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为了揭示鹿茸发生机理,阐明生茸区骨膜在鹿茸发生中的作用,选择4只1周岁雄性梅花鹿,在鹿茸发生前,通过外科手术将一侧完整的生茸区骨膜摘除并移植到额骨上。结果,摘除骨膜的生茸区没有发生鹿茸,而在被移植的额骨部位上发生了鹿茸且生长发育正常。证明了生茸区骨膜是鹿茸发生的组织基础,同时为通过异位生茸提高鹿茸产量开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

为阐明睾酮在鹿角柄发生过程中的作用机理,本文对6头梅花鹿的生茸区骨膜和头部的非生茸区骨膜的睾酮特异结合进行了测定。所得结果为,正常、去势雄仔鹿的生茸区骨膜中都存在一定量的睾酮特异结合(分别为:正常,细胞质为29.32,细胞核为169.63;去势,细胞核为595.84。单位:fmol/mg蛋白),而非生茸区骨膜却未测到这种特异结合;雌鹿的测定结果为,除去势雌仔鹿生茸区骨膜具有一定量的睾酮特异结合(细胞核为223.21fmol/mg蛋白)外,其余生茸区和非生茸区均不存在睾酮特异结合。这些结果表明,雄仔鹿和去势雌仔鹿生茸区骨膜中可能存在着一定量的雄激素受体,这种骨膜在特定的生理条件下受睾酮的直接作用,是睾酮的靶组织。  相似文献   

1.1鹿茸的生长鹿茸和骨化的角统称为茸角,茸角着生于额骨的顶部。在正常情况下,茸角每年新生和脱落一次。茸角的新生和脱落都有一定的规律:茸角的脱落是在每年的春夏季节,这同时也是气温升高的季节,因此,茸角的脱落和新生与季节的变化是相互相承的。茸角的形成过程包括两个明显不同的阶段:一是从新茸萌发到茸皮脱落,此阶段上的茸角称为鹿茸;二是从茸皮脱落到骨角脱落,这阶段上的茸角称为鹿角。  相似文献   

近年,鹿界人士对一些问题各抒己见,很多观点尚不统一,在国内外养鹿业产生了某些影响.对这些观点谈一下自己的看法,供同行们参考.1 母鹿长的"茸”不能称鹿茸国标对鹿茸的规格规定标准主要是有标准重量的花二杠、三杈、马三杈、四杈等.公鹿长的茸呈双侧和年周期性的脱落生长,与在春季时对仅占繁殖母鹿10%左右的育成母鹿进行移植或刺激骨膜等终生只生长1次,多为一侧鲜重50克左右的独挺茸有本质的区别,并且其根本进不了市场.这样母鹿长的"茸”仅能称其为"类茸物”,不能叫鹿茸,也无开发价值和利用前景.  相似文献   

1 鹿茸生长及其注意事项 1.1 鹿茸的生长 鹿茸和骨化的角统称为茸角,茸角着生于额骨的顶部.在正常情况下,茸角每年新生和脱落一次.茸角的新生和脱落都有一定的规律:茸角的脱落足在每年的春夏季节,这同时也是气温升高的季节,因此,茸角的脱落和新生与季节的变化是相互相承的.  相似文献   

旨在探究PI3K/AKT信号通路在鹿茸干细胞[包括生茸区骨膜(antlerogenic periosteum,AP)与角柄骨膜(pedicle periosteum,PP)细胞]中所发挥的作用,以期为揭示哺乳动物器官发生和完全再生机制提供借鉴。本研究通过MTT分析、细胞周期检测、细胞骨架染色等方法研究了抑制PI3K/AKT信号通路后对鹿茸干细胞增殖、细胞黏附、细胞周期、细胞骨架和促血管形成作用的影响。结果发现:1)相对于PP细胞,PI3K/AKT信号通路在调控AP细胞增殖和维持细胞骨架方面具有更为重要的作用;2)AP细胞条件培养液具有明显的促血管形成作用,PP细胞条件培养液不具有明显促进血管形成的作用。试验结果初步表明:相对于鹿茸再生,PI3K/AKT信号通路在鹿茸发生过程中的调控作用更为重要。  相似文献   

为了用绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)标记梅花鹿生茸区骨膜(antlerogenic periosteum,AP)细胞,试验首先构建了含GFP基因的重组质粒pLNHX-GFP,将重组质粒与包装质粒VSV共转染包装细胞GP 2-293,获得复制缺陷型逆转录病毒上清液,感染培养的梅花鹿生茸区骨膜细胞,检测GFP在骨膜细胞中的表达情况,用G418对感染后的细胞进行筛选。结果表明:试验获得了能稳定地表达GFP的生茸骨膜细胞。  相似文献   

