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华北某些旱地硫库的组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil sulfur fractions,including monocalcium phosphate-extractable S,slowly soluble inorganic S,C-O-S,C-bonded S and unidentified organic S,were analyzed for 48 soils,as representatives of 6 major groups of upland soils,fluvisol,cinnamon soil,loessial soil,chestnut soil,black soil and brown soil,in North china,The contents of total S and monocalcium phosphate-extractalble S in the above 48 soils ranged from 234 to 860 and 5.1to 220.3mg kg^-1,respectively and each of 6 soil groups contained the samples with a low level of phosphate-extractable S.Great differences in the average contents of each fraction of S were observed among the above 6 soil groups.Expressed as average percentage of the total S in soils,fluvisols,cinnamon soils,loessial soils,chestnut soils,black soils and brown soils contained 6.1%,9.5%,5.7%,13.2%,3.5%and 6.8% monocalcium phosphate-extractable S,5.7%,3.0%,9.3%,10.4%,3.2%and 3.1% slowly soluble inorganic S,51.6%,26.7%,17.4%,31.2%,28.9%and 22.7% C-O-S,11.0%,9.1%,6.6%,6.8%,9.7%and 9.4% in C-bonded S,and 25.6%,51.7%,60.8%,38.4%,54.7%and 53.0% unidentifed organic S,respectively,FOr the above 6 groups of soils,the mean C/N ratios were remarkably similar,ranging from 9.7 to 10.7,while the mean N/S ratios ranged from 1.16 to 3.12,The highest ratios of C/N,C/C-O-S and C/C-bonded S were found in black soils.averaging 30.4,104.9and 314.7,respectively,while the lowest ratios arose in chestnut soil,averaging 12.4,39.7 and 183.3,respectively.  相似文献   

天鹰椒施用氮肥 ,增加了干物质中N ,Mg的百分含量 ,但减少了P和K的百分含量 ;施N情况下 ,N ,P ,Ca,Mg的吸收总量增加。施用磷肥 ,增加了干物质中P的百分含量 ,减少了Ca ,Mg的百分含量 ;N ,P ,K ,Ca的吸收总量增加 ,Mg的吸收总量减少。施用钾肥 ,增加了干物质中K的百分含量 ,减少了Ca ,Mg的百分含量 ,K ,P的吸收总量增加 ,N ,Ca ,Mg的吸收总量减少  相似文献   

江西省红壤侵蚀劣地植被恢复技术及综合治理效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭晓敏  牛德奎 《水土保持研究》1998,5(2):108-112,162
对江西省不同类型红壤侵蚀劣地采用不同治理技术,在恢复植被的基础上,进行综合治理和立体经营,研究结果表明,针,阔叶混交,乔,灌,草齐上,水保工程措施和生物措施相给,一林多用的树种组合,是治理红壤强度侵蚀劣地的有效措施,坡顶,坡面,沟底综合开发,进行合理生物体系设计,是治理库区水土流失和荒沟的好方法,因地制宜选择优良的树种,辅以先进的造林技术,对林地实行立体复合经营,是提高综合治理效益,迅速恢复植被的  相似文献   

正说得好,唱得好,咱把水保表一表;水保人,搞水保,整天围着大山跑,种树种花又种草,山区百姓都夸好!水保人,真能干,天凉天热一身汗!整梯田,修地埂,山沟沟里打个堰,一到夏天水就漫,一溜一溜真好看!挖水沟,整田面,敢与愚公比着干!水保林,绿油油,大树小树满山头,保持水土就是牛!经果林,齐刷刷,漫山遍野都开花,硕果累累枝头压,脱贫攻坚全靠它!封山育林好处多,费省效宏不用  相似文献   

贵州省喀斯特地区解决小流域粮食问题途径   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈文贵 《水土保持通报》1999,19(1):52-55,60
俄脚河小流域,因长期掠夺性开发利用,使植被屡遭破坏,生态环境恶化,加上落后的生产方式,造成粮食单产低,粮食产量严重不足,根据小流域的特点,通过科学配置各项治理措施,综合治理和控制水土流失,恢复生态平衡,改善粮食生产的外部生产条件,建设高标准的水平梯田,提高地力,改变传统的耕作制度,控制人口增长,大力推广良种和高产栽培技术,促进粮食的高产、稳产,为喀斯特地区解决粮食问题提供了较好的模式。  相似文献   

