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近年来.受市场大流通影响,南方畜牧养殖业逐步向北方转移,北方大量供屠宰畜禽和优良种畜禽长距离频繁调、入南方。但由于南北之间动物.防疫工作不,平衡,加上部分调运户缺乏防疫意识.调运操作不到位。甚至存在违规调运,造成了畜禽疫病相互传播,给畜牧业造成严重损失。笔者根据当前调运工作中存在的问题.提出了对策,现浅析如下:  相似文献   

动物检疫工作是防疫工作的重要组成部分.产地检疫又是动物检疫工作中的重中之重,任整个防疫工作中起着举足轻重的作用。《动物检疫管理办法》规定,动物、动物产品出售或调运前由货主报榆并山动物检疫员实施检疫。但由于青海省地域辽阔.地理条件复杂,农牧民居住分散,交通不便.对出售或调运动物  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着一批具有规模、特色的养殖示范园区蓬勃发展 ,优良品种动物外调频繁 ,部门组织的长距离、大数量调运及私营个体短距离、小数量调运不断进行。但由于部分群众缺乏防疫意识 ,不遵守调运动物检疫程序 ,违规操作 ,盲目调运 ,甚至逃避检疫 ,给动物疫情跨区域传播埋下了极大隐患。1动物外调工作存在的主问题1.1缺乏防疫意识。《动物防疫法》颁布实施已5年 ,动物防疫部门采取多形式、多层次 ,经常广泛宣传动物疫情危害及外调动物应注意的事项。但仍未引起有关部门及部分养殖户的重视 ,没有树立疫情就是灾情的意识 ,思想麻痹 ,存有侥幸…  相似文献   

跨境畜禽调运中的产销联防工作,是最近淅江省提出保证产销两地动物防疫工作到位,有效控制畜禽调运过程中疫病传播,最终实现安全有序流通的重要举措。1产销联防工作主体跨境畜禽调运产销联防工作一般由调入地市级人民政府统一组织,经贸部门牵头,畜牧行政管理部门及动物防疫监督机构具体实施。2产销联防工作操作程序2.1市内各县(区)需跨境调运畜禽的企业和个人,须向当地县级动物防疫监督机构提出调运书面申请报告(内容包括调运单位或调运人姓名、拟调运的畜种、数量、产地县、运输方式等)。2.2县级动物防疫监督机构根据拟调运畜禽生产、供求情…  相似文献   

近几年畜禽调运十分频繁和迅速,为了严防染疫畜禽及其产品和携带病毒病菌的运输工具来往流动造成疫情传播,笔者就如何加强调运畜禽的动物防疫监督管理工作谈些看法,仅供同行参考。1抓源头,搞好社会化的动物防疫服务工作1.1动物免疫注射:免疫注射是提高动物抗病能力的有效措施。各级动物防疫监督机构应狠抓免疫工作的落实。同时,制订科学的免疫计划和免疫程序,严格按照免疫注射操作规程开展免疫工作。通过免疫注射,提高社会面上畜禽的抗病能力,减少调运过程中畜禽疫病发生和传播机会。1.2产地检疫把关:产地检疫是对畜禽及其…  相似文献   

我县是一个养猪大县,常年出栏肉猪150万头,外销仔猪170万头,饲养母猪18万头,养猪收入约占农业总产值的40%.今年以来,我们以贯彻《动物防疫法》为契机,加强对生猪沿户防疫和临柱产地检疫力度,到目前为止,猪瘟和仔猪副伤寒的防疫密度分别达到了9230%和93.60%左猪临栏产地检疫率达到65.3%,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益1具体作法1.1深入宣传发动,使《动物防疫法》家喻户晓动物防疫法颁布后,我们即开展了及时的宣传活动.在县、各乡镇、村及交通要道,张贴宣传《动物防疫法》及宣传资料,发放了《动物防疫法》手册15000本…  相似文献   

活体肉用动物跨省调运是疫病传播的主要因素,给我国动物疫病防控及无规定动物疫病区建设造成严重的威胁。文章通过介绍海南省实施冷鲜肉代替活体肉用动物跨省调运防疫策略的应用,提出应用该防疫策略的思考,建议实施该防疫策略建设无规定动物疫病区。  相似文献   

2003年1月7日,我县动物防疫监督所邀请新闻部门对全县动物防疫工作进行执法检查,发现生猪调运户李某所购生猪耳标与省兽医工作总站统一供应的耳标不符,且部分生猪耳部有鲜血,系打挂耳标所引起。县监督所执法人员立即对该生猪收购点进行全面检查,经查李某生猪收购点卫生条件  相似文献   

贵南县作为青海省畜牧业发展大县,牲畜存栏量大,调运频繁,为动物疫病的防控工作造成了一定程度的负面影响。而贯彻落实好《动物防疫法》、《青海省动物防疫条例》,严格把好牲畜养殖关、出场关、调运关、屠宰关,可有效防止动物疫病的发生。本文对该县贯彻实施“一法一条例”工作情况、存在的问题认真调研的基础上,对今后工作提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

