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牛体外牛黄发生器内培植牛黄技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用48头健康黄牛同时施行胆总管结扎术、胆囊插管术、十二指肠插管术和体外安装牛黄发生器,将原胆汁流通径路改建为肝脏→胆管→胆囊→引胆汁管→牛黄发生器→十二指肠,在体外牛黄发生器内和胆囊内同时培植牛黄。结果表明,植黄牛胆汁pH值降低,胆酸含量下降,牛黄发生器内胆汁粘度低于胆囊内胆汁粘度。胆囊内注入新洁尔灭,可减少胆汁中细菌数量,减轻胆囊炎症反应。全棉材料牛黄床的牛黄产量高于锦纶66和涤纶材料牛黄床,以网眼状全腔充盈型牛黄床的牛黄产量高、质量好。在5~7个月的培植期内,每头牛能生产牛黄14.1~19.6g,牛黄胆红素含量为29.05%±7.51%。  相似文献   

试验模拟牛体内牛黄形成机理设计牛黄发生器,在体外进行培植牛黄并对体外培植牛黄的形成机理加以探讨。结果表明:在大肠杆菌的作用下,正常胆汁在培育10 h后即转化为成黄胆汁,胆汁颜色由草绿色变为墨绿色,继而变为黄绿色和桔黄色;胆汁pH值、胆汁黏度、胆红素、胆酸、糖蛋白和Ca2 的浓度逐渐下降;向胆汁中添加Ca2 ,可促进成黄胆汁的形成;45~55℃是体外植黄的良好条件。  相似文献   

培植牛黄成因研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对131头牛采用三种不同植黄方法,研究影响牛黄形成、增产的有关因素及牛黄形成机制。三种植黄方法牛胆汁中的胆汁酸、胆汁钙、胆红素、pH值均降低。牛胆囊内植黄期间胆汁粘蛋白、总蛋白含量升高(P〈0.01),胆汁粘度增大(P〈0.05),在牛腹腔模拟胆囊内(以下简称AG)和牛双胆囊(以下简称DG)内植黄期间胆汁粘蛋白、总蛋白含量降低,粘度变小。3种不同植黄方法牛胆囊内胆汁充盈度、胆汁郁滞量和胆道内压力不  相似文献   

人工培植天然牛黄技术至今已有 2 0多年的历史 [1~ 3]。“牛体外牛黄发生器培植牛黄技术”[4] ,是继“牛腹腔内模拟胆囊胆汁引流和快速培植牛黄的研究”[5] ,“模拟动物胆囊研制与利用技术”[6] ,“牛双胆囊培植牛黄配套技术的研究”[7] 和“培植牛黄成因研究”[8] 最新发展的一项在国内外居领先水平的培植牛黄技术 ,该研究与国内外以前的研究相比 ,首次截断胆总管 ,改建体外胆汁流通径路 ,将牛黄发生器 (AG)由腹内移到体外 ,简化了腹腔内植入模拟胆囊的复杂操作 ,并可随时调节成黄内环境 ,有利于牛黄的形成 ,使牛黄产量在 5~ 7个月的培…  相似文献   

体外植黄牛胆汁分泌和排空规律观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工培植天然牛黄技术至今已有20多年的历史。“牛体外牛黄发生器培植牛黄技术”,是继“牛腹腔内模拟胆囊胆汁引流和快速培植牛黄的研究”,“模拟动物胆囊研制与利用技术”,“牛双胆囊培植牛黄配套技术的研究”和“培植牛黄成因研究”之后最新发展的一项培植牛黄技术。该研究与国内外以前的研究相比,首次截断胆总管,改建体外胆汁流通径路,  相似文献   

天然牛黄形成机理探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天然牛黄形成机理探讨任成林(河北省张家口农业高等专科学校,075131)天然牛黄是牛体内胆囊、胆管和肝胆管中的结石,是名贵的中药材。天然牛黄形成率很低,仅在0.1%左右;产量少而医用需求量大,历来供不应求。因此,国内许多单位推广应用在活牛体内培育牛黄...  相似文献   

牛黄即牛的胆结石 ,是名贵中药材之一 ,有牛黄的牛平时较难见到。本文通过对 1例牛黄牛和 3例非牛黄牛胆汁的理化检验和细菌分离鉴定 ,分析了牛胆汁的物理化学改变和细菌感染与牛黄形成的关系 ,初步表明胆汁中糖蛋白、间接胆红素、胆固醇和钙离子含量的增加 ,磷脂含量的降低 ,以及胆汁的大肠杆菌和乳酸杆菌感染等 ,对促进牛黄生成有重要作用。  相似文献   

