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为探讨影响人工培植牛黄形成的内外在因素,以便为牛体内人工培黄技术的改进、完善提供科学依据,作者通过对天然牛胆石症高发区生态环境调查及牛体内牛黄形成的模拟试验,对影响牛体内牛黄形成的有关内外在因素进行了初步分析。调研结果表明,牛体内牛黄的形成,在很大程度上取决于气候、土壤、水质等生态性因素,菌株宜选用毒力弱的大肠杆菌(EPEC),并加入适当的添加剂。  相似文献   

鉴于天然牛黄药源奇缺,故学者们对人工诱生牛黄的研究屡见报道.我们曾对这两类牛黄中起主要药效作用的化学成分(如胆红素、胆汁酸等)进行过分析对比.为进一步了解天然牛黄和人工诱生牛黄营养成分上的差异,本实验测定了这两类牛黄中的氨基酸含量.现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

牛黄是名贵中药材,且药源奇缺(70%靠进口),价格昴贵,获取天然牛黄的机遇率不足万分之一。因此,用人工方法获取天然牛黄的开发势在必行。每头牛产黄平均5—8克,一岁以上的牛不分牛的品种、用途均可种黄,种后无副作用,同时不影响生产种畜产品质量。这是一项经济效益高、见效快,能创汇的好项目,也是一项利用荒山草坡,变废为宝的治富之路。特别是对贫困山区开展这项工作意义更为深远。科委、民政局、农场局、畜牧局等单位,可将本省、市、区、县、乡分散和集体养的牛组织起来种黄,这是一笔巨大的财富。愿意种黄者可与北京人工天然牛黄研究  相似文献   

牛体牛黄根据其来源可以分为天然牛黄和人工培植牛黄,前者是牛肝胆系统自然形成的病理产物;后者是以外科手术为手段,在牛的胆囊内植入致黄因子,诱发机体形成的。通常情况下,为了减少手术取黄过程中牛黄的损耗,一般提倡屠宰取黄,特别是对老龄牛、残、菜牛或其它利用价值不大的牛,更应如此。但是对生产利用价值比较高的牛,若因胆结石影响使用性能或人培  相似文献   

牛黄是中国医药常用的贵重药品之一。从五十年代开始,国内科研部门就根据天然牛黄的化学成分分析和药理试验,用猪、牛、羊胆汁等人工合成牛黄,称人工牛黄。1972年12月全国人工牛黄总结工作会议上,转发了北京市药品生物制品检定所《关于人工牛黄代替天  相似文献   

牛黄是较名贵的中药材,我国自然牛黄远远不能满足医药的需要,为了解决这一矛盾,经云南农大许义由教授几十年的精心研究,人工牛体育黄获得成功。人工牛体育黄不但解决药源,而且在目前也是一项脱贫致富途径。我县已将之列入星火计划项目。县内已植黄牛二百多例,取黄19例获成功,效益显著。但是在手术植黄时如果粗心,易植入小肠,造成不良后果,现将我县在大河区黄床误植小肠一例予以报告。该牛1989年1月17日植黄,1990年2月11日死亡。植黄时膘情中等,三岁半,未产;植黄后有消化疾病史和创口化脓史,膘情明显下降。 1990年2月10日来站询诊。主诉:该牛几  相似文献   

一九八一年七月我们开始对三头牛进行人工培殖牛黄的试验。次年五月对手术牛逐头进行取黄,同年先后共进行十八头牛的取黄与埋核手术,我们所采用的牛黄核心,是白色塑料压制的,大小象小型鸡蛋。两端有大小不等的圆形孔,中空,外壳呈网格状,每个网格间隙,是里外通透的。在施行牛的胆囊手术,将此核心埋植于牛的胆囊内,经约一年时间。以同样手术将此核心取出,又再次埋入新的核心。从取出的牛黄核心来看,网格间隙通透部位,均为胆囊内生成的牛黄所堵塞,其内壁亦广泛地吸附着一层黄色沉淀物,  相似文献   

提高人工培植牛黄产量和质量的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工培植牛黄,近年来在国内取得了一定的成果。但普遍存在着两大问题,一是产量不稳定,二是质量上与天然牛黄相比,胆酸含量相似,而胆红素含量不稳定,偏低者居多。其影响因素是多方面的,最日月显的因素是黄床形态和活性、致黄菌的优劣、手术技巧和熟练程度、地区类型、牛的品种及年龄、饲料和饲喂方式等。为提高人工培植牛黄的产量和质量,应根据天然牛黄形成的机理,相应地采取如下措施。  相似文献   