土壤耕层熟化度对水盐动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏北滨海盐渍土地区,地势低平,地下水位高,矿化度大,排水深度有限,但雨量较多而较集中,有一定自然淋盐条件,因此,壤质地区的盐渍土,脱盐较容易,返盐亦很快,水盐动态变化频繁,防盐保苗困难,产量低而不稳.  相似文献   

表面活性剂与EDTA对紫色土镉的化学行为影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Elemental composition and geochemical characteristics of iron-manganese nodules from nine main soils in China were studied by chemical and multivariate statistical analyses to better understand the reactions and functions of ironmanganese nodules in soils and sediment. Compared to the corresponding soils, Mn, Ba, Cd, Co and Pb had strong accumulation, Ni had moderate accumulation, while Ca, Cu, Fe, Na, P, Sr and Zn accumulated to a minor degree in the iron-manganese nodules. In contrast, Si, Al, K, Mg and Ti were reduced in the iron-manganese nodules. The contents of Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were positively and significantly correlated with that of MnO2 in the iron-manganese nodules, while the contents of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were positively and significantly correlated with that of Fe2O3 in soils. Based on a principle component analysis, the elements of iron-manganese nodules were divided into four groups: 1) Mn, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb and Zn that were associated with Mn oxides, 2) Fe, Cr and P that were associated with Fe oxides, 3) Si, K, and Mg that were included in the elemental composition of phyllosilicate, and 4) Ca, Na, Al and Ti that existed in todorokite, birnessite, lithiophorite and phyllosilicate. It was suggested that accumulation, mineralization and specific adsorption were involved in the formation processes of soil iron-manganese nodules.  相似文献   

中国农业大学(18) :李民赞,李法虎,雷廷武,李永欣,董乔雪,牛振国,徐泳,冯斌,展志岗,黄兴法,侯彩云,黄元仿,何雄奎,王晓燕,王忠义,汪喜波,杨培岭,宋卫堂西北农林科技大学(10 ) :何东健,冯浩,康绍忠,杨青,阎勤劳,杨中平,蔡焕杰,吴普特,刘文兆,薛惠岚浙江大学(8) :应义斌,何勇,黄敬峰,刘东红,鲁成树,郑晓冬,司慧萍,蒋焕煜江苏大学(5 ) :毛罕平,马海乐,邹小波,李萍萍,宫赤坤农业部规划设计研究院(4 ) :朱明,杨邦杰,周长吉,洪仁彪沈阳农业大学(4 ) :白义奎,高连兴,张祖立,李成华吉林大学(3) :任露泉,吴才聪,左春柽东北农业大学(2 ) :蒋恩臣,郑先…  相似文献   

安徽省繁昌县区域土壤重金属污染初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对安徽省繁昌县环城,黄浒,荻港,新港,马坝,三山,小洲,新林等8个典型农业区域土壤重金属As,Hg,Pb,Cd,Zn,Cr污染现状的调查与分析,建立了土壤重金属污染研究的一般程度和方法,在分析各典型调查区域环境背景特征的基础上,计算出各区域土壤重金属污染指数,应用对应分析技术,研究了各调查区土壤重金属的污染特征,结果表明,繁晶县区域土壤重金属污染已比较显著,且各区域间土壤重金属污染具有一定的差异,总体上获港镇较其他区域污染严重,各区域间Cd,As污染水工异明显,但Hg,Pb,Zn,Cr污染差异不大,最后,根据研究结果提出了控制繁昌县区域土壤重金属污染,改善区域土壤环境质量的建议。  相似文献   

本文是《广西壮族自治区畜禽寄生虫名录》的补遗与修订 ,收载了广西畜禽体内外寄生虫共计 51 8种 ,隶属于 7门 ,1 0纲 ,2 5目。它们包括 :鞭毛虫 2科 ,2属 ,2种 ;类锥体虫 2科 ,4属 ,4 6种 ;无类锥体虫 2科 ,2属 ,4种 ;纤毛虫 1科 ,1属 ,1种 ;吸虫 1 6科 ,38属 ,95种 ;绦虫 6科 ,2 4属 ,4 2种 ;线虫30科 ,64属 ,1 36种 ,棘头虫 3科 ,3属 ,5种 ;蜱螨 7科 ,1 3属 ,2 5种 ;昆虫 1 9科 ,38属 ,1 62种  相似文献   

