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养猪生产中产(活)仔数和胎儿初生重是影响母猪繁殖生产效率的主要因素,但产仔数和初生重呈负相关关系,近年来母猪繁殖生产的研究重点之一便是如何提高仔猪初生重并降低初生重变异。氨基葡萄糖是一种饲料原料,其制作原料广泛存在于自然界中,近期研究发现氨基葡萄糖应用于母猪妊娠后期可调控仔猪的胎盘发育和初生重。文章介绍了近年来有关氨基酸和蛋白质、能量、功能性添加剂在调控仔猪初生重和均匀度中的应用及其效果,简述了氨基葡萄糖的性质、来源及合成方法,重点阐述了母猪妊娠后期使用氨基葡萄糖在维持胎儿果糖浓度稳定、促进母猪胎盘发育和改善胎盘功能等方面的效果,分析了氨基葡萄糖通过促进胎盘基质和胎褶双分子层发育、刺激胎盘滋养层细胞增殖、增强胎盘功能等途径调控胎盘发育、仔猪初生重和均匀度可能的机理;提出了氨基葡萄糖在调控仔猪初生重和均匀度方面未来的研究方向,以期为在生产实践中调控仔猪初生重和均匀度提供理论参考和实践依据。  相似文献   

研究表明胎儿宫内发育迟缓与母猪生产力的提高有关系,为了提高胎儿初生重和窝内均匀度,维持良好的母体环境非常重要(子宫-胎盘-胎儿)。宫内营养不良可通过激素和母体营养的调控得到缓解,这对胎儿肌纤维发育有重要影响,从而影响仔猪初生重和出生后生长速度。  相似文献   

做好母猪冬季繁殖管理工作,提高其产仔成活率,是实现母猪高产高效的关键所在。 1加强妊娠后期管理,提高仔猪初生重 研究表明,胚胎到妊娠80d以后,才开始迅速发育,至110d完全成熟。而初生重的大小,直接关系着仔猪生后的成活率及生长。所以,为了促进胎儿快速发育,提高初生重,保证母猪泌乳期的营养储备,在母猪妊娠80d后,需要增加饲料的质与量。  相似文献   

王文杰 《猪业科学》2022,39(6):34-35
妊娠母猪,即怀孕母猪。妊娠期是母猪饲养过程中任务最繁重的时期之一,也是规模化养猪生产效益最大化的核心阶段。管理好妊娠母猪,多产仔、产健仔,是提升良种母猪繁殖力的关键所在。能繁母猪年平均生产断奶仔猪数、窝产仔猪数、窝产活仔数、初生窝重、断奶窝重等繁殖性能指标通常被作为衡量猪场管理水平的重要依据。母猪在妊娠期需要经历最多可达120 d的漫长过程。从受精卵发育到成熟胎儿发育成初生仔猪,母猪体内的胎盘和胎儿会越长越快,母体与胎儿间的代谢交流在不断加强,旺盛的代谢造成了母猪机体负担持续加重,同时,也直接影响着胎儿的发育与健康。根据母猪生理特点进行科学的调控管理是提高母猪繁殖力的有效途径。作者曾经通过细分饲养阶段,应用特殊营养强化、合成代谢调控和生理活性物质强化等生理调控措施研究了提高母猪繁殖力的方法。文章将就妊娠母猪生理调控策略进行简要总结和分析,以期为养猪生产者拓展思路提供借鉴。  相似文献   

L-肉碱对母猪繁殖性能的影响及其作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L-肉碱的基本生物学功能在于参与长链脂肪酸在线粒体的转运过程,对于畜禽生长发育及肉质改善具有良好的作用。近年来,发现在妊娠和泌乳母猪日粮中添加L-肉碱还能改善母猪繁殖性能,主要表现为改善母猪自身体况及繁殖能力,促进胎儿的生长发育,增加仔猪的初生重及断奶重。母猪体况的改善可能与L-肉碱改变脂肪、蛋白质代谢有关;仔猪初生重的增加可能与肉碱影响胰岛素样生长因子系统(IGFs)促进胎盘生长,促进胎儿葡萄糖的氧化利用有关;而新生仔猪断奶重的提高则可能与仔猪吮乳习惯的改变和母猪泌乳量的增加有关。  相似文献   

