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为定位水稻芽期耐冷QTL,本实验以双季超级稻品种‘五丰优T025’的双亲‘五丰B’和‘昌恢T025’杂交衍生的重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines, RILs)群体为材料,对10℃低温处理的水稻幼芽的存活率、根数、根长和芽长进行了测定。利用QTL Icimapping v4.2软件,共检测到3个控制芽期耐冷性QTL:qRL1qRL2qBL6,分别位于第1、2、6染色体上,LOD值分别为2.98,2.51和5.26,分别解释表型变异的10.54%,8.67%和14.04%,其增效等位基因均来自于亲本‘昌恢T025’。这些QTL定位在6.75k~40.05 kb染色体区间,为后续利用这些QTL进行分子标记辅助,选育芽期耐冷籼稻新品种奠定了基础。此外,检测到13对影响水稻芽期耐冷上位性互作QTL,分布在所有12条染色体,其中第3染色体与第8染色体之间互作位点可解释的表型变异率达到21.77%,表明上位性互作QTL在调控水稻芽期耐冷过程中也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
Rice production needs to increase in the future in order to meet increasing demands. The development of new improved and higher yielding varieties more quickly will be needed to meet this demand. However, most rice breeding programmes in the world have not changed in several decades. In this article, we revisit the evidence in favour of using rapid generation advance (RGA) as a routine breeding method. We describe preliminary activities at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to re-establish RGA on a large scale as the main breeding method for irrigated rice breeding. We also describe experiences from the early adoption at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. Evaluation of RGA breeding lines at IRRI for yield, flowering time and plant height indicated transgressive segregation for all traits. Some RGA lines were also higher yielding than the check varieties. The cost advantages of using RGA compared to the pedigree method were also empirically determined by performing an economic analysis. This indicated that RGA is several times more cost effective and advantages will be realized after 1 year even if facilities need to be built. Based on our experience, and previous independent research empirically testing the RGA method in rice, we recommend that this method should be implemented for routine rice breeding in order to improve breeding efficiency.  相似文献   
对大拇指矮和偃展1号构建的重组自交系群体(RILs)后代主要农艺性状进行遗传分析,并调查其抽穗期、开花期、株高、穗长、单株穗数、单穗小穗数、单穗结实小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重9个农艺性状。结果表明,上述性状在重组自交系后代中表现出双向超亲分离,根据抽穗期、单株穗数、单穗结实小穗数、穗粒数和千粒重这5个重要农艺性状进行优良株系的筛选,均得到超高亲的株系,为进一步利用该重组自交系群体进行小麦品种改良提供了重要材料。  相似文献   
[目的]为性状的基因定位及综合性状优良的玉米自交系挖掘提供理论依据。[方法]以玉米RILs群体(吉846×掖3189)的280个家系及2个亲本为试材,采用随机区组设计,连续3年对供试材料进行田间鉴定,分析产量及相关性状表现。[结果]家系间、年份与家系互作间10个性状均存在极显著差异;各性状的广义遗传力较大,在50.76%~82.81%;群体内各性状的偏度和峰度绝对值小于1,符合正态分布。[结论]家系2、10、27、122、257和321的产量及相关性状在不同年份均表现较好,在今后玉米育种中可优先利用;10个性状均可进行QTL分析。  相似文献   
The green-revolution Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing alleles are usually associated with increased wheat yields but are linked to reduced early growth and poor emergence if sowing conditions are unfavourable. Other dwarfing genes are available but not used in commercial breeding. The Rht13 bread wheat donor, Magnif M1, produces uniquely short peduncle and penultimate internodes to reduce plant height. A set of near-isogenic (NILs) and recombinant inbred (RILs) lines varying for height were developed from the cross of Magnif M1 and the Rht8c-containing Chuan-mai 18, and evaluated for a range of agronomic characteristics across favourable