牛黄是中药贵重药品之一,具有特殊的药理作用,在祖国传统医学和现代医学中应用广泛。具有很高的药用价值和经济价值。我国从七十年代开始牛胆囊埋核培植牛黄的研究,为交流经验,取得牛黄人工培植高产,现将自己经历150例植黄手术的经验和体会整理介绍如下。1 人工牛体培植牛黄的形成 牛黄本是牛的一种病理产物,实为胆结石。牛体植黄是用兽医外科手段,将异物(核体)埋  相似文献   

人工诱导空怀母牛泌乳技术推广应用报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用青海畜牧兽医学院生产的人工诱乳注射液等针剂和包埋剂及外省产的诱乳激素针剂对138头空怀无奶母牛进行了诱乳技术推广应用试验。诱乳成功129头牛,成功率93.48%,并有大部分牛恢复正常的繁殖功能,据对79头诱乳成功牛的统计,诱乳后受胎率达67.09%,头均全泌乳期产奶3876.95kg,头均创利润1673.82元,获得了明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

Serum bile acid concentrations were measured in 41 clinically healthy cattle of different breeds. There was no diurnal variation in values and age and sex had no effect. There was no significant difference between serum and plasma bile acid concentrations in clinically healthy cattle. Serum bile acids were stable on storage at -20 degrees C. The total serum bile acid concentrations, together with other tests of hepatic disease, were evaluated in cattle with various types of hepatobiliary disease (hepatic lipidosis, hepatic abscessation, leptospirosis, biliary calculi, fascioliasis), respiratory, cardiovascular and infectious diseases, and in various other conditions not affecting the liver. Total serum bile acids were the most specific and sensitive indicators of a wide variety of hepatic diseases and were significantly correlated with the degree of clinical illness.  相似文献   

牛体外牛黄发生器内培植牛黄技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用48头健康黄牛同时施行胆总管结扎术、胆囊插管术、十二指肠插管术和体外安装牛黄发生器,将原胆汁流通径路改建为肝脏→胆管→胆囊→引胆汁管→牛黄发生器→十二指肠,在体外牛黄发生器内和胆囊内同时培植牛黄。结果表明,植黄牛胆汁pH值降低,胆酸含量下降,牛黄发生器内胆汁粘度低于胆囊内胆汁粘度。胆囊内注入新洁尔灭,可减少胆汁中细菌数量,减轻胆囊炎症反应。全棉材料牛黄床的牛黄产量高于锦纶66和涤纶材料牛黄床,以网眼状全腔充盈型牛黄床的牛黄产量高、质量好。在5~7个月的培植期内,每头牛能生产牛黄14.1~19.6g,牛黄胆红素含量为29.05%±7.51%。  相似文献   

West, H.J., 1997. Clinical and pathological studies in cattle with hepatic disease. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (3), 169-185In cattle with hepatic lipidosis, hepatic abscessation, leptospirosis, biliary calculi or fasciolosis, the progression of the disease was studied by serial measurements of serum total bile acid concentrations, plasma glutamate dehydrogenase, -glutamyltranserase, 5-nucleotidase and leucine aminopeptidase activities Terminalia avicennioides and by liver biopsy. Regardless of the cause of the hepatic disease, weight loss, anorexia, dullness and depression were consistent features. Signs of hepatic encephalopathy, such as blindness, head pressing, excitability, ataxia and weakness were less common and, together with pyrexia and jaundice, were grave prognostic signs. Plasma ammonia concentrations were significantly elevated compared to clinically normal cattle, but such changes were not always accompanied by a decline in plasma urea concentrations. In normal, healthy cattle, the plasma ammonia:urea concentration ratio is 9:1 and the plasma ammonia:glucose concentration is 11:1. In hepatic disease, a plasma ammonia:glucose ratio >40:1 or plasma ammonia:urea ratio >30:1, particularly with a rising total ketone body concentration and a declining glucose concentration, carried a guarded prognosis. The study suggested that other factors, such as hypokalaemia, alkalosis, short-chain volatile fatty acids, and false and true neuro-transmitters, may be important in the pathogenesis of hepatic coma in cattle.  相似文献   

