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Female canaries exposed to playback of large repertoires of male songs built nests faster and laid more eggs than did those females exposed to smaller song repertoires: females are attentive to attributes of male song, and their choices have played a role in the evolution of oscine singing behaviors.  相似文献   

鳖人工繁殖有关技术及影响鳖卵受精率、孵化率及稚鳖越冬成活率的研究表明,2a供试亲鳖8100只,产卵172229粒,受精率88.83%,孵化稚鳖141852只,孵化率为92.72%,其中利用自制亲鳖促性腺发育配合饲料投喂比天然饲料投喂的雌亲鳖产卵量提高23.32%;利用LRH-A对亲鳖进行人工催产的受精率为91.82%,比自然产卵受精率(85.13%)提高6.69%;保温越冬稚鳖4800只,成活率95.3%,比常温越冬成活率(81.75%)提高13.55%;平均饲养稚鳖229d,增重倍数为5.14,饲养幼鳖3400只,成活率97.01%,增重倍数为7.63。  相似文献   

结果表明:伊蚊白天产卵量大于晚上,而且喜在黑色、粗糙的容器中(靠近水面处)产卵;盛水容器离地面距离越高,白纹伊蚊产卵量越少.在福州,幼虫出现在3月中旬,成虫始见于3月下旬,7至9月为发生高峰期;10月底至翌年3月上旬不见成虫活动.  相似文献   

Polistes annularis females store honey in their nests in autumn. They return to their nests on warmn winter days, eat honey, and defend itfrom non-sisters. Honey deprivation decreases numbers surviving the winter; females that do survive without honey build smaller spring nests.  相似文献   

为了揭示斑背大尾莺(Locustella pryeri)不同地理种群间繁殖生态是否会出现分化,于2010年、2011年4—6月在崇明东滩(东经121°9’30″~121°54’00″,北纬31°27’00″~31°51’15″)对斑背大尾莺的繁殖生态进行了系统的野外观察。结果表明:崇明东滩地区斑背大尾莺的巢型有两种,即浅杯状无盖巢和椭圆状有盖巢;产卵期3~6 d;孵化期10~12 d;育雏期14 d左右。其中:巢内育雏9~10 d(平均值=(9.18±0.41)d,n=11巢);巢外育雏4~5 d(平均值=(4.75±0.45)d,n=11巢)。斑背大尾莺的孵化率为53.85%(42/78),离巢率为80.28%(57/71),卵成功率为37.18%(29/78),将其与扎龙、双台河口两地斑背大尾莺的繁殖生态进行比较,发现3者在繁殖生态方面有一定差异。  相似文献   

Homing in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During homing, the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius orients both to the sun and to chemical cues. Visual patterns are generally the less important. Trails laid from the secretion of Dufour's gland comprise the main chemical homing signal. This orientation mechanism assists foraging workers to return precisely to their own nests even when the nest populations are dense.  相似文献   

人工挂巢招引白眉[姬]鹟控制森林虫害的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对在内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区采用人工挂巢招引白眉[姬]翁鸟控制森林虫害的试验研究进行了总结,主要采用鸟类生态学研究中的巢区测定法测定取食范围,剖胃分析法和束颈法进行食性分析和食虫量测定,并结合样地内白眉[姬]翁鸟种群数量调查,综合分析后得出一对白眉[姬]翁鸟控制虫害面积5.87亩,挂巢密度为3.3巢/公顷,一对白眉[姬]翁鸟及一窝雏鸟在该区停留期间共食虫80258条,食落叶松叶蜂占52%,食舞毒蛾30.5%,采用人工招引白眉[姬]翁鸟等益鸟控制森林虫害的效果显著,经济效益、生态效益均很显著等结论  相似文献   

曹振岭  陈玉峰  杨建丽  邓昕  周晓杭 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(30):16713-16714,16723
[目的]了解苍眉蝗莺的繁殖过程。[方法]历时9年,对30多只苍眉蝗莺跟踪观察以便掌握牡丹江地区苍眉蝗莺的迁抵时间与繁殖生育过程。[结果]雄鸟以鸣叫引起雌鸟的注意,雌鸟选择做巢的树木,一般都是幼龄乔木、灌木类树种。新巢用细软草茎、禾本科杂草以及绳头、塑料编织绳等物筑成。筑巢时间约为5d,新巢筑造时雌雄鸟开始交配。苍眉蝗莺的产卵时间多在早晨6:00~7:40,卵的纵径为2.0~2.1cm,横径为1.4~1.5cm,每巢4~9枚卵,孵化天数为12~14d。雌鸟产下最后1枚卵后便开始孵化。育雏期雌鸟总是在巢中守护,将全部幼雏覆于体下,雄鸟哺食,有时轮替。[结论]该研究为了解牡丹江地区苍眉蝗莺的迁徙繁殖规律奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Hunt GL  Hunt MW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,196(4297):1466-1467
Pairs of females that remain together from one year to the next are associated with the presence of supernormal clutches in western gull nests. Intervals between laying of eggs in supernormal clutches are less than those found in normal clutches, a result indicating both females in a pair contribute to the clutch. Most eggs in supernormal clutches are infertile. The pairs of females occupy territories that are not shared with a resident male. In three homosexual pairs one of the females exhibited behaviors normally ascribed only to males.  相似文献   

Intraspecific brood parasitism (laying eggs in another's nest) occurs widely in colonial cliff swallows (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae: Hirundo pyrrhonota). In colonies consisting of more than ten nests, up to 24 percent of the nests were sometimes parasitized by colony members. Laying eggs in a conspecific's nest may be a benefit of coloniality for parasitic individuals and simultaneously may represent a cost to host individuals within the same colony.  相似文献   