1加强妊娠后期管理,提高仔猪初生重研究表明,胚胎到妊娠80天以后,才开始迅速发育,至110天完全成熟。而初生重的大小,直接关系着仔猪生后的成活率及生长,即人们所说的:初生重差一两,断乳重差500克,出栏重差5千克。所以,为了促进胎儿快速发育,提高初生重,保证母猪泌乳期的营养储备,在母猪妊娠80天后,需要增加饲料的质与量。原料选择上要重点考  相似文献   

<正>做好母猪春季繁殖管理工作,提高其产仔成活率,是实现母猪高产高效的关键所在。多年来,很多养殖场户,在母猪的繁殖饲养过程中,由于技术及设施水平较低,使产仔率及成活率受到严重影响。1加强妊娠后期管理,提高仔猪初生重为了促进胎儿快速发育,提高初生重,保证母猪泌乳期的营养储备,在母猪妊娠80d后,需要增加饲料的质与量。原料选择上要重点考虑富含钙质、蛋白质及脂肪的饲料。熟制大豆是母猪饲粮成分的最佳选择,既是优质蛋白质的来源,  相似文献   

1加强妊娠后期管理 胚胎到妊娠80天以后,才开始迅速发育,至110天完全成熟。而初生重的大小,直接关系着仔猪生后的成活率及生长。所以,为了促进胎儿快速发育,提高初生重,保证母猪泌乳期的营养储备,在母猪妊娠80天后,需要增加饲料的质与量。原料选择上要重点考虑富含钙质、蛋白质及脂肪的饲料。  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,随着窝产仔数提高,仔猪初生重和均匀度降低,从而影响仔猪后期的生长发育.目前对仔猪初生重和均匀度调控的主要方式是营养调控,本文综述了仔猪初生重和均匀度的影响因素及调控机理,特别关注了氨基酸、蛋白质和能量等在调控仔猪初生重和均匀度的作用效果及其相关机理,以期为提高猪生产效率提供依据.  相似文献   

<正>做好母猪冬季繁殖管理工作,提高其产仔成活率,是实现母猪高产高效的关键所在。多年来,很多养殖场户,在冬季母猪的繁殖饲养过程中,由于技术及设施水平较低,使产仔率及成活率受到严重影响。1作好母猪妊娠管理,提高仔猪初生重研究表明,胚胎到妊娠80天以后,才开始迅速发育,至110d完全成熟。而初生重的大小,直接关系着仔猪生后的成活率及生长,即初生重差50g,断乳重差500g,出栏重差5kg。所以,为了促进胎儿快速发育,提高初生  相似文献   

宫内发育迟缓(intrauterine growth retardation,IUGR)是指胚胎或其器官在怀孕期间生长和发育受阻,表现为后代生长发育受限或停滞。初生低体重或极低体重是IUGR仔猪的主要特征。IUGR严重影响新生仔猪的存活和后期的生长发育。诱发IUGR的原因包括母体在妊娠期间养分摄入不足、发病、环境应激以及子宫和胎盘功能异常等。猪作为多胎家畜,受IUGR影响最为严重,主要原因在于妊娠期间母猪无法提供足够的养分满足子宫角上所有胎儿正常生长发育的需要。胎盘作为母子之间唯一的联系,胎盘营养物质能否正常转运与代谢是影响胎儿发育的重要因素。碳水化合物是胎儿宫内发育最主要的能量底物,胎盘的糖类转运及代谢异常对IUGR的形成至关重要。在糖代谢的过程中,葡萄糖、磷酸戊糖和果糖可以通过葡萄糖转运蛋白、胎盘滋养层细胞和血管生成等对仔猪宫内发育起到调控作用。文章阐述了胎盘糖代谢对仔猪宫内发育迟缓的调控作用,以期为减少IUGR发生及改善IUGR仔猪的生长发育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Effects of dextrose plus lactose in sow’s feed were tested on subsequent reproductive performance and within litter birth weight variation. During the last week of gestation and lactation, sows were either fed a commercial lactation diet (Control: C), or an isocaloric diet containing 25 g/kg dextrose plus 25 g/kg lactose (Treatment: T). In the subsequent weaning‐to‐oestrus interval (WEI), all sows received the same amount of a commercial feed, but T sows were supplemented with 150 g dextrose plus 150 g lactose per day. Weight and backfat changes were recorded as well as litter characteristics during the treatment period and the subsequent parity. No significant effect of treatment was found on the subsequent reproductive performance, including the number of piglets born, although the number of live born piglets was 0.51 larger (p = 0.31) and weight of the live born piglets was 84 g higher in the T sows (p = 0.07) than in the C sows. When sows were categorized in sows with 12 or less and more than 12 total born piglets in the previous litter, treatment of sows with dextrose plus lactose resulted for the group with 12 or less piglets in a strong increase in subsequent total born piglets (13.97), whereas in the untreated sows the subsequent litter size was 11.89. In the group with more than 12 total born piglets, no effect of treatment was found (interaction between previous litter size and treatment p = 0.03). The within litter variation in birth weight in the subsequent litter was numerically lower in the T sows. We concluded that the use of dextrose and lactose during lactation and WEI seems to enhance litter size in sows with low previous litter size and seems to have the potential to reduce the within litter variation in birth weight.  相似文献   

