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一些蹼足类动物(如鹅和鸭)在长期的进化过程中,因适应性需要,肝脏具有沉积大量脂肪形成肥肝的遗传特性。生产上利用鹅和鸭的这种特殊遗传特性,进行短期人工强制超饲(填饲),形成营养因素所致的可逆的、获得性的脂肪变性,即鹅(鸭)肥肝。本文综述了肥肝形成的过程及可能的机制,同时提出了有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

用体格健壮的肉用仔鹅,在肥育后期用高能量饲料进行一段时间人工强制催肥后所生产的脂肪肝称鹅肥肝,一般肝重可达700~900g,最高可达1800g。鹅肥肝营养丰富,含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,为宴席之佳品,其生产技术如下。1肥肝生产鹅的选择肥肝生产的鹅应选择大中型品种,体质健壮,日龄稍大,颈部粗长的公鹅进行填肥最好。狮头鹅和郎德鹅是最理想的鹅肝生产鹅种,平均肥肝重700g左右,填肥时间以80日龄后备公鹅最好,此时生产的肥肝最大。2肥肝鹅的饲养分预饲期和填饲期两个阶段。填饲前通过预饲期喂给高能饲料,促进生长发育,使鹅具有良好体况适应填饲。…  相似文献   

随机选择朗德鹅与籽鹅、莱籽鹅的杂交鹅雏各50只,待养至4月龄后达成年体重时,每组选择20只,进行为期3~4周的填饲试验。测量填饲肥肝平均重、平均耗料量和肝料比。结果表明:朗德×菜籽鹅的平均肝重为669.00g,极显著高于朗德×籽鹅(P〈0.01),较朗德×籽鹅、菜籽鹅与籽鹅分别提高了163.09g、289.00g和365.85g,即分别提高了32.24%、76.05%和120.68%;同时降低了单位肥肝的饲料消耗量,肝料比为1:33.71。因此,从肥肝重和耗料上综合评价得出,朗德×菜籽鹅组的填饲效果最佳,是生产肥肝最好的杂交组合。  相似文献   

鸭肥肝生产水平的高低主要由品种、填饲方法和饲养管理等方面的因素而定。在生产鸭肥肝的品种已确定的情况下,填饲方法和饲养管理是提高其产肝性能的重要因素。生产中往往由于填饲方法和饲养管理不当而导致填饲的失败。为了能使鸭肥肝生产获得较好的经济效益,我们在生产试验中总结了有关鸭填饲方面的几点体会,以供鸭肥肝生产者参考。我们采用的鸭坯为建昌公鸭与狄高商品代母鸭的杂交一代。鸭坯的饲养日龄为90  相似文献   

引言鹅、鸭的填饲是法国西南部特有的传统手工技术.近年来,由于出现了专业化生产组织,使这项技术有了新的发展.在法国,填饲鸭(番鸭和骡鸭)所生产的肥肝占肥肝总产量构65%.为了很好地了解各种番鸭生产肥肝的情况,在生产者的合作下,作者已进行了一系列的试验(Farran, 1978; Babelle, 1980).  相似文献   

<正> 肥肝生产的饲养,不同国家和地区采用不同的方式。据报道,法国肥肝生产一般采用离地网养,而匈牙利有向笼养发展趋势。我国肥肝生产多采用地面平养,也有人建议笼养可能对产肝和肝的质量更为有益。为此,就地面平养和个体笼养的饲养方式进行了比较试验,以观察其对产肝性能的影响。材料与方法1.试验材料:建昌公鸭与澳系狄高母鸭的杂交1代,地面平养至90日龄。选择健康、发育正常的青年鸭进行填饲。2.试验分组:试验按饲养方式分为地面平养和个体笼养2组。平养组填饲数69只,其中公鸭36只,母鸭33只;笼养组填饲数为80只,公母各半。3.日粮组成:两组填饲日粮均由煮玉米、食  相似文献   

肥肝是采用人工强制填饲,使鹅、鸭的肝脏在短期内大量积贮脂肪等营养物质,体积迅速增大,形成比普通肝脏重5~6倍,甚至十几倍的肥肝.由于其质地细腻,味鲜而别具风味,越来越受到广大消费者的青睐。  相似文献   

