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在渔业生产实践中,提高水域鱼类资源的主要途径有两个方面:一是创造或改良水域的渔业生态环境;二是改造低产型或低经济效益型的鱼类区系组成。现就内陆水域鱼类区系的组成与改造,谈点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

张幼敏 《水库渔业》1981,(1):54-60,67
开发水域的鱼类区系是在自然环境、鱼类起源、地理位置和人为干预诸因素综合影响下形成的,并与分布区的生物和非生物条件相适应。但从渔业的观点看,多数天然水域鱼类区系组成不能合理地利用水体空间和饵料基础,散无法最大限度地发挥水体生产力。  相似文献   

推进世界渔业的可持续发展渔业是指包括在内陆和海洋水域捕捞野生鱼类,以及经放养增殖和水产养殖而获得鱼类产品的产业。渔业在世界食品经济中有着重要作用。目前全球有4000多万人从事捕捞渔业和养殖渔业。鱼类是含有丰富蛋白质、重要脂肪酸和维生素、矿物质的人类食物来源。鱼  相似文献   

渔业生态环境是水域生态环境中最具生命活力的区域,应重点关注渔业生态环境中最重要、最敏感、最脆弱的鱼类产卵场、仔幼鱼的索饵场及重要经济鱼类的增养殖区的环境质量状况,这些区域的环境质量与水生生物多样性、渔业资源、水产品质量乃至人民群众的日常生活均有着十分密切的关系。  相似文献   

<正> 在渔业生产实践中,提高水域鱼产量的途径有两方面,一方面是改良水域的渔业环境为经济鱼类繁殖生长创造条件,另一方面必须有合理的鱼类区系,以充分利用水体中的饵料资源。本文主要从内蒙达赉湖的饵料现状,讨论改造鱼类区系的必要性。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是我国最大的淡水湖泊,重要的湿地和候鸟栖息地,宝贵的鱼类资源库、鱼类基因库和经济鱼类的原种基地。针对鄱阳湖区渔业资源和水域现状,强调对渔业水域生态修复的重要性和必要性,提出建立湿地保护带、重建和恢复湖区滨岸植被、采用生物调控技术、加大增殖放流和人工鱼巢力度、建设重要经济鱼类种质资源保护区等措施。  相似文献   

中国渔业生态环境总体状况2001年度,中国渔业水域生态环境总体状况良好,部分水域受到一定程度的污染,局部水域污染较严重,渔业资源和渔业生产受到一定程度的影响。一、离岸较远的海水鱼虾类产卵场、稚幼鱼索饵场、越冬场及内陆一些重要河流上游等渔业水域水质良好,基本没有受到污染,适合鱼类的繁殖和生长,栖息在这些水域的鱼类品质优良。二、近岸海域、河口及内湾部分渔业水域受到一定程度污染。与2000年相比,所监测的近岸鱼虾类产卵场和稚幼鱼索饵场中,无机氮、铜和化学需氧量的超标范围有所扩大;海水鱼、虾、贝、藻类养…  相似文献   

长江是我国第一大河,也是亚洲第一大河,世界第三大河,地理位置优越。长江水系支流众多,径流量大。流域面积辽阔,通河、通湖、通水库。长江水域面积约占全国淡水面积50%。长江水域具有饵料丰富、生物种类繁多等得天独厚的条件,构成了渔业资源赖以生长、繁衍、生息所需的饵料、温度、空间等优良自然水域生态环境;长江是我国淡水渔业的摇篮,鱼类基因的宝库,经济鱼类的原种基地,水生野生动物的乐园,生物多样性的代表。长江渔业在全国渔业中具有苗种资源、名特优鱼类资源。种质资源及水生野生动植物资源的优势,渔业产量约占全国淡…  相似文献   

珠江水系主干流西江(肇庆江段)东西横贯封开、郁南、云浮、德庆、高要、端州、鼎湖七市县(区),江段长208公里,流域面积7135平方公里,属平原缓流水域,渔业资源丰富,是广东省重要渔业水域之一。多年来,由于工业废水的排放,水域受到不同程度的污染,鱼体富集一定量的污染物,影响了鱼类的质量和渔业生产的发展;近年来由于各地政府重视环境保护工作,  相似文献   

第三章 渔业水域环境状况 第一节 海水鱼虾类产卵场、仔稚幼鱼索饵场环境状况 1999-2000年,我国海水鱼虾类产卵场、仔稚幼鱼索饵场受到一定程度污染,局部水域污染较严重,环境状况相对较差。据对14个重要渔业水域165个测点的监测分析,主要污染物为无机氮、活性磷酸盐、石油类、化学需氧量和重金属铜,见图2-图8。 所监测重要渔业水域中,无机氮平均含量符合一类海水水质标准的水域占64%,在南海北部蓝圆■、大眼鲷、沙丁鱼等近海多种经济鱼类产卵场及仔稚幼鱼索饵场(H)含量最低,平均值为0.02mg/L;超标水…  相似文献   

