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不同小麦品种产量对冬前积温变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为确定河北省中部地区小麦品种适播期,筛选耐迟播品种,2011年秋至2014年夏在河北藁城采用播期×品种二因子裂区试验,研究了不同播期对当地12个主栽小麦品种产量的影响以及不同品种对冬前积温的响应。结果表明,播期对小麦产量有显著影响;不同品种对播期响应差异明显,分为迟钝型、中间型和迟播敏感型。迟钝型品种对播期不敏感,适播期长,冬前≥0℃积温范围为324~560℃,迟播后穗数和产量稳定;中间型品种适播期较长,积温范围为362~566℃,迟播后粒数增加,穗数和产量降低;迟播敏感型品种对播期敏感,适播期较短,积温大于511℃,不宜晚播,晚播后穗数和产量明显下降。在试验地区,推荐小麦适播期为迟钝型品种10月7日至22日、中间型品种10月7日至19日、敏感型品种10月5日至10日。  相似文献   

为了适应长江中下游地区小麦生产环境的变化,试验设置4个迟播处理,随机区组,进行了产量、品质性状和淀粉糊化特性测试和分析,研究晚播对小麦产量、品质以及淀粉糊化特性的影响。结果表明,随着播期的推迟,‘扬麦20’的籽粒产量、千粒重、容重、硬度呈显著降低趋势,以11/4适期播种最高,11/25播种最低;而蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值等品质指标呈上升趋势;峰值粘度、低谷粘度、最终粘度等呈先升后降的趋势。小麦晚播条件下争取早播,可达到高产又优质。  相似文献   

花生适期播种是发挥品种高产潜力、实现丰产高效的关键因子之一。为了确定临花9号的最佳春播种植期,2018年以临花9号为试验材料,研究不同播期处理对临花9号生物物候期、农艺性状和产量性状的影响。结果显示,播期推迟,花生全生育进程加快,生育天数缩短;5月11日和5月16日这2个播期处理下,花生的单株结果数、荚果产量和果仁产量均显著高于其他播期处理。因此,5月11日至16日作为临花9号的最佳播种适期。  相似文献   

秋马铃薯栽培技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、选择良种 秋马铃薯宜选用优质、抗逆性强、休眠期短的高产品种,春季种植收获的早熟脱毒马铃薯如米拉、会-2号、费乌瑞它等。二、适期播种一般在“立秋”前后播种,如天气凉爽可适当早播,气温高时则迟播2-3天。若播种过迟,生育期太短,降低产量。  相似文献   

以豌豆为试材,采用随机区组试验设计,分析不同熟性豌豆品种在4月13日、4月23日、5月3日、5月13日和5月23日5个播期下的生育进程、农艺性状及种子产量表现.结果表明:不同熟性豌豆品种营养生长期和生殖生长期受播期影响都较大,生育期随着播期推迟而缩短,播种—出苗时间缩短尤为明显;早熟品种在4月23日前后、晚熟品种在4月13日前后播种能明显增加单株荚数和荚粒数,提高籽粒饱满度,减少瘪粒率;早熟豌豆品种生育期短,成熟快,适播期较宽,适当晚播(4月23日前后)可获得较高产量;晚熟品种生育期长,成熟慢,适播期较窄,早播(4月13日前后)可获得较高产量,过期播种产量下降.  相似文献   

以早熟品种(JNK 728、DH 618)和中晚熟品种(XY 335、ZD 958)为材料,探讨不同播期对河南夏玉米生长发育和产量形成的影响。结果表明:在本试验设置的6个播期中,早熟品种均能安全成熟,而中晚熟品种6月26日以后不能正常成熟。随播期推迟,夏玉米生育期延长,主要延长了籽粒灌浆期,播期每推迟5d,灌浆期平均延长1.2d以上;早熟品种产量先升高后降低,播期T 1~T 4处理产量差异不显著,中晚熟品种产量持续下降,T 3播期后减产达显著水平。株高随播期推迟呈先增高后降低趋势,穗位高随播期推迟呈波动性变化。早熟品种JNK 728和DH 618完熟时所需的有效积温为2 700~2 800℃.d,中晚熟品种ZD 958和XY 335完熟时所需的有效积温为2 800~3 000℃.d。本地区夏玉米适期早播利于高产形成,过晚播种减产达极显著水平。  相似文献   