肝用鹅经30天育雏后再生长40天即70日龄就可进入肥肝生产的强制填饲阶段,故这最初的30天育雏工作,关系到能否提供合格的青年填饲鹅,也是能否生产出合乎标准肥肝的关键。  相似文献   

<正>(上接第9期第17页)问:什么是鸭肥肝?有何营养价值?答:鸭肥肝是指一定日龄、生长发育良好的鸭,经短期人工强制填饲高能饲料,使其快速育肥,在肝脏大量积贮脂肪而形成  相似文献   

不同体重对溆浦鹅生产肥肝的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 溆浦鹅是我国生产鹅肥肝的优良鹅种。肥肝重量是划分肥肝等级的首要指标。一般认为3—4个月龄仔鹅用于填肥产肝效果好。本试验旨在找出溆浦鹅填前的最适体重,为培育生产肥肝用鹅,充分发挥其性能,取得最佳经济效益,提供科学依据。材料和方法试验选用3—4月龄的溆浦鹅。先以玉米为饲料预饲一周,停食12小时后称重。四组鹅的体重分别为:3.5公斤、4公斤、4.5公斤和5~5.5公斤。并由经过专门培训的技术水平相同的填饲员同时进行填饲。每只鹅进行编号,测定其填前体重,填肥一、二、三、四周末和宰杀前称重。由各组记录每次填料量,填料按常规配方配制。每日填料四  相似文献   

1. The effects of alfalfa meal on carcase quality and fat metabolism of Muscovy duck were evaluated. The objective of this research was to establish whether alfalfa meal can reduce fat content and improve carcase quality of Muscovy duck. Animal products with a high fat content present a risk factor for many diseases. Reducing fat content in poultry products is an important goal for the poultry industry.

2. A total of 240 14-d-old white Muscovy ducks were selected and randomly allocated to 1 of 4 dietary treatments containing 0, 3, 6, and 9% of alfalfa meal for 5 weeks. Growth performances were recorded and carcase characteristics and lipid parameters were analysed.

3. Results showed that 3, 6, and 9% alfalfa meal in diet had no significant effects on growth performance of Muscovy ducks from 14 to 49?d of age. Ducks given 3, 6, and 9% alfalfa meal had significantly higher dressing percentage and lower abdominal fat percentage compared with those given no alfalfa meal. Ducks given 9% alfalfa meal had higher breast meat percentage compared with those given no alfalfa meal. The concentrations of triglyceride, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and free fatty acid in serum of ducks fed on alfalfa meal decreased. Alfalfa meal in the diet decreased abdominal fat percentage and improved carcase traits of Muscovy duck.

4. The study showed that dietary alfalfa meal decreased abdominal fat percentage and improved carcase traits, without an adverse effect on performance.  相似文献   

To investigate the progressive effects of a high‐fat diet on erythrocyte osmotic fragility, growth performance and serum lipid concentrations in Guinea fowl and Muscovy ducks, 36 Guinea fowl and 36 Muscovy ducks were divided into two groups, for each species, and fed either a standard (STD = commercial poultry feed) or high‐fat diet (HFD = commercial poultry feed with 20% palm oil and 2% lard) for up to 12 weeks. After 4, 8 and 12 weeks on the diets, six birds from each group were euthanized and blood samples collected. Osmotic fragility was assessed by measuring the haemoglobin released by erythrocytes placed in serially diluted solutions of phosphate‐buffered saline, spectrophotometrically. Serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations were also determined. Fragiligrams from erythrocytes from both species of birds on the HFD were not different to those on the STD. However, Muscovy duck erythrocytes were more resistant to haemolysis compared with Guinea fowl erythrocytes. Final body mass and serum triglyceride levels were not significantly different (p > 0.05, anova ) between the birds in the HFD and STD groups, for both species of birds. In contrast, serum cholesterol levels were significantly higher in birds on the HFD compared with those on the STD, after 4, 8 and 12 weeks of feeding, for both species of birds. Feeding Guinea fowl and Muscovy ducks a high‐fat diet for up to 12 weeks resulted in hypercholesterolaemia but had no effect on final body mass, erythrocyte osmotic fragility or serum triglyceride concentrations in either bird species.  相似文献   