对产后母猪和断奶仔猪饲喂有效微生物菌群(EM),研究其对仔猪生产性能的影响。从产前7d开始给母猪基础饲料中添加5mL/kg的EM菌液,选产仔数不少于8头的3头母猪及其仔猪连续饲喂EM菌28d,仔猪进行断奶,统计母猪的增重、仔猪初生重、断奶重,仔猪成活率等,分析添加EM菌后对母猪生产性能的影响。在这24头断奶仔猪饲料中添加EM菌的饲料,饲喂至60日龄,统计仔猪的增重、采食量、料重比、发病数等,分析EM菌断奶仔猪生产性能的影响。另外选取3头同品种、同批次生产、产仔数相同的母猪及其仔猪饲料中不添加EM菌作为对照。结果表明,母猪产后日均采食量较对照组提高12.07%,仔猪的初生重较对照组提高15.90%,产活仔数提高了12.09%,断奶重增加9.09%,断奶头数增多20.99%,断奶成活率提高8.81%。断奶后仔猪试验组的平均采食量较对照组提高10.26%,料重比降低了7.14%,发病率下降了50.03%。说明EM菌对母猪和仔猪的生产性能均有提高作用,研究结果为EM菌在生猪养殖中的应用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)降低仔猪存活率和生长性能,给养猪业带来严重经济损失.如何有效降低IUGR仔猪的出生,一直是行业关注的科学问题.胎盘是一个高度血管化的器官,其血管生成异常会阻碍氧气和营养物质的正常运输,导致胎盘无法正常向胎儿提供足够的营养物质,这可能是引起仔猪IUGR的重要因素.鉴于胎盘血管在胎猪生长过程中扮演的...  相似文献   

Birth weight positively predicts postnatal growth and performance in pigs and can be increased by sustained maternal porcine ST (pST) treatment from d 25 to 100 of pregnancy (term ~115 d). The objective of this study was to test whether a shorter period of maternal pST treatment in late pregnancy (d 75 to 100) could also increase birth and weaning weights of progeny under commercial conditions. Gilts (parity 0) and sows (parities 2 and 3) were not injected (controls) or injected daily with pST (gilts: 2.5 mg?d(-1), sows: 4.0 mg?d(-1), both ~13 to 14 μg?kg(-1)?d(-1)) from d 75 to 100 of pregnancy. Litter size and BW were recorded at birth and weaning, and dams were followed through the subsequent mating and pregnancy. Maternal pST injections from d 75 to 100 increased litter average progeny weight at birth (+96 g, P = 0.034) and weaning (+430 g, P = 0.038) in sows, but had no effect on progeny weight in gilts (each P > 0.5). Maternal pST treatment did not affect numbers of live-born piglets and increased numbers of stillborn piglets in sows only (+0.4 pigs/litter, P = 0.034). Maternal pST treatment did not affect subsequent reproduction of dams. Together with our previous data, these results suggest that sustained increases in maternal pST are required to increase fetal and postnatal growth in gilt progeny, but that increasing maternal pST in late pregnancy may only be an effective strategy to increase fetal and possibly postnatal growth in sow progeny.  相似文献   

