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根据农牧渔业部提出的“三年后不准捕自然海区亲虾,用养殖越冬虾代替海捕虾”的意见,省科委和省畜牧水产局安排了在全省沿海黄骅、乐亭、唐海、丰南、滦南、昌黎县养殖场及河北省水产研究所等单位在1985年冬季进行了对虾越冬实验,各点均获得初步成功。利用越冬水体共1736m~3,入池亲虾32314尾,越冬后成活8894尾,越冬成活率为27.5%;产卵亲虾为3960尾,产卵率为  相似文献   

1.增加亲虾数量,造成产卵优势 常规育苗所需亲虾收捕数量,是按育苗实际利用水体2—2.5尾/m~3,但因亲虾经人工暂养,成活率一般在90%,而产卵率则在70%。由于亲虾数量偏少,不能造成产卵优势,在要求时间内达不到布卵密度,一个池子布卵量往往需2—3天,孵化出的幼体老少三辈,给后期幼体培养带来很大困难。为了解决这个问题,我们把亲虾收捕数量提高到3—3.5尾/m~3,产卵保证亲虾1尾/m~3,这样就可做到大批量产卵,造成产卵优势。  相似文献   

阐述了利用地热水进行罗氏沼虾亲虾土池越冬及工厂化育苗的工艺流程及各个环节的技术关键。研究期间共培育出性腺成熟亲虾26122尾;培育出淡化苗种6800万尾,育苗成活率331%,最高63%,单位水体最高出苗量68万尾/m3。  相似文献   

1986年的对虾育苗工作从4月14日至6月6日共历时53天,在有关领导和各单位的支持下,通过大家的共同努力,在831.23M~3水体中一茬共培育出0.7~3.8cm的仔虾150 699 378尾。比去年81 29 53 92尾(682.9M~3)增加了6940.4万尾。1986年平均单位水体一茬出仔虾181297尾/M~3,比去年119044尾/M~3提高62253尾/M~3。单位水体一茬出仔虾最高350320尾/M~3。1986年从山东共收购生殖洄游亲虾5989尾、入池5487尾,运输死亡469尾,运输成活率总平均为  相似文献   

南美白对虾工厂化循环水养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用室内工厂化循环水处理系统进行了南美白对虾亲虾培育和大规格虾苗饲养试验,并比较了虾苗不同投放密度的中间培育效果。试验结果,亲虾的平均培育成活率达92.25%;幼虾投放密度分别为2 000尾/m~2和2500尾/m~2时,中间培育成活率分别为93.5%和92.5%;大规格虾苗在室内循环水处理系统中经过152 d饲养,平均单位水体产量为3.21 kg/m~3。  相似文献   

2000年利用中国对虾育苗设施,从福建引进刀额新对虾无节幼体1200万尾,经过26d的培育,共在60m~3水体中培育出淡化好的P_(13—15)(仔虾)515万尾,从N_(3_4)(无节幼体)至P_(13—15)的平均成活率为46.7%。  相似文献   

日本囊对虾亲虾人工繁育技术初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年11月18日~2004年6月18日期间,采用人工养殖的日本囊对虾,经过越冬培养和室外培育(性腺促熟、交尾),人工控制光线、饵料、温度和培育密度等手段,亲虾性腺均可发育成熟。在越冬培养中光线为500~800lx之间、温度为9~10℃、饵料为沙蚕及杂色蛤,亲虾培育密度为12~30尾/m^2,越冬实验结果,亲虾体重增长率为10.9%,存活率为93.2%。在室外培育中温度为13.6℃、养殖密度为1.3尾/m^2,饵料以蜾赢蜚、藻钩虾和低值贝类为主。实验结果,亲虾体重增长率为5.1%、存活率为90.5%、交尾率为100%。2004年6月24日~7月10日利用人工繁育的日本囊对虾亲虾进行苗种生产实验。实验结果,每尾亲虾产卵量为20~25万粒/尾、孵化率为82.96%、出苗率为62.8%。实验表明,人工繁育的日本囊对虾亲虾可用于正常的苗种生产。  相似文献   

