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姬松茸栽培工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用正交试验设计中Fuzzy分析法.研究了在山西省麦秸栽培姬松茸的最佳栽培工艺。不同培养料处理、播种方式、覆土材料直接影响姬松茸生物学效率的高低,3个因素中覆土材料对生物学效率的影响最大,其次为培养料的处理.再次为播种方式.从三因素各水平组合对生物学效率的影响看,采用添加0.5%EM菌液的方式发酵培养料,撒播菌种,覆腐叶土或菜园土最为有利.  相似文献   

以平菇"新831"为试材,采用棉籽壳熟料栽培的方法,研究0%、1%、2%、3%、4%、5%6种石膏添加量对平菇生长发育、污染率和生物学效率的影响,从而确定平菇熟料栽培的最适石膏添加量。结果表明:菌丝长势随石膏添加量增加而减弱;菌丝长速随石膏添加量增加呈先升后降的趋势,石膏添加量为3%时,菌丝长速最快;添加石膏可显著降低菌袋污染率;平菇生物学效率随石膏添加量增加呈先升后降趋势,石膏添加量为1%时,平菇生物学效率最高。综合各项指标得出,棉籽壳熟料栽培平菇石膏的最适添加量为1%。  相似文献   

食用菌废料在花卉蔬菜上的再利用试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将食用菌栽培废料按一定比例配入园艺植物、蔬菜基质栽培和基质育苗的栽培基质.可使作物出苗整齐.叶色浓绿。叶片厚而挺拔,植株生长矮壮;杜鹃、玫瑰等园艺植物单株每批开花量增加15.82%~30.77%.花期延长1.3-2.5d,病株率减少3.20%-8.70%;蕃茄、彩椒等基质栽培蔬菜单株结果数增加8.36%~20.00%,株产量提高7.48%~19.86%,病株率下降5.57%~7.72%;西兰花、甘蓝等秧苗苗高增加7.59%~10.89%,总叶数增加2.20%~7.80%,病株率下降4.69%~7.81%,成苗率提高7.5%~14.5%。  相似文献   

通过在培养料中添加不同种类的氮源进行草菇栽培试验。结果表明:加入适量氮源后,草菇的生物学效率比对照提高了10.6%.18.7%,出菇高峰期也提前了2d;试验还表明:与不覆土相比,草菇覆土栽培方式可使产量明显提高。  相似文献   

鸡腿菇高产栽培十法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张维民  杨宣华 《食用菌》2004,26(6):34-35
为提高鸡腿蘑栽培的生物效率,我场经多年室外半弧型薄膜大棚栽培实践证明,采用下述十法栽培鸡腿蘑,可使生物学效率提高30%以上,现将有关方法介绍如下,供菇农朋友参考。  相似文献   

杏鲍菇菌渣栽培金针菇配方试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韦强  黄漫青 《食用菌》2010,32(3):29-30
为了摸索菌渣再利用新途径,在栽培料中分别添加5种配比的杏鲍菇菌渣进行栽培金针菇试验,结果表明随着菌渣用量的增加,菌丝生长速度随之减慢,吨菇投料成本随之降低;采用不同菌渣配比的栽培料在杂菌污染率、产量和生物学效率等方面没有显著差异。  相似文献   

覃杨 《山西果树》2006,(6):55-55
据覃杨等试验,温室栽培葡萄,于花后幼果迅速膨大期进行环剥,宽度3mm,剥时不留残余皮层,不伤及木质部,剥后立即用塑料薄膜包扎伤口,可使无核白鸡心、里扎马特、京秀的单粒重分别提高9.5%、13.4%、19.5%,可溶性固形物含量分别提高1.1%、1.3%、0.7%。另外,还可提高枝蔓粗度、萌芽率和果枝率,其中果枝率提高18.85%(无核白鸡心)、32.89%(里扎马特)、2.94%(京秀)。这对一些较难形成花芽、果枝率低的品种(如里扎马特)有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

急支糖浆药渣栽培平菇试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈今朝  方平  韩宗先 《食用菌》2008,30(5):25-26
急支糖浆药渣栽培平菇试验。结果表明,以华平43为菌株.当栽培料中急支糖浆药渣占62%及以下时,再添加麸皮及过磷酸钙等辅料,平菇的生物学效率可达100%以上。  相似文献   

在贺州地区2011年秋冬季节自然环境条件下,对8种秀珍菇菌株进行栽培选优试验,从中选出适宜贺州地区推广栽培的优良菌株。试验结果表明,秀珍菇0抗杂菌能力强,菌丝生长速度快,栽培的第33天现蕾,6d~7d转潮;生长周期最短,64d内产3潮菇;袋产量和生物学效率分别为343.5g和85.9%,是8种秀珍菇中是最有栽培前景的菌株,其次是秀珍菇845和秀珍菇3,袋产量和生物学效率为336.9g、329.1g和84.2%、82.3%。  相似文献   

