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嵌入式Linux系统在粮库中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着嵌入式计算机技术的飞速发展,嵌入式系统得到了越来越广泛的应用,尤其是在工控、仿真、数据采集等领域。嵌入式系统需要嵌入式操作系统作支持,而由于Linux操作系统结构清晰,源代码开放性等方面的优势,在嵌入式系统中也得到了广泛的应用。本文以中央储备粮赤壁直属库管理监控系统的设计为背景,论述了基于Linux的嵌入式工作站取代传统的工控机为主的现地控制单元在粮库管理监控系统中的应用过程以及基于Linux的嵌入式工作站的设计。  相似文献   

为研究和实现基于物联网的玉米病害环境监测系统,笔者设计了包括感知层、传输层、云服务层和应用层的4层架构。在感知层,利用传感器技术实时采集玉米病害环境的温湿度、降雨量、风向风速、光照强度和土壤温湿度等数据;在传输层中使用4G移动通信网络实现数据的远距离传输;云服务层中,基于四川农畜育种攻关云服务平台,应用数据库技术、云服务技术实现数据的存储和管理;最后,在应用层采用B/S模式实现数据展示服务。结果表明,该系统能够准确采集、稳定传输和安全存储数据,降低了人工成本。因此,它能够为玉米病害研究课题组提供有效的信息化服务,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

The general framework and security demands of digital enterprises are analyzed. The information security system is constructed, which includes physical security, network security, support layer system security, application layer system security, data and documents security. Aiming at the security of internal information security such as data and documents, a comprehensive solution including identity authentication, centralized equipments control, document security management, document encryption, and security audit are put forward. Based on the above information security system, an implementation scheme for typical digital enterprise is proposed.  相似文献   

The large quantity of MSW (municipal solid waste) and ISW (industrial sold waste) piled up in Chongqing has been threatening ecological environment and water resource. Efficient management is the important guarantee of disposing solid waste. This paper describes the data system of Management Information System of the Solid Waste in Chongqing based on the GIS, construction of information database, overall structure, main functions, etc. Integrating related solid waste technology with computer and geographical system, it can provide the reliable, scientific and convenient management and decision-making support of solid waste in Chongqing. The information system, developed by means of Geographical Information System (GIS) on the basis of a great deal of data and graphs of solid waste of Chongqing, includes six sub-systems as follows:data input sub-system;data query sub-system;database management and maintenance sub-system;database of modal management sub-system;application and output sub-system;system management. This system provides friendly and easy operational interface, and plays a significant role in the disposal and management of solid waste in Chongqing.  相似文献   

为了应对林业资源信息管理在大数据时代面临的新机遇和挑战,解决智慧林业中林业资源信息服务体系架构设计与应用问题,基于云计算理论与技术,深入剖析了林业资源信息云服务的内涵及其基本特征,参照IEEE 1471 2000提出了林业资源信息云服务架构设计元模型,进而借鉴架构模式中的层架构模式设计思想,初步设计了林业资源信息云服务体系架构的总体结构和分布式协同部署模式,在国家林业局和辽宁省开展的林业资源监管服务系统构建过程中对体系架构的理论设计结果进行了实践应用和反馈修正。结果表明,林业资源信息云服务体系架构能够满足大数据环境下林业资源监管业务需求,具有良好的实用性和推广性。  相似文献   

西藏农业科技信息资源数字化平台建设与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【研究目的】针对西藏农业文献资源特色和信息资源的开发性保护需求,探寻适用的资源建设与利用技术方案。【方法】研发西藏农业科技信息资源数字化平台,进行西藏图书、期刊资源的数字化,建设青稞、牦牛等特色资源库。【结果】本文提出了由信息资源层、技术支撑层、整合服务层和用户层构成的平台总体技术框架,梳理了可用资源的类型、来源和内容建设方式,设计和开发实现了系统的功能,进行了应用部署并利用平台功能进行数据整理与装载,面向藏区用户提供信息服务。【结论】平台的建设和应用,将进一步发挥和扩增农业科技文献数据资源的效益,为西藏农业科技创新、农业生产发展奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

