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随着现代社会发展,新农村建设水平也不断提高,在新农村建设过程中,"三资"管理十分重要,加强农村"三资"管理也是新农村建设过程中的重要内容之一。该文首先介绍了"三资"管理的意义,然后分析了农村"三资"管理中存在的问题,并提出了规范化管理、民主化管理以及完善农村"三资"管理制度等管理措施,旨在提高农村"三资"管理水平。  相似文献   

本文总结了长乐市营前街道开展农村"三资"管理工作的主要做法和取得的成效,从监督、制度、管理等方面分析了该街道农村"三资"管理仍存在不少亟待解决的问题。为了进一步强化农村"三资"管理,本文从完善"三资"管理制度、完善民主管理机制、完善外部监督机制、提升管理层次等方面提出了促进农村"三资"管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

农村集体"三资"是指集体资金、集体资产、集体资源。农村"三资"管理问题涉及千家万户农民的切身利益,实施农村集体"三资"管理是农村经济管理体制的一项重大改革,对于规范"三资"管理、有效维护广大农民群众切身利益、促进农村社会和谐稳定具有重要意义。本文针对农村"三资"管理的现状进一步阐述如何抓好村级"三资"管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

郑秀娟 《安徽农业科学》2012,(18):9782-9783,9798
引入PM理论,将"农家乐"服务质量管理作为项目,按照PM方法对"农家乐"服务质量进行动态管理,以提升"农家乐"服务质量管理效能。  相似文献   

农村集体资产、资金、资源的"三资"管理长期是农村工作的焦点问题。加强"三资"管理能有效避免农村集体"三资"的流失和浪费,切实维护农民群众的合法权益。对当前农村集体"三资"管理中存在的突出问题进行深入分析,并提出一些解决对策,以期对"三资"管理有所帮助。  相似文献   

农村集体资金、资产、资源(简称"三资")管理,事关农村农业发展稳定。当前,存在的问题主要表现在,以"乡代管"模式是对农村"三资"管理的创新,但弱化了村民自治的管理原则;管理职能方面"双印鉴"制度落实不到位、记账不及时,资产购置处置、资源发包不规范;群众监督乏力,内部监督不力,缺乏审计监督长效机制。因此,要通过加强队伍建设,健全"三资"管理机构;加强制度建设,为"三资"管理提供保障;加强流程规范,夯实"三资"管理基础;加强平台建设,实现"三资"信息化管理。  相似文献   

介绍了嘉兴市油车港镇农村集体"三资"管理的探索实践,包括建立"三资"管理保障体系、建立"四位一体"监管体系、加强村级财务预算管理、加强村级财务收支管理、加强村级采购管理、落实民主理财与财务公开、完善执纪追责体系。  相似文献   

靳丽 《饲料博览》2008,(1):51-52
人们经常把"经营"和"管理"这两个词汇联系在一起,很多人也因此认为"企业经营"就是"企业管理".全世界第一个把"经营"同"管理"概念明确区分开来的是法国的法约尔.  相似文献   

介绍"麻江蓝莓"的栽培管理研究现状,然后通过"麻江蓝莓"的栽培管理技术详细阐述"麻江蓝莓"的栽培管理技术。  相似文献   

根据棉花各个生育阶段对管理的要求不同,提出育苗移栽棉花大田管理关键环节的技术要点和措施,即蕾期管理突出"稳"、花铃期管理突出"多"、吐絮期管理突出"健",以获得早发、稳长、高产、不早衰的效果。  相似文献   