黄建聪  杜红慧  朱坚 《蔬菜》2018,(12):69-73
为探究灰树花菌糠对灰树花栽培的影响,在新栽培料中分别加入不同比例的灰树花菌糠,比较菌丝生长情况、栽培周期和生物学效率。结果表明:栽培料中添加菌糠10%、20%时,菌丝长速显著加快,30%时不显著,大于30%后菌丝长速下降且菌袋培养后期黄水增多;菌糠添加的比例对原基形成到采收的时间影响不显著,主要影响原基的形成时间,添加菌糠10%、20%时形成时间显著缩短,添加菌糠30%影响不显著,之后显著延迟;当菌糠比例为30%时,生物学效率最高。最终确定,最佳菌糠添加比例为20%~30%,平均生物学效率可提高10.84%。  相似文献   

分析了银合欢木屑的营养成分,研制了最适宜的培养基,选用了高产优质的香菇菌株和高效益的栽培方式。发现银合欢木屑作为氮素添加物可替代50%麸皮,降低原料成本,使感染率降低11.8%,鲜菇产量增加5.1%;高产香菇菌株785比其他4个菌株至少可增产鲜菇14.8%;短袋栽培比菌筒或菌砖栽培增产,而且可以减少高温制种感染率高的危害;与红栲木屑栽培香菇相比,银合欢木屑增产鲜菇53.6%,生物学效率提高26.7%。该技术措施适合于在高温低海拔地区应用,在闽南地区增产鲜菇55.6%,生物效率提高25.8%。  相似文献   

在500m~1200m高海拔林场内进行“林下培菌”生产仿野生鸡腿菇的研究,结果证明,较之传统大棚或菇房设施化栽培,林下培菌生产仿野生鸡腿菇无需占用耕地,彻底解决了当地鸡腿菇栽培中的“菇粮争地”矛盾;可节省出菇棚等固定资产投资70%以上;另外生物学效率为149%,较之传统菇棚栽培提高40%左右;产出的菇品明显具有野生菇的口感和风味。另外,菌糠废料直接被林地树根就地分解利用,提高了林地土壤肥力,改善了林地土壤结构,提高了林地生产力,减少了人工处理菌糠废料的费用,同时,由于保湿的需要以及出菇管理人员的频繁出入林场操作和巡视,最大限度地降低了森林火险的发生概率。  相似文献   

玉米秸秆栽培双孢蘑菇夏季出菇试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
玉米秸秆栽培双孢蘑菇夏季出菇试验结果表明,双孢蘑菇新品种9801的产量、质量和抗逆性均有明显提高;培养料内添加食用菌专用发酵剂可以缩短发酵周期,提高发酵质量;培养料中和覆土内活加双孢蘑菇专用添加剂能提高双孢蘑菇子实体质量。玉米秸秆栽培双孢蘑菇的生物学效率可达到50%以上,产量可达10kg/m^2以上。  相似文献   

茶薪菇栽培技术研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在瓶栽试验的基础上,选出5个茶薪菇菌株和2种培养料,进行二因素随机区组袋栽试验。结果表明,①AC1产量最高,平均生物学效率为69.2%。AC9平均生物学效率为67.4%,AC1与AG生物学效率差异不显著。②AC1在以棉籽壳为主的培养料上的生物学效率为74.4%,AC9在以麦草为主的培养料上的生物学效率为63.3%。③参试菌株的生物学效率均显著地高于对照菌株(AC4)的生物学效率,达到5.0%的显著水平。  相似文献   

Establishment of roadside plantings is often limited by adverse site conditions, particularly poor soil physical and chemical properties. We compared plant establishment of shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and grasses in response to addition of compost and/or tillage before planting in replicated plots at two locations along an interstate highway near Detroit, MI, USA. Plots at each location received one of four site preparation treatments: control (no treatment), compost only (top-dressed with 8 cm of municipal compost), tillage only (soil tilled to 20 cm) or compost + tillage (8 cm of compost added and tilled to 20 cm). Within each site preparation plot, we established sub-plots of 16 selections of shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses. Compost addition, plant selection, and location affected (P ≤ 0.05) plant survival, height growth, and % plant cover two years after planting. Tillage did not affect (P > 0.05) plant establishment. Similarly, the interaction of tillage × compost was not significant, indicating that surface application of compost was as effective as tilling compost into the soil. Improved plant establishment with the addition of compost was associated with improved soil and plant nutrition and reduced soil pH and soil bulk density. Within each plant group (i.e., shrubs, perennials, grasses) plant establishment varied widely. Overall, the results indicate that compost addition can improve establishment of diverse roadside plantings, which was associated with improved soil fertility. In contrast, tillage provided comparatively little benefit to plant performance in this trial.  相似文献   