28头黄牛施以双胆囊植黄术,即在胆囊内的牛黄床和腹腔内的模拟胆囊内同时培植牛黄。植黄期间,测定了胆囊和模拟胆囊内的压力及胆汁粘度,胆囊和模拟胆囊内的压力差△P与胆汁粘度η的回归方程为:△P=-0.127+0.498η。  相似文献   

An unusually high incidence of urinary calculi in a group of feeder cattle is described. Necropsy findings in one affected animal suggested that oxalates in the feed, specifically in fescue (Festuca spp.) seed screenings, may have been the cause. Low dietary calcium and decreased water intake by the cattle appear to have been predisposing factors. Control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

山东黄牛肝胆管系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过对15例山东黄牛肝脏标本的观察和测量表明:其肝外胆管系统的组成和方位恒定;并探讨了黄牛肝外胆道外科的最佳途径。对13例肝乳胶铸型标本的研究,提示了黄牛肝内胆管树的基本类型:肝左管分出两支Ⅱ级胆管进入左叶,一支Ⅱ级胆管进入方叶,一支Ⅲ级胆管进入尾状叶;肝右管分出三支Ⅱ级胆管进入右叶,还有一些细胆管进入方叶和尾状叶。  相似文献   

The report summarizes a one year period of investigation of death losses in West Malaysian livestock. Lesions and etiological agents are mentioned for cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry and companion animals as well as some miscellaneous species.

Special observations related to a common paramphistome induced hepatic biliary infestation in cattle, a serious malignant head catarrh outbreak in which possible cattle to cow aerosol transmission occurred. Trismus observed in some cattle with malignant head catarrh was associated with arteriolitis and ganglioneuritis of the V cranial nerve. Parasitic, bacterial, viral toxic and neoplastic diseases are recorded in the various species. The occurrence of fatal chronic fluorosis in laboratory guinea pigs and cerebral nematodiasis in a Thoroughbred racehorse are documented.


The main objective of this study was to investigate whether cholelithiasis in sheep is related to parasitism or other commonly observed disorders such as liver abscesses. Additionally, the features of the observed biliary calculi are described. The livers of 254 randomly selected clinically healthy adult dairy sheep were used. All visible concretions in the bile were considered as stones. Based on the macroscopical examination, 60 livers were normal, 40 were parasitized with Fasciola hepatica, 42 were parasitized with Dicrocoelium dendriticum, 28 were parasitized with both D. dendriticum and F. hepatica, 40 livers had abscesses and 44 had hydatid cysts. Biliary calculi were detected in 40 livers. Twenty livers had pigment stones and 20 livers had cholesterol stones. The percentage of cholelithiasis was significantly higher in livers parasitized with flukes compared with the others (P<0.05) and the parasitoses with F. hepatica and D. dendriticum were proven to be significant risk factors (P<0.05) for the presence of cholelithiasis in sheep.  相似文献   

Blood and bile porphyrin concentrations were measured in cattle with protoporphyria and compared with those in human beings with the disease. Whereas the mean RBC porphyrin concentration in cattle was 18-fold greater than in human beings, the mean bile porphyrin concentration was only 78% greater. Sequential measurements over a 30-hour period in 1 animal with a bile fistula indicated that the ratio of total porphyrin to total bile acid in bile varied minimally. When the animal was given an IV infusion of taurocholate, the biliary excretion rate of porphyrin increased in parallel with that of bile acid, because of enhancement of bile flow. Thus, in cattle with protophorphyria, the concentration of porphyrin in bile is low compared with that of porphyrin in RBC, in contrast with findings in human beings, and adequate amounts of bile acids are secreted to maintain efficient protoporphyrin excretion. This explains, in part, why hepatobiliary disease has not been observed in cattle with protoporphyria, but has been seen in human beings with the disease.  相似文献   

A 4‐year‐old Australian cattle dog presented for regurgitation, 2 months after duodenal resection and anastomosis for a perforated duodenal ulcer. Duodenobiliary reflux of barium sulfate suspension was detected during fluoroscopic esophagogastrography. Follow‐up radiography 2 hours later demonstrated persistence of the barium in the gallbladder and biliary tree. Ultrasonography showed an open sphincter of Oddi but no other morphological abnormalities with the gallbladder or biliary system. No side effects or bloodwork abnormalities were noted. This is the first case report of duodenobiliary reflux of barium in a dog. The pathophysiology of this phenomenon and its incidence and significance in human medicine are discussed.  相似文献   

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