模拟动物胆囊研制与利用技术研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
对20头黄牛通过手术方法将模拟动物胆囊植入牛腹腔内,术后3个月在模拟动物胆囊内形成培植牛黄9.55±2.81g,经模拟动物胆囊引流胆汁38.72±19.40L。对20个培植牛黄样品成分含量测定,胆红素为28.72±8.84%,胆酸为10.03±2.76%。培植牛黄电镜扫描呈蜂窝状结构;培植牛黄石腊切片后进行PAS、Alcian蓝-PAS、AlizarinredS钙染色,证明培植牛黄的基质为中性粘多糖和少重酸性粘多糖构成。对模拟动物胆囊内胆汁成分含量测定表明,胆酸含量始终较术前明显降低(P<0.01),粘蛋白含量较术前升高(P<0.05)。培植牛黄的药理作用和急性毒性和天然牛黄相似。模拟胆囊内含菌量增加,达1.7亿个/m1,主要为大肠杆菌。  相似文献   

<正> 对牛施用体外胆汁引流术或牛体植黄术时,外科手术术式的选择致关重要.如果单纯追求胆汁数量或牛黄产量,而不考虑牛的生理特征和机体的需要,势必会给手术牛造成生理缺陷,人为地造成病变.1989年3月底,我厂进行牛体外胆汁引流初期,为追求引流数量,采用结扎胆管,截断胆汁流入十二指肠的手术术式.手术牛23头,术后7头相继发生黄疽症,发病率30.43%,造成了严重损失.现报道如  相似文献   

培植牛黄技术进展十分迅速,现介绍几种新技术的研究动态。一、腹腔内膜似胆囊快速育黄技术这是山东农业大学兽医系研究生科研课题,其原理是:胆囊内的胆汁中本来就有许多牛黄小颗粒,如细沙状,但胆囊是活组织,其作用是不断的收缩排空,把胆汁压入十二指肠中帮助消化,由于胆囊的收缩排空,使胆汁中的牛黄小颗粒无法沉降下来,一起排入肠管。为使牛黄小颗粒沉积下来之后再排出其余胆汁设计了模拟胆  相似文献   

28头黄牛施以双胆囊植黄术,即在胆囊内的牛黄床和腹腔内的模拟胆囊内同时培植牛黄。植黄期间,测定了胆囊和模拟胆囊内的压力及胆汁粘度,胆囊和模拟胆囊内的压力差△P与胆汁粘度η的回归方程为:△P=-0.127+0.498η。  相似文献   

在保持泌乳牛日粮原料种类与数量不变的前提下,提高早上、中午饲粮中蛋白质含量,降低晚上饲粮中蛋白质含量,使蛋白质的数量与质量在一天中不同的生产阶段内形成相对充裕与不足,以适应养殖场的生产安排、泌乳牛的生理生产特点以及饲料的可消化属性等客观条件。通过调整,日产20kg左右标准乳的乳牛泌乳成绩提高2.1kg。与对照组相比,效果极为显著(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

A microplate enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is described for measuring IgG antibody to Babesia bovis in cattle serum. B. Bovis antibody status (whether positive or negative) and the amount of B. Bovis antibody (EIA score), were measured by comparison with reference serums. The EIA was shown to be specific for B. Bovis, and EIA score correlated well with EIA titre. Comparison of EIA with the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) showed more than 95% agreement between the methods and disagreement in only 1.6% of serum samples tested. The remaining 3.2% were positive by EIA and suspected positive by IFAT. The EIA was shown, by titrating positive serums, to be more sensitive than IFAT, which explained its tendency to detect more positive serums than IFAT. EIA detected B. bovis antibody in experimentally infected cattle by day 14 post infection (pi) and for at least 268 days pi. EIA score for B. bovis antibody in immune cattle increased significantly (p less than 0.05) following heterologous strain challenge.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old neutered female Pug with a 2‐week history of pancreatitis was presented for dyspnea, icterus, and intractable vomiting. Sonographically, the gallbladder, intrahepatic bile ducts, and common bile duct were distended. The pancreas was hypoechoic with hyperechoic peripancreatic fat. A mildly heterogeneous intramural mass was present in the muscularis layer of the descending duodenum. A presumptive diagnosis of pancreatitis and smooth muscle tumor of the duodenum leading to common bile duct obstruction was made. The dog died despite supportive care. Necropsy examination confirmed the presence of pancreatitis and an intramural duodenal hematoma.  相似文献   