苏中地区为稻麦两熟制地区,近年来受气候变化和稻虾综合种养规模扩大的影响,水稻迟播迟栽现象较为普遍,使水稻品种的生长发育等与光、温资源不匹配,成为制约水稻高产稳产的重要因素之一。本研究在迟播迟栽(6月12日播种、6月30日移栽)条件下,采用毯苗机插方式,设置4个纯氮施氮量(N0:0 kg hm–2; N240:240 kg hm–2; N300:300 kg hm–2; N360:360 kg hm–2)、3个穴栽苗株数(D3:3株苗、D4:4株苗、D5:5株苗)处理,以适播适栽期(5月29日)常规施氮量和穴栽苗株数处理(N300D4)为对照(CK),探究氮肥水平与穴栽苗数对迟播迟栽粳稻生长发育和产量形成的影响,为提升苏中地区迟播迟栽粳稻产量潜力和资源利用效率提供依据。结果表明,较CK相比,迟播迟栽条件下各处理产量均下降,主要原因是迟播迟栽处理群体颖花量显著降低, 2年最高群体颖花量分别较CK分别降低11.94%和8.12%;迟播迟栽条...  相似文献   

不同播期与播量对 ‘九麦 2号’ 小麦产量及品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
王楠 《中国农学通报》2014,30(21):80-84
摘 要:研究目的:为了探讨冬小麦在关中中部的最佳播期和最佳播量,以陕西省新审定小麦品种‘九麦2号’为材料,研究了在N、P、K配施基础上,不同播期与播量对其产量及品质的影响。方法:本试验采用两因素二次D饱和最优试验设计,设置4个播期水平,4个播量水平,6个处理组合,3次重复,随机排列。结果表明:‘九麦2号’在关中中部产量7500~8250 kg/hm2的适宜播期为10月11日到10月19日,适宜密度在2.17×106株/hm2到2.95×106株/hm2。在播期为10月17日,密度为2.45×106株/hm2时产量可达最高8512.5 kg/hm2。不同播期播量对‘九麦2号’小麦品质也有一定的影响,10月22日播种,密度1.80×106株/hm2处理籽粒品质较好,沉降值达到39.23 mL、蛋白质含量达到14.34%、湿面筋含量达到31.01%、稳定时间为9.35 min,拉伸面积为57.96 cm2。结论:适期适量播种有利于提高‘九麦2号’小麦产量,适期晚播有利于改善其品质,适期晚播和适当加大播种密度有利于兼顾小麦产量水平与品质水平的协调一致。  相似文献   

播种期对2个不同类型棉花品种产量和产量构成的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
 适期播种是棉花丰产的重要措施,品种类型常影响播种期。为确定不同类型棉花品种的适宜播期,采用裂区设计,以品种类型(早发型鲁棉研21号和后发型鲁棉研28号)为主区,播种期(4月上旬早播、4月下旬中播和5月上旬晚播)为副区,于2009—2010年在山东临清研究了品种类型和播种期对棉花产量和产量构成的影响。两年的试验结果表明:品种和播期对棉花产量有显著的互作效应,而且主要是由于铃数和衣分的变化所致;早发型品种4月下旬播种产量最高,比4月中旬播种增产6.3%,5月上旬播种与4月中旬播种产量相当;后发型品种4月中旬播种产量最高,比4月下旬和5月上旬播种分别增产4.8%和12%。在鲁西北棉区地膜覆盖栽培条件下,早发型品种以4月下旬播种为宜,可以适当晚播,直到5月上旬;后发型品种应适当早播,以4月中旬为宜,晚播会显著减产。  相似文献   

