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临夏州牦牛产业是临夏州发展牛产业不可或缺的部分,本文在全面分析临夏州牦牛产业的同时,深刻剖析了临夏州牦牛产业各个环节存在的主要问题,同时提出了促进临夏州牦牛产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

临夏州牛羊小规模养殖和散养殖户在标准化规模养殖、信息化的大背景下,所生产的畜产品所占比例将会不断下降,但小规模养殖和分散养殖将在临夏州长期存在。同时,临夏州牛羊小规模养殖的兽医卫生是临夏州兽医公共卫生的基础组成部分,也是公共卫生的薄弱环节。通过分析、研究散养户和小规模养殖户生产环节兽医卫生问题,采取群防群控、社会共治等有效措施,以便解决存在的问题,是确保兽医公共卫生问题的紧迫需求。  相似文献   

近年来,临夏州委、州政府总结全州农业和农村经济发展的经验,依据畜牧业特别是草食畜产业在我州的发展优势和潜力,把饲草料产业作为临夏州经济发展的主要产业和农民增加收入的重要途径。本文从临夏州饲草料产业发展现状、存在的问题、建议与对策等方面进行了详细的论述,为全面提高临夏州饲草料的发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

临夏是一个以信仰伊斯兰教为主的少数民族贫困地区,畜牧业在当地群众生产生活中占有十分重要的地位.大力发展畜牧业已成为农民增收致富的主要渠道,也是保持全州经济社会稳步发展的基础.近年来,州委、州政府提出"产业富民、农牧稳州"的发展战略,把以牛羊产业为主的畜牧产业作为战略性主导产业来抓,促进了牛羊产业的全面快速发展.  相似文献   

<正>临夏州第十一次党代会提出了"大力发展牛羊高效安全养殖,将临夏州建成全省最大的肉乳产品加工基地"的目标。这项决策准确把握了临夏州的区位优势和民族特色,是增加农民收入、贯彻落实科学发展观的有力举措。牛羊炭疽对临夏州牛羊高效安全养殖存在较大威胁,预防控制该病是摆在州县政府、畜牧兽医工作者和养殖群众面前的一项紧迫课题。  相似文献   

正临夏州素来就有养羊的传统,生产的以"东乡手抓"羊肉为代表的清真羊肉产品在甘肃省内外享誉盛名。近年来,随着国家粮改饲政策的出台,临夏州草食畜牧业发展进入一个崭新时期。为加速临夏州肉羊产业发展,增加养殖经济效益,临夏州部分养殖场在当地畜牧部门的带动下引入湖羊,开展纯繁、杂交改良工作。羔羊链球菌病是由链球菌引起的一种急性传染病,其临床特征为领下淋巴结和咽喉肿大,各脏器出血和胆囊肿大,粪便带血(羔羊排蛋清样粘液,混有血液)。具有较强传染性,  相似文献   

李泉林 《青海草业》2004,13(4):46-48
通过对海东四县及西宁市三县的牛羊育肥情况调查,认为东部农业区的牛羊贩运育肥是一项新型的发展产业,它不仅促进了畜牧业发展,繁荣了市场,也带动了产业结构的调整,为广大农牧民脱贫致富开辟了发展之路.  相似文献   

甘肃临夏地区因其自然条件的限制,发展牛羊畜牧产业已是广大农民增收的重要手段,目前专业的养殖户也在不断的增加,本文主要结合当地的基本情况,探讨我国牛羊产业的标准化养殖模式。这不仅对当地的牛羊养殖产业的发展有积极的指导作用,也可以在一定程度上促进甘肃畜牧业的经济发展。  相似文献   

通过调查了解临夏州能繁母牛目前现状及呈现的特点,存在问题,结合临夏牛产业发展实际,提出临夏州能繁母牛发展保护的建议。  相似文献   

正2019年,甘肃省畜牧业生产稳中趋好,畜产品市场整体仍呈供应偏紧状态,牛羊肉价格高位盘整,牛羊生产设备配套不断提升,养殖技术水平不断提高,牛羊畜产品产量稳步增长,牛羊养殖效益向好。一、牛羊肉市场畜牧业总体生产情况跟全国牛羊产业发展情况一样,近30年来甘肃省牛羊产业也完成从凭票供应到养殖数量急剧发展的产业高峰时期,从2010年起数量发展速度减缓,由于养殖习惯及市场价格的影响,肉牛、肉羊产业发展分工更加细化,设备配套率不断提升,养殖效益不断提高。牛羊产业发展转型升级节奏加快,牛羊养殖市场化水平提高,散养户逐渐退出,规模化程度不断提高。  相似文献   

