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优松58是以细胞质雄性不育系HZ-28为母本,以自交系HL-94为父本配制而成的早熟松散型花椰菜一代杂种。华北地区秋露地从定植至收获60 d(天)左右。株型半直立,生长势强,叶片椭圆形,深绿色,叶缘多波浪;花球半球形,白色,球面光滑,花梗绿,口感脆嫩、甜,品质优,单球质量1.0 kg左右。常规栽培平均每667 m~2产量2 000 kg以上,可适当密植,田间对霜霉病、黑腐病的抗性强于对照津松62,适合北京、天津、河北、河南、山东、安徽等地秋季露地栽培。  相似文献   
花椰菜霜霉病是影响其生产和品质的主要真菌类病害之一,为探究基因型、环境,以及基因与环境互作效应对花椰菜霜霉病病情指数的影响,对4个花椰菜品种(厦美80天、雪园80天、830-F、黄80天)进行人工接种,调查了3个生长时期、4个不同田间温湿环境条件处理下花椰菜的发病情况,分析霜霉病病情指数与温度、湿度、昼夜温差、积温和日照时数5个气象因子的相关性。结果表明:对花椰菜霜霉病抗性的贡献率依次为基因型>环境>基因型与环境互作,变异幅度分别为77.52%~87.04%、12.33%~19.94%、0.63%~2.54%;黄80天具有较强的霜霉病抗性,可以作为抗性种质资源;花椰菜霜霉病与日均湿度、昼夜温差呈显著正相关,与日均温度、积温呈显著负相关,与日照时数无显著关系。综上,低温和高湿环境会加剧花椰菜霜霉病的发生,选用抗病品种、秋冬季注意保温、保持通风等措施可以有效降低霜霉病发生。  相似文献   
鹿松90天是温州市神鹿种业有限公司以自交不亲和系12号为母本、自交系BH81为父本配制而成的松花型花椰菜一代杂种,从定植到采收约90 d,每667 m2产量2 800 kg左右。在浙江省温州、杭州、金华、温岭等地试种表现高产稳产、优质、抗逆性强,同时,北京、湖北、河南、四川、甘肃等省市试种结果表明,其适合在东南沿海和黄河流域作中熟栽培。  相似文献   
运用南京蔬菜工厂化育苗中心先进的仪器设备,经精心设计后开展试验研究,旨在探索出不同基质含水量与秋播花椰菜工厂化育苗质量间的关系。将秋季花椰菜育苗划分为播种发茅期、子叶期、1叶1心期、2~5叶期、4~5叶期5个生长阶段,在各阶段均设定4个不同的基质水分处理值进行观测比较分析。试验结果表明:秋季花椰菜育苗5个生长阶段的最佳基质含水量依次为基质最大持水量的85%、65%、65%、75%和75%;另可提供秋播花椰菜优质种苗相应标准参考值为:苗龄4~5叶,株高7.47cm,茎粗3.64mm,最大节间距o.78cm,最大叶形指数1.44。  相似文献   
浙北地区早熟松花菜品种比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浙北松花菜秋季栽培区选择试点,对6个早熟松花菜新品种进行了比较试验。试验结果表明,浙农松花50天是浙北地区秋季抢早栽培的较为理想的品种,而农美50天产量潜力最大,但成熟期略迟,生产上可根据实际情况加以应用。  相似文献   
总结了花椰菜的单球质量、成熟期、株高株展、花球品质等主要性状的遗传规律以及性状之间的相关性,并得出结论:花椰菜主要性状遗传规律以及性状相关性研究对育种研究具有重要指导意义,但必须注重与田间调查相结合,只有将遗传规律与田间调查有机结合才能提高育种效率,提高育种水平。  相似文献   
筛选适宜陕西太白高山冷凉地区种植的松花菜品种,为该地区松花菜品种推广提供科学依据。引进15个供试松花菜品种,以高山宝75为对照品种,运用DTOPSIS法对参试松花菜多个性状进行适应性评价。结果表明,台松90、松不老80、正能松80、正能松90和松美80综合性状均优于对照品种。其中,松不老80主要性状接近理想值,综合排名第1位,表现高产,稳产,品质优良;台松90综合排名第2位,品种综合性状表现较优;正能松80综合排名第3位,可作为优良品种推广。综上所述,15个参试松花菜品种中,台松90、松不老80和正能松80综合性状表现优良,适宜在陕西太白及周边生态环境相似的地区应用推广。  相似文献   
Summary A monogenic dominant male sterility is used for hybrid production in autumn and winter cauliflower. The ratio of male sterile plants in the backcross progenies of autumn cauliflower was 1:1 over five years (1987–1991). However, a significant deficit of male sterile plants was observed in the winter type over the same period.The influence of the temperature on the male sterile phenotype was studied within backcross progenies planted inside polythene tunnels. Six classes of phenotype were defined during the flowering period (from May to November). At low temperature, some male sterile plants developed partial to complete male fertility, whereas at high temperature, male fertile plants became male sterile.Segregation among the progenies of self-pollinated unstable male sterile plants did not deviate from the expected 3:1 ratio. Plants homozygous for the male sterility allele have been revealed by test crosses with a male fertile plant.For use in seed production, stable male sterile plants are vegetatively maintained; however, crossing lines isogenic except at the MS locus would allow male sterile plants to be raised from seed.  相似文献   
P. Crisp 《Euphytica》1982,31(3):725-734
Summary A hypothetical scheme is given for the evolution of the different types of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.). This has been useful in identifying sources of reduced susceptibility to cabbage root fly (Delia radicum (L.)), and may also be useful in the search for reduced susceptibility to clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron.). It is argued that knowledge of the phylogeny of types within each crop species is of great importance in the exploitation of genetic resources.  相似文献   
Summary Alloplasmic male-sterile Brassica oleracea L. was synthesized in a backcrossing program through amphidiploid Raphanobrassica by using Early Scarlet Globe radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as the donor of cytoplasm and B. oleracea broccoli and cabbage as recurrent pollen parents. Persistence of radish chromosomes and high female sterility were encountered in the first four backcrosses. Following use of colchiploid 4x broccoli as pollen parent, a BC5 plant was obtained that had 2n=3x+1=28 chromosomes, improved seed set, and no radish traits. The BC6 with recurrent 2x broccoli contained male-sterile plants with 2n=18 or 19 chromosomes, increased seed set, and broccoli morphology. Subsequent generations segregated for male-sterile and restored male-fertile plants, some with variable development of stamens and pollen. Leaf color of the alloplasmic plants, especially seedlings, was lighter green than normal.  相似文献   
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