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关于宠物诊疗行业监管的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近几年,宠物诊疗行业在快速发展的同时,也暴露出设施设备较为简陋、人员资质不达标、药品采购和使用不规范、病历处方不规范等诸多问题。然而,宠物诊疗行业的规范经营仅靠行业自律和市场规律调节短期内难以实现,更需要依靠动物卫生监督机构强有力的监管和约束。本文主要结合锡山区宠物诊疗行业监管工作的实践,分析当前宠物诊疗机构存在的问题,提出监管对策,进而探讨在宠物诊疗行业进入快速发展阶段的监管思路,供业内人士做进一步思考和探讨。  相似文献   

当前宠物市场蓬勃发展,宠主们日益关注爱宠的营养与健康问题,随之宠物医疗行业也快速发展。为促进宠物医疗行业健康发展,从各区宠物诊疗机构分布、连锁宠物诊疗机构现状和个体宠物诊疗机构现状3方面对上海市宠物诊疗机构的发展现状进行探讨,阐述了连锁机构扩张、医疗技术水平参差不齐、人员配置不足、国产宠物疫苗紧缺、医疗保险实行难度大等问题,并针对如上问题提出加强对宠物医院的监管力度、建立宠物诊疗机构等级动态分级制度、加强宠物医生和医生助理的培养、推动国产宠物疫苗和药品的研发进程、加强宠物保险服务建设等建议。  相似文献   

近些年动物诊疗机构发展迅速,随着经济的发展,越来越多的人选择饲养宠物,城市中的动物诊疗机构不断增多,加之郊区针对家畜家禽的动物诊疗机构,基本形成了覆盖面较广的动物诊疗网络。动物诊疗属于专业技能,从业有严格的标准。近些年焦作市的动物诊疗机构呈增长趋势,但发展中依旧存在诸多问题。笔者浅析了焦作市动物诊疗机构的发展现状,并对一些问题进行分析与思考,希望能对各地动物诊疗机构的管理与发展提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

近年来,宠物饲养数量逐年增多,动物诊疗机构发展十分迅速,动物诊疗行业服务重心由经济动物向家庭宠物转移。动物诊疗机构的日益增多,给动物诊疗监管工作带来巨大挑战。规范动物诊疗机构监管,净化动物诊疗市场迫在眉睫。本文就动物诊疗行业监管过程中存在的问题进行梳理并提出建议。一、监管过程中的常见问题1.执业兽医师从业不规范。(1)执业兽医师未在当地兽医主管部门进行注册。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,人民的生活水平和生活质量明显提高,宠物作为现代人的一种个人爱好和精神寄托,饲养宠物的城镇居民逐年增多,为宠物提供保健和治疗的动物诊疗机构也随之兴起并迅速发展壮大.多年来,大连市按照农业部和辽宁省畜牧兽医局要求,对动物诊疗行业实行行政许可,强化了动物诊疗经营行为的规范管理,进一步规范了动物诊疗市场秩序,取得了较好的成效.本文就当前大连市动物诊疗机构的发展现状、存在问题及今后管理设想等做一些初步的探讨. 1发展现状 1.1国内外动物诊疗机构情况对比动物诊疗机构作为市场化的兽医服务组织,动物诊疗根据服务对象不同主要分为两大类:一类是为城镇家庭宠物提供诊疗服务,另一种是为养殖场及社会散养户所饲养的经济动物提供疾病预防和诊疗服务.  相似文献   

为规范动物诊疗活动和执业兽医从业行为,提升动物诊疗机构和执业兽医服务水平,落实动物诊疗许可和监管制度,太原市动物卫生监督所依据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》、《动物诊疗机构管理办法》和《执业兽医管理办法》等法律法规,近年来连续对辖区内宠物诊疗机构进行专项整治,虽然取得了明显效果,但是多数宠物诊疗机构仍然存在不少问题,监管难度大,笔者现就当前太原市宠物诊疗机构存在的问题及监管对策简述如下,供行业监管机构和人员参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人们生活水平不断的提高,石家庄市饲养家用宠物的人群也逐渐增多,随之动物诊疗机构在社会中的地位也越来越重。现就我市动物诊疗机构存在问题,以及建议进行简要分析,供大家参考。1存在问题1.1《动物诊疗许可证》使用不规范,未公示相关信息部分动物诊疗机构存在伪造、变造、受让、租用、借用,以及出让、出租、出借《动物诊疗许可证》、执业兽医证的情况,个别动物诊疗机构未在显著位  相似文献   

宠物诊疗机构的公共卫生不可忽视。由于宠物诊疗机构是患病动物集中的场所,如果卫生管理不当,将成为人畜疫病的散播地、自然环境的污染源。因此,宠物诊疗机构的公共卫生不可忽视。为加强动物诊疗机构的规范管理,2008年,农业部发布了《动物诊疗机构管理办法》,对从事动物诊疗活动作了具体规定。一、动物诊疗机构应办理《动物诊疗许可证》,并在规定的诊疗活动范围内开展动物诊  相似文献   

笔者通过对南通市动物诊疗机构现状进行调查,掌握了南通市动物诊疗机构的基本情况。发现了废弃物处置和宠物用药不规范、执业兽医人员后续学习不足等方面的问题。提出了加强动物诊疗机构废弃物处置规范化、宠物用药管理、完善执业兽医继续教育等建议。  相似文献   