本文从产业生产、市场需求、屠宰加工等3方面综合阐述了贵州省牛羊产业屠宰加工环节现状,旨在为贵州省牛羊屠宰加工业的发展提供技术支撑。调查研究表明,贵州省牛羊产业屠宰加工环节中存在市场需求大、养殖规模小,家庭作坊多、认证企业少,标准化建设滞后、自动化水平较低,产品多样化不足、同质化严重,品牌辐射局限、盈利空间较小等问题,由此提出在养殖规模化上求突破,保障原料供给;在产业集聚化上求突破,盘活加工资源;在生产标准化上求突破,提升产品质量;在价值最大化上求突破,增加产业附加值;在营销品牌化上求突破,推动牛羊出山等对策建议。  相似文献   

湖羊原产于江苏、浙江,是我国珍贵的地方品种之一,也是肉羊品种改良的理想品种之一。本研究通过对引入到临夏干旱山区的湖羊进行适应性观测,对纯繁羔羊在初生、一月龄、三月龄及六月龄时的生产性能进行测定发现,湖羊能较好适应临夏干旱山区自然、气候和饲草料条件,可作为改良当地肉羊的备选品种。  相似文献   

本文阐述了以色列世亚工程设备有限公司(以下简称SCR)生产的独立式母牛发情监测系统的使用情况,同时介绍了该系统的操作要点和临床应用效果,以期为养牛生产者提供技术参考。  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12-month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% (7.5 US dollars per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% (3.2 US dollars per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% (2.9 US dollars per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be 583 US dollars in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

This study was conducted between April 2000 and March 2001, in 12‐month period. During the study, local slaughterhouses were visited periodically for 1 year to examine the internal organs (livers, lungs, spleens and hearts) for the presence of cysts and total 1355 cattle, 218 sheep and 104 goats were examined for the cystic echinococcosis (CE). It was found that 13.5% of cattle, 26.6% of sheep and 22.1% of goats were infected with this disease. While cysts in cattle (P < 0.001) and goats (P > 0.05) were found mostly in lungs (88.5 and 82.6%, respectively), but they were mostly found in livers (P > 0.05) in sheep. In addition to this, three spleens and one heart in cattle were infected with CE. In this study, the prevalence of CE and the number of cysts in ruminants were found different when the cattle, sheep and goats examined were stratified based on age. The prevalence and the number of cysts increased with age approaching an asymptotic prevalence of one in the oldest animals (P < 0.05). The number of cysts in cattle, sheep and goats were increasing at a rate of 0.31, 0.63 and 0.42/year, respectively. The economic decrease in the value of the carcasses because of the discarded liver and lung as a result of CE was estimated as 1.1% ($7.5 per cattle) for cattle, 4.37% ($3.2 per sheep) for sheep and 4.26% ($2.9 per goat) for goats. The minimum total loss for all infected animals was determined to be $583 in infected animals, based on the market prices in the year 2002.  相似文献   

石头沟地区放牧的牛羊每年一到秋末或冬季便出现消瘦、贫血、浮肿、被毛脆弱,容易脱落。为此笔者进行调查,走访14户农户,采集了58头牛羊粪便。结果表明,牛羊的胃肠线虫种类很多,往往混合感染,对牛羊危害极大。结果检查出牛羊的线虫感染率为39.01%。  相似文献   

通过入户调研武威市三县一区牛羊规模养殖整体情况和不同规模牛羊场资源化利用现状,针对小规模牛羊场量多,治理难度大,治理工艺不完善,粪污资源化利用收转运体系不健全等问题,分析小规模牛羊场如何因地制宜进行粪污资源化利用。  相似文献   

由产气荚膜梭菌引起的牛羊魏氏梭菌病是一种急性传染病,常引起羊肠毒血症、羊猝狙、羔羊痢疾、牛猝死症等疾病,该病发病急、死亡快、死亡率高,给牛羊养殖业造成重大经济损失。对牛羊常见的魏氏梭菌病的诊断与综合防治措施进行综述,以期为牛羊魏氏梭菌病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

Data collected in the Netherlands during the Bluetongue serotype 8 (BTV-8) epidemic indicated that in outbreak cattle herds, predominantly dairy and nursing cows were clinically affected and not young stock, beef cattle, beef calves, or breeding animals. In outbreak sheep flocks, mainly ewes and - if present - rams, were clinically affected and not the lambs. Median morbidity rate in outbreak herds was 1.85 per 100 sheep-month at risk and 0.32 per 100 cattle-month at risk for sheep and cattle, respectively. The mean proportion of BT-affected animals in outbreak herds that recovered from clinical disease was approximately eight times higher for cattle compared to sheep in the Netherlands. Median mortality rate in outbreak herds was 0.5 per 100 sheep-month at risk of dying and 0 per 100 cattle-month at risk of dying for sheep and cattle, respectively. Median recovery time of both sheep and cattle that recovered from clinical disease in outbreak herds was 14 days. Median case fatality was 50% in sheep outbreak flocks and 0% in outbreak cattle herds. It is concluded that morbidity and mortality in outbreak cattle herds was very limited during the BTV-8 epidemic in the Netherlands in 2006. In outbreak sheep flocks, morbidity was limited, with exceptions for a few flocks. However, almost 50% of the clinically sick sheep died in outbreak sheep herds.  相似文献   

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