绿海龟健康幼体心肝肾功能血液生化指标参考值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采集了39只人工养殖的健康幼体绿海龟(1.5~2.5龄)、6只健康成体绿海龟(10~20龄)和3只野生成体绿海龟,用Beckman AU5800和TNI BECKMAN Access 2测定和分析了反映绿海龟心肝肾功能的17项血液生化指标,结果发现野生个体的生化指标与人工养殖的绿海龟差异较大,谷草转氨酶(P=0.002)、白蛋白(P=0.015)、碱性磷酸酶(P=0.010)、谷丙转氨酶(P=0.010)等均有明显差异,人工养殖绿海龟除碱性磷酸酶与年龄呈负相关外没有明显差异,不同性别的个体在生化指标上差异不显著。本实验结果与野生绿海龟各研究结果对比发现,野生个体的指标差异非常显著,难以作为健康指标的参考。本研究建立了人工绿海龟的心肝肾功能血液生化指标参考值,为野生绿海龟血液生化研究提供参考,为指导绿海龟养殖过程中的疾病早期诊断和预防提供依据。  相似文献   

The discovery of a turtle in the Early Jurassic(185 million years before present) Kayenta Formation of northeastern Arizona provides significant evidence about the origin of modern turtles. This new taxon possesses many of the primitive features expected in the hypothetical common ancestor of pleurodires and cryptodires, the two groups of modern turtles. It is identified as the oldest known cryptodire because of the presence of a distinctive cryptodiran jaw mechanism consisting of a trochlea over the otic chamber that redirects the line of action of the adductor muscle. Aquatic habits appear to have developed very early in turtle evolution. Kayentachelys extends the known record of cryptodires back at least 45 million years and documents a very early stage in the evolution of modern turtles.  相似文献   

分析2012年黑龙江省玉米市场,预计2012年黑龙江省玉米产量同比增加9.1%,创历史新高;每公顷种植玉米纯收益4329.45元,较2011年减少358.20元,减幅达7.64%;2012年前3个季度,黑龙江省玉米市场收购价格持续上升,至9月达到2326.25元/t,较2012年初涨幅达14.35%,之后受季节性压力影响,玉米价格出现大幅回落,i1月中旬在国家出台最低保护价收储政策后,奠定了玉米市场底部,市场价格较为平稳。展望2013年,种植面积将继续扩大,玉米增产潜力仍在,市场供需矛盾或将得以缓解,但由于存在刚性需求,对价格支撑作用还是很明显,但价格反弹空间不大。  相似文献   

microstigmus comes: sociality in a sphecid wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pendent nests of the wasp Microstigmus comes from Costa Rica contained up to 18 adults each. Ovarian dissection indicates that there is reproductive dominance (division of labor) among females from the same nest, without apparent external morphological differences. Evidence for parental care and cooperation in provisioning and defense also identify this as the first social sphecid wasp.  相似文献   

Female green turtles exhibit strong nest-site fidelity as adults, but whether the nesting beach is the natal site is not known. Under the natal homing hypothesis, females return to their natal beach to nest, whereas under the social facilitation model, virgin females follow experienced breeders to nesting beaches and after a "favorable" nesting experience, fix on that site for future nestings. Differences shown in mitochondrial DNA genotype frequency among green turtle colonies in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean are consistent with natal homing expectations and indicate that social facilitation to nonnatal sites is rare.  相似文献   

Australian halictines belong to the primitive genus Lasioglossum or related subgenera. The underground nests have lined cells in series or clusters and sometimes at the end of laterals. Two full generations per year are produced in the communal nests. Overwintered and newly emerged females form unique "pseudosocieties" rather than matrifilial societies along Holarctic patterns. Several Chilalictus species produce a "male caste" of big-headed, flightless males, in addition to normal individuals. Oviposition of unfertilized eggs on large pollen balls causes such allometric bees.  相似文献   

楚雄腮扁叶蜂是云南省除松毛虫以外新近发生的重大食叶害虫。采用林内调查并辅以实验室观测和分析,对该害虫羽化和繁殖从行为生态学的角度进行了研究。结果表明,在林内自然条件下羽化成虫的雌雄比约为3∶1,且雄成虫先于雌成虫达到羽化高峰。楚雄腮扁叶蜂成虫可进行有性生殖和孤雌生殖,羽化后即可进行交配,交配时间可持续5~30 min,平均17.75±3.32 min。随着交配时间延长,产卵量显著增加(Y=2.88X+4.15,R2=0.80)。将雌雄比按照1∶1、1∶2、1∶3、1∶4配对,其雌成虫产卵量、孵化量没有显著差异(P>0.05);按雌雄比2∶1、3∶1、4∶1配对,其雌成虫产卵量、孵化量与雌虫数量呈显著正相关(P<0.05);不同雌雄配比下的孵化率彼此间没有显著差异(P>0.05)。卵孵化的前期、中期和后期分别在9月上旬、9月下旬和10月中下旬,孵化率分别达到43%、74%和92%。  相似文献   

Trigonopsis cameronii females often work in groups of up to four individuals on single nests, and because of inbreeding and a tendency to return to the mother nest, nestmates are likely to be highly related. The altruistic behavior associated with group living, most notably the failure to steal prey from nestmates, can thus be explained by kin-selection theory.  相似文献   

Recently discovered Paleogene land vertebrates from the Eureka Sound Formation at about latitude 78 degrees north in Arctic Canada include fish, turtles, an alligatorid, and several taxa of mammals. The assemblage, which is probably early or middle Eocene in age, adds to previously known paleobotanical evidence in suggesting temperate to warm-temperate climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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