At the crux of the debate over the global sustainability of fisheries is what society must do to prevent over‐exploitation and aid recovery of fisheries that have historically been over‐exploited. The focus of debates has been on controlling fishing pressure, and assessments have not considered that stock production may be affected by changes in fish habitat. Fish habitats are being modified by climate change, built infrastructure, destructive fishing practices and pollution. We conceptualize how the classification of stock status can be biased by habitat change. Habitat loss and degradation can result in either overly optimistic or overly conservative assessment of stock status. The classification of stock status depends on how habitat affects fish demography and what reference points management uses to assess status. Nearly half of the 418 stocks in a global stock assessment database use seagrass, mangroves, coral reefs and macroalgae habitats that have well‐documented trends. There is also considerable circumstantial evidence that habitat change has contributed to over‐exploitation or enhanced production of data‐poor fisheries, like inland and subsistence fisheries. Globally many habitats are in decline, so the role of habitat should be considered when assessing the global status of fisheries. New methods and global databases of habitat trends and use of habitats by fishery species are required to properly attribute causes of decline in fisheries and are likely to raise the profile of habitat protection as an important complementary aim for fisheries management.  相似文献   

Inland fisheries can be diverse, local and highly seasonal. This complexity creates challenges for monitoring, and consequently, many inland fish stocks have few data and cannot be assessed using methods typically applied to industrial marine fisheries. In such situations, there may be a role for methods recently developed for assessment of data‐poor fish stocks. Herein, three established data‐poor assessment tools from marine systems are demonstrated to highlight their value to inland fisheries management. A case study application uses archived length, catch and catch‐per‐unit‐effort data to characterise the ecological status of an important recreational brown trout stock in an Irish lake. This case study is of specific use to management of freshwater sport fisheries, but the broader purpose of the paper was to provide a crossover between marine and inland fisheries science, and to highlight accessible data‐poor assessment approaches that may be applicable in diverse inland systems.  相似文献   

Catches are commonly misreported in many fisheries worldwide, resulting in inaccurate data that hinder our ability to assess population status and manage fisheries sustainably. Under‐reported catch is generally perceived to lead to overfishing, and hence, catch reconstructions are increasingly used to account for sectors that may be unreliably reported, including illegal harvest, recreational and subsistence fisheries, and discards. However, improved monitoring and/or catch reconstructions only aid in the first step of a fisheries management plan: collecting data to make inferences on stock status. Misreported catch impacts estimates of population parameters, which in turn influences management decisions, but the pattern and degree of these impacts are not necessarily intuitive. We conducted a simulation study to test the effect of different patterns of catch misreporting on estimated fishery status and recommended catches. If, for example, 50% of all fishery catches are consistently unreported, estimates of population size and sustainable yield will be 50% lower, but estimates of current exploitation rate and fishery status will be unbiased. As a result, constant under‐ or over‐reporting of catches results in recommended catches that are sustainable. However, when there are trends in catch reporting over time, the estimates of important parameters are inaccurate, generally leading to underutilization when reporting rates improve, and overfishing when reporting rates degrade. Thus, while quantifying total catch is necessary for understanding the impact of fisheries on businesses, communities and ecosystems, detecting trends in reporting rates is more important for estimating fishery status and setting sustainable catches into the future.  相似文献   

The status of federally managed fisheries in the United States is well monitored, but the condition of other marine fisheries, whether state-managed, territory-managed or unmanaged, is less understood and often unknown. We used expert surveys to characterize the management systems of non-federally managed fisheries in US coastal marine states and overseas territories. For 311 fisheries, we estimated an overall Fisheries Management Index (FMI) and a qualitative stock status score. These measures were positively correlated, and while a wide range of research, management, enforcement and socioeconomic criteria were partially met (FMI ≥ 0.5) for 66% of fisheries, stock status was considered as partially acceptable (score ≥ 0.5) for only 45% of fisheries and acceptable (score = 1) for only 16% of fisheries. Higher FMI was typically observed in fisheries with greater commercial landed weight, value, or greater recreational catches. Fisheries from continental states had higher FMI than those from overseas territories. Invertebrates and diadromous fish species had higher FMI on average compared to those of marine fishes. Extrapolating results for surveyed fisheries to nearly 2000 non-federally managed US fisheries while stratifying by state and importance designation (based on commercial, recreational, cultural or ecological importance), we estimate a mean overall FMI of 0.48, and estimate that only 19% of fisheries have a reliable estimate of stock status available; both measures are lower than similar estimates for federally managed fisheries. Funding or capacity constraints and information or data limitations were identified as common challenges faced by state agencies in managing fisheries under their jurisdiction.  相似文献   