研究旨在比较不同羽色及性别番鸭在屠宰性能及肌肉成分上的差别,为选育优良番鸭品种提供依据。试验选取1日龄黑羽番鸭、白羽番鸭及黑白花番鸭公、母共324羽,按羽色、性别分为6个处理,每处理设6个重复,每重复9只鸭,各处理饲喂相同日粮,试验期90d。结果表明:雄性黑羽番鸭屠宰率、全净膛率显著高于雄性白羽及黑白花羽番鸭(P〈0.05),而雌性黑白花番鸭及白羽番鸭的胸肌率和瘦肉率相近且均显著高于雌性黑羽番鸭(P〈0.05);各处理番鸭肌肉中汞、镉、砷、铅含量无显著差异(P〉0.05),且均很微量;各同羽色雄性番鸭肌肉水分、无氮浸出物和粗蛋白质含量均基本略高于其同羽色雌性番鸭,而各处理雌性番鸭肌肉粗脂肪、粗灰分含量则高于其同羽色的雄性番鸭;雄性白羽番鸭和黑白花番鸭肌肉粗蛋白质含量相近且均显著高于雄性黑羽番鸭(P〈0.05);各同羽色番鸭中基本上肌肉氨基酸含量均以雄性高于雌性,而同性别的番鸭比较,雄性白羽番鸭肌肉中多种氨基酸的含量显著高于雄性黑羽及雄性黑白花羽番鸭(P〉0.05);同时雌性各羽色番鸭肌肉中多种氨基酸含量呈现出:黑白花番鸭〉黑羽番鸭〉白羽番鸭,但该趋势不显著(P〉0.05)。试验结果表明,雄性黑羽番鸭屠宰性能有一定优势,白羽番鸭肌肉养分和氨基酸含量优势明显。  相似文献   

It is a fact that in Viet Nam, Muscovy ducks are raised in large populations (approximately 8 million), usually kept in small flocks together with mallards and chickens. As a result, it is a great concern for epidemiologists to elucidate possible differences in relation to these species being exposed to infection with H5N1. To do this, an experimental study on infections with different genotypes of H5N1 in mallards and Muscovy ducks have been conducted, where it was found that the mortality of the inoculated Muscovy ducks was at least 80%, regardless of the virus strain employed. In contrast, the mortality of the mallards ranged from nil to 100%, which suggests that Muscovy ducks are more susceptible to HPAIV H5N1 infection in terms of disease development and mortality. It was also found that higher virus titers developed in vital organs of Muscovy ducks compared to mallards, particularly in the brain. Due to their high susceptibility, it is unlikely that Muscovy ducks act as a silent reservoir. The virus strains used in this study, to a certain degree, differed in their virulence properties to the bird species in question.  相似文献   

3个品种鸭的屠宰性能及肌肉营养成分比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将番鸭、樱桃谷鸭、高邮鸭饲养到70日龄屠宰。测定屠宰性能,同时取胸肉和腿肉测定营养成分。结果表明:樱桃谷鸭早期生长速度最快;番鸭是3个鸭品种中肉用性能最好的优质肉鸭,樱桃谷鸭的腿肉比例偏小,高邮鸭的胸、腿肌率均未达到优质肉鸭的要求。番鸭鸭肉中水分含量较高,樱桃谷鸭与高邮鸭鸭肉中脂肪含量较高。  相似文献   

1. The growth and food utilisation of Pekin, Alabio and crosses between Muscovy or Pekin drakes and Alabio or Tegal ducks were recorded up to 20 weeks of age on a high plane of nutrition. Ducks were killed at 6, 10 and 16 weeks of age for carcass analysis.

2. The weight of Alabio ducks at 12 weeks of age was increased by 40 and 48% by crossing with Muscovy and Pekin respectively. Pekin crosses grew faster to 8 or 12 weeks of age than Muscovy crosses but after 17 weeks of age there was no significant difference in weight. Food utilisation for Muscovy crosses was generally better at all ages.