environments. Reductions in plant height were associated with increased grain number (r2 = 0.35**) and harvest index (r2 = 0.62**) in the NILs. Reduced-height RILs containing the Rht13-linked, Xgwm577M microsatellite marker were significantly shorter, produced greater biomass, yield and harvest index, and increased spike and grain number than lines without the marker. Approximately 74 and 7% of the total phenotypic variance in plant height was accounted for by allelic differences in Xgwm577 and Rht8 loci, respectively. The peduncle and penultimate peduncle internodes of Rht13-containing lines were proportionately shorter than Rht8c-containing sibs and lines containing the Rht-B1b dwarfing allele. The unique height-reducing phenotype, increased grain number and yield associated with Rht13 indicate considerable potential for use of this dwarfing allele for improving wheat performance.  相似文献   
培育和种植抗黄曲霉品种是防控花生黄曲霉毒素污染最为经济有效的途径,而黄曲霉抗性与高产的矛盾一直是花生抗黄曲霉育种的障碍.本研究以抗黄曲霉花生种质J11与高产品种中花16为亲本构建的重组自交系群体(Recombined inbreed lines,RILs)为材料,进行黄曲霉侵染和产毒抗性鉴定,探讨抗性与高产(大果)性状...  相似文献   
该研究以高垩白度品种V20B和低垩白度品种CPSLOi7作为亲本,构建150个V20B/CPSLO 17重组自交家系(RIL)为作图群体,进行稻米垩白QTL检测及其遗传效应分析.以垩白度作为衡量稻米垩白高低的表型数据,结合SLAF标签构建的分子连锁图谱,运用MapQTL5软件检测到4个稻米垩白QTL,分别命名为qC-5a、qC-5b、qC-5c和qC-5d.分析结果表明这4个QTL的LOD值分别为4.02、4.09、3.94和4.1,对表型变异的解释率分别为11.6%、11.8%、11.2%和11.8%,且这4个QTL抗性等位基因都来自低垩白亲本CPSLO17.  相似文献   
花生重组近交系群体的遗传变异与高油种质的创新   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
花生是世界上食用植物油脂的重要来源之一, 提高含油量是花生育种的重要目标。以不同遗传背景的亲本远杂9102与中花5号杂交构建的花生重组近交系(recombined inbreed lines, RIL)群体, 进行含油量的系统测试和DNA多样性分析。结果表明, RIL群体家系的含油量范围(50.85%~62.11%)大于两个亲本的差异, 最高含油量家系比高油亲本中花5号高5个百分点以上。通过SSR技术分析RIL群体的DNA多样性, 发现家系间存在较大的遗传变异, 杂交重组产生的超亲高油种质分布在不同类群中, 含油量高低与荚果大小和青枯病抗性无明显连锁关系。鉴定获得了3组SSR遗传距离为0、含油量和主要农艺性状相似但青枯病抗性不同的家系。农艺性状和抗病性等鉴定试验筛选出了3份含油量高、农艺性状优良、高抗青枯病的新种质并已进入品种比较试验。  相似文献   
In marginal, agroclimatic zones, yield is often affected by flooding, but the effect is much less for winter spelt (Triticum spelta L.) than for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). This study evaluates the reaction of a wheat x spelt population (F5 RILs of Forno x Oberkulmer) to flooding stress in the early phase of germination. Lines with greater tolerance to 48 h flooding just after imbibition showed less electrolyte leakage (r = -0.79) indicating greater membrane integrity and better survival. Five QTL explaining 40.6% of the phenotypic variance for survival to flooding were found, and localized on the chromosomes 2B, 3B,5A, and 7S. The tolerance to 48 h flooding four days after sowing was best correlated with the mean germination time (r = 0.8), indicating that the plants with a fast coleoptile growth during flooding are less susceptible to flooding. Ten QTL were found for seedling growth index after flooding explaining 35.5% of the phenotypic variance. They were localized on chromosomes 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, and 7S. Standard varieties of spelt and wheat showed the same tolerance characteristics. The possibility to use marker assisted selection for flooding tolerance is discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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