A ifeld experiment was conducted to study the impact of tillage, crop residue management and nitrogen (N) splitting on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield over 2 yr (2010-2012) in a rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat system in northwestern Pakistan. The experiment was conducted as split plot arranged in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Treatments comprised six tillage and residue managements:zero tillage straw retained (ZTsr), zero tillage straw burnt (ZTsb), reduced tillage straw incorporated (RTsi), reduced tillage straw burnt (RTsb), conventional tillage straw incorporated (CTsi), and conventional tillage straw burnt (CTsb) as main plots and N (200 kg ha-1) was applied as split form viz., control (no nitrogen&no splitting, N0S0);2 splits of total N, half at sowing and half at the 1st irrigation (i.e., 20 d after sowing (DAS)) (NS1);3 splits of total N, 1/3 at sowing, 1/3 at the 1st irrigation, and 1/3 at the 2nd irrigation (NS2);4 splits of total N, 1/4 at sowing, 1/4 at the 1st irrigation, 1/4 at the 2nd irrigation (45 DAS), and 1/4 at the 3rd irrigation (70 DAS) (NS3);and 4 splits of total N, 1/4 at the 1st irrigation, 1/4 at the 2nd irrigation, 1/4 at the 3rd irrigation, and 1/4 at the 4th irrigation (95DAS) (NS4) as sub plots. The results showed that the most pikes m-2, grains/spike, 1 000-grain weight, grain yield, and N use efifciency (NUE) were obtained at zero tillage, straw retained and 4 splits application of total N (i.e., at sowing 20, 45 and 70 d after sowing). The results indicated that ZTsr with application of 200 kg N ha-1 in 4 equal splits viz. at sowing 20, 45 and 70 d after sowing is an appropriate strategy that enhanced wheat yield (7 436-7 634 kg ha-1) and N efifciency (28.6-29.5 kg kg-1) in rice-wheat system.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地幅员辽阔,矿产资源丰富,但水资源匮乏是其经济发展的"瓶颈"之一。2014年柴达木盆地用水总量为9.88亿m~3,其中农业用水量占85.6%,节约用水潜力较大。根据柴达木盆地德令哈灌区典型地块小麦灌溉用水量的监测试验,发现小麦种植灌溉用水量远低于该地区相关统计数据,渠道渗漏和管理粗放是传统小麦种植用水效率较低的主要原因,可以考虑通过提高渠道衬砌率和强化灌溉管理等方式来提高用水效率。  相似文献   

[目的]研究冬小麦"一水千斤"栽培模式下的养分管理方式。[方法]试验在赵县韩村镇韩村进行,播种前、收获后采集2 m土体土样,测定土样的全氮、有效磷、速效钾含量和存储量。[结果]2m土层中全氮和有效磷的含量变化幅度较大,全氮的含量主要集中在0~40 cm土层,而有效磷的含量主要集中在0~20 cm土层;速效钾含量2 m土体纵向变化幅度较小,80 cm土层以下速效钾含量虽有所减少,但含量比较稳定;冬小麦全生育期内2 m土体全氮和有效磷存储量呈盈余状况,有效磷存储量呈亏缺状态。[结论]无论是"一水千斤"栽培模式还是常规栽培模式,麦田土壤养分运筹应适当减少氮磷肥用量,增加钾肥用量。  相似文献   

河北省冬麦北移决策支持系统(DSSNWWH)是辅助用户对"冬麦北移"进行决策的计算机应用软件系统,是根据"冬麦北移"工作需要建立的。其主要功能是对小麦越冬死亡率、物候期出现时间、群体动态变化、同化物分配状况以及最终产量等几方面进行模拟预测,根据预测结果来判断某一冬小麦品种的适宜种植区域及某一区域适宜种植的品种,同时提出相应的栽培管理建议,从而达到对"冬麦北移"进行辅助性决策的目的。  相似文献   

冬小麦夏玉米农田土壤呼吸与碳平衡的研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
为探讨不同农作措施下的农田碳平衡规律,研究农田对大气CO2的“源”、“汇”特征,2000年至2003年连续测定了不同秸秆管理、灌溉和氮肥施用等种植措施下华北冬小麦、夏玉米生长季的土壤呼吸。结果表明,农田CO2释放主要受气温、土壤水分状况和有机物投入量等因素的影响。秸秆还田与优化灌溉增加了土壤呼吸的强度,不同农作措施间土壤呼吸的差异主要发生在冬小麦生长季。对农田碳平衡研究的计算结果显示,农田系统在常规种植措施下表现为大气CO2的“汇”。在传统农作措施下,华北冬小麦、夏玉米生长季植物碳净固定量(NPP)与土壤碳排放量(Rm)的比值分别为1.16、1.21。  相似文献   

