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由于农业集约化生产引起的非作物生境减少和农业化学品的过量使用减弱了农田生态系统中害虫天敌的自然控制作用。合理而有效地利用显花植物可以为害虫天敌提供食物来源和庇护场所,从而能有效地提高天敌对害虫的自然控制能力、减少化学农药的使用量。本文综述了显花植物对天敌种群的促进作用及其在果园、蔬菜和粮食作物等害虫防治中应用的最新进展,同时对进一步利用显花植物提高农业生态系统稳定性的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

彭华 《植物医生》2005,18(3):4-5
1生物防治的进步促进了害虫综合治理的发展 害虫综合治理(Integrated Pest Management,简称IPM)是在保护环境、重视自然控制作用的前提下,对有害生物的一种管理系统,它考虑到有害生物种群动态及与之相关的环境,尽可能协调的运用适当的技术和行政措施,使有害生物种群控制在经济受害允许水平之下,并获得最佳的经济、社会和生态效益.重点是应用生态系统和害虫种群动态的相关理论以及遗传学和农林经济学的有关知识,制定一个规划,配合各种手段,调控有害生物种群数量,使之低于经济阈值.综合治理的理论是综合防治的一个飞跃,它强调了自然控制因素,根据害虫与天敌之间的相互依存和相互制约这一自然规律,优先利用自然因素,特别是保护和利用天敌.  相似文献   

农业防治法是利用栽培和环境控制的方法抑制害虫种群数量。如采用作物轮作、清除作物残茬、清洁田园等措施,以限制害虫的食料来源,土壤耕作、适时种植和收获、科学的水、肥管理、控制杂草和栽种诱杀植物等,这些措施的目的均是使环境不利于害虫的发生。一、农业防治法的特点 1.农事操作在农业生态系中对  相似文献   

为了大力开展无公害苹果和绿色苹果生产,近年来,笔者对苹果园害虫以生物防治为主的生态控制技术进行了调查和研究,取得了良好的效果。1苹果园生态控制策略根据各地的经验和长治市实践的体会,苹果园害虫生态控制的策略,要以改善苹果园生态环境为基础,优先选用农业和生态调控措施,注意天敌的保护和利用,充分发挥天敌自然控制作用。广泛采用果实套袋、频振式杀虫灯、果园种草等非化学防治手段。在必须进行农药防治时,应优先选用生物制剂和低毒化学农药,有限制地使用中等毒性农药,严禁使用高毒、高残留农药。2生态控制方法1)重视农业栽培措施。…  相似文献   

害虫的农业防治是害虫综合治理中的一项主要手段,因为它既可使农业生态得到平衡,又可使农业的高产优质和害虫的控制为害结合起来,并可减少农药使用面积和次数,减少环境污染,降低农业生产成本,所以这项防治措施,不论当前和将来,均必须十分重视。但从实践中得知,这是一项十分复杂的问题,因为它几乎关系到农业生产技术中的每~个环节,而且在较多情况下,高产优质和控制为害的技术要求,往往是互相抵触的,更何况在同一种作物上,重要害虫常不止一种,不同害虫对生态的要求,也互有不同,甚至某一项措施可以起到控制某种昆虫的为害,…  相似文献   

气流控制技术工作原理是利用流动的空气消灭农作物上的害虫。利用气流控制技术原理制造产生流动的空气清除、杀死和收集农作物上害虫的机械装置称捕虫机或称吸虫机。应用捕虫机防治马铃薯、甘薯、茄子、香葱、草莓、茶树等农作物上的害虫方法,具有不污染环境、无残留、对人体健康无伤害、对土壤微生物影响较小等优点。本文从气流控制农业害虫的基本原理、发展和利用、局限性以及展望四个方面出发,阐述了国内外昆虫学者利用气流控制农业害虫研究的进展,目的是为我国研发和利用其技术防治农业害虫提供参考。  相似文献   

害虫综合防治是一套害虫管理系统,它运用生态学方法,根据不同地区农业生态系统的特点,从农田生态系的整体出发,以保护作物为中心,以控制害虫为目标,以农业防治为基础,协调运用各种防治措施,充分发挥生态系中有利因素的作用,限制不利因素的发展,有效控制害虫种群...  相似文献   

经过害虫天敌资源的调查,人们对害虫天敌的作用有了进一步的认识。因此,在一些调查研究的报告中,常用益害比来说明田间天敌和害虫种群数量上的构成和变化,进而阐述天敌对害虫的自然抑制作用,再而引入到害虫的防治指标中去,这是值得商讨的。下面发表个人关于这个问题的浅见,以期抛砖引玉。一、天敌只是害虫自然控制因素之一自然控制是一种或多种有关的自然因素,在某一时期内或多或少地把害虫种群调节在较低水平的作用(DeBach,1974)。这些自然因素可分为两类:生物因素和非生物因素。这两类自然因素包括:(1)天敌(寄生物、捕食者和病原物);(2)气候和其它物理因素;(3)食物(数量和质量);(4)种间竞争(天敌除外);(5)种内竞争;(6)空间或栖境的需求。虽然上述任何一种因素都可能在某一时期内引起局部的害虫种群密度的剧烈变动,成为害虫种群调节的关键因素。然而,事实上这些因素都不会真正地单独起调节作用的,害虫种群密  相似文献   