鹿茸作为一种贵重中药,对人体有滋补作用,尤其在治疗虚弱、神经衰弱等方面效果更佳。鹿茸角是通过生茸干细胞的快速分裂和繁殖实现的,而这种鹿茸干细胞主要分布于鹿茸周围的骨膜组织中,随着鹿茸的逐渐长大,骨膜组织向间充质组织转化,而此时这之间的间充质细胞也仍然具有干细胞的特点,在体内也可以向软骨组织转化。而干细胞自身不仅具有进行复制、更新的能力,同时还具有在一定条件下"变身",即通过分化成为多功能细胞的能力。结果表明:间充质干细胞(MSC)是成体干细胞的一种,它的自我更新受自身内在基因和其所处微环境信号的共同调控。而其中的Notch、Wnt 2条有关发育调控的信号,则在这两种能力的调控过程中具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

为了确定不同年龄段塔里木马鹿鹿茸的最佳收茸时间,保证鹿茸的药用价值,试验选取老、中、青3个年龄段的塔里木马鹿各6头,采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法,分别测定不同生茸时期鹿茸中Ca2+的含量。结果表明:青年组至6月17日鹿茸上段Ca2+含量增加显著,确定其最佳收茸时间以6月17日为宜;中年、老年组的最佳收茸时期在6月3日左右,三者存在时间差异。  相似文献   

为了确定不同年龄段塔里木马鹿鹿茸的最佳收茸时间,保证鹿茸的药用价值,试验选取老、中、青3个年龄段的塔里木马鹿各6头,采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法,分别测定不同生茸时期鹿茸中Ca2+的含量。结果表明:青年组至6月17日鹿茸上段Ca2+含量增加显著,确定其最佳收茸时间以6月17日为宜;中年、老年组的最佳收茸时期在6月3日左右,三者存在时间差异。  相似文献   

鹿茸的软骨内骨化及其调控机理的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对鹿茸软骨内骨化过程的组织学基础及调控机理进行了综述。鹿茸的骨化是在睾酮等一系列因素的影响下发生的软骨内骨化过程。这种骨化方式由膜内骨化转变而来,标志是角柄顶端软骨膜下出现连续的骨小梁。在整个生茸期内,软骨膜持续存在,通过附加增生来实现鹿茸的生长。发育到一定程度的肥大软骨细胞向细胞间质中分泌X型胶原纤维等,引起间质的钙化,进而骨组织替换软骨组织。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide evidence for an analgesic effect of antler pedicle compression or lidocaine 'ring block' by comparing changes in median and spectral edge frequencies and total electroencephalographic (EEG) power during the application of each technique followed by antler removal. ANIMALS: Twenty-nine 2-year-old red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags weighing 106-131 kg each were used in this study. Stags were carrying immature growing antler suitable for commercial harvest. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anaesthesia was induced using propofol (8.25 +/- 1.28 mg kg(-1)) and ketamine (2.18 +/- 0.15 mg kg(-1)) and maintained with halothane in oxygen. End-tidal halothane (Fe'HAL), expired CO(2) tension (Pe'CO(2)), SpO(2), EEG, ECG, and direct arterial blood pressures were recorded continuously. Respiratory rate and somatic responses were recorded at specific time points. After stabilization of anaesthesia (Fe'HAL was approximately 0.8%) baseline data were recorded. Stags were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups; control, local anaesthesia, or compression band. One antler was removed 4 minutes after the application of treatment. Electroencephalographic responses to application of treatment and antler removal were analysed using area under the curve (AUC) analysis. Mean AUC was compared between groups using anova, and when significant differences were found, groups were compared post hoc with two-tailed t-tests. Significance levels were set at p 相似文献   

朱南山  张彬  王洁 《经济动物学报》2006,10(1):49-52,55
在阐述鹿茸的药理作用和营养特性的基础上,分析了鹿品种、年龄、营养及激素、骨化、光照、温度、中草药添加剂、适时收茸、体重等因素对茸鹿产茸性能的影响,为提高鹿茸产量和质量提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