播期对高蛋白大豆籽粒品质及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在确定探明不同高蛋白大豆品种的最佳播期。本试验以黑龙江省三江平原主栽的4 个高蛋白大豆品种分7 个播期进行栽培,研究了播期对高蛋白大豆品质及产量的影响。结果表明:4 个高蛋白大豆品种在各播期蛋白质含量均值变化范围为39.14%~45.26%,最大变化幅度为15.64%;脂肪含量均值变化范围为18.82%~20.30%,最大变化幅度为7.86%;产量变化范围为2064.2~3068.1 kg/hm2,蛋白质产量均值变化范围为807.2~1377.9 kg/hm2,产量和蛋白质产量均随播期变化呈先增高后降低的趋势,并在A2 播期达到最大值,播期显著影响大豆蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、产量和蛋白质产量。因此,适期播种能够提高大豆产量和蛋白质产量,适合当地高蛋白大豆品种的最佳播期是5月4日左右。  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships among testing environments is essential for better targeting cultivars to production environments. To identify patterns of cultivar, environment, cultivar-by-environment interactions, and opportunities for indirect selection for grain yield, a set of 25 spring wheat cultivars from China and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) was evaluated in nine environments in China and four management environments at CIMMYT in Cd. Obregon, Mexico, during two wheat seasons. Genetic background and original environment were the main factors influencing grain yield performance of the cultivars. Baviacora M 92, Xinchun 2 and Xinchun 6 showed relatively more stable and higher grain yields, whereas highly photoperiod sensitive cultivars Xinkehan 9, Kefeng 6 and Longmai 19 proved consistently inferior across environments, except in Harbin and Keshan, the two high latitude environments. Longmai 26, also from high latitude environments in the north-eastern Heilongjiang province, was however probably not as photoperiodicly sensitive as other cultivars from that region, and produced much higher grain yield and expressed a broader adaptation. None of the environments reported major diseases. Pattern analyses revealed that photoperiod response and planting option on beds were the two main factors underlying the observed interactions for grain yield. The production environment of planting on the flat in Mexico grouped together with Huhhot and Urumqi in both wheat seasons, indicating an indirect response to selection for grain yield in this CIMMYT managed environment could benefit the two Chinese environments. Both the environment of planting on the flat with Chinese Hejin and Yongning, and the three CIMMYT environments planting on raised beds with Chinese Yongning grouped together only in one season, showing that repeatability may not be stable in this case.  相似文献   

播期对大麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确不同播期对大麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量的影响,选取了10个不同的大麦品种在石河子地区于3个不同时期种植。方差分析及其多重比较结果表明:不同播期下品种间蛋白质含量差异达到极显著水平;播期处理、品种特性以及播期处理与品种互作效应对籽粒盐溶蛋白含量的影响均不显著;播期主处理对籽粒醇溶蛋白含量的效应均达到了显著水平,而品种副处理以及二者之间的互作对籽粒醇溶蛋白含量的效应均达到了极显著水平;播期处理对籽粒谷蛋白含量的影响达到显著水平。逐步回归分析可见:在大麦抽穗-成熟期间的诸多气象因子中,日平均最高温度、日较差、日平均相对湿度是影响蛋白质含量的关键气象因子;盐溶蛋白含量的关键气象因子为日较差和平均日照时数;日平均最低温度、日较差和日平均相对湿度成为影响醇溶蛋白含量的关键气象因子;而日较差和日平均相对湿度是谷蛋白的关键气象因子。说明外部环境条件对大麦籽粒蛋白质及其组分含量有一定调节作用,生产上可通过调整播期来实现大麦籽粒蛋白质性状的有效调控。  相似文献   

为了明确高产小麦品种淮麦33优质、高产、高效栽培的群体调控和氮肥管理策略,以淮麦33为材料,研究了播期、密度、施氮水平和基追比对其籽粒产量和品质的影响。结果表明,播期和密度对淮麦33的籽粒产量均有显著影响。5个播期中,10月11日播种的籽粒产量最高,10月1日、10月21日亦可以取得较高产量,10月31日播种产量明显下降,11月10日播种产量下降最多。密度为225万?hm-2时产量最高。蛋白质含量也随着密度的增加和播期的推迟呈上升趋势。同时,增加氮肥用量和后期施肥比例不仅可以提高淮麦33产量,亦可以增加蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和沉淀值。综合分析,在本试验条件下,10月11日播种、225万?hm-2基本苗、施氮量300 kg?hm-2,氮肥运筹5:3:2时淮麦33产量最高,品质最好。  相似文献   

