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<正>约翰迪尔7760自走式可打包棉花收获机是由美国迪尔公司于2007年推出的世界上最先进的新一代自走式摘棉机,由一台摘棉机和一台机载的圆形棉花打包机组成。它的诞生体现了迪尔公司在棉花收获机械技术上的世界领先地位,实现了机械收获棉花的一次革命,即田间采棉和机载打包一次完成,实现连续不间断的田间采棉作业。该机具有的主要特点:  相似文献   

棉花作为我国主要经济作物之一,在我国长江流域、黄河流域和新疆都有广泛种植。棉花收获后遗留田间的秸秆即棉柴收获环节多、劳动强度大、生产效率低,急需开展适用机械收获技术研究,提高棉柴资源开发利用水平。为此,综述了国内棉柴收获技术的研究现状,进行了总结评价,指出了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

我国棉柴机械收获技术现状综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
棉花作为我国主要经济作物之一,在我国长江流域、黄河流域和新疆都有广泛种植.棉花收获后遗留田间的秸秆即棉柴收获环节多、劳动强度大、生产效率低,急需开展适用机械收获技术研究,提高棉柴资源开发利用水平.为此,综述了国内棉柴收获技术的研究现状,进行了总结评价,指出了未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

约翰迪尔7760型自走式摘棉机 ——可实现田间连续采棉和棉花打包的新式摘棉机 约翰迪尔7760型自走式摘棉机是由迪尔公司2007年推出的世界上最先进的新一代摘棉机,真正实现了机械收获棉花的一次革命,即在田间采棉和机载打包一次完成,可以实现连续不停顿的田间采棉作业。它的诞生又一次体现了约翰迪尔在棉花收获机械上的技术优势。  相似文献   

<正>2010年10月16日,农七师130团9连的棉田中一辆采棉机正在田间收获新棉。近日,该团场使用了6台采棉机以加快"三秋"采棉进度。今年该团场种植棉花5300多hm2,全面推广应用了棉花新品种、精量点播、超宽膜覆盖、高密度栽  相似文献   

随着棉花生产效益提升,昌吉州棉花生产在实现全程机械化的同时,棉花在种植管理和机械收获过程中,受多种因素的影响产生棉花掉落问题得到广泛关注,引起广大农户、相关企业和部门高度重视。造成棉花生产掉落有棉花品种、管理措施、作业质量等多种因素。采用落地棉捡拾机械化技术能有效解决这种问题。为提升棉花品质和生产效益,还要从提升棉花种植管理水平和机械收获水平方面减少棉花掉落量,进一步提升棉花种植效益。  相似文献   

针对新疆兵团棉花加工厂籽棉喂入系统的应用,分析了地坑喂入系统、多功能籽棉喂入系统、移动式棉模喂入系统3种喂棉方式的技术经济性,通过分析比较,结果表明3种籽棉喂入系统生产效率高,适应性好,能够减少棉花加工过程的人力投入,是未来棉花加工全程机械化发展的必然方向。其中多功能籽棉喂入系统以棉模方式喂入时,成本最低,能耗最少。  相似文献   

我国是棉花生产、消费大国,而棉花种植更是新疆生产建设兵团的支柱产业。但我国的棉花收获长期以来都是依靠人力完成,劳动强度大、采摘成本高。针对目前我国机采棉技术推广一直滞后于棉花产业发展的状况,本文阐述了世界范围内机采棉技术研究现状,介绍了国内外几种典型机型的结构特点,对新疆生产建设兵团机采棉应用现状作了进一步说明,对存在的问题作了相应分析,并预测了新疆生产建设兵团机采棉技术未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

机械收获是制约棉花生产全程机械化的主要因素之一,机采棉技术的应用能有效解决这一难题。本文介绍了新疆生产建设兵团机采棉技术的背景,生产试验情况,对机采棉技术的推广应用情况做了总结,为机采棉技术的进一步研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

阐述了棉花收获机械的重要性,重点分析了国内外棉花收获机械行业发展现状,提出了国内棉花收获机的差距和存在的主要问题,指出了需优化关键零部件制造工艺、整机装备质量检测等,自主开发采棉指等关键核心零部件和适合我国农场和农户需求的棉花收获机系列产品,提升棉花收获装备技术水平,满足新疆内陆棉区机采棉需求,逐步熟化适应黄淮海、长江流域棉区机采棉要求,实现规模化标准化生产,逐步替代进口。   相似文献   

<正>衣分率是衡量棉花品种和加工生产的重要指标,也是衡量棉花经济效益高低的重要标志,在以棉花为支柱产业的植棉团场,衣分率成为筛选棉花品种和考核加工企业的首要标志。  相似文献   

为解决当前播种模式的更新换代播种机模式太单一问题,我们特开展了用集棉模式种棉花而且用机采棉机子集采技术推广,旨在为今后大面积推采棉花的模式、高产棉花新提供可科学技术。  相似文献   

王新民 《湖南农机》2012,39(1):182-183
棉花是新疆最大的特色支柱产业,种植棉花已经成为新疆各族农民脱贫致富奔小康的主要途径.但近年新疆南疆棉区棉花生产中有不同程度的早衰现象发生,且有日益加重之势,已成为制约南疆棉花产量提高和品质改善的重大障碍.  相似文献   

