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虾蟹育苗过程中,虾蟹幼体类型多样化,主要的幼体阶段包括无节幼体、蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体、后期幼体等阶段。现将各期的特征介绍如下:1郾无节幼体幼体卵圆形、倒梨形,具三对附肢,为游泳器官,体不分节,具尾叉,幼体不摄食,靠卵黄营养,营浮游生活,一般分为六期,后期无节幼体出现其它  相似文献   

方格星虫幼体饵料研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以10种饵料投喂方格星虫幼体进行定性和定量试验,实验用的方格星虫幼体是通过人工催产孵化获得。试验结果表明:9种海产单细胞藻类和面包酵母都是方格星虫幼体的良好饵料,其中以扁藻、等鞭金藻、叉鞭金藻、绿色巴夫藻、牟氏角毛藻和三角褐指藻投喂效果最好,星虫幼体日平均生长率达46~52μm,存活率达80%以上。饵料密度对星虫幼体生长及存活的影响明显。饵料密度过低,星虫幼体生长率和存活率都较低;饵料密度过高时,虽然星虫生长率有所提高,但存活率明显下降。扁藻投喂密度以4000~6000cell ml、金藻、角毛藻密度以15000~20000cell ml为宜。初期幼体投喂金藻和角毛藻时,其生长率大于投喂扁藻的生长率;后期幼体投喂扁藻时,幼体生长率反而大于投喂金藻和角毛藻的生长率。因此,初期幼体宜投喂细胞较小的金藻和角毛藻,后期投喂扁藻。  相似文献   

黑斑口虾蛄幼体的发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对黑斑口虾蛄(Oratosquilla kempi)幼体各时期在解剖镜与显微镜下进行观察,发现黑斑口虾蛄幼体发育经过11个假蚤状幼体期。在水温24-29℃、盐度22-32的条件下,从第Ⅰ期假蚤状幼体(Z1)发育至第Ⅺ期假蚤状幼体(Z11)历时24-27d;第Ⅺ期假蚤状幼体(Z11)发育至第Ⅰ期稚虾蛄历时4-7d。本文详细地描述了从第Ⅰ期假蚤状幼体(Z1)至第Ⅺ期假蚤状幼体(Z11)以及第Ⅰ期稚虾蛄的形态特征,并与口虾蛄(O.oratoria)的发育形态进行比较,以为黑斑口虾的开发利用提供生物学基础资料。  相似文献   

合浦毛蟹分布于广西北部湾沿岸河流,其幼体阶段分为溞状幼体和大眼幼体。溞状幼体经5次蜕皮变成大眼幼体。在水温17~24℃条件下,溞状幼体期历时16~20天,大眼幼体期历时7~10天。  相似文献   

杨光  杨玉香 《河北渔业》2012,(6):32-32,48
毛蚶幼体下沉主要原因是水质严重污染及幼体营养不良引起,解决方法是用漂白液或漂白粉消毒海水及饵料多品种搭配,金藻类占50%~20%.  相似文献   

实验设7个盐度梯度,在室内就不同盐度对脉红螺卵袋内幼体的发育(卵袋的颜色变化)、卵袋内幼体的孵出、孵出幼体的壳高及孵出幼体在不同盐度下的生长情况进行观察和测量,结果表明:水温22℃时,脉红螺卵袋在盐度20~39.5都可以孵出幼体;盐度14,卵袋内的幼体可以发育,但不能孵出;盐度8,卵袋内的幼体6d全部死亡。孵出后的浮游幼体存活和生长的适宜盐度为29.5~35.5,高于或低于此盐度范围,幼体9d全部死亡。  相似文献   

中国龙虾叶状幼体摄食的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈昌生 《水产学报》2001,25(4):330-335
中国龙虾叶状幼体孵出后1-2h就开始摄食、其适宜的开口饵料为卤虫无节幼体,叶状幼体Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期摄食卤虫无节幼体后的变态率分别为80%、40%和32.5%。卤虫幼虫体和贻贝卵巢混合投喂,可提高叶状幼体的存活率。叶状幼体对不同饵料具有选择性,昼夜均可摄食,没有明显的摄食节律性。光照和黑暗对叶状幼体的摄食和存活没有影响。在适宜的卤虫无节幼体下,叶状幼体5-9min就可饱食,然后经过45-90min消化完毕;初孵叶状幼体对不同大小的卤虫无节幼体(349.5-604.9μm)的摄食没有明显差异,本试验可为开展中国龙虾的人工育苗积累资料。  相似文献   

