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通过调查发现云南省西双版纳地区寄生橡胶树的蚧虫有5种,分属于3个科.其中蚧科2种,即橡胶盔蚧和橄榄黑盔蚧;粉蚧科1种,即大洋臀纹粉蚧;盾蚧科2种,即类巨腺白盾蚧和东方片圆蚧.描述了以上5种蚧虫为害橡胶树的基本情况及国内外对各蚧虫的防治概况,预测了未来可能严重为害橡胶树的蚧虫种类.  相似文献   

蚧虫是进口水果中最重要害虫类群。厦门口岸截获的检疫性蚧虫主要有大洋臀纹粉蚧、南洋臀纹粉蚧、新菠萝灰粉蚧,一般性蚧虫有橘臀纹粉蚧、椰圆盾蚧、芒果白轮蚧等。携带蚧虫较多的水果有火龙果、番荔枝、莲雾和菠萝等。本文详细介绍了重要蚧虫的分布与为害、传播途径和检疫方法,以期为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导,严防检疫性蚧虫随水果传入。  相似文献   

臀纹粉蚧属有多个种类是重要的农业害虫,大洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus minor(Maskell))和南洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus lilacius Cockerell)是我国有重要检疫意义的有害生物.这两种臀纹粉蚧经常从进口泰国和东南亚水果口岸检疫中截获,但形态学方法很难进行准确鉴定.本研究首次利用mtDNA COI基因设计了两条特异性探针,应用TaqMan实时荧光PCR方法对大洋臀纹粉蚧和南洋臀纹粉蚧进行了快速准确鉴定.  相似文献   

对德宏柠檬产区柠檬园树体冠层和土壤耕作层橘臀纹粉蚧的发生情况及防治措施进行了研究,结果表明:橘臀纹粉蚧每年7至10月在柠檬树地上冠层部分形成一个为害期,4月和6月在地下耕作层根部形成两个为害高峰,于橘臀纹粉蚧低龄期采用10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂2000倍液进行灌根,防治效果最好。  相似文献   

2006年9月,南京出入境检验检疫局机场办检疫人员在对入境旅客携带物实施检疫时,发现一名旅客携带大量榴莲,上面布满粉蚧,检疫人员当场截获并送至江苏局植检实验室。经初步鉴定并经南京林业大学严熬金教授复核为南洋臀纹粉蚧。该虫隶属于粉蚧科(Pseudococcidae),团粉蚧亚科(Trabutininae),臀纹粉蚧属(Planococcus),被列入新的进境植物检疫性有害生物名录,属于检疫性有害生物,在此对该虫的特征、寄主等作详细介绍,以期对口岸一线检疫提供资料。  相似文献   

本文研究了甲酸乙酯常温熏蒸对南洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus lilacius Cockerell)的杀灭效果及对进口山竹品质的影响。在20℃下,分别使用15、25、35和45 g/m~3甲酸乙酯熏蒸南洋臀纹粉蚧混合虫态和山竹3 h,统计南洋臀纹粉蚧死亡率,测定山竹糖度、酸度、抗坏血酸(VC)、总抗氧化能力(Total Antioxidative Capacity)等品质指标。结果表明,南洋臀纹粉蚧雌成虫较若虫更为耐受,25 g/m~3甲酸乙酯即可全部杀死南洋臀纹粉蚧雌成虫和若虫;且与对照组比较甲酸乙酯熏蒸对山竹品质无明显的影响,仅35、45 g/m~3甲酸乙酯熏蒸会短时间降低山竹VC含量和T-AOC。上述研究表明,甲酸乙酯熏蒸可用于进口山竹携带南洋臀纹粉蚧的检疫处理,20℃下使用25 g/m~3甲酸乙酯熏蒸3 h可做为备选技术指标。  相似文献   

进口菠萝易携带南洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus lilacius Cockerell)等有害生物,检疫风险较高,急需开发检疫处理技术。本文研究了20℃下,不同浓度磷化氢熏蒸4 h对南洋臀纹粉蚧的杀灭效果以及对进口菠萝呼吸强度、失重率、硬度、酸度、可溶性糖等品质指标的影响。结果表明,南洋臀纹粉蚧雌成虫对磷化氢的耐受性强于若虫,400 ppm磷化氢熏蒸即可完全杀灭各虫态南洋臀纹粉蚧。与对照组比较,磷化氢熏蒸降低了货架期间菠萝的呼吸强度,对菠萝的失重率,硬度,酸度与可溶性糖度均无显著影响。这些结果表明常温磷化氢熏蒸可有效杀灭南洋臀纹粉蚧,且对进口菠萝的品质无不利影响,可作为进口菠萝检疫处理备选技术。  相似文献   