基因型、地点及其互作对内蒙古小麦主要品质性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用来自我国春播麦区高、中、低3种筋力类型的9个品种, 于2003和2004年分别种植在内蒙古6个代表性地点, 研究了不同品种在年份和地点间籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量、和面仪参数和淀粉糊化特性等主要品质性状的变化规律。结果表明, 所测品质性状受基因型和地点效应的影响均达极显著水平, 除籽粒蛋白质含量外, 其他品质性状受基因型和地点互作效应的影响达显著或极显著水平。强筋类品种的蛋白质含量、灰分含量、沉降值、和面时间、耐揉性和峰值黏度均较高, 出粉率和稀澥值中等。中筋类品种出粉率、和面时间和耐揉性较高, 灰分含量、峰值黏度和稀澥值较低。弱筋类品种的灰分含量、峰值黏度和稀澥值较高, 籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量、出粉率、沉降值、和面时间、耐揉性低。所有品种品质性状在地点间存在较大差异, 乌海市灰分含量、和面时间和耐揉性高, 籽粒硬度、沉降值、峰值黏度和稀澥值较低。杭锦后旗出粉率高, 蛋白含量和沉降值较低, 其他性状表现中等。呼和浩特市籽粒硬度、蛋白含量、面粉灰分、沉降值、和面时间和耐揉性高, 出粉率、峰值黏度和稀澥值低。赤峰市多数性状表现中等。通辽市籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量、峰值黏度、稀澥值和耐揉性较高, 其他性状表现中等。额尔古纳市蛋白含量和沉降值较高, 和面时间和耐揉性低。初步认为强筋和中筋类品种较适于种植在呼和浩特市与乌海市, 不适于种植在额尔古纳市; 2个弱筋类品种在6个地点均不太适宜种植。  相似文献   

The effect of agronomic practices and cultivars on grain yield, grain protein and small grain sievings was examined in field experiments over four years in the winter rainfall wheatbelt of Western Australia. Rotation with legume crops and pastures was the main factor responsible for increasing grain protein percent. Grain proteins were increased by 4-5% for crops grown in good legume pasture rotations compared to continuous wheat rotations, but only by 1-2% by factors such as delayed sowing time, applied nitrogen, cultivar or grass weed control. In legume based rotations, wheat crops sown at their highest yielding times produced proteins in the appropriate ranges for premium paying grades. Applying N fertilisers up to the optimum rates for yield did not result in proteins below the levels required for premium paying grades, except for hard wheats at >11.5% grain protein. Legume rotations and appropriate soil types were required for hard wheats to exceed 11.5% at economic N rates. The yield penalty often associated with high quality cultivars has been reduced or eliminated in the modern cultivars used in the experiments. Some longer season cultivars only produced grain proteins >10% if sown after their optimum time for yield, but sowing at optimum time reduced the probability of producing small grain sievings. Some cultivars were more susceptible than others to producing excessive sievings, especially those with inherently smaller than average seed size. Seed rates up to the optimum for grain yield did not result in excessive small grain sievings except where the site was highly fertile, where the crop was sown too late for optimum yield or where too much N fertiliser was used. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cvs DL 153-2 and HD 2285 (relatively tolerant), HD 2329 and WH 542 (relatively susceptible), were grown under normal (27 November) and late (28 December) sown conditions. In another experiment, these cultivars were grown under normal sowing and at anthesis stage, they were transferred to control (C) and heated (H) open top chambers (OTCs). Under late sowing, wheat cultivars were exposed to a mean maximum temperature of up to 3.6 °C higher than normal sowing and in H-OTCs, mean maximum temperature was 3.2 °C higher than C-OTCs during grain growth period. Heat susceptibility index (S) for grain growth and grain yield was determined at maturity in both the experiments. The level of heat shock protein (HSP 18) in the developing grains was determined in C- and H-OTC grown plants and in normal and late sown plants by Western blot analysis. The moderately high temperature exposure increased the accumulation of HSP 18 in the developing grains. The relatively tolerant cultivars, as also revealed from S , showed a greater increase in HSP 18 compared with susceptible types in response to moderate heat stress. An association of HSP 18 with thermotolerance for grain growth in wheat was indicated.  相似文献   