虾蟹类的幼体发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾、蟹类属节肢动物门甲壳纲十足目,具有重要的经济价值。这里的幼体是指某些动物在形态上与成体不同的自由生活初期的发育阶段,如桡足类(水蚤)有无节幼体与桡足幼体即为一例。由于甲壳动物由较低等的鳃足亚纲(如蚤、丰年虫)向较高等的软甲亚纲(糠虾、虾、蟹)进化,其个体发育的幼体阶段往往由简单向复杂发展,造成了甲壳动物幼体发育的多样性。  相似文献   

近年来,在三疣梭子蟹育苗生产中,蚤状幼体和大眼幼体经常发生"粘爪病",其主要特点是在蚤状幼体的颚足刚毛上及大眼幼体尾肢刚毛上黏附一层粘性物质,影响幼体的运动和摄食,造成幼体身体瘦弱发育迟缓变态率下降.  相似文献   

经试验在水温25℃以下,采用提高培育海水比重,导致鲍幼体因环境突变引起不适而扭动最后脱落(剥离)的方法,具有成本低,操作方便,省时省力优点,同时能剥离鲍幼体的成活率,又对生长无影响认为是一种实用,可行和有效的剥离鲍幼体的方法。  相似文献   

基于绿色经济视角的中国对虾产业链分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对虾产业在全球对虾的生产贸易中占有重要的地位,但随着绿色经济新形势的不断发展,对虾产业发展也面临不少突出的问题.在绿色经济相关文献综述的基础上,本文探讨了中国对虾产业链的问题及其相应的对策建议,并指出中国对虾产业要突破多维困境、实现可持续发展,必须走组织化、科学化、集约化和效益化的绿色发展道路.  相似文献   

Shrimp farmers have access to and have evaluated a diverse number of shrimp species; however, due to culture and market considerations three penaeid species ( Penaeus monodon, P. orientalis and P. vunnamei ) account for 80% of the world production (Weidner and Rosenbeny 1992). Although culture techniques for these species have been extensively studied and are relatively well established, they are not native to U.S. coastal waters and hence possess problems associated with the use of exotic species. Three native species P. aztecus . brown shrimp; P. duorarum , pink shrimp; and P. setiferus , white shrimp, support commercial fisheries along the Gulf states (Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council 1981). The commercial culture of these species would avoid the inherent problems associated with the culture of exotic species and allow shrimp farmers in the Caribbean basin to more effectively expand operations.  相似文献   

虾类是东海区的主要捕捞对象之一。东海区的拖虾渔业以虾类为主要捕捞目标,发展之初对于促进捕捞结构调整、减轻主要经济鱼类的捕捞压力起了重要作用。但是随着该种作业方式生产规模的不断扩大、生产渔船和渔具的大型化,渔获物中经济虾类和兼捕幼虾的矛盾日益突出,对东海区的渔业资源造成较大程度的破环。本文主要介绍了东海区拖虾渔业的发展和资源概况,主要经济虾类的种类、分布、作业渔船的产量和数量变化,分析了东海区拖虾渔业中存在的问题和所采取的措施,并提出了解决问题的建议。  相似文献   

Growth performance data on Penaeus semisulcatus under semi-intensive pond culture conditions were collected in Israel between 1985 and 1987. In 1985, shrimp growth, from PL to 21.5 g, was accomplished in separate nursery and grow-out phases. Pond production during the grow-out phase was 3,000 and 3,943 kg/ha, and mean weight was 21.5 g. Shipments to Europe revealed a need to produce larger shrimp to maximize revenues. Any increase in individual shrimp weight at harvest would require new management practices. Juvenile shrimp (3.4 to 6.3 g) were held during the winter of 1986 in open ponds and restocked in grow-out ponds in the spring of 1987. Shrimp survival during overwintering was 12 and 15%. A maximum mean shrimp weight of 25.6 g and a maximum pond production of 7,451 kg/ha were obtained in 1987 using this strategy. It is possible that comparable pond production results and shrimp weight, but with higher overall shrimp survival, could be obtained by headstarting shrimp in greenhouses. Two major problems that need to be solved before commercial shrimp culture can succeed in Israel are the formulation of a locally produced feed and the out-of-season induced maturation and spawning of P. scmisulcarus .  相似文献   

