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对马铃薯晚疫病菌[Phytophthorainfestans(Mont.)deBary]卵孢子形成的影响因素及卵孢子菌系生物学特性进行研究。卵孢子形成的影响因素试验结果表明:在黑麦A培养基中卵孢子产生的量最多,其次是燕麦培养基,V8培养基最少,在Mira品种上卵孢子产生量最多,而在PB06上只有少量产生,在10℃下产生卵孢子的量最多,15℃最少。用液体培养基产生的卵孢子悬浮液涂于黑麦A抗菌素培养基或直接挑单卵孢子培养于黑麦A抗菌素培养基上,获得单卵孢子菌落,继续培养获得单卵孢子菌系。以A1和A2孢子囊等量混合制成悬浮液,接种于Mira叶片上,获得卵孢子群,经穿薯片培养获得卵孢子群菌系。将获得的单卵孢子菌系和卵孢子群菌系进行交配型、抗药性和致病性测定,结果表明:所测的18个卵孢子菌株中,有17个为A2交配型,1个为A1交配型;占75%的卵孢子菌株对甲霜灵表现为中抗,25%的表现为抗性;对非水平抗性品种表现为较强的致病性,而对水平抗性品种的致病性较弱,不同的卵孢子菌系的致病性表现较明显的差异。  相似文献   
苎麻疫霉卵孢子萌发研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Results are given on the occurrence of sexual compatibility types of seven isolates ofBremia lactucae originating fromLactuca serriola (prickly lettuce). It is concluded that the isolates studied are heterothallic. Both compatibility types (B1 en B2) were determined, but type B2 was prevalent. Sexual recombination ofB. lactucae isolates originating from wild and cultivated lettuce may occur.Samenvatting Zeven isolaten vanBremia lactucae, afkomstig vanLactuca serriola in Tsjechoslowakije, zijn onderzocht op hun sexuele compatibiliteitstype door ze te combineren met Nederlandse fysio's vanB. lactucae, afkomstig van cultuursla (L. sativa), waarvan het compatibiliteitstype (B1 of B2) bekend is. Alle isolaten vanL. serriola bleken heterothallisch te zijn, waarbij type B2 meer werd aangetroffen dan type B1. Sexuele recombinatie vanBremia-isolaten van wildeLactuca-soorten en cultuursla blijkt goed mogelijk te zijn.  相似文献   
To determine the potential of sexual reproduction among host-adapted populations of Phytophthora infestans sensu lato in Ecuador, 13 A1 isolates belonging to clonal lineages US-1, EC-1 and EC-3, and 11 A2 isolates belonging to the clonal lineage EC-2, were paired on agar plates to induce crossing. In the first experiment, six A1 isolates (three US-1, two EC-1 and one EC-3) were each crossed with three A2 isolates (total = 18 crosses). Matings involving isolates of the EC-1 lineage produced more oospores of healthy appearance than did matings with isolates of US-1 or EC-3. In the second experiment, the oospores of 35 crosses (21 EC-1 × EC-2; 10 US-1 × EC-2; four EC-3 × EC-2) were dispersed on water agar to assess oospore germination. Overall, germination percentages were low. Only one cross produced enough progeny for evaluation. Twenty-three single-oospore offspring were isolated and evaluated for mating type; electrophoretic patterns of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase ( Gpi ) and peptidase ( Pep ) alloenzyme loci; mitochondrial DNA haplotype; and genomic DNA fingerprint. Multilocus genotype data indicated that all 23 isolates resulted from meiotic recombination. Four progeny with homothallic phenotype appeared to be unstable heterokaryons. Markers at several loci segregated according to simple Mendelian expectations for a diploid organism, but the ratios of three RFLP loci and the Pep locus were not consistent with Mendelian expectations. All progeny were nonpathogenic on hosts of the parental genotypes. Reduced mating success and reduced pathogenic fitness of progeny appear to be postmating mechanisms of reproductive isolation in populations of P. infestans sensu lato in Ecuador.  相似文献   
葡萄霜霉病发病情况的调查和研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2001~2003年对北疆部分地区葡萄霜霉病发生情况进行调查和研究.结果表明:6月上中旬平均温度低,降雨量大,雨日数多,霜霉病就会流行.霜霉病的发病与间作作物种类关系不大,主要与湿度大小有关.鲜食葡萄中高墨最为抗病;酿酒葡萄中,梅露辄和佳美较抗病.在石河子地区葡萄霜霉病菌是以卵孢子越冬的.  相似文献   