试验以20头妊娠90d的初产母猪(长白×大白)为试验动物,研究日粮中使用5%Nutri-Pal对其繁殖性能的影响。试验分对照组及5%Nutri-Pal试验组。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组母猪的采食量略有提高(P>0.05),窝产活仔数增加0.55头、初生窝重增加1.57kg、断奶后7d内发情率提高了22.3%,弱仔、死胎、木乃伊的比例均有不同程度的下降,但母猪窝总产仔数、断奶到发情的间隔无显著差异(P>0.05)。仔猪15日龄窝重、断奶窝重比对照组分别提高了3.53kg和5.56kg,死亡率下降了37.57%。结果显示,日粮中使用5%Nutri-Pal能促进夏季初产母猪的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of methionine (Met) are critical for epigenetic regulation, redox homeostasis, and embryo development. Our previous study showed that appropriate supplementation of dietary Met promoted the birth weight and placental angiogenesis of high-prolific sows. To further explore the metabolic effect of Met on pregnant sows, we have evaluated the influence of dietary Met level on Met metabolism, and the relationship between metabolites of Met and reproductive performance, antioxidant ability, and placental angiogenesis throughout the gestation of high-prolific sows. Sixty sows (the 3rd parity, Large White) were randomly divided into 5 groups that were fed diets with standardized ileal digestible (SID) methionine-to-lysine (Met:Lys) ratios of 0.27 (control), 0.32, 0.37, 0.42, and 0.47 from the mating day (gestational d 0, G0d) until the farrowing day. HPLC-MS/MS analysis was used to simultaneously evaluate the metabolites related to Met, e.g. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), homocysteine (Hcy), cysteine (Cys), and glutathione (GSH). The concentration of SAM and SAH in plasma had significant fluctuations, especially in late pregnancy. Increasing dietary Met supplementation significantly improved the plasma SAM and methylation potential (SAM-to-SAH ratio) at d 114 of pregnancy (G114d). Moreover, a positive association of the plasma SAM concentration at G114d was observed with the litter weight of born alive (P < 0.05; R2 = 0.58). Furthermore, Hcy concentration in plasma was at the lowest level for 0.37 ratio group at G114d. However, it significantly increased during late pregnancy. Moreover, there were negative correlations between plasma Hcy concentration at G114d (P < 0.05) and the placental vascular density in the fold and stroma (P < 0.05). Compared with the control group, the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) in the placenta tissue of 0.37 ratio group increased significantly (P < 0.05). Collectively, these findings indicate that dietary Met:Lys ratio (0.37 to 0.57) in the pregnant diet dose not influence the antioxidant ability of the high-prolific sows; however, the improvement of fetal development and placental angiogenesis of high-prolific sows by supplementation of Met are closely associated to the key Met-related metabolite of SAM and Hcy, respectively.  相似文献   

Four groups of 12 pregnant sows of the same genetic background, with similar litter size, living under the same housing conditions and having the same hygienic and nutritional standards, were used. In control animals (gC), a basic feed was provided, in which the dietary level of alpha-tocopherol was 20 mg/kg of feed and that of selenium (Se) was 0.45 mg/kg of feed (standard ration). Sows in the second group (gE) received basic feed supplemented with 30 mg alpha-tocopherol per kg (50 mg/kg of feed, in total). To those in the third group (gSe) basic feed was provided but additionally they were injected with 30 mg Se (sodium selenite) on days 30, 60 and 90 of pregnancy. For the sows in the fourth group (gESe), basic feed was supplemented with 30 mg alpha-tocopherol per kg. In addition they received 30 mg injectable Se (sodium selenite) on days 30, 60 and 90 of pregnancy. The experiment started on day 30 of pregnancy and lasted until weaning day (28 days post-farrowing). It was found that alpha-tocopherol and selenium act synergistically. Piglets born from sows in gESe had the highest immunoglobulin concentration level up to weaning day. All productive and clinical parameters (number of piglets born/litter, number of weaned piglets/litter, and piglets' average body weight at birth and on weaning day) were greater in these piglets in comparison with the animals of the other groups. Diarrhoea problems were minimal in the piglets in gESe.  相似文献   

初生仔猪均匀度常用窝初生个体均重的标准偏差及变异系数表示,是反映母猪孕期繁殖效率的重要指标之一。为了研究不同胎次及产仔数对初生仔猪均匀度的影响,研究对1011窝广东小耳花猪的历史分娩数据进行分析。结果表明:窝初生个体均重为0.67 kg,窝初生个体均重的标准偏差为0.13 kg,窝初生个体均重的变异系数为19%;窝初生个体均重与窝初生个体均重标准偏差的相关系数是0.296,呈极显著正相关(P约0.01);窝初生个体均重变异系数与总产仔数的相关系数是0.028,与产活仔数的相关系数为0.024,均呈现弱正相关。研究建议在地方猪开发利用中,合理调整群体胎龄结构,改善饲养管理方式,合理调整孕期母猪营养水平,进一步提高群体初生仔猪均匀度。  相似文献   

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