<正>张家口市位于河北省西北部,东临北京,西接山西,北靠内蒙古,是北京的“北大门”,肩负着保护首都环境的重任.全市辖13县4区,总面积3.7万km~2,总人口430万,农业人口340万,有农业劳力157万个,耕地90万hm~2.由于地处内蒙古高原与华北平原的过渡地带,境内燕山、恒山、太行山三山交汇,形成了复杂多变的地貌单元.北部坝上4县为内蒙古高原南缘,属典型的波状高原景观;南部坝下9县4区属丘陵山区,多属永定河流域,地形变化大,桑干河、洋河及其支流穿越其间,山区、丘陵及山间小盆地相间分布.张家口市气候条件恶劣,多风沙少雨雪,年均降水400mm左右,且时空分布不均,雨量集中在7、8、9三个月,小气候复杂,局部暴雨频繁出现.长期以来,由于风力和水力的侵蚀,造成山丘区沟壑纵横,支离破碎,土质松散,土壤贫瘠,植被稀少,河道、水库严重淤积,水土流失面积大,侵蚀类型多,程度严重.  相似文献   

云南南涧干热退化山地环境特征及其治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表破碎,冲沟发育,植被稀疏,土壤石砾含量高,高温,雨量少而集中,地表径流量大,松散固体物丰富,水土流失与泥石流危害严重,土地生产力低下,是云南南涧县热退化山地的环境背景特征,根据生态学原理和方法,结合南涧的实际情况,提出了生物生太工程治理泥石流与退化山地的方法,从1989年开始,对南涧县城后山干热退化山地开展生物生态工程治理,采取“稳,调,固,护”的技术路线,进行以调蓄水措施为核心的山地环境建设,筛选出一批适应干热环境的乔,灌,草植物,营造了多种不同结构和功能的植物群落,开生物坝系工程,治理各类侵蚀沟道,经过8a治理,森林覆盖率从5%增加到65%,生态环境得到明显改善。  相似文献   

南昌市城市污泥重金属形态分布及其生物活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对南昌市青山污泥和纸厂污泥Hg,Ni,Cd,Cr,Zn,As,Cu,Pb的形态分布及其生物活性和迁移性进行了调查研究。结果表明,运用Tessier连续提取法,污泥中Hg,Ni,Cd,Cr,Zn,As,Cu,Pb的各形态含量之和与其总量非常接近,对Pb提取率为92.5%~94.6%,对Cr为90.1%~90.3%,表明该形态分析方法的结果是合理的。2种城市污泥中Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Cd,Pb,Cr,Hg的形态分布有很大的差别,且这些重金属的不同形态也存在较大的差异。青山污泥重金属生物活性系数的大小顺序是:HgNiAsCdCuCrZnPb;迁移能力的顺序为:HgNiCdCrZnAsCuPb。纸厂污泥重金属生物活性系数的大小顺序是:CrHgCuCdNiZnAsPb,迁移能力的顺序是:CrHgCdNiZnCuAs≈Pb。研究结果将在污泥的农业利用中为污泥中重金属危害的评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

朱华明 《南方农业》2007,1(5):46-49
以雅安市工业园区绿地系统规划为例,引入景观生态学理论,确定园区绿地系统构建的布局结构和规划目标,力求把园区建设成各种园林绿地类型齐全,分布合理,居民使用便捷,山清水秀,绿树成荫,鸟语花香,景色宜人,生态稳定,贴近自然,游赏方便,利于经济,城乡一体,具名山茶乡特色的山水园林工业园区。  相似文献   