在当前动物疫情复杂多变新形势下,规模养殖场(户)重大动物疫病防控工作是整个动物防疫工作的重点和难点.因此,做好规模养殖场(户)的防疫监管工作,既是动物防疫监督机构应尽的职责,也是动物防疫监督工作的深化、细化和具体化.  相似文献   

The number of donkeys and mules throughout the world is stable, and awareness of their use and concern for welfare, pain recognition and treatment are receiving increasing veterinary interest. Therefore, accurate information about anaesthesia and analgesia in donkeys and mules is important to ever more equine practitioners. Since donkeys are physiologically and pharmacologically different from horses, knowledge on species specific aspects of anaesthesia and analgesia are very important. Mules combine elements from both donkey and horse backgrounds, leading to great diversity in size, temperament and body type. Physiologically, they seem to resemble horses more than donkeys. This review highlights the current knowledge on various anaesthetic and analgesic approaches in donkeys and mules. There is still much information that is not available about donkeys; in many circumstances, the clinician must use available equine information to treat the patient, while monitoring carefully to observe for differences in response to therapy compared to the horse.  相似文献   

本文应用Fortana—Masson嗜银颗粒染色法研究了貉、蓝狐、银狐的胃及十二指肠内嗜银细胞的形态分布。结果表明:三种动物胃幽门腺中,嗜根细胞数量最多,呈锥状,嗜银颗粒较粗,密度大、染成深黑色。在胃底及胃贲门腺区、嗜银细胞数量少。在十二指肠部嗜银细胞呈蝌蚪形,嗜银颗粒细,呈黑褐色,密度较小。嗜银细胞的分布密度在三种动物中具有一定的差别。  相似文献   

Ventilation and gas exchange were studied in healthy, adult horses and cows, two large species with different lung structures and different breathing patterns. The oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), respiratory rate (fR), minute ventilation (VE), alveolar ventilation (VA), alveolar oxygen pressure (PAO2), and VE/VO2 ratio were higher in the cows, while the tidal volume (VT) and physiological dead space (VD) were larger in the horses. The arterial blood gases, alveolar-arterial oxygen pressure difference (PAO2-PaO2) and VD/VT ratio did not differ between the two species. The higher VO2 in the cows was most likely due to the energy cost of standing, and possibly to a higher cost of digestion. The higher VE, VA, VE/VO2 and PAO2 were most likely secondary to the increased VO2 and the slightly higher respiratory exchange ratio (R) in the cows. In contrast to hypotheses based on allometric equations, the PAO2 of horses and cows did not appear to differ from that of smaller mammals. The VD was larger than that predicted from allometric equations, and even though the VD/VT ratio (0.50) was lower than the previously reported values for horses and cows, it was significantly larger than the predicted weight-independent value of 0.36. Re-examination of the data used to derive the equation for VD raised questions as to the validity of this equation, and it is suggested that caution be exercised in the use of allometric equations for prediction.  相似文献   

Fluxes of the anti-parasitic agents, [3H]-ivermectin, [3H]-selamectin and [3H]-moxidectin were studied across non-transfected and transfected canine kidney epithelial monolayers, MDCK II/wt, MDCK II-MDR1, MDCK II-MRP1 and MDCK II-MRP2. All four lines surprisingly expressed significant levels of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), coded for by MDR1, but MDCK II-MDR1 expressed increased levels compared to the other lines. MDCK II-MRP1 and MDCK II-MRP2 expressed increased levels of MRP1 and MRP2 respectively. Fluxes of [3H]-ivermectin, [3H]-selamectin, [3H]-moxidectin, and the P-gp substrates, rhodamine-123 and DiOC2, were polarized in the basolateral-to-apical (secretory) direction across the four lines. Selected MRP inhibitors used in relevant pharmacological concentrations did not block the secretory fluxes of either [3H]-ivermectin or [3H]-selamectin in either the non-transfected or MRP-transfected lines. In contrast, secretory fluxes of ivermectin and selamectin were inhibited in all four lines by the P-gp inhibitor, verapamil. These data confirm that ivermectin and selamectin are substrates for P-gp in four additional cell lines, but suggest that they are not significant substrates for MRP1 or MRP2 where there is background expression of P-gp. Since this pattern of expression also pertains on the blood-brain barrier, it is unlikely that MRP1 and MRP2 play a significant role in ivermectin and selamectin blood: brain distribution in vivo.  相似文献   

针对越冬期东西方蜜蜂的过冷却点进行了测试并对其与越冬性能的关系进行了分析。结果发现:在越冬期,东西方蜜蜂存在过冷却点且二者差异显著,东方蜜蜂过冷却点明显低于西方蜜蜂,蜜蜂的过冷却点与其越冬性能密切相关。  相似文献   

在犬的繁殖过程中,往往会碰到这样一些问题:仔犬出生时弱胎、死胎多,有些胎儿即使存活下来,也是生长缓慢,达不到生长发育的要求,最后成为长不大的“铁狗”。究其原因是多方面的,但犬在妊娠期间饲养管理的好坏对新生仔犬质量具有影响作用。为了提高新生仔犬质量,保证母犬的正常体况和繁育,现就妊娠犬在饲养管理过程中存在的问题及改进措施谈点看法。  相似文献   

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