段丽霞  徐英 《植物医生》2006,19(3):23-24
针对茶树害虫化学防治引发的耐药、抗药性的现状进行了调查、分析,探讨通过科学控制施药因素,建立合理的化学防治模式和协调运用综合措施,延缓和避免茶树害虫抗药性的产生和发展。  相似文献   

使用农药是“综合防治”的重要手段之一,也是控制病虫为害的有效应急措施。但是,使用不当会杀伤大量天敌,削弱对害虫的自然控制能力。因此,不断提高科学用药水平,使药剂防治和天敌利用逐步协调起来,具有十分重要的意义。近年来不少地区,采取以农业防治为基础,以科学用药为  相似文献   

拓宽生物防治 持续治理虫害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对我国生物防治资源极其丰富和农民经济实力薄弱的特点,结合我国生物防治成果,论述了应如何发展和拓宽具有我国特色的害虫生物防治,进一步提高综合防治水平,促进农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国水稻病虫草害治理60年:问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自第一次绿色革命以来,随着感性高产品种的大面积推广、化肥和农药的大量使用,在显著提高产量的同时,严重削弱了稻田系统的自然调控功能,导致病虫草危害加重。为有效控制有害生物危害,防治技术和治理策略已经历了从化学防治、初级综合防治和综合治理进而生态治理等多个阶段的发展。然而,尽管在有效控制有害生物对当季作物危害上取得了良好成绩,每年挽回稻谷损失数千万吨,但小虫成大灾、多病共发、杂草群落演变、重要病虫草害抗药性突出等问题,仍严重地威胁到粮食安全和生态安全。为确保水稻生产的可持续集约发展,植物保护研究必须从建设健康稻田系统总体目标出发,加强与相关学科合作,努力提升科技协同创新能力和稻田生态系统自然调控功能,并完善管理和政策保障体系,以确保绿色防控、生态治理技术的成功实施。  相似文献   

Pest management is facing economic and ecological challenge worldwide due to human and environmental hazards caused by majority of the synthetic pesticide chemicals. Identification of novel effective insecticidal compounds is essential to combat increasing resistance rates. Botanical pesticides have long been touted as attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides for pest management because botanicals reputedly pose little threat to the environment or to human health. The body of scientific literature documenting bioactivity of plant derivatives to arthropod pests continues to expand, yet only a handful of botanicals are currently used in agriculture in the industrialized world, and there are few prospects for commercial development of new botanical products. Pyrethrum and neem are well established commercially, pesticides based on plant essential oils have entered the marketplace, and the use of rotenone appears to be waning. A number of plant substances have been considered for use as pest antifeedants, repellents and toxicants, but apart from some natural mosquito repellents, a little commercial success has ensued for plant substances that modify arthropod behavior. Several factors appear to limit the success of botanicals, most notably regulatory barriers and the availability of competing products (newer synthetics and fermentation products) that are cost-effective and relatively safe compared with their predecessors. In the context of agricultural pest management, botanical pesticides are best suited for use in organic food production in industrialized countries but can play a much greater role in the production and postharvest protection of food in developing countries. Botanicals have been in use for a long time for pest control. The compounds offer many environmental advantages. However, their uses during the 20th century have been rather marginal compared with other bio-control methods of pests and pathogens. Improvement in the understanding of plant allelochemical mechanisms of activity offer new prospects for using these substances in crop protection. I’m trying in this article to present different kinds of botanical pesticides came from different recourses and their mode of actions as well as I will try to examine the reasons behind their limited use (disadvantages) and the actual crop protection developments involving biopesticides of plant origin for organic or traditional agricultures to keep our environment clean and safer for humankind and animals.  相似文献   

The methods used to evaluate and categorise the effects of pesticides on beneficial arthropods are reviewed, including the potential significance of indirect, ‘sub-lethal’ activity and the importance of bioavailability of pesticides under semi-field or field conditions. Interspecific and intraspecific differences in the susceptibility of natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) to pesticides are considered, including the use of resistant strains in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems. The potential impact of pesticide resistance in the target pest on its natural enemies is also discussed. The need to assess the influence of the host plant/cultivar on the efficacy of pesticides for use in integrated control programmes (ditrophic effects) and of the possible effects of such chemicals on host plant/cultivar-pest-parasitoid systems (tritrophic effects) are then described with specific reference to the diamondback moth and key endolarval parasitoids. Finally, the potential for manipulation of tritrophic interactions to enhance parasitism by application of low doses of toxicants is demonstrated.  相似文献   