通过对小麦新品种豫麦1O号的观察,认为该品种在上蔡县增产潜力较大。为充分发挥其增产优势,从整地播种,施肥浇水,中、后期管理等方面提出了措施和建议。  相似文献   

寻找有效的方法研究小麦生产的时空特征,对于江苏省小麦生产的宏观调控及管理具有重要意义。提出了一种研究小麦生产时空特征的新方法,这种方法在对小麦综合比较优势进行分析的基础上,构造三个基本模型,完成对综合比较优势的定量分析的规范化评估,从而实现从不同的侧面对江苏省各地级市小麦生产的综合比较优势时空特征的动态态变化进行研究,并给出有用的结论。研究表明,江苏省小麦生产的综合比较优势受多种自然及非自然因素的影响,除了有一定的统计规律外,也表现出相当程度的随机性,但加强农田基本建设及抵制自然灾害的能力、提高小麦生产的科学管理水平是提高小麦生产的综合比较优势的重要途径。  相似文献   

Several simple agronomic practices such as crop rotation, timing of sowing, no-till management, and resistant cultivars can reduce damage by the cereal cyst nematode (CCN), (Heterodera avenae), but the damage levels are unpredictable. The objective of the present study was to develop a fast assay that would forecast the potential damage to wheat by CCN in the fields. Our forecast procedure was based on the SIRONEM bioassay with several modifications in the sampling and incubation of field soil samples and cultivation in them of wheat seedlings. For CCN disease assessment, a damage model that takes account of CCN infection and its damage to roots was developed. Field experiments were established to validate the resulting damage model, and showed a correlation between the forecast damage and field rating of CCN infection. This assay has advantages over other CCN estimation methods because it directly forecasts the potential crop damage in the field and it requires a relatively short period to obtain the data. According to the forecast damage and weather conditions, the most appropriate crop management regime, especially of sowing, can be chosen for each field assayed.  相似文献   

作物模拟技术在小麦栽培中应用的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
 阐述了作物模拟技术的内容及其在小麦栽培中的应用 ,论述了小麦栽培模拟优化决策系统的原理 ,分析了小麦栽培模拟优化决策系统中常年决策、当年决策的功能与机理。将作物模拟技术与小麦栽培学相结合 ,可克服传统小麦生产管理决策的滞后性与非动态性 ,使其向动态、定量、目标与优化方向发展 ,实现智能化、精确化与科学化管理 ,促进农业信息化和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Active canopy sensor (ACS)—based precision nitrogen (N) management (PNM) is a promising strategy to improve crop N use efficiency (NUE). The GreenSeeker (GS) sensor with two fixed bands has been applied to improve winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) N management in North China Plain (NCP). The Crop Circle (CC) ACS-470 active sensor is user configurable with three wavebands. The objective of this study was to develop a CC ACS-470 sensor-based PNM strategy for winter wheat in NCP and compare it with GS sensor-based N management strategy, soil Nmin test-based in-season N management strategy and conventional farmer’s practice. Four site-years of field N rate experiments were conducted from 2009 to 2013 to identify optimum CC vegetation indices for estimating early season winter wheat plant N uptake (PNU) and grain yield in Quzhou Experiment Station of China Agricultural University located in Hebei province of NCP. Another nine on-farm experiments were conducted at three different villages in Quzhou County in 2012/2013 to evaluate the performance of the developed N management strategy. The results indicated that the CC ACS-470 sensor could significantly improve estimation of early season PNU (R2 = 0.78) and grain yield (R2 = 0.62) of winter wheat over GS sensor (R2 = 0.60 and 0.33, respectively). All three in-season N management strategies achieved similar grain yield as compared with farmer’s practice. The three PNM strategies all significantly reduced N application rates and increased N partial factor productivity (PFP) by an average of 61–67 %. It is concluded that the CC sensor can improve estimation of early season winter wheat PNU and grain yield as compared to the GS sensor, but the PNM strategies based on these two sensors perform equally well for improving winter wheat NUE in NCP. More studies are needed to further develop and evaluate these active sensor-based PNM strategies under more diverse on-farm conditions.  相似文献   

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