Aiming at the urgent requirements of project management from roadway design enterprises, key technologies and application of networked roadway design project management are studied. First, requirements analysis and a general technology scheme are proposed for networked roadway design project management. Next, key technologies are studied systematically, including workflow analysis and improvement, networked and dynamic project monitoring and coordinating, and integrated project information management. Based on the key technologies, an application system of networked roadway design project management is developed and applied in some real projects of roadway engineering design. A case study is presented to illustrate the management process based on the networked project management system. The engineering applications show that the system can effectively improve the management efficiency, reasonably configure and optimize design resource, monitor and coordinate project plan and schedule, and accurately evaluate the performance of design team members.  相似文献   

According to the need of engineering cost management reform and with the development of computer technology, application of Internet and establishment of national and local engineering cost information system, the construction company should have their engineering cost information system. Especially, there should be the dynamic information system for dynamic management of engineering cost to promote the reform of engineering cost management and satisfy the need of company development.  相似文献   

分析中国农业标准化生产现状,发现其中存在的问题,提出与农业信息技术结合是解决问题的途径之一。而专家系统开发工具(平台)是农业信息技术的关键技术之一,它作为一种开发专家系统的通用工具,使农业领域专家无需掌握过多的编程知识就能建造性能良好的专家系统,从而能有效克服目前农业标准化生产中存在的问题。基于此介绍了将农业标准化生产和专家系统开发平台结合起来建立农业标准化生产管理系统开发平台的建立基础、设计思路、技术路线以及平台功能,并阐述了农业标准化生产管理系统开发平台的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于共享服务模式的农业资源管理WebGIS系统构建   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
根据现有农业资源管理信息系统在可视化表达和资源共享方面存在的不足,提出以农业资源共享服务模式为基础,结合富客户端WebGIS可视化表达与空间分析技术,构建农业资源管理系统的思路,并将该设计思想运用在“贵州省安顺市农业资源管理系统”的具体案例中。实践表明,运用共享服务模式来构建农业资源管理WebGIS系统不仅可以满足自身系统的业务需求,还能为其他应用系统提供数据共享服务,可以有效解决目前农业资源信息系统之间资源不能共享、重复建设,互操作难的问题,有效避免“信息孤岛”的产生,还可以直观的描述农业资源的时空分布、动态分析区域农业资源状况,为农业资源的管理、规划和决策提供了快速、直观和有效的手段。  相似文献   

Computer mathematical experimentation technology is applied in pressure hydraulic .The non-linear mathematical model of stage mechanical control system is established by the application of computer mathematical software Maple. The computational results agree with experimental data, and precision is satisfied. The mathematical model is the first apply in the control system of stage mechanical elevator. The method has a wide application in computer auxiliary and simulation of mechanical control system.  相似文献   

广西芒果电脑农业专家系统的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
芒果电脑农业专家系统是基于农业专家知识和模仿农业专家进行推理决策的计算机程序系统,在Paid开发平台的基础上研究开发出面向基层农技推广人员和广大农户的芒果农业专家系统。介绍了芒果农业专家系统的系统结构体系、系统目标、系统内容及应用示范情况。为农民和基层农技人员提供各种农业问题咨询服务与决策方案,起到高层次农业专家随时都能亲临现场指导农业生产的作用。对加速芒果科技的普及和科技成果转化,实现广西芒果向产业化发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Nowadays,the computer technology is applied more and more widely in the architecture,engineering and construction industries(AEC).This paper introduces a methodology of construction project management based on the five-dimension modeling which integrates three-dimension building models,resources and schedules by the development of virtual construction technology.The application of this method also influences several aspects of project management such as range,time,cost,resource,communication and information management.Finally,the process of 5D modeling and the management practice are presented through a real life case in Beijing which proves to be a more efficient,productive and economy project.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the features of existing IC management system of computer room, deficiencies and new orientation in this domain. The structure and realization of a new system developed by the authors was introduced. Meanwhile, this paper analyzes the electronic school schedule. Finally, the features of new IC management system of computer room are analyzed.  相似文献   