对2005年水稻褐飞虱大发生的思考   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
针对我国2005年水稻褐飞虱暴发成灾,从药剂使用角度分析了我国褐飞虱成灾的原因。外来虫源大量迁入、种植制度和水肥管理对褐飞虱有利、农药的诱导作用是3大主要因子。农药诱导褐飞虱猖獗主要包括对非靶标生物的杀伤、施药技术不尽合理、药剂品种使用不当、耐药性或抗药性增加等因子。  相似文献   

Biological control is an important ecosystem service delivered by natural enemies. Together with breeding for plant defence, it constitutes one of the most promising alternatives to pesticides for controlling herbivores in sustainable crop production. Especially induced plant defences may be promising targets in plant breeding for resistance against arthropod pests. Because they are activated upon herbivore damage, costs are only incurred when defence is needed. Moreover, they can be more specific than constitutive defences. Nevertheless, inducible defence traits that are harming plant pest organisms may interfere with biological control agents, such as predators and parasitoids. Despite the vast fundamental knowledge on plant defence mechanisms and their effects on natural enemies, our understanding of the feasibility of combining biological control with induced plant defence in practice is relatively poor. In this review, we focus on arthropod pest control and present the most important features of biological control with natural enemies and of induced plant defence. Furthermore, we show potential synergies and conflicts among them and, finally, identify gaps and list opportunities for their combined use in crop protection. We suggest that breeders should focus on inducible resistance traits that are compatible with the natural enemies of arthropod pests, specifically traits that help communities of natural enemies to build up. © 2017 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Allelopathy is a naturally occurring ecological phenomenon of interference among organisms that may be employed for managing weeds, insect pests and diseases in field crops. In field crops, allelopathy can be used following rotation, using cover crops, mulching and plant extracts for natural pest management. Application of allelopathic plant extracts can effectively control weeds and insect pests. However, mixtures of allelopathic water extracts are more effective than the application of single-plant extract in this regard. Combined application of allelopathic extract and reduced herbicide dose (up to half the standard dose) give as much weed control as the standard herbicide dose in several field crops. Lower doses of herbicides may help to reduce the development of herbicide resistance in weed ecotypes. Allelopathy thus offers an attractive environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides in agricultural pest management. In this review, application of allelopathy for natural pest management, particularly in small-farm intensive agricultural systems, is discussed.  相似文献   

以大量化肥和农药投入为特征的高度集约化生产方式导致我国稻田(尤其是单季晚稻)生态系统失衡、害虫猖獗、环境污染和农药残留超标等一系列问题。自2009年起,本课题组在浙江省宁波市单季晚稻区开展应用生态工程技术修复稻田生态服务功能、降低害虫种群、减少化肥农药使用的研究与实践。技术措施主要包括:一是调节生物多样性保护土著天敌数量;二是种植蜜源植物增强天敌控害功能;三是生物诱集减少害虫虫源基数;四是调整农药使用策略减少天敌杀伤;五是控肥降低害虫自然增长速率;六是集成简便、高效、省本生态控害技术。2013—2014年连续2年的调查结果表明,应用生态工程丰富了单季晚稻稻田生态系统中节肢动物生物多样性、增加了天敌种群数量,稻田生态功能得到良好修复,害虫被持续控制在较低的水平,杀虫剂的使用减少93.75%,比农民自防区平均减少12.42%氮肥量的情况下水稻产量增产9.99%,实现社会、经济、生态效益的有机统一。该技术体系对环境友好、简单易行,已成为国家主推技术,应用推广前景广阔。  相似文献   

2003年江苏省稻纵卷叶螟特大发生原因及其治理对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
2003年稻纵卷叶螟在江苏稻区特大发生。在总结其发生特点的基础上,分析特大发生的原因,主要与成虫迁入虫量大、气候及苗情适宜、残留虫量基数高、自然控制作用弱等因素有关。并根据各地防治工作实践,提出要加强监测,准确把握防治适期,科学用药等治理措施。  相似文献   

J. E. FREY  E. MANI 《EPPO Bulletin》1992,22(3):351-356
The purpose of this study is to assess the characteristics of accidental introduction of pest organisms into Switzerland by means of international plant trade, and to discuss its consequences for the development of plant protection strategies. We found substantial levels of infestation in samples of all producing countries included in the study. Since the use of synthetic pesticides is the main basis of pest control in the ornamental industry, the results of this study indicate that chemical pest control has reached a limit above which no further reduction of pest population levels is possible. The increased pesticide tolerance of many arthropod pests is mainly due to increased levels of resistance to pesticides caused by their excessive use. Therefore, alternative methods supplementing pesticide use are required to develop an optimal pest management strategy for the future. It is proposed that, in the Swiss ornamental production industry, pest monitoring should be the first step in this direction.  相似文献   

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