能大幅度下降(泌乳性能降低、繁殖性能变差、淘汰率增加),给牧场的发展带来了不可估量的损失。SCK可能在未被发现的时候就已经开始对生产性能产生影响,而且它对生产性能的影响与CK引起的影响相当,但是由于缺乏临床症状而不被牧场重视。作者在这篇综述中将着重介绍奶牛SCK的最新研究进展,这不仅有助于进一步了解奶牛酮症的发病机理及SCK对生产力的不利影响,并且可提供针对SCK的不同检测方法和可行的预测方法来帮助牧场进行早期诊断,减少因SCK造成的奶牛福利和经济损失。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of dairy breeding and the scale feeding level,the average individual milk yield of dairy herds in China has been greatly improved over the last few decades.However,the reproductive performance of dairy cows,especially in high-producing dairy cows,has declined continuously and affected severely dairy farm profitability.Reproductive performance of dairy cows was influenced by many factors including environment,herd management,genetics and various diseases.It has become more evident that genital tract diseases(also known as reproductive diseases) decreased reproductive performance of dairy cows during the last 10 years.The effect of reproductive diseases on reproduction of dairy cows has received more attention.This paper briefly described the incidence of reproductive diseases such as metritis,various types of endometritis and retained fetal membrane and ovarian diseases such as ovarian cyst,persistent corpus luteum in China and abroad.This paper highlighted the effects of reproductive diseases on reproductive performance such as days open,calving interval,pregnancy rate,estrus detection,days to first breeding and breeding index.Moreover,we analyzed in more detail the possible mechanisms by disrupting endocrine signaling,damaging intrauterine environment and causing ovarian dysregulation.Lastly,we looked forward to the future research direction of reproductive diseases of dairy cows that provided data reference and theoretical support for improving the management measures of scale feeding,reducing the incidence of reproductive diseases,improving the production and reproductive capacity of dairy herds in China.  相似文献   

在过去几十年,随着奶牛育种和规模化饲养水平的快速发展,中国奶牛群单产水平大幅提高,但是奶牛,特别是高产奶牛繁殖性能呈现不断下降趋势,严重影响了奶牛养殖的盈利能力。繁殖性能的降低受多种因素影响,包括环境、畜群管理、遗传和各种疾病等。近年来,生殖器官疾病(也称繁殖疾病)降低奶牛生殖能力的情况越来越明显,其对奶牛繁殖的影响受到了越来越多的关注。文章简述了国内外生殖道疾病如子宫炎、子宫内膜炎、胎衣不下和卵巢疾病如卵巢囊肿、持久黄体等繁殖疾病发生情况。通过文献检索和数据比较,重点介绍了繁殖疾病对奶牛繁殖性能如空怀天数、产犊间隔、妊娠率、发情检出率、产后首次配种天数、配种指数等繁殖指标的影响和研究成果。同时,重点分析了繁殖疾病通过干扰生殖内分泌,损伤子宫内环境,导致卵巢功能异常影响奶牛繁殖性能的可能机制,并对奶牛繁殖疾病研究方向提出了展望,以期为改进中国规模牧场管理措施、减少繁殖疾病发生、提高奶牛群生产和生殖能力提供数据参考和理论支持。  相似文献   

An important precondition of a well-functioning dairy production is knowledge about the incidence of environmentally evoked non-infectious diseases in a particular herd, in the region and in the country as a whole. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence rate of environmentally evoked multifactorial diseases in Estonian dairy herds, and to compare the disease incidence in small (< or = 100 cows) and large herds (101-300 cows). The disease incidence was recorded by local veterinarians in twelve production units with a total of 33 cowsheds and about 5000 dairy cows. Fourteen disease groups were formed. In order to describe the range of disease incidence, the relative frequency of each group of diseases was determined, as well as the incidence rate. The 95 % confidence interval was applied in order to assess the reliability of the incidence rates. The most common disorders of Estonian dairy cows are udder diseases, followed by uterine infection, metabolic diseases and retained placenta. The disease incidence in Estonian dairy herds is similar to that of other European countries. Most of the diseases occur more often in small herds than in large herds.  相似文献   

产乳热是奶牛产犊后泌乳造成血钙水平下降而引发的营养代谢性疾病,其发生病率非常高,对奶牛健康和生产性能影响较大。产乳热增加了奶牛生育性炎症、生殖障碍和内分泌、消化等方面疾病发生的几率,对养殖业造成很大的损失。影响奶牛产乳热的因素有很多,不仅包括奶牛品种、年龄、体况评分、产乳热史等牛自身因子,也包括饲养管理层面的因素,如泌乳天数、干奶期、产犊间隔的控制及奶牛饲料营养水平的调控,还与气候、环境等外界因素相关,这些影响因子往往相互交织,增加了奶牛产乳热的预防和治疗难度。作者综述了奶牛产乳热的发病机理,分析研究了各种因子对奶牛产乳热的影响机制,并介绍了几种预防措施,主要包括对奶牛饲养环境的管理、产犊间隔和泌乳情况的控制和奶牛不同阶段饲料营养水平的调控,以期为降低奶牛产乳热提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Dairy operations in states representing 86% of the United States’ national dairy herd were surveyed regarding the occurrence of common dairy diseases or disorders (digestive, respiratory, gastrointestinal, lameness, mastitis, navel infection) in specified production groups (weaned heifers, unweaned heifers, adult cows), and the most common antimicrobial preparation used to treat these conditions. Within disease and production group, disease frequency and characteristics of primary antimicrobial (drug class, availability, spectrum of activity, extra-label usage, withdrawal times) were compared among herd sizes (30–99, 100–499, and ≥500 cows) using chi-square or t-tests that accounted for the sampling design. The most common diseases were mastitis and lameness in cows, and gastrointestinal disease in unweaned calves, affecting 16, 11, and 15% of the target populations, respectively. Herd-level disease prevalence tended to increase as herd size increased, whereas within-herd prevalence tended to decrease as herd size increased. Broad-spectrum antimicrobials were selected as primary treatments by a majority of operations for nearly all diseases surveyed. When treating gastrointestinal disease, navel infection, or reproductive disorders, a majority of operations selected primary treatments not specifically labeled for that condition. Selection of over-the-counter preparations tended to decrease as herd size increased, whereas selection of broad-spectrum preparations tended to increase with herd size.  相似文献   

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