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野生动物营养生态学因对动物种群健康、环境适应性及生境的间接评价等方面的深层次影响,逐渐被国内外研究者所关注。野生动物血液生理、生化指标相对稳定,与机体的生理或病理变化相关性极高;同时,作为野生动物营养生态学研究重点的食物模式、食物选择、营养需要等在血液生理、生化指标上均有所反映;因此,血液生理、生化指标被应用于营养生态学的研究中。文章综述了营养健康研究中常用的血液生理、生化指标,以期为今后对野生动物进行营养生态学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

论动物营养学与生态学的基本关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了动物营养学与生态学的关系、生态营养的概念以及研究内容;着重论述了可持续发展应遵循的生态学基本原理对动物营养学的指导作用。最后提出了动物营养学研究和技术的应用应尊重生态道德的观点。  相似文献   

在阐述海水养殖动物营养生态学的概念、研究意义、主要研究内容及其方法的基础上,概述了海水养殖动物营养生态学现状及发展对策,最后简要论述了海水养殖动物营养生态学研究及其养殖可持续发展的关系,以期为今后开展相关研究积累基础资料。  相似文献   

獐是一种较为原始的鹿科动物,为东亚地区特有种,被列为国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物.上个世纪以来,过度捕猎和栖息地丧失使獐的种群数量和分布范围经历了急剧的减少,种群数量已不足10000只.迄今,国内外开展了大量关于该物种及其栖息地的生态学研究.本文从獐的分类地位、种群分布、觅食对策、空间利用、活动节律、集群行为、繁殖与寿命等方面对獐的国内外研究现状进行了梳理,旨在归纳已有的研究发现,结合研究和保护管理工作的需要,对未来研究热点进行前瞻.  相似文献   

微生物生态学是研究微生物在特定空间中的分布、组成、生理生化特征、功能、彼此间的关系及它们与环境间的相互关系的一门学科.微生物系统及其环境组成的具有一定结构和功能的开放系统统称为微生物生态系统.动物体内存在着大量的微生物种群,其中肠道是最大的菌库,这些微生物种群与动物肠道一起组成了在结构与功能上特异的肠道微生物生态系统.  相似文献   

地下啮齿动物种群生态学研究经常需要对动物个体进行标记,而传统的剪耳、剪趾标记法会造成动物伤害、影响动物行为等,与动物福利相悖。利用PIT标签于2014年秋季在祁连山东段标记高原鼢鼠30只,研究高原鼢鼠种群密度及越冬后体重、体长和尾长变化。结果表明,样地内高原鼢鼠估算种群密度为44只/hm2;越冬后高原鼢鼠平均体重为222.07g,显著高于越冬前平均体重193.74g,平均体长为19.4cm,显著高于越冬前平均体长18cm;雌性与雄性的体重增长率无显著性差异(P0.05)。被动式电子标签同时可适用于地下啮齿动物的种群生态学研究,是地下啮齿动物种群生态学研究中的一项新型技术手段。  相似文献   

生态营养饲料的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1生态营养饲料的概念 随着畜牧业生产规模的不断扩大和集约化程度的不断提高,畜牧生产过程中产生的大量氨气、硫化氢、粪臭素、三甲氨等恶臭气体和粪尿中的氮磷等元素、重金属等,造成了严重的环境污染同时,随着经济的不断发展和人民生活质量的逐步提高,不仅要求食物富含营养、卫生安全,而且也要求整个生产的全过程有良好的环境。因此,降低畜牧业环境污染,治理畜牧业污染成为促进畜牧业可持续发展的一项重要措施。20世纪80年代,在动物营养、生态学、系统科学等学科发展的基础上,兴起一门边缘科学——动物生态营养学,它是研究环境(饲料库)-畜禽(基因库)-畜产品(产品库)3因素间物质和能量的转换和平衡及动态调控模式的应用。  相似文献   

动物微生态理论在饲料工业中的应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
1动物微生态理论概述微生态学即微观生态学 ,是“研究正常微生物群与其宿主间的相互关系的生命科学分支”(康白 ,1988)。微生态学作为一门独立学科产生于20世纪70年代 ,在其后20多年中迅速发展 ,今天已形成包括动物微生态学在内的多门交叉学科。根据微生态学的定义 ,文心田 (1997)将动物微生态学定义为“研究动物体内微观环境中的正常微生物及其与宿主相互关系的微生态学分支”。一般认为 ,动物微生态学包括4个方面的内容 ,即动物微生态平衡理论、动物微生态失调理论、动物微生态营养理论、动物微生态防治理论等。动物微生…  相似文献   