为建立罗氏沼虾育种项目,2006年利用罗氏沼虾3个群体,通过巢式交配设计,实现了大规模构建罗氏沼虾父系半同胞家系。实验中,每箱放置亲虾1雄5雌,按交配设计共布置100个交尾网箱;通过对培育条件及幼体数量的标准化,使每个家系在幼体培育的各个阶段的条件尽量保持一致,减少由于条件不一致造成的家系间的环境偏差。结果显示,500尾雌虾抱卵虾为271尾,亲虾抱卵率平均为54.2%,且每个网箱出现两尾以上抱卵虾的网箱数为92个,占全部网箱数的92%;通过标准化培育,最终建立了123个家系,其中含有父系半同胞家系37个。本试验结果为建立罗氏沼虾全同胞和半同胞家系提供了依据。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾工厂化育苗试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用对虾育苗场的设计进行罗氏沼虾工厂化育苗试验,于136m^3水体中投放状幼体1438万尾,育出商品仔虾964万尾,幼体培育成活率为67%,平均每尾亲虾出苗4725尾,单位水体平均出苗量为7.09万尾,最高为10.2万尾/m^3。从4月上旬到5月下旬,罗氏沼虾雌性亲虾可抑卵三次以上,前后抱卵批次所孵出的幼体质量没有明显差异。试验还证明,幼体培育池内氨氮浓度高达1056.4μg/l对成活率没有多大曩  相似文献   

<正>由于病害发生严重,中国对虾养殖陷入低谷,苗种价格逐年走低,育苗效益严重下降。如何提高育苗效益是育苗企业生死存亡的关键。我们分析了整个育苗环节,发现过去每年选购亲虾数量过大,一般达到23尾/m3育苗水体,一次产卵高峰就能布满全部育苗池,对虾多次产卵的特性没有利用,造成亲虾浪费。近年来,亲虾价格不断攀升,一尾亲虾往往高达150元以上,更有甚者高达200元。如果再按传统育苗方法选购亲虾,亲虾成本最低也要达到300元以上,即使单方水体出苗量在30万尾以上,育苗企业也不会有多少利  相似文献   

杂交青虾“太湖1号”苗种在池塘养殖中的适宜放养密度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以饲料系数、养殖产量、成虾规格、体长与体质量特定生长率作为判据,水质状况作为参考,以杂交青虾"太湖1号"为实验对象,在放养密度为60、105、150、195、240尾/m35个梯度下进行为期100 d的养殖试验,研究杂交青虾"太湖1号"苗种在池塘养殖中的适宜放养密度。结果显示,150尾/m3组的饲料系数显著低于195尾/m3和240尾/m3组(P<0.05),而养殖产量及成虾规格显著高于其它各组(P<0.05)。在高于150尾/m3的高密度组中,虽然产量也显著高于低密度组(P<0.05),但成虾规格较小。养殖期间各养殖水体的水质均能满足养殖虾的生长需求;高温季节除了高密度组的亚硝态氮盐指标稍有升高以外,水体pH、DO、NH4+-N等指标基本保持一致。将放养密度分别与饲料系数、增重率、体长与体质量特定生长率等指标之间进行二次回归曲线方程拟合,计算出杂交青虾"太湖1号"的适宜放养密度为117~150尾/m3。  相似文献   

用烧结法标志中国对虾,在靖海湾和五垒岛湾进行增殖放流,研究其回游与分布规律。重捕资料表明,6月中旬幼对虾对湾内河口浅水区生活随体长增长,逐步向深水扩散;8月上,中旬主群陆续游向湾外,按地形走向向西南回游,部分向东或东南;10月份回游对湾外水域的对虾有向东,东北或东南回游的现象。  相似文献   