鲁西黄牛与利鲁杂交牛肉质特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究采用二因子多水平有重复的试验设计,对我国著名的优良地方品种鲁西黄牛及利鲁杂交牛的不同解剖部位(背最长 股二头肌)肉品的理化性状各食用品质特性进行了系统深入的研究。结果表明;鲁西黄年号利鲁杂交牛的各部位肉品PH值下降缓慢,肉品保水性能好、贮存损失较低和熟肉率较高,并且其肉品蛋白质含量高,氨基酸和矿物质营养丰富,具有良好的食用品质特性。分析表明;品种因子地肉品的评硬度,嫩度、肉口中脂肪含量、必需  相似文献   

山东黄牛肝胆管系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过对15例山东黄牛肝脏标本的观察和测量表明:其肝外胆管系统的组成和方位恒定;并探讨了黄牛肝外胆道外科的最佳途径。对13例肝乳胶铸型标本的研究,提示了黄牛肝内胆管树的基本类型:肝左管分出两支Ⅱ级胆管进入左叶,一支Ⅱ级胆管进入方叶,一支Ⅲ级胆管进入尾状叶;肝右管分出三支Ⅱ级胆管进入右叶,还有一些细胆管进入方叶和尾状叶。  相似文献   

Fourteen dogs with enlarged gallbladders and immobile stellate or finely striated bile patterns on ultrasound are described. Smaller breeds and older dogs were overrepresented, with 4/14 Cocker Spaniels. Most dogs presented for nonspecific clinical signs such as vomiting, anorexia and lethargy. Abdominal pain, icterus and hyperthermia were the most common findings on physical examination. All dogs except one had serum elevation of total bilirubin and/or alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase. All dogs were diagnosed with a gallbladder mucocele upon histologic and/or macroscopic evaluation. Ultrasonographically, mucoceles are characterized by the appearance of the stellate or finely striated bile patterns and differ from biliary sludge by the absence of gravity dependent bile movement. On ultrasound, gallbladder wall thickness and wall appearance were variable and nonspecific. The cystic or common bile duct were normal sized in 5 dogs although all 5 had evidence of biliary obstruction at surgery or necropsy. Loss of gallbladder wall integrity and/or gallbladder rupture were present in 50% of the dogs, all located in the fundus. Gallbladder wall discontinuity on ultrasound indicated rupture whereas neither bile patterns predicted the likelihood of gallbladder rupture. Pericholecystic hyperechoic fat or fluid were suggestive of but not diagnostic for a gallbladder rupture. Cholecystectomy appears to be an appropriate treatment for mucoceles, if not to treat a gallbladder rupture, at least in most dogs to prevent it since gallbladder wall necrosis was identified by histology in 9 of 10 dogs. Mucosal hyperplasia was present in all gallbladders examined histologically. Positive aerobic bacterial culture was obtained from bile in 6 of 9 dogs. Cholecystitis was diagnosed histologically in 5 dogs and 4 dogs had signs of gallbladder infection solely upon bacterial bile culture. Gallbladder infection was not present with all the mucoceles suggesting that biliary stasis and mucosal hyperplasia may be the primary factors involved in mucocele formation. Based on the results of our study, we suggest two alternate courses of action in the presence of a distended gallbladder with an immobile ultrasonographic stellate or finely striated bile pattern: a cholecystectomy when clinical or biochemical signs of hepatobiliary disease are present or a medical treatment (antibiotics and choleretics) and patient monitoring by follow-up ultrasound examinations when the patient does not have clinical or biochemical abnormalities. An aerobic bile culture should be obtained in all patients, by ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate or at surgery.  相似文献   

Disorders of the gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tract in the dog and cat can easily be confused with other intra-abdominal disorders. This confusion results because many times the clinical course and signs of biliary tract disease are similar to these other intra-abdominal disorders. This review discusses the normal anatomy and physiology of the gallbladder, bile duct, and bile in the dog and cat and then summarizes the historic, physical examination, clinicopathologic, diagnostic, histologic and therapeutic aspects of all the cases of extrahepatic biliary tract disease reported in the veterinary literature.  相似文献   

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