This work evaluates the formation of oospores of Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grape downy mildew (DM), in highland regions in southern Brazil. Leaves of susceptible and resistant grape genotypes naturally infected with the pathogen were collected in the autumn of 2017, 2018, and 2019 from vineyards located in the highlands of Santa Catarina state. Leaf tissues were evaluated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Oospores of P. viticola were identified in both susceptible and resistant host genotypes. They were concentrated in the central regions of the DM lesions, close to the leaf veins, and exhibited a rounded shape, yellowish colour, thick wall, and a diameter ranging from 16.28 to 49.15 µm. The formation of oospores is strong evidence that sexual reproduction is occurring in P. viticola in the climatic conditions of the highlands of southern Brazil. Sexual reproduction contributes to the maximization of genetic diversity via meiosis. Populations with high genetic variability are more likely to break resistance mechanisms conferred by resistance genes and to develop resistance to fungicides applied for disease control. To our knowledge, this is the first scientific study to prove the formation of P. viticola oospores in Brazil. The results presented provide a solid basis for further studies on sexual recombination in P. viticola. Genetic improvement programmes for grapevines, disease management methods, and disease prediction models need to consider the sexual reproduction of this pathogen, otherwise their effectiveness may be compromised.  相似文献   
Summary One hundred and four isolates ofPhytophthora infestans were collected during 1990–93 from different potato growing regions of India. They were paired with mating type A1 ofP. capsici to determine their mating type. All isolates from the Indo-Gangetic plains and Assam were the A1 mating type, whereas a mixed population of A1 and A2 types occurred at Shillong, Darjeeling and Shimla hills. The frequency of A2 isolates was 5–30% in the Shimla hills and 60% and 58% respectively in the Shillong and Darjeeling hills.  相似文献   
影响大豆疫霉根腐病菌卵孢子生活力的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某些大豆生产区,由大豆疫霉(Phytophthorasojae)引起的大豆根茎腐烂病是一种普遍流行的、极具破坏性的病害,病原真菌以卵孢子在土壤中越冬,在条件适宜时导致下一年大豆发生根茎腐烂。病原菌卵孢子也可以存在于患病种皮内,但其在病害循环中的作用还不清楚。卵孢子通常休眠一段时间后才萌发,这阻碍了大豆疫霉有性生殖后代毒性的遗传和变异研究。而研究的目的是寻找一种能够促进卵孢子在短时间内大量萌发的方法。在研究过程中采用MTT染色法检测处理后的卵孢子的生活力。结果表明,卵孢子龄期、预处理温度、化学物质在某种程度上均影响大豆疫霉卵孢子的生活力。用0.4%的KMnO4处理45d龄期的卵孢子,或35℃下处理5d有利于卵孢子的萌动,H2O2、大豆根汁液和大豆根际土壤浸出液对卵孢子生活力没有影响。  相似文献   
同宗配合的马铃薯晚疫病菌曾在中国被发现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄河 《植物病理学报》2002,32(4):347-350
 在1964年分离的84株菌中,有一株从甘肃岷县隆安洋芋马铃薯病薯上分离到的晚疫病菌,不经交配即能在纯培养上长出具有典型的围生雄器和藏卵器的卵孢子。经单孢子囊或单游动孢子分离都证明这一特性能保持下来,说明该菌是同宗配合交配型。致病性试验也证明是标准的晚疫病菌。由此可见,马铃薯晚疫病菌除异宗配合外还存在同宗配合形成卵孢子的这一条途径,虽不普遍但不应忽视。  相似文献   
Cardinal temperatures for mycelial growth ofPhytophthora porri on corn-meal agar were <5 (minimum), 15–20 (optimum) and just above 25 °C (maximum). The number of infections after zoospore inoculation of young leaf plants was relatively low at supra-optimal temperatures, but was not affected by sub-optimal temperatures. Even at 0 °C plants were infected. The incubation periods needed for symptom formation were 36–57 d at 0 °C, 13–18 d at 5 °C, and 4–11 d at > 11 °C, and were fitted to temperature between 0 and 24 °C with a hyperbolical model (1/p=0.00812*T+0.0243). Oospore germination, reported for the first time forP. porri, was strongly reduced after 5 h at 45 °C, and totally absent after 5 h at 55 °C. Soil solarization for six weeks during an exceptionally warm period in May–June 1992 in The Netherlands raised the soil temperature at 5 cm depth for 17 h above 45 °C, but did not reduce the initial level of disease in August significantly.  相似文献   
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