梅花鹿是我国极度濒危的鹿科动物,目前仅分布于黑龙江、吉林、四川、江西等省狭窄的区域内。文章主要对梅花鹿的种群数量、行为生态学及保护遗传学研究等进行了概述,并指出目前国内学者对梅花鹿行为生态学的研究主要集中在行为节律和栖息地的研究,为了更准确地反映梅花鹿系统进化关系,必须结合形态学、动物地理学、地理信息系统及古生物学等方面进行综合分析探讨。  相似文献   

国内外有关饲料或食物营养活性物质的研究,特别是对其健康效应的研究,可以称之为现代动物营养学的一个里程碑式的进展。在动物营养学和饲料学领域对营养活性物质的研究属于一块尚未充分开发的领域。到目前为止,人们对饲料中这些营养活性物质虽然已有所了解,但是对其研究甚少,尤其是对其作用机制尚不十分清楚。大力开展这一领域的研究是一项迫在眉睫的重大课题。卢德勋提出的营养活性物质组学理论为这一战略课题开展指明了正确的方向。卢德勋提出的把饲料营养活性物质列入饲料营养正常组成的崭新学术观点为传统饲料营养价值评定技术和日粮配合技术现代化发展提供了新思路,对传统饲料科学整体现代化发展具有开创性贡献。饲料营养活性物质这一课题的研究涉及面广,需要进行较长期多学科协同攻关。文章在综述我们团队多年来取得的研究成果的基础上,对这一领域的研究任务和课题进行扼要的介绍。  相似文献   

Population ecology is the most mature of the three subdisciplines of ecology partly because it has a solid mathematical foundation and partly because it can address the primary questions of distribution and abundance with experimental protocols. Yet there is much left to do to integrate our population knowledge into community and ecosystem ecology to help address the global issues of food security and the conservation of biodiversity. Many different approaches are now being developed to bring about this integration and much more research will be necessary to decide which if any will be most useful in achieving our goals of explaining the changes we see in the distribution and abundance of animals and plants. Food web ecology would appear to be the best approach at present because it uses the detailed information of the population ecology of particular species in combination with data on consumer–resource interactions to apply to the applied problems of biodiversity conservation, food security, pest management and disease prevention. If we can use our understanding of population ecology to address the practical problems of our time in a creative way, we will benefit both the human population and the Earth's biodiversity. Much remains to be done.  相似文献   

Supplementary feeding can affect populations of birds. It reduces energy spent on foraging and reduces the risk of starvation, but it also increases the risk of disease transmission and predation. Supplementary feeding may reduce species richness if some species are better able to exploit supplementary food resources than others. Feeding may also artificially inflate the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, leading to bird nuisance in the form of droppings and noise. The aim of this study was to characterise and quantify the risk factors and consequences of feeding free-living birds in public areas in the western part of the city of Amsterdam. In seven study areas, the following data were collected: bird population size and species composition, feeding events, and the type and amount of supplementary food offered. Estimations were made of the nutritional energy provided and the number of birds that could be supported by the food offered. Members of the public who fed the birds were invited to complete a questionnaire on various aspects of feeding. Results showed that supplementary feeding attracts juvenile gulls and feral pigeons, which could in the long-term affect biodiversity. Bread was the main category of supplementary food being offered (estimated to be 67% of the total amount of food). The majority of respondents fed birds so as not to waste bread and meal leftovers. In six of the seven areas studied, an overabundance of nutritional energy was calculated. We conclude that the current type and extent of supplementary feeding in the city of Amsterdam is nutritionally unbalanced and affects species diversity at a local level. The overabundance is undesirable for reasons of both animal health, because it can lead to malnutrition, and public health, because surplus food attracts rats and may also have a negative effect on water quality.  相似文献   

牛肉是一种营养价值较高的食品,具有高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇等优点。随着人们对健康和保健意识的提高,消费者越来越意识到健康和饮食的关系,要求吃到高质量的牛肉。肌内脂肪是影响牛肉品质的重要因素之一,影响牛肉的多汁性、嫩度和风味,适宜的肌内脂肪含量可以改善肉质,提高牛肉的营养价值和食用品质。肌内脂肪的含量和分布受遗传和营养等多种因素的控制和影响,通过营养调控干预机体代谢来改善肌内脂肪是一种切实可行的途径。文章仅就肌内脂肪与牛肉感官品质、营养及保健价值的关系和国内外通过日粮营养调控改善牛肉肌内脂肪含量,提高牛肉质量的技术研究作一综述。  相似文献   

Owners are sometimes confused or misinformed about nutritional facts pertaining to pet foods, and three common nutritional myths have been propagated in the popular press. The first myth is that meat by-products are of inferior quality compared to whole meat. The second myth is that feeding trials are unnecessary, and the third myth is that pet food preservatives are bad. This paper examines the known facts related to these three myths and discusses the importance of food trials and the different classes and forms of antioxidants used in pet foods.  相似文献   