<正>近几年,十二团机采棉推广工作快速发展,机采棉面积由2005年采摘400 hm~2,增加到2008年采摘2 400 400 hm~2,占我团棉花总播面积的75%,2009年计划采摘2 667 400 hm~2,占棉花总播面积的80%。采棉机由过去依靠租用外团采棉机,发展成  相似文献   

<正>2008年12月对81团5个连队、8户种植户代表,以实地走访调研和召开座谈会的形式,详细调查了机采、手采棉种植面积、种植品种、播种时间、播种方式、采收时间、采收方式、实际单产、总收入、物化成本、采摘成本、实际收入、创收情况等,现将调查情况报告如下:  相似文献   

浅谈推广机采棉技术的成功经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>棉花收获机械化是一项系统工程,它涉及棉花品种、农艺栽培措施、田间管理、化学脱叶、机械采收、棉花清理加工等诸多环节。经过几年探索和实践,我团取得了以下成功经验。  相似文献   

约翰迪尔7260牵引式摘棉机的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>世界上许多棉花种植国家,尤其是包括中国在内的发展中国家,都在寻找一种能够达到与大型自走式摘棉机一样采净率,机器价格不贵,一户农民或几户农民联户能投资得起的小型摘棉机。7260牵引式摘棉机是为小户经营的棉农和家庭农场设计的一种小型棉花收获机械,由1个牵引  相似文献   

Summary A field experiment was conducted on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley in California to determine water use, crop growth, yield and water use efficiency of Acala (SJ-2) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown in 0.5 m spaced rows on a Panoche clay loam soil (Typic Torriorthents). Evapotranspiration was determined by water balance techniques utilizing neutron soil moisture measurements. All neutron measurements were made within a 3 m soil profile in 0.20 m increments. The measured evapotranspiration was compared to climatic estimates of potential evapotranspiration, and to calculations using a one-dimensional soil water balance model that separately computed soil water evaporation and plant transpiration. Crop growth was determined by weekly destructive plant sampling. Leaf area was determined along with dry matter components of leaves, stems, fruiting parts (flowers and squares) and bolls. Final yield was determined by machine harvesting (brush stripper) 720 m2 from each plot. Lint yields and fiber quality were determined by sample ginning and fiber analysis at the U.S. Cotton Research Station at Shafter, California. Three irrigation regimes were established that resulted in an evapotranspiration range from a high deficit condition to full irrigation at the calculated atmospheric demand.The measured evapotranspiration of narrow row cotton under a full irrigation regime was 778 mm, 594 mm under a limited irrigation regime and 441 mm under a regime with no post-plant irrigation. The evapotranspiration from these irrigation treatments was accurately simulated by a water balance model. that used inputs of potential evapotranspiration, leaf area index, soil water holding capacity and root development.The average lint yield from narrow row cotton with a full irrigation regime was 1583 kg/ha, the average lint yield from a limited irrigation regime was 1423 kg/ha and the average lint yield from a treatment with no postplant irrigation (fully recharged soil profile at planting) was 601 kg/ha. The full irrigation regime resulted in a dry matter production of approximately 16 t/ha while the limited irrigated regime produce 11 t/ha and the no-postplant irrigation regime produced 7 t/ha of dry matter. The fiber quality results indicated significant (0.05 level) differences only in 50% span length and micronaire, with the 2.5% span length, uniformity index, elongation and strength indicating no difference.Cotton lint yield was found to be directly related to total evapotranspiration although the relationship was slightly non-linear while dry matter yield was found to be linearly related to evapotranspiration. Both lint and dry matter yield were found to have a linear relationship to estimated transpiration from the water balance model calculations.Contribution from the Unived States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Western Region and the University of California  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken at CCS Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Sirsa (India) to estimate the optimum irrigation schedule for cotton resulting in minimum percolation losses. The sprinkler line source technique was adopted for creating various irrigation regimes at different crop growth stages. The SWASALT (Simulation of Water And SALT) model after calibration and validation provided water balance components. The wa-ter management response indicators (WMRI's) such as transpiration efficiency Et/(Irr + P), relative transpiration Et/Etp, evapotranspiration efficiency ET/(Irr + P), soil moisture storage change ΔW/Wint (deficit/excess) and percolation loss Perc/(Irr. + P) were evaluated using water balance components as estimated by the simulation study. Under limited water supply conditions, the optimum irrigation depth was found to be 57 mm at crop growth stages with pre-sowing and 1st irrigation of 120 mm and 80 mm respectively for sandy clay loam underlain by sandy loam soil (Type I). The corresponding values of relative transpiration, transpiration efficiency and evapotranspiration efficiency were 0.65, 0.65 and 0.89 respectively. The crop yield varied linearly with increasing irrigation depth which was evident from increase in relative transpiration with increasing depth of water application. However, increased depth of irrigation resulted in less moisture utilisation from soil storage (20% depletion at 40 mm depth and 4.4% moisture built up at 100 mm depth). The extended simulation study for sandy soil underlain by loamy sand (Type II) indicated that two pre-sowing irrigations each 40 mm and subsequent irrigations of 40 mm at an interval of 20 days depending upon rainfall were optimum. This irrigation scenario resulted in zero percolation loss accompanied by 74% relative transpiration and 14 per cent soil moisture depletion. Received: 20 November 1995  相似文献   

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