近期在各地开展的动物诊疗机构专项执法检查中,一些宠物诊疗机构因使用人药被处罚。对此,有人认为宠物用药应与食品动物有所区别,不应"生搬硬套""一刀切",认为处罚失当。过去,对宠物诊所使用人药的管理"相对宽松",执法业务部门在兽药监管检查中,遇到类似的问题往往是从轻处理,要求他们按规定使用兽药,很少实施罚款处理。对于宠物机构使用人药的查处,宜宽、宜严一直存在不同意见,就此问题,我们做了  相似文献   

Although there is little published data on successful treatment of neoplasia with chemotherapy drugs in exotic animal species, there has not been adequate research done, or even large case series on how these drugs should be dosed and which drugs are most appropriate to use for which tumor types. As people demand better treatment for their pets, hopefully more information will become available, and the reader is advised to keep track of the literature for new information as it becomes available.  相似文献   

宠物源性大肠杆菌耐药性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用微量肉汤稀释法对120株宠物医院分离的大肠杆菌进行头孢噻呋、恩诺沙星等13种抗生素的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)值测定,并利用WHONET 5.4软件对数据进行处理,以了解广州市宠物源性大肠杆菌的耐药情况。通过对其耐药谱型的调查,为指导宠物临床用药和耐药性及耐药性监测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

近年来,我国宠物饲养数量激增带来的宠物源人畜共患病隐患已日益增加。强化宠物源人畜共患病的防范意识,采取有效措施控制疫病发生,对于保障公共卫生安全具有十分重要的现实意义。对宠物源人畜共患病流行现状做一综述,分析人畜共患病高发的原因,并提出解决这一问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate imidacloprid and the combination of lufenuron and pyrethrin to control flea infestations in households with pets. ANIMALS: 37 dogs and 19 cats in 34 flea-infested households. PROCEDURE: Households were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups. Pets in group 1 were treated topically with imidacloprid on day 0, then once a month for 90 days. Pets in group 2 were given lufenuron orally on day 0 and at monthly intervals for 90 days and also were treated topically with a pyrethrin spray every 1 to 2 weeks throughout the study. Flea numbers in homes were assessed by use of intermittent light traps, and flea burdens on pets were assessed using visual area counts done once a week during the first month, then every other week. RESULTS: One application of imidacloprid reduced flea burdens on pets by 96 and 93.5% on days 7 and 28, respectively, compared with day-0 burdens. Following 3 applications, flea burdens on pets and in homes were reduced by 98.8 and 99.9%, respectively. Lufenuron and pyrethrin spray reduced flea numbers on pets by 48.9 and 91.1% on days 7 and 28, respectively. By the end of the study, this combination reduced flea burdens on pets and in homes by 99.2 and 99.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Imidacloprid applied topically or lufenuron administered orally along with a topically applied pyrethrin spray were effective in eliminating fleas on pets and in homes. Flea control can be achieved with topical application of adulticides or oral administration of insect growth regulators without concomitant treatment of the surroundings.  相似文献   

宠物用抗肿瘤药正在成为研发热点,美国FDA于2009年发布了伴侣动物用抗肿瘤药指导原则,EMA发布了犬猫用抗肿瘤药指导原则并于2022年1月28日开始实施。本文采用EMA的框架维度对两个指导原则安全性和有效性评价的关键技术要点进行分析,为研发者提供参考。  相似文献   

对2008-2020年我国宠物用病毒类生物制品质量情况进行总结,分析了宠物用病毒类生物制品质量检验中发现的问题,提出了完善兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗效力检验方法、加强纯净性检验方法研究、建立以单抗为基础的宠物用标准物质库、加快宠物用制品重点品种研制等提升宠物用病毒类制品质量和研究的建议。  相似文献   

Many treatment options are now available for pets with age-related cognitive dysfunction, including drugs, nutritional supplements, and diets. This article describes the theory, evidence of efficacy, and potential neuroprotective effects of products used to treat cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive dysfunction is a diagnosis of exclusion, because many painful conditions and health problems may present with similar signs. Practitioners must, therefore, actively question owners of senior pets in order to diagnose cognitive dysfunction and to assess the pet's general health and well-being.  相似文献   

In recent decades, veterinary medicine has become more successful in prolonging the healthy, useful lives of pets. As a result, the practitioner spends a greater part of each practice day caring for the geriatric animal, both healthy and unhealthy. Because of their longevity, older pets are typically regular family members, with owners who seek the finest health care possible for their pets. The practice of geriatric medicine most properly should begin not when the dog or cat reaches some specific "golden" age, but rather when the wiggly, robust puppy or kitten receives its first examination. Like all parts of a sound preventive program, geriatric nutrition best follows from a well-considered juvenile and adult nutrition program. Furthermore, once it becomes senior, the "well" geriatric is as much a candidate for a diet designed especially to accommodate old age changes as is his unhealthy contemporary. In fact, evidence suggests that appropriate dietary management of the healthy, but often subclinical, patient may help postpone the signs of dysfunction and increase quality and length of life. A knowledge of the most significant nutrients and the impact of each on aging systems is now, and will become increasingly more, important to the progressive, skillful veterinarian.  相似文献   

余彦国 《吉林畜牧兽医》2009,30(7):11-12,15
三聚氰胺是一种重要的化工原料,主要应用于工业生产中。近年来先后出现了由三聚氰胺引起的美国宠物中毒事件和我国奶粉污染事件。本文就三聚氰胺的理化性质、生产用途、代谢、毒理学等方面的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

三聚氰胺的毒性及残留检测方法研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
三聚氰胺是一种重要的化工原料,主要应用于工业生产中.近两年先后出现了由三聚氰胺引起的美国宠物中毒事件和我国被污染奶粉事件.文章对三聚氰胺的理化性质、生产用途、代谢、毒性以及残留检测方法等五个方面的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

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