播期对糯玉米籽粒产量及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为满足农户对糯玉米种植的不同需求,探讨山西中晚熟地区播期对糯玉米产量与品质的影响。以晋糯18和晋糯20为试验材料,4月26日-7月5日,设置6个播期处理,研究其对产量、穗长、百粒重、穗粒重及籽粒蛋白质、淀粉、粗纤维素及赖氨酸相对含量的影响。结果表明,播期与品种对糯玉米产量及品质都有显著影响。其中B3播期(5月24日)处理下2个糯玉米品种产量、穗长、百粒重及穗粒重都高于其他播期处理,说明糯玉米适宜在小满前后播种。提前播期有利于籽粒蛋白质、赖氨酸相对含量的提高,而推迟播期降低籽粒粗纤维素、赖氨酸相对含量。B1与B6播期下籽粒淀粉相对含量低于其他播期,且B4、B5播期下籽粒淀粉相对含量高于其他播期。说明适当推迟播期有利于籽粒淀粉相对含量的提高,但过早或过迟播种均显著降低籽粒淀粉含量。糯玉米籽粒中粗纤维素含量与品种遗传背景密切相关,且推迟播种后品种差异对籽粒淀粉含量的影响降低。通过相关性分析发现积温、降水量与产量、穗粒重以及赖氨酸相对含量均达到极显著正相关关系,与穗长、百粒重均达到显著正相关关系,说明播期对产量性状及籽粒赖氨酸相对含量有显著影响。在山西中晚熟地区糯玉米在小满前后播种时产量最高,适当提前有利于籽粒蛋白质、赖氨酸含量的提高,适当推迟有利于籽粒粗纤维素、淀粉含量的提高。  相似文献   

In two similar experiments, Lablab purpureus was sown at different dates in July and August to evaluate the effects of sowing date on the yield and nutritive value of the plant and shed leaves. On each occasion, an interim harvest was performed on half of the plants sown at each date and the regrowth recorded. The interim harvest reduced the total yield, and in particular that of shed leaves. In one of the two experiments, late sowing resulted in a considerable reduction in yield, increased crude protein and reduced modified acid-detergent fibre concentrations. Ash concentrations were higher in plants sown later and their shed leaves. Sodium concentrations were inadequate for ruminants and, like phosphorus concentrations, tended to decrease with later sowing. However, both calcium and magnesium concentrations increased with later sowing and were sufficient for ruminant production. Potassium concentrations were high and were little affected by sowing date. It is concluded that both an interim harvest and late sowing are disadvantageous when lablab is grown for ruminant livestock, the former because of yield reduction and the latter because of yield reduction, increases in ash concentration and reductions in sodium and phosphorus concentrations.  相似文献   

Jose Vásquez  Eloy Mora 《Euphytica》2007,153(3):339-342
Three sowing date trials, each planted with one cultivar, were performed to measure the natural incidence of the Maize rayado fino virus (MRFV). The lowest incidences (1–6%) were obtained at the sowing dates normally practised in the tested regions. Earlier or later sowing dates had higher to much higher incidences (up to 18 and 32%). Two cultivar trials, one with four cultivars and one with eight cultivars, showed significant differences in incidence, ranging from 14.0% in ‘Iniap-160’ to 2.0% in ‘Cadet-2’. In one trial with plots of 1000 m2, the cultivar Iniap-122 was sown at three sowing dates. In each plot, plants that developed MRFV symptoms at the 8–10 leaf stage, at the 12–14 leaf stage and at the emergence of tassels were marked. Marked MRFV-affected plants were compared with non-MRFV-affected plants in their neighbourhood to estimate yield loss due to MRFV. The yield losses at the three sowing dates were 2.5, 1.6 and 4.8%, respectively. It was concluded that the yield loss due to MRFV is quite small provided sowing is restricted to the normal sowing period.  相似文献   

明确适应本地区气候变化和节水需要的小麦晚播适期范围,了解不同品种特性并确定其合理的播种期和种植密度,对充分挖掘小麦品种的产量潜力是非常重要的。利用随机区组试验研究‘泰山23’和‘泰山9818’在只浇底墒水和灌浆水的情况下,在4个播期、密度组合时的产量构成变化及群体发育动态变化。结果表明:适宜的晚播期限内通过增加播量来达到高产的同时,重要的是稳定其较高的千粒重。花期、灌浆期叶面积指数和产量存在正相关关系。‘泰山23’各播期的产量顺序为B1>B2>B3>B4,第四播期产量最低,且与其他播期产量有显著差异,在当前设计密度下,宜适期早播。‘泰山9818’产量顺序为B2>B1>B3>B4,且各播期产量无显著差异,各播期均可播种。  相似文献   

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