专家系统是一种模拟人类专家解决领域问题的计算机系统,它主要分为知识库、综合数据库、推理机、解释器、接口等几部分。现今,国内果树专家系统的应用类型主要分为果树栽培生产专家系统和果树营养、病虫害诊断防治决策系统两类;在果树专家系统上的应用研究最多的计算机理论主要是:人工神经网络、模糊神经网络、多媒体技术、Web技术等;果树专家系统的开发手段主要是利用现成的农业专家系统平台直接进行二次开发,还有少数是直接利用程序语言进行原型系统开发。今后随着信息技术的不断发展,利用果树学的特点结合先进的计算机理论和技术,将开发出动态的、更具智能化的果树专家系统。  相似文献   

徐硕  鲁峰  郭宇东  王宇  李奥 《中国农学通报》2020,36(12):139-151
渔业船联网工程是通过在渔船上搭载信息感知、处理和传输装备,从而实现船与船、船与岸之间的信息交换和智能化服务,在渔业生产、海上通信、安全管理、渔政执法及海洋探测等领域具有的重要科学意义和实用价值。本文分析了渔业船联网工程体系的应用现状及演化趋势,详细总结了渔业船联网感知层、传输层和应用层的国内外现状及发展趋势,梳理了所涉及的关键技术和科学问题。围绕渔船探测、海洋通信、数据融合与挖掘等重大需求,分析了中国渔业船联网发展在基础研究、平台建设、尖端技术、装备工程、标准体系等方面存在的主要问题与障碍,指出了中国渔业船联网工程体系科技创新发展对策,提出了以“突破关键技术、研发核心装备、构建基础平台、形成创新能力”为目标、以“探索期、部署期、拓展期”为路线的系统工程发展建议。  相似文献   

The 3D urban planning information system has been the focus topic in urban palnning management. In this paper,the related development of 3D urban planning is reviewed and the development object,data acquisition, system application level and three important characters of 3D urban planning information system have been also discussed. Thus, a system framework iseatablished. Finally,several primary problems are put forward and thought to be resolved to improve the practicability of 3D urban planning information system over large scale.  相似文献   

Information integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises is a kind of software and hardware platform which supports application development, application integration and system running in complex information environment. The information processing of enterprises relys on this platform. Due to the increasing number of computer security problems, much attention must be paid to the security of information-integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises. The current security condition of information-integrated platform in manufacturing enterprises is introduced and the related countermeasures is also produced. In order to ensure the security, the conclusion that secure management system should be combined with secure management techniques is drawed .  相似文献   

渔业生产大数据是在养殖、捕捞、加工、流通、管理等活动中产生的原始性数据,对提升渔业科技创新能力、推动渔业转型升级、促进渔业绿色高质量发展具有重要的引导作用和使用价值。本研究以中国渔业高质量发展为根本出发点,分析渔业生产大数据中心的特点与应用需求,提出涵盖数据采集、传输、存储、应用全链条的渔业生产大数据中心体系架构,围绕渔业生产大数据采集监测网、资源调度分中心和数据主中心制定渔业生产大数据中心建设的总体方案,并基于大数据应用视角,明确渔业生产大数据中心建设的总体目标、标准体系、规划布局与实施路径。研究表明,建设由水产养殖监测网、海洋捕捞监测网、加工流通监测网、水产养殖分中心、海洋捕捞分中心、加工流通分中心、市场监测分中心、管理服务分中心及渔业生产大数据主中心构成的分布式工程体系,形成渔业生产过程动态监测与态势感知能力,对提升我国渔业生产与管理水平、加快数据融合应用、实现渔业创新高质量发展具有重要意义,可为进一步具体开展渔业生产大数据中心建设提供设计蓝图。  相似文献   

物联网技术在农田环境监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现农业的自动化管理,为实现农业精准生产,并为科学研究提供全面信息,设计了基于物联网的农田环境监测系统,系统由传感层、传输层和应用层构成。开发了结构灵活、通用性强的路由和协调器节点,节点通过标准模拟接口与传感器连接,在此基础之上构建了具有高可靠性和灵活性的无线传感器网络,该网络能实时感知作物生长环境信息,并将数据可靠地传输到远端服务器管理系统。田间试验表明:基于物联网农田综合环境信息自动监测系统运行稳定、可靠,为科学预测和科学种植提供了依据。  相似文献   

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