南洋臀纹粉蚧和石蒜绵粉蚧是近年我国新记录的两种检疫性有害生物,目前分别在福建省的番荔枝果园和多肉植物种植基地发生为害严重。为明确球孢白僵菌BB-T02对这2种检疫性粉蚧的生防潜力,本研究在该菌株生物学特性的基础上,测定该菌株对两种检疫性粉蚧的致病力和胞外酶活性。结果表明,球孢白僵菌BB-T02培养最适的温度为28℃、光周期8L:16D、碳源为麦芽糖、氮源为蛋白胨,在此条件下培养10 d菌落直径和产孢量分别可达5.60 cm和4.22×108孢子/cm2。菌株BB-T02侵染南洋臀纹粉蚧和石蒜绵粉蚧10 d后的LC50分别为5.00×105孢子/mL和2.17×105孢子/mL,1.00×108孢子/mL处理的累计致死率分别为85.39%和88.76%、LT50分别为5.78 d和5.19 d。菌株BB-T02蛋白酶活性的变化幅度较大,在第5 d达峰值22.68 U/mL;几丁质酶和脂肪酶活性的变化幅度相对平稳,均在第6 d分别达到峰值13.19 U/mL和9.77 U/mL。综上,球孢白僵菌BB-T02生长速度快、产孢量高,对南洋臀纹粉蚧和石蒜绵粉蚧的侵染活性强,可用于这两种检疫性粉蚧的生物防治。  相似文献   

粉蚧是一种有重要检疫意义的有害生物.近年来,双流机场入境旅客携带的水果中检出粉蚧科昆虫的频率较高.本文对2012—2018年这7年中在双流国际机场口岸旅检截获的昆虫进行了统计,发现粉蚧科昆虫的检出率大于41.6%.通过分子鉴定结果可知,共有鉴定到8个种,其中有2个种属于检疫性有害生物,分别为大洋臀纹粉蚧(Planococcus minor)和新菠萝灰粉蚧(Dysmicoccus neobrevipes),另外,还有部分粉蚧科昆虫未被鉴定到种.检出粉蚧较多的水果主要有番荔枝、红毛丹、山竹等.粉蚧科昆虫的鉴定技术还有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

<正>康氏粉蚧[Pseudococcus comstocki(Kuwana)]属粉蚧科,又名梨粉蚧,是1种刺吸式害虫。该虫喜在阴暗处活动,梨果套袋内是其为害的最佳场所。随着套袋技术的推广与普及,康氏粉蚧发生呈上升趋势,为害程度不断加重,成为为害套袋梨果的重要害虫之一。据调查,在河北省晋州市,2008年康氏粉蚧  相似文献   

庭园象甲(Phlyctinus callosus)是一种能对水果、观赏植物造成严重危害的害虫,原产南非,现已传播到新西兰和澳大利亚等地,我国尚无分布记录.庭院象甲寄主广,适应性强,为害具有较高的隐蔽性,有较大的入侵风险.本文对庭园象甲的分类地位、寄主、分布、形态特征、为害特点、生物学特性、防控措施等进行了详细介绍,为口...  相似文献   

Puccinia psidii has long been considered a significant threat to Australian plant industries and ecosystems. In April 2010, P. psidii was detected for the first time in Australia on the central coast of New South Wales (NSW). The fungus spread rapidly along the east coast and in December 2010 was found in Queensland (Qld) followed by Victoria a year later. Puccinia psidii was initially restricted to the southeastern part of Qld but spread as far north as Mossman. In Qld, 48 species of Myrtaceae are considered highly or extremely susceptible to the disease. The impact of P. psidii on individual trees and shrubs has ranged from minor leaf spots, foliage, stem and branch dieback to reduced fecundity. Tree death, as a result of repeated infection, has been recorded for Rhodomyrtus psidioides. Rust infection has also been recorded on flower buds, flowers and fruits of 28 host species. Morphological and molecular characteristics were used to confirm the identification of P. psidii from a range of Myrtaceae in Qld and compared with isolates from NSW and overseas. A reconstructed phylogeny based on the LSU and SSU regions of rDNA did not resolve the familial placement of P. psidii, but indicated that it does not belong to the Pucciniaceae. Uredo rangelii was found to be con‐specific with all isolates of P. psidii in morphology, ITS and LSU sequence data, and host range.  相似文献   

辣椒花象甲Anthonomus eugenii是一种毁灭性害虫,原产于中美洲,可为害至少35种商业辣椒品种,对辣椒为害严重,可使其减产33%~90%。该害虫于1993年入侵加拿大,并于2014年进入欧洲。频繁的全球贸易及国际运输将加速该害虫的传播和扩散,并有入侵我国的风险。该文对辣椒花象甲的生物学特性、寄主植物、为害特征、分布范围及传播进行总结,分析其对我国的入侵风险及对我国辣椒产业造成的潜在损失,并提出风险管理措施。  相似文献   

