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作者姓名:王虹  张卫红  赵建成  迪丽热萨·艾尔肯  严瑾  买买提明·苏来曼
摘    要:目的]为了对新疆帕米尔地区6种真藓科植物进行解剖学研究。方法]应用石蜡切片和电镜扫描技术,对6种真藓科植物茎、叶的微结构进行了较详细地观察和分析。结果]垂蒴真藓茎横切面的边缘平整,细胞排列整齐;叶细胞角质层厚,表面较粗糙,有细小的颗粒状和鳞片状附属物分布。灰黄真藓茎表皮细胞强烈凹陷,茎横切面边缘不整齐,细胞镶嵌排列;叶背、腹面相邻细胞的细胞壁呈"菌褶状",细胞表面较光滑。宽叶真藓茎横切面五角形;叶片背卷,多数叶细胞中内含物浓厚,叶背、腹面细胞壁呈规则"网格状",叶背面有细小的附属物零星分布,角质层皱折不多;叶腹面细胞表面较光滑。紫色真藓茎横切面不规则多边形;叶背、腹面细胞壁上零星分布着一些不规则的附属物,背面细胞排列呈不规则"网格状",腹面细胞排列呈整齐的"竹节状"。拟三列真藓茎内皮部具体积大的薄壁细胞,中轴分化明显;叶背、腹面细胞壁凹陷相对浅些,3~5个单疣或分叉疣分布于凹陷的细胞壁上,疣上有条状纹饰。湿地真藓茎细胞壁薄,均有角隅加厚现象,叶边内卷,叶背、腹面细胞壁呈挤压状不规则排列,角质层纹饰细小,数量较多。结论]6种真藓科植物的茎、叶的微结构均存在一定的差异,具有重要的分类学意义。

关 键 词:真藓科  石蜡切片  电镜扫描  解剖学

Comparative Anatomy of Six Species of Bryaceae (Musci) from Pamirs
Institution:WANG Hong et al (College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumchi, Xinjiang 830046)
Abstract: Objective ] The research aimed to investigate the stem and leaf anatomy of six species of Bryaceae from Pamirs, Xinjiang. Meth- od ] The stem and leaf microstructure of these species were observed and analyzed by paraffin section and SEM. Result ] The margins of stem transverse section of Bryum uliginosum ( Brid. ) were smooth, arid the cells were neatly arranged. The leaf cell cuticle of Bryum uliginosum ( Brid. ) was thicker with rough surface and was distributed with fine granular scaly appendage. The margins of stem transverse section of Bry- um pallens Sw. wasn' t smooth', and the cells were mosaic arranged with strongly sunken surface. The wall of adjacent cells of adaxial and ab- axial leaf surfaces were lamellfformed with smooth surface. The transverse sections of Bryum funkii Schwaegr were pentagram. The leaves were curled to abaxial surface, and inclusions of most leaf cells were dense. The cell wall of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were regularly reticula- ted. The abaxial surfaces were distributed with few fine appendage with few cuticle wrinkle. The cell surface of adaxial surface was smooth. The transverse sections of Bryum purpurascens (R. Br)were irregular polygon. The adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were distributed with few irregu- lar appendage. The cells of abaxial surface were irreguly reticulated. The cells of adaxial surface were neatly arranged like bamboo. There were big parenchyma cells in stem endothelial part of Bryum pseudotriquetrum ( Hedw. ) Gaerth. The central axis were obvious. The hollow of cell wall of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were shallower with 3 - 5 single or forked warts with strip ornamentation. The cell wall of stem of Bry- um schleicheri Schwaegr. was thinner with thickened corner. The leaf margin was curled. The cells of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces were ir- regularly arranged extrudely with fine large number of cuticle ornamentation. Conclusion ] The stem and leaf microstructure were somewhat different between these six Bryaceae species with important significance of taxonomy.
Keywords:Bryaceae  Paraffin section  SEM  Anatomy
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