对虾养殖生态环境的研究现状和展望   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
依据近几年的有关参考文献对有关对虾生态环境的研究成果及存在的问题进行了评述。从生态学方面阐述了对虾养殖生态系统的特点,提出对虾养殖生态环境中理化因子的研究应该更注意与生物及微生物因子的结合。  相似文献   

对虾配饵中动、植物蛋白比接近1:1为宜,如果动物蛋白不足,对虾生长发育不良,易感染各种疾病。配饵中添加鱼油试验经生物统计表明,鱼油是对虾增重的第一限制因子。配饵中缺乏鱼油,对虾食欲不振,会引起消化生理代谢障碍。对虾配饵原料质量如油脂氧化酸败与原料霉变及霉变产生的毒素,对对虾生长极其不利。不仅使虾体瘦弱,抗病力减弱,而且死亡率比对照组明显增高。因此,对虾配饵精选原料是保证配饵质量、减少发病率、提高成活率的关键因素。  相似文献   

The marine ornamental industry relies almost exclusively on wild-caught fish, invertebrates, and live rock to meet the market demands of aquarium hobbyists. For the industry to expand, appropriate technologies are needed to mitigate disease problems and reduce the dependence on wild stocks. Biosecurity protocols and techniques for genetic improvement have recently been applied to the culture of penaeid shrimp for human consumption, and these approaches may be applicable to an emerging marine ornamental industry. Biosecure production systems for penaeid shrimp are being developed in response to disease problems and growing concerns about environmental pollution from pond effluent. Biosecure systems rely on minimal water exchange and provide shrimp farmers with an opportunity to move production away from the coastline. In addition to the development of biosecure production systems, researchers at the Oceanic Institute have established a selective breeding program for the Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. To date, significant improvements in shrimp growth and disease resistance have been made through selective breeding. It is likely that advances in biosecure technologies and genetic improvement will be applicable to the culture of marine ornamental shellfish and finfish and will contribute to an economically viable and environmentally sustainable industry.  相似文献   

文章综述了目前对虾内陆养殖的主要品种、养殖方式和发展现状,并对其优点和存在的问题进行了分析。内陆地下咸水的离子组成比例失调是目前对虾内陆养殖遇到的最大的障碍,文章详述了地下咸水的成因和分布,介绍了有关水体离子浓度和比值对对虾生理生态学影响的研究现状。最后讨论了克服内陆对虾养殖存在的问题并使之成为可持续发展的产业的途径。  相似文献   

对虾人工授精有精荚移植和人工体外授精两种途径。本文主要介绍人工获取精荚、精荚移植以及人工体外授精方法、存在问题和国内外的研究现状。  相似文献   

对虾免疫机能研究概况   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陈国福 《水产学报》2004,28(2):209-215
Shrimp farming is an important source of revenue and employment in many developing countries.However, infectious diseases have adversely affected the profitability of shrimp industry. For this reason, disease prevention is a priority and shrimp immunology has become a crucial research area of this field. In this paper, the current importance and problems of shrimp-culture were described and the research advances in shrimp immunological defence mechanisms were summarized. The immunological tools are powerful and useful to evaluate the health state of the shrimp. The immunologies of shrimp mainly consist of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. In regard to cellular parameters, they are composed of haemocyte count (THC), differential haemocyte count (DHC) and reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs). The immunity ceils exert their defence functions through phagocytizing, enveloping, etc, and the changes of THC and DHC are related to health state of shrimp. The ROIs generated during post phagocytic event which maybe an important marker to evaluate the immunological capability and phenoloxidase activity have been considered as a potential marker which is relevant to the health of the shrimp too. Concerning humoral parameters, prophenoloxidase (ProPO) and phenoloxidase,antimicrobial peptides and proteins, hemagglutinin and plasma proteins were described. The determining methods of immunity parameters were discussed. The response of shrimp to pathogens such as bacteria, virus, etc. and environmental factors such as DO, pH, etc, were also reviewed. It is well-known that the immune responses induced by immunizing crustacean or shrimp are mainly the non-specific immune responses. The potential of immunological parameters, including the changes of THC and DHC, the production of ROIs, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, antibacterial activity of plasma, and so on, to appraise the healthy state of shrimp were partly discussed. The future directions for the evaluation of the immunological capability of shrimp were proposed.  相似文献   

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