3. Both at a given age and per unit of carcass weight, Muscovy crosses contained less fat and as a consequence more protein and ash, and a higher proportion of breast meat than Pekin crosses. Proportion of fat in Muscovy × Tegal ducks increased only slightly with carcass weight, while it decreased in Muscovy × Alabio ducks.  相似文献   

为了解安徽省番鸭细小病毒病的流行情况,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对该省内部分番鸭群进行鹅细小病毒的血清抗体检测,同时对疑似病鸭进行了病原的PCR检测。结果发现,在被检测的44份血清样本中鹅细小病毒血清抗体阳性率高达34.1%;PCR检测结果显示,所检测的样品中,有2份为鹅细小病毒阳性,1份为番鸭细小病毒阳性,且3份被检样品均来自雏番鸭。该研究结果表明,该省番鸭群中存在鹅细小病毒和番鸭细小病毒感染,应采取有效的预防控制措施。  相似文献   

1. For 25 years, the Muscovy duck has been selected for greater body weight at slaughter age, higher meat yield and lower fat content. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of such selection on the biochemical and technological characteristics of duck meat. 2. A line which has been maintained without any selection since 1975 (control line) and a heavy line now commercialised (selected line) were reared under the same conditions. We compared growth performances, dressing and dissection yields and biochemical and technological characteristics of duck meat at 8, 10 and 12 weeks of age. 3. Our results showed that an indirect effect of selection was to increase the duck growth rate. At a given age, muscle weights and yields as well as carcase fat content were higher for selected ducks. In the selected line, muscle fibres were larger and the collagen content in muscles lower. 4. The Sartorius muscle in ducks from the selected line exhibited a higher percentage in numbers of white type IIb fibres to the detriment of red type IIa fibres. Its glycolytic enzyme activity was higher and its oxidative enzyme activity lower. 5. In breast muscle, selection decreased the rate of post-mortem decline in pH value, increased protein and mineral contents and decreased moisture. It did not affect fibre type, colour, haem pigment and lipid contents, collagen solubility or drip loss. 6. In conclusion, the effects of Muscovy duck selection on meat quality were relatively moderate.  相似文献   

H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses continue to be a threat to poultry in many regions of the world. Domestic ducks have been recognized as one of the primary factors in the spread of H5N1 HPAI. In this study we examined the pathogenicity of H5N1 HPAI viruses in different species and breeds of domestic ducks and the effect of route of virus inoculation on the outcome of infection. We determined that the pathogenicity of H5N1 HPAI viruses varies between the two common farmed duck species, with Muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata) presenting more severe disease than various breeds of Anas platyrhynchos var. domestica ducks including Pekin, Mallard-type, Black Runners, Rouen, and Khaki Campbell ducks. We also found that Pekin and Muscovy ducks inoculated with two H5N1 HPAI viruses of different virulence, given by any one of three routes (intranasal, intracloacal, or intraocular), became infected with the viruses. Regardless of the route of inoculation, the outcome of infection was similar for each species but depended on the virulence of the virus used. Muscovy ducks showed more severe clinical signs and higher mortality than the Pekin ducks. In conclusion, domestic ducks are susceptible to H5N1 HPAI virus infection by different routes of exposure, but the presentation of the disease varied by virus strain and duck species. This information helps support the planning and implementation of H5N1 HPAI surveillance and control measures in countries with large domestic duck populations.  相似文献   

对8只脂肪肝综合征病鸭的重要内脏器官进行病理学观察。结果表明,病鸭肝脏明显肿大,色黄,质脆易碎,切面色黄、结构模糊、有明显油腻感,有的还有程度不等的瘀血、出血,表面和切面可见散在点状或斑状出血,严重时肝脏边缘部有较大范围出血。镜检发现,肝细胞普遍脂肪变性,胞浆内有数量不等的脂肪小滴,甚至整个细胞为脂肪充满,细胞核被挤压到一侧,严重者导致肝细胞坏死,肝小叶及周围有程度不等的出血。除肝脏外,其他实质器官也有程度不等变性、坏死等病变。  相似文献   

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