This paper argues that if rebuilding of ecosystems is adopted as the goal for fisheries management, recent disputes over political interference in the scientific process would be reduced in severity through a clarification of objectives and procedures. The use of an ecosystem approach enables alternative end states of current harvesting policy to be evaluated more objectively. Moreover, support from the general public for fisheries policy is likely to be greater when they are given a clear and important role to play as sentinels reporting upon the status of a wide range of organisms in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Sustainability indices are proliferating, both to help synthesize scientific understanding and inform policy. However, it remains poorly understood how such indices are affected by underlying assumptions of the data and modelling approaches used to compute indicator values. Here, we focus on one such indicator, the fisheries goal within the Ocean Health Index (OHI), which evaluates the sustainable provision of food from wild fisheries. We quantify uncertainty in the fisheries goal status arising from the (a) approach for estimating missing data (i.e., fish stocks with no status) and (b) reliance on a data‐limited method (catch‐MSY) to estimate stock status (i.e., B/BMSY). We also compare several other models to estimate B/BMSY, including an ensemble approach, to determine whether alternative models might reduce uncertainty and bias. We find that the current OHI fisheries goal model results in overly optimistic fisheries goal statuses. Uncertainty and bias can be reduced by (a) using a mean (vs. median) gap‐filling approach to estimate missing stock scores and (b) estimating fisheries status using the central tendency from a simulated distribution of status scores generated by a bootstrap approach that incorporates error in B/BMSY. This multitiered approach to measure and describe uncertainty improves the transparency and interpretation of the indicator and allows us to better understand uncertainty around our OHI fisheries model and outputs for country‐level interpretation and use.  相似文献   

论述了科技文献开放存取产生的背景和中文科技文献开放获取的现状,分析了水产科技文献开放获取的必要性和可行性。中文开放获取科技文献的发布形式主要有电子版科技期刊、e-印本文献网站和专业机构数据库,其中电子科技期刊数量最多。根据在因特网上的搜索结果,截至2007年11月,通过因特网可免费查阅全文的中文科技期刊有475种,与上一年的搜索结果相比增加了80种;以《2007年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》收录的1723种核心期刊为基础,将其中与水产科学相关的期刊进行分类统计,对开放获取期刊和非开放获取期刊的总被引频次和影响因子进行比较分析,结果显示:开放获取期刊的总被引频次和影响因子明显高于非开放获取期刊。认为水产科技文献信息的出版发布应该积极采取开放获取的策略,此举对促进国内水产科技文献交流共享,提升水产科技期刊影响力和渔业科技创新具有重要作用。  相似文献   

An explanation of the need for orientation of the fisheries service in Anglia around work now well in progress to establish and monitor the status of fisheries in the region is given. The changing pressures upon fisheries are discussed and a scheme for linking all aspects of the Anglian Fisheries service into an overall, scientifically based system for their future management is presented.  相似文献   

渔业资源可持续利用是实现渔业可持续发展的基础,如何评价其可持续利用是重要的科学问题。本文基于生态足迹理论构建了渔业可持续指数的评价框架,并利用该评价指数对江苏省1949~2007年的渔业资源利用状况进行了定量评价。结果显示:1949~1978年的近30年间,江苏省渔业资源基本处于可持续利用状态,但改革开放以后,尤其是1980、1990年代总体处在较强的不可持续利用状态,过度捕捞是导致渔业资源不可持续利用的重要原因;2000年以后不可持续性程度有所减缓,说明伏季休渔、增殖放流等生态保护措施已初见成效。最后就如何提高渔业资源可持续性水平,降低经济社会发展对渔业资源的负面影响提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

基于个体生态模型在渔业生态中应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈新军  李曰嵩 《水产学报》2012,36(4):629-640
近年来, 基于个体的生态模型(individual-based model, IBM)被广泛应用到海洋生态环境中, 被认为可能是研究鱼类生态过程的唯一合理手段。基于个体生态模型以众多的生物个体为模拟对象, 考虑个体之间的差异、环境条件的时空变化对个体发育的影响,这一研究为基于生态系统的渔业管理, 以及资源补充量预测分析提供了科学的研究方法和手段。本文主要介绍了IBM的基本概念, 以及在渔业上的研究方法和技术, 总结了IBM在鱼类输运、生长死亡和捕食相关的应用研究现状以及IBM在渔业上未来发展趋势, 并对IBM在渔业上应用的问题和不足进行了分析和讨论。本论文的总结与分析将为国内开展我国近海鱼类早期生活史的研究, 以及基于生态系统的渔业资源评估管理提供参考。  相似文献   

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