Effects of three diets: (1) complete diet; (2) supplemental diet (vitamin and mineral supplements not added); and (3) the supplemental diet with an adjunct organic fertilization regimen (using distiller's dried grains with solubles [DDGS]) on benthic macroinvertebrate populations and water quality in experimental ponds used to culture freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii were investigated. Benthic samples were taken from deep (1.5 m) and shallow (1.0 m) areas of each of nine 0.02-ha ponds every three weeks, using a 0.09-m2 Ekman dredge. The abundance of gastro-pods, oligochaetes, total non-insects, chironomids, total dipterans, total insects, and total macroinvertebrates was significantly higher (P <0.05) in ponds receiving the complete diet, possibly due to lower predatory pressure by prawns or direct benefits of micronutri-ents. Total macroinvertebrate abundance was significantly decreased (P <0.05) in ponds receiving supplemental diet (with and without organic fertilization), possibly due to increased predation by prawns to supplement the nutrition not provided by the lower quality diet. Organic fertilization significantly increased (P <0.05) the abundance of oligochaetes and total macroinvertebrates. These data suggest that M. rosenbergii can adjust to reduced feed quality by increasing consumption of benthic fauna.  相似文献   

Intensification in the commercial culture of prawns can have a significant impact on the water quality and hence on the survival, growth and the surrounding environment. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of stocking density on the water quality and performance of the western king prawns (Penaeus latisulcatus) and the nutrient budget of the culture environment. Four stocking densities of 4, 8, 16 and 32 prawns m?2 were tested in 12 recirculating systems. Prawn weight and specific growth rate increased with decreasing stocking density, while the survival rate showed the reverse trend. The mean total ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus were significantly higher (P<0.05) at the higher stocking density. The nutrient budget revealed that the prawns could assimilate only 9.34–20.13% nitrogen and 4.97–11.25% phosphorus of the total nutrient inputs. The drained water at harvest was the major sink of phosphorus and nitrogen at stocking densities of 4, 8 and 16, which accounted for 45.59–64.82% and 44.28–65.62% of the total inputs, respectively, while a significant proportion of nitrogen sunk into the sediment at 32 prawns m?2. The study suggested that the stocking densities of western king prawns can be up to 16 prawns m?2 in the recirculating water environment.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between the amount of square mesh in codends and selectivity was investigated for an Australian penaeid stow‐net fishery. Three lengths (3, 2 and 1 m) of square‐mesh codend made from 27‐mm mesh hung on the bar were alternately tested with a conventional 34‐mm diamond‐mesh design during two covered‐codend experiments. Compared with the conventional codend, the square‐mesh configurations incrementally selected school prawns, Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell) across narrower selection ranges (SR) and mostly at greater sizes at 50% retention (L50), while retaining fewer fish. Irrespective of the mesh configuration or square‐mesh codend length, there were significant differences between experiments (attributed to water flow) and impacts of catch weight on the selectivity of school prawns. Both variables had a negative relationship with L50, while water flow similarly affected SR. This study reaffirms the utility of square‐mesh codends as a key input control for managing the selectivity of penaeid‐catching gears.  相似文献   

半封闭养虾技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在黄河口地区特写的水质条件下,采用“半封闭,半精养”养虾方式,平均亩产对虾60.3kg,饵料系1.8,投入产出比为1:2.85,每亩产值2290元,纯利1338元。产量和经济效益分别比项目实施前增加94.5%和1700%。专家鉴定认为:本研究居国内先进不浃。  相似文献   

鱼塭即北方所谓“港”,是一种人工围海筑成的咸水和海水水塘,面积大小不一,广东沿海及河口地带,利用这种水体进行角、虾养殖极普遍。鱼塭养殖方法在我国已有300多年历史,到解放以后有了很大的发展。这种养殖所用的鱼、虾种苗,是依靠在适当时间开放闸门,利用涨潮时塭内外水位差,将塭外海水灌入塭内时引进去的。  相似文献   

Four studies examined shipping factors of packing technique, density, duration, type of water and use of habitat material for shipping juvenile and adult prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Prawns were shipped in double polyethylene lined 38 × 38 × 20 cm deep styrofoam boxes containing oxygenated water. At temperatures of 19–20°C, 17 g prawns could be shipped safely for 42 h at a density of 10–12 prawns per box (12–15 g liter−1 shipping water). Juveniles, mean size about 6 g, could be shipped at a density of 40 per box (18 g liter−1) for 24 h or 20–25 per box (9–11 g liter−1) for 48 h. Use of mesh material to increase surface area in the box did not appear beneficial nor did shipping in brackish water (salinity8‰). Adults packed unrestricted resulted in survival rates substantially higher than those obtained from immobilized prawns wrapped in mesh.