Increasing green space, especially in densely built-up areas is considered to be a valuable climate change adaptation response in order to reduce the threat of high temperatures to human health and comfort and to controlled global greenhouse gas emissions. Practical responses to climate change, under urban conditions, in order to avoid or reduce trees and shrubs vulnerability, can be considered drought resistant planting approaches, as the addition of organic amendeds to soil. The improvement of physical–chemical soil quality is a key step for carrying out xeriscaping programs of urban green spaces in Mediterranean semiarid areas. Organic amendments, particularly compost, have been receiving a renewed attention not only in horticulture but also in the context of restoring disturbed urban soils to address environmental issues as well as to improve trees and shrubs growth. The influence of increasing rates (0, 15, 30, and 45%) of composted sewage sludge (SSC) placed in the plantation hole on both urban soil properties and growth for three native Mediterranean woody hedge species was monitored over a 2-year period after planting. The experiment was supported by a xerogardening project in an urban context under semi-arid conditions. The results indicate that the urban soil physical characteristics were positively influenced by the addition of SSC: the 45% rate showed an increase in both moisture and infiltration values, thereby increasing the volume of plant-available water in the soil. The chemical properties of the amended soils were also directly affected by the SSC rate, but the effect of the compost on organic matter, nitrogen and potassium contents decreased over time. Our results prove that the hedge growth response to the compost treatments is also highly dependent on the rate of compost used. At the end of the trial, in Rhamnus and Myrthus plants 30% compost level guarantees the best performance; in fact, the further addition of 15% of compost led to a significant decrease in hedge and diameter values, in particular in Myrtle. This could be explained by the high pH at 45% compost, which would seem not to suit the physiology of the two species. On the other hand, in Phillyrea plants, the rate of 45% compost gives high performance equal to that of 30%; it would therefore seem that the high pH at 45% compost does not influence the nutritive elements’ absorption and, as a consequence, the growth. The use of composted sludge as an amendment for sclerophyllous could be feasible and, what is more, helpful to mitigate the environmental impact of organic waste disposal. Moreover more natural vegetation can be introduced into urban parks and green spaces in semi-arid environments to encourage sustainable landscaping and xerogardening.  相似文献   

矿物培养料富含矿质营养,具有比表面大、孔隙度高等优良性状。用硅藻土栽培金针菇,采收期比对照提前24d,平均生物学效率提高15.8%;用沸石栽培糙皮侧耳可增产31.2%;而珍珠岩更适于栽培草菇。  相似文献   

2009年,在科技部的农业科技成果转化资金资助下,对"吉耳1号"品种在该年度春季和秋季分别做了的区域试验。结果表明:利用周转棒封口,提高了生产效率,降低了菌袋的污染率,提高了菌袋的成品率,污染率降至2%以下。"吉耳1号"每万袋平均产量为460.3kg,比对照增产13%,经济与社会效益显著,具有极好的推广价值。  相似文献   

茶薪菇培养料中茶枝屑用量为57.1%的处理,其生物学效率可达70.5%,以茶枝屑为主料生产的茶薪菇与以棉籽壳为主料生产的茶薪菇相比,其氨酸含总量可提高19.8%,其中人体必需氨基酸、儿童必需氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸和甜味氨基酸含量分别是提高8.8%、31.6%、39.9%和13.7%。  相似文献   

为了防止草莓病害发生,增加种植者的经济收入,提高土地的综合利用效益,并在控制病害的同时保护生态,利用蜜蜂授粉的原理,对蜂箱进行改造,在箱体巢门位置增加布满枯草芽孢杆菌的改良垫片,以达到通过蜜蜂传播枯草芽孢杆菌来抑制灰霉菌传播和侵染草莓的目的。通过比较使用改良蜂箱技术,草莓始花期灰霉病发病率比普通蜂箱降低25%,成熟后果实发病率降低31%;草莓僵果较少,果实个大饱满,比普通蜂箱草莓平均糖度增加了18%,维生素C含量增加了36%;比普通蜂箱草莓增产21%;节省人工费用、化学农药费用,同时减少用药次数,对生态环境友好;可见,在生产中适合推广示范该蜂箱改良技术。  相似文献   

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