This study identified the indigenous criteria used by livestock farmers in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala to assess the nutritional quality of available feed resources. Focus group discussions and questionnaire interviews (with a total of 120 livestock farming households) were conducted. The findings showed that banana peels, leftover food and own-mixed feeds were the most commonly used feed resources for cattle, pigs and chickens, respectively. Farmers use several indigenous criteria to judge the nutritional quality of the available feed resources. These included perceived effects on disease resistance, feed intake, growth/body condition, hair coat appearance, faecal output, faecal texture and level of production, among others. According to farmers, animals offered with a feed resource of good nutritional quality are more resistant to diseases, ingest much of the feed, gain weight with well-filled bodies, have smooth hair coats, produce large quantities of faeces that are not too firm or watery and exhibit good performance (lactating cows produce more milk, sows produce piglets of good body size, hens lay more eggs of normal size, etc.). Although this indigenous knowledge exists, farmers put more importance on availability and cost as opposed to nutritional quality when choosing feed resources. This explains why banana peels were among the feed resources perceived to be of low nutritional quality but, at the same time, were found to be the most commonly used. Hence, there is a need to sensitise farmers on the importance of nutritional quality in ensuring better and efficient utilisation of the available feed resources.  相似文献   

棘腹蛙在维护自然界的生态平衡中起着重要作用,也是环境监测的指示动物,棘腹蛙对水质、地质、气候等都有较高的要求。为了保护棘腹蛙这个中国珍稀两栖物种,本文从生态学、遗传学、繁殖学、营养价值等方面对棘腹蛙进行了综述,以期为棘腹蛙后续进一步的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Small ruminants represent an important component of the Ethiopian livestock production system, providing 12% of the value of livestock products consumed at the farm level and 48% of the cash income generated. Ethiopia is second in Africa and sixth in the world in terms of sheep population. The country has, however, benefited little from this enormous resource owing to a multitude of problems, disease being the most important. Disease alone accounts for mortalities of 30% in lambs and 20% in adults. Productivity losses attributable to helminth parasites are often substantial. A loss of US $ 81.8 million is reported annually due to helminth parasites. In a country confronted with challenges of an ever-rising human population and food shortage, such enormous losses caused by helminth parasites, 'the silent predators', are intolerable. Therefore, helminth control should receive special attention in poverty reduction strategies through improved productivity of livestock if the present and future challenges of food shortage are to be addressed. Productivity loss due to helminth infections can be substantially reduced through implementation of effective disease control strategies, which require an understanding of the epidemiology and ecology of parasites and parasitic infections under local conditions. This paper reviews extensive evidence demonstrating that helminthosis is a major constraint to productivity of sheep in Ethiopia. It also discusses epidemiology and ecology of major helminth parasites in the country and suggests strategies for improved control in various agro-ecological zones and production systems.  相似文献   

特殊医学用途配方食品作为特殊人群的营养补充途径在全球市场占据重要地位,而营养强化剂作为增加其营养成分的主要来源,对提高特殊医学用途配方食品的品质具有重要意义。本文重点分析对比国际食品法典委员会、欧盟和中国关于特殊医学用途配方食品中营养素与营养强化剂标准法规在限量、成分和来源等方面的差异,以期为完善我国特殊医学用途配方食品营养强化剂使用标准和更好应用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同季节对青贮窖中全株玉米青贮品质和营养价值的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨季节对青贮窖中全株玉米青贮品质和营养价值的影响,分别在冬、春、夏季从地上青贮窖中以每日取料厚度5、10、20、40 cm取样,进行青贮品质检测、化学成分分析和体外消化率测定。结果显示:冬季、春季对全株玉米青贮的微生物含量无显著影响(P0.05),但夏季取料厚度5、10 cm时真菌含量极显著高于冬季和春季(P0.01);全株玉米青贮过程中当pH降到3.76后还有一个漫长的缓慢降低过程,这个过程从冬季一直持续到第2年夏季;在这个过程中,NDF、ADF等不易被微生物利用的营养物质比例逐步提高,而容易被微生物利用的总糖比例逐步减少,体外DM消化率逐步降低。结果提示,青贮窖中全株玉米青贮随着保存时间延长,营养价值会逐渐降低;夏季时全株玉米青贮每日取料厚度应大于10 cm。  相似文献   

驴肉是良好的动物性食品来源,因其味道鲜美、营养价值高而深受消费者的喜爱。但由于驴肉产品质量良莠不齐,影响了驴肉生产的利润空间和驴肉在国内外市场上的销售量,因此,只有解决影响驴肉品质的问题,才能使我国肉驴产业得到长远发展。影响驴肉品质的因素较多,包括遗传、环境、饲养、肉品加工等方面。介绍了驴肉的主要营养价值,从品种、年龄、性别、日粮营养水平、部位、存储加工等方面对影响驴肉品质的因素进行了综述,以期为打造高附加值的肉驴产业体系提供新思路。  相似文献   

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