本文是《广西壮族自治区畜禽寄生虫名录》补遗与修订(Ⅲ),收载了广西畜禽体内外寄生虫共计518种,隶属于7门,10纲,25目。它们包括:鞭毛虫2科,2属,2种,;类锥体虫2科,4属,46种;无类锥体虫2科,2属,4种;纤毛虫1科,1属,1种;吸虫16科,38属,95种;绦虫6科,24属,42种;线虫30科,64属,136种,棘头虫3科,3属,5种;蜱螨7科,13属,25种;昆虫19科,38属,162种。  相似文献   

五优308,2008年开始引入化州市试种,表现熟期适宜,丰产性和农艺性状较好,适应性广,株型中集,有效穗多,剑叶短小,米质好,后期熟色好。其栽培要点:适时播种,培育矮壮秧,合理密植,抛足基本苗,施足基肥,早追肥,增施P、K肥,加强病虫害防治等。  相似文献   

1形态特征蓝莓为杜鹃花科越橘属多年生灌木,因其果实呈蓝色而得名。蓝莓树体丛生,高0.3-1.5米,叶互生,倒卵状,椭圆形,长1-2.5厘米,全缘。花着生于上年枝顶,下垂。花绿白色,壶形,花期6月。浆果近球形,成熟时黑紫色,披白粉。果7月末成熟,果肉细腻,甜酸适度,具香气。蓝莓喜光、耐  相似文献   

丘陵红壤橘园不同地面管理措施的经济生态效益研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-year experiment was conducted to investigate and compare the economic and ecological benefits of six types of vegetation management measures in citrus orchards of the hilly red soil region of the eastern part of China. Six vegetation treatments, including tillage without herbicide (clean tillage) and no tillage without herbicide (sod culture) and with herbicide paraquat (paraquat), glyphosate (glyphosate), glyphosate-glyphosate-paraquat (G-G-P), and paraquatparaquat-glyphosate (P-P-G), were applied in the citrus orchards on a clayey red soil with slopes of 8° and 13°and a sandy soil with slope of 25°. The results showed that the sod culture, paraquat, glyphosate, G-G-P, and P-P-G treatments reduced surface runoff by 38.8%, 42.5%, 18.7%, 28.7%, and 37.5%, then the soil-water losses by 55.5%, 51.7%, 39.9%, 46.8%, and 50.0%, and the N, P, and K nutrient losses by 60.3%, 50.2%, 37.0%, 41.8%, and 45.4%, respectively, as compared with the clean tillage treatment. The weed regeneration ratios with the treatments of clean tillage without herbicide, paraquat, glyphosate, G-G-P, and P-P-G were reduced by 55.1%, 67.2%, 30.3%, 36.8%, and 51.2%, respectively, as compared with the sod culture. The sod culture, paraquat, glyphosate, G-G-P, and P-P-G treatments could increase the soil fertility (annual accumulation of N, P, K, and OM) by 7.1%, 6.9%, 5.3%, 6.2%, and 6.6%, respectively, whereas the clean tillage treatment without herbicide reduced soil fertility by 4.4% after the three-year experiment. The citrus fruit yields in the treatments of paraquat, glyphosate, G-G-P, and P-P-G increased by 7%-10%; the soluble solid, total sugar, total acidity, sugar-acid ratio, and single fruit weight of citrus fruits of all treatments except sod culture significantly (P 〉 0.05) exceeded that of the clean tillage treatment. In general, the paraquat treatment showed the best economic and ecological benefits among the six treatments; therefore, it could be regarded as the best available vegetation  相似文献   

6月天气日渐炎热,降水最多,暴雨频繁,常有雨涝。本月中的“芒种”节气,表示大麦、小麦等有芒作物成熟,忙于夏收夏种。“夏至”节气,是炎热夏天到来的意思。这时,天气炎热,白天最长,黑夜最短。之后,白天渐短,黑夜渐长,作物生长旺盛,病虫也迅速滋生蔓延,要加强田间管理。  相似文献   

免耕与翻耕直播对土壤特性及水稻生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对土壤的容重,氧化还原电位,土温,通气孔隙,剖面结构和水稻根系,伤流液,灌浆速度,分蘖状况,经济性状等项目的测定,试验研究免耕与翻耕直播技术,明确了免耕 对于翻耕直播不但能促进水稻生长,还能改善土壤结构,保护土壤,是一项更轻型化的栽培技术。  相似文献   

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