During the shipment, pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations decreased whereas ammonia concentrations increased. The decreased pH levels may have reduced the ammonia toxicity by decreasing the amount of toxic unionized ammonia (NH3) in solution. In general, dissolved oxygen concentrations appeared more closely related to survival rates than did other water quality parameters which were measured.  相似文献   

Under production conditions freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii are supplied nutrients by a combination of prepared diets and natural pond organisms. For maximum production efficiency and profitability it is important that the nutritional contributions of natural foods be identified and quantified. In this study the relative importance of forage organisms previously identified as important natural foods for prawns in ponds were evaluated under controlled conditions. Juvenile prawns (average weight 1.80 ± 0.06 g) were stocked into 18 37.5-L aquaria at a density of 10 prawns per tank. The six dietary treatments tested were: 1) unfed (negative control); 2) commercially prepared diet (positive control); 3) oligo-chaetes; 4) chironomids; 5) zooplankton; and 6) a combination of the latter three. Each treatment was evaluated in triplicate aquaria for 7 wk. The growth rate of prawns in the unfed treatment was statistically lower than in fed treatments ( P < 0.05). There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05) between growth rates and survivals among prawns in the five fed treatments. Selective retention of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), eicosapentanoic acid (22: 5n-3), and docosahexanenoic acid (22:6n-3) in unfed prawns likely indicates the relative nutritional importance of these fatty acids. Comparisons of whole-body fatty acid and amino acid concentrations of prawns and food organisms indicate that zooplankton and oligochaetes may have the most appropriate biochemical compositions as prawn food sources.  相似文献   

Three cooling rates of 1.26±0.09°C h?1 within 8 h (slow, T1), 2.52±0.18°C h?1 within 4 h (moderate, T2) and 5.04±0.36°C h?1 within 2 h (fast, T3) were tested to cold‐anaesthetize farm raised Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) (45–52 g) in each case from 25°C down to 15±1°C in a refrigerated chilling tank, provided with aeration. The cold‐anaesthetized prawns subjected to each chilling rate were packed in an insulated cardboard box (triplicate) between two layers of moist and chilled (2–3°C) sawdust, and kept inside a chilled storage cabinet at 15±1°C, for set durations of 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 h. Survival was determined by revitalizing the prawns in aerated water with an initial temperature of 20°C, which was raised to 29±1°C within 3 h. The experiment was repeated using berried females acclimated to brackishwater of 12 g L?1 salinity and the percentage survival recorded after live storage for durations ranging from 6 to 24 h at intervals of 3 h. Statistically valid safe durations for obtaining 100% survival of the cold anaesthetized and live stored prawns were determined using probit analysis at the three chilling rates tested, and were found to be 7.39, 6.98 and 4.54 h in the case of adult prawns, and 7.87, 8.17 and 6.43 h for berried females for T1, T2 and T3 respectively. For practical purposes, the durations that yielded 95% survival rates were computed to be 16.47, 12.14 and 8.35 h in the case of adult prawns and 18.49, 19.02 and 11.11 h for berried females for T1, T2, and T3 respectively. The berried prawns revitalized after live storage were incubated in tanks and the zoea larvae reared up to postlarvae (PL‐5), and compared against a control. No significant difference was found in larval hatch fecundity, survival rate and the production of PL L?1 between the treatment and control, indicating that the method of cold anaesthetization and live storage of berried prawns could be used for successful transportation of broodstock.  相似文献   

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