The host range of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) and Polymyxa betae was determined by growing plants in naturally infested soils from rhizomania outbreaks in England. Apart from Beta vulgaris , plant species infected by BNYVV were included in the families Chenopodiaceae ( Atriplex patula, Chenopodium bonus-henricus, C. hybridum, C. polyspermum and Spinacia oleracea ), Amaranthaceae ( Amaranthus retroflexus ) and Caryophyllaceae ( Silene alba, S. vulgaris, S. noctiflora and Stellaria graminea ). Only P. betae isolates from B. vulgaris, C. polyspermum and S. oleracea were found to be able to transmit BNYVV back to sugar beet. When a range of weed plants from infected fields were tested, none were found to be infected by BNYVV. Therefore, it seems likely that the weed hosts play only a minor role in the spread of rhizomania disease compared to that of sugar beet, other Beta vulgaris crop types or spinach.  相似文献   

番茄潜叶蛾起源于南美洲西部的秘鲁,寄主植物达11科50种,喜食茄科植物,嗜食番茄,是世界番茄的毁灭性害虫。番茄潜叶蛾主要借助农产品(尤其是番茄果实)的贸易活动快速跨区跨境传播扩散,截至2021年该虫已在五大洲103个国家和地区发生,21个国家和地区疑似发生。我国于2017年首次在新疆发现番茄潜叶蛾为害露地番茄,2018年在云南发现其在保护地发生,截至2022年3月该虫已扩散传播至我国13个省(直辖市、自治区),对我国番茄、茄子、辣椒、马铃薯、烟草等茄科作物生产安全的潜在威胁巨大。本文概述了番茄潜叶蛾扩散分布、生物学、发生为害、经济生态影响,以及防治对策、控制技术等,以期为该虫有效防控提供参考。  相似文献   

匙叶天南星褐腐病的检出   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 匙叶天南星是华南地区近几年新引入的一种重要花卉植物,1995年秋广东省广州市和顺德市栽种引自台湾的植株发生褐腐病,导致大量死亡。通过病原菌鉴定及对病土和各种种花基质进行的一系列试验,表明该病是由Cylindrocladium spathiphyli Schoulties et al.引起;病原菌是自台湾省随种苗和介质传入大陆的。建议在进行引种种苗时严格注意对植物根和介质的检疫。  相似文献   

梣粉虱是新近入侵中国大陆的一种危险性果树和园林植物害虫,2010年9月在上海市闵行区发现其严重为害梨树。本文介绍了梣粉虱的识别特征、危害特性、寄主植物种类、地理分布范围和防治措施,为预防该虫在我国的进一步传播扩散提供科学依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In 1993, a bacterial blight caused important losses of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) in southwestern France and has now been reported in all cantaloupe-growing regions of France. The causal agent of this blight is Pseudomonas syringae, although on a worldwide basis this bacterium has not been a major pathogen of melon for over 50 years. To identify the pathovar of the cantaloupe pathogen, we employed biochemical tests, plasmid and chromosomal profiling, and host range studies for 23 strains from cantaloupe and 47 reference strains of 14 pathovars of P. syringae. Numerical analysis of 119 traits, serological typing, syringomycin production, and BOX-polymerase chain reaction profiles did not allow us to differentiate among pathovars related to P. syringae pv. syringae. Host range studies of cantaloupe and references strains on 18 plant species showed that virulence to sugar beet was a common feature of strains virulent on cantaloupe, but was not common to strains avirulent on cantaloupe. Virulence to other species of plants varied among strains, but the overall extent of the host range was proportional to aggressiveness to cantaloupe. We propose that the strains attacking cantaloupe in France be considered P. syringae pv. aptata and that adequate host range testing may reveal that this pathovar is the cause of cantaloupe blight reported in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Symptoms of a downy mildew disease were recognized on maize growing in the Atherton Tableland and Lakeland Downs areas of Far North Queensland in 1985. Quarantine measures were invoked to prevent the spread of this potentially serious disease to other parts of Australia.
The pathogen was identified as Peronosclerospora maydis in 1986 following examination of conidiophores with conidia and host range studies. An alternative host was strongly suspected and a survey near fields where the disease had been prevalent led to the identification of P. maydis on Sorghum plumosum, a grass indigenous to northern Australia. All downy mildew outbreaks on maize and sweetcorn in northern Australia since 1970 have been in areas where S. plumosum occurs. It seems likely that P. maydis has been present in Australia for many years.  相似文献   

新德里番茄曲叶病毒(tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, ToLCNDV)是双生病毒科菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒,由烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci以循环持久性方式传播,能对茄科和葫芦科等多种作物造成毁灭性的危害。近年来,ToLCNDV不断扩散蔓延至新的国家和地区。我国于2021年在浙江的温室番茄上发现了ToLCNDV的危害。本文综述了ToLCNDV的发生分布、基因组结构与进化、传播方式和寄主范围,提出了防范ToLCNDV在我国进一步传播和危害的防控建议。  相似文献   

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