4种东北梅花鹿茸片总糖与水溶性蛋白的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨东北梅花鹿茸片的内在质量差异,选取10支东北梅花鹿茸,切片时分腊片、粉片、纱片和骨片进行取样,对其总糖和水溶性蛋白进行分析。结果表明,东北梅花鹿茸腊片、粉片、纱片和骨片的水溶性蛋白含量分别为4.97%、3.95%、2.55%、1.59%,总糖含量分别为3.21%、2.21%、1.04%、0.49%,4种茸片之间差异极显著(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Dissection of the heads of 12 male Red deer revealed that the innervation and blood supply of the antler resembles those in the goat, in that the infratrochlear and zygomaticotemporal nerves supply the antler pedicle accompanied by two main branches of the superficial temporal artery and vein. Analgesia of the antler should be produced by injecting local anaesthetic solution both dorsal to the orbital rim and immediately caudal to the zygomatic process of the frontal bone.  相似文献   

鹿茸角发育与再生机理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对鹿茸角发育与再生调节机理的研究进展进行了综述,并对与鹿茸角发育与再生相关的一些生理问题进行了探讨。已确认的与鹿茸角再生关系密切的重要分子有甲状旁腺激素相关肽、视黄酸、胰岛素样生长因子等,这些物质广泛分布于芽基及快速生长的鹿茸角内,可调节软骨细胞、成骨细胞及破骨细胞的分化。由于鹿茸角再生过程与生殖周期密切相关,性激素可能对这些因子在鹿茸角内的表达起调节作用  相似文献   

东北梅花鹿产茸性能分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对东北梅花鹿产茸性能的分析 ,证明长沙市养鹿试验场东北梅花鹿产茸量基本保持在一定的水平上 ;产茸量与鹿年龄的大小存在曲线回归关系 ;头杠茸的重量与再生茸的重量不相关 ;体重与茸产量存在着很强的相关性。这些指标可为华南地区发展养鹿业提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

天山马鹿数量性状相关的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了凉泉天山马鹿上锯公鹿的体重、茸重、茸的鲜干比例性状与鹿年龄、茸重性状与体重 ,体重、体尺和茸尺性状与茸重的关系。结果表明 :在一定年龄段 ,这些数量性状除了体尺中角基距性状与茸重呈强负相关 (-r,P <0 0 1 )外 ,多呈极显著正相关 (P <0 0 1 ) ,少数呈显著正相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ,并建立了线性回归方程 ,为预测并比较天山马鹿各锯时的体重、茸重、体尺、茸尺和茸的鲜干比例水平及制审定其检测标准提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare changes in heart rate and arterial pressures resulting from compression of the antler pedicle or lidocaine 'ring block' and during subsequent antler removal during minimal halothane anaesthesia. ANIMALS: Twenty-nine 2-year-old red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags, weighing 106-131 kg and carrying immature growing antler suitable for commercial harvest were studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anaesthesia was induced using intravenous propofol (median dose 8.0 mg kg(-1), range 5.2-11.0) and ketamine (median dose 2.2 mg kg(-1), range 1.9-2.4) and maintained using halothane in oxygen. End-tidal halothane concentration (Fe'HAL) end-tidal CO(2) tension (Pe'CO(2)), SpO(2), EEG, ECG, and direct systolic (SAP) mean (MAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures were recorded continuously. Respiratory rate and somatic responses were recorded. Baseline data were recorded once anaesthesia (Fe'HAL approximately 0.8%) was stable. Stags were randomly allocated to control, lidocaine 'ring block' or compression band treatment groups. One antler was removed 4 minutes after treatment. Cardiovascular responses to the application of analgesia and antler removal were analysed using a general estimates equation for repeated measures or area under the curve (AUC) analysis. Mean AUC was compared between groups using anova, and when significant differences were found, groups were compared post hoc with two-tailed t-tests. Somatic response data were compared with Fisher's exact chi-square test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Heart rate fell during observations in all groups with no significant differences between groups. Arterial pressures in the control and lidocaine groups during treatment and removal were not different from baseline values or from each other. Compression group pressures were significantly higher than baseline during both treatment and removal. Compression group DAP and MAP were significantly higher after antler removal than during treatment. In control and lidocaine groups, the AUC for SAP, DAP, and MAP over the combined baseline, treatment, and removal period did not differ. The compression group AUC for DAP and MAP were significantly greater over the experimental period than both the lidocaine group and control groups. Somatic responses occurred in one animal at lidocaine injection and three at compression application. Somatic responses occurred in eight control animals and two in the compression group at antler removal. More animals responded to antler removal in the control group than in the compression (p = 0.015) or lidocaine (p < 0.001) groups. CONCLUSIONS: Compression of the antler pedicle appears to be noxious. Pedicular compression is a less effective analgesic technique for antler removal compared to 'ring blocks' with lidocaine. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study suggests that lidocaine 'ring blocks' are the current technique of choice for antler removal in deer.  相似文献   

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