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利用田间试验结合生物化学分析研究了不同的栽培大豆品系对草甘膦的抗性,试验结果显示:在草甘膦有效剂量为0.31~0.92 kg·hm~(-2)时,不同栽培大豆品种对草甘膦抗性存在明显差异,在草甘膦剂量为0.92 kg·hm~(-2)时,石豆1号存活率为100%,表现了较高的抗性,8份材料的存活率为4%~48%,表现出一定的抗性;44份材料表现敏感,存活率为0。试验研究了抗性材料石豆1号、中抗材料Williams和敏感材料中黄35对草甘膦的生理生化反应的差异,结果表明:随着草甘膦处理剂量的增加和处理时间的延长,石豆1号莽草酸含量、叶绿素含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)相对活性没有明显变化。而Williams和中黄35的莽草酸含量和SOD相对活性明显升高,叶绿素含量明显降低。结果表明草甘膦(浓度0.92 kg·hm~(-2))处理下,不同抗性栽培大豆叶片中莽草酸含量有明显差异,处理5~14 d时敏感材料叶片中莽草酸含量保持较高水平,因此栽培大豆叶片莽草酸含量可以作为判断其对草甘膦抗性高低的主要生理指标之一,而SOD的活性和叶绿素含量可以作为判断栽培大豆对草甘膦抗性的辅助生理指标。  相似文献   
草甘膦在柑橘园除草中得到大量使用,对农作物生长、果实品质、产量和质量造成影响。如何降低草甘膦对柑橘树的生物可利用性,从而降低其对农作物造成的药害、提高果实品质和食品安全将至关重要。本文在前期研究的基础上通过施用蚯蚓粪,表征蚯蚓粪作用下土壤中残留草甘膦对柑橘幼苗的生物有效性和生物毒性效应。结果显示,蚯蚓粪能够显著增强其生物有效性(BCF值显著增大);显著降低草甘膦在土壤中的残留量到草甘膦单独处理组的55.15%,从而减少草甘膦在柑橘幼苗植株中的积累。同时,蚯蚓粪的施用能促进植物的茁壮生长,使抗氧化酶活力较对照组显著提高,从而具有更强的抗逆能力。在这两方面的共同作用下,蚯蚓粪显著减轻了土壤中残留草甘膦对柑橘幼苗的胁迫,使其株高、根长和相应的干重较草甘膦单独施用时增长了26.23%-140.11%,甚至成为对照组的1.03倍和1.13倍。此研究对兼顾化肥有机替代的草甘膦污染土壤的修复和高效利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
In the initial screening, 18 out of 32 Conyza albida and 7 out of 28 Conyza bonariensis populations, sampled from main perennial crop regions of central and southern Greece, were found to be resistant to glyphosate. The level of resistance determined in dose–response experiments with representative populations of the two species was found to range from 7.7 to 37.3 for C. albida and from 3.4 to 7.8 for C. bonariensis. The comparison of the resistant and susceptible C. albida and C. bonariensis EPSPS gene sequences indicated that possess single nucleotide changes compared to Conyza canadensis EPSPS gene, but none of these changes is located at the position 106 that has been reported to confer resistance to glyphosate. Finally, the cpDNA sequence comparison analysis used for the most resistant population of each species and the respective susceptible counterparts was found to be a reliable tool for discrimination of conventionally classified C. albida and C. bonariensis plants that are morphologically similar. This is the first report for molecular identification of Conyza species.  相似文献   
草甘膦在松杉撒播苗圃苗后除草应用技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
转基因耐草甘膦作物的环境安全性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界每年因草害造成的作物产量损失达950亿美元,为了简便有效地防除多种杂草,农民希望喷施杀草谱广的除草剂。转基因耐除草剂作物的种植为农民提供了更多的除草剂选择,在扩大杀草谱、提高除草效果、增加作物安全性、改善环境、简化栽培等方面起到了积极作用。转基因耐除草剂作物的大面积种植也引起了全球对其环境安全问题的广泛关注。本文以耐草甘膦作物为例,对国内外环境安全的相关研究结果进行归纳和总结,以期为我国耐草甘膦转基因作物的环境安全评价及耐草甘膦作物的管理提供参考。  相似文献   
Shelterwood seed cutting in conjunction with herbicide site preparation has proven effective at regenerating Allegheny hardwood forests, but the long-term impact of this silvicultural system on herbaceous vegetation has not been determined. From 1994 to 2004, we studied the impacts of operational herbicide site preparation using glyphosate plus sulfometuron methyl herbicides in the context of a shelterwood seed cut. Our study took place on 10 partially cut sites on the Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania. Half of each site received herbicide and half did not in a split-plot design with repeated measures. Fences were erected after year six because deer impact had increased. Resilience of individual species and the community were determined using measures of percent cover by species or species groups and indices of diversity and similarity comparing post-treatment to pre-treatment conditions and controls. In the short term, abundance of all species was reduced and there were four fewer species on average in treated areas. No species was eliminated by herbicide across all sites in the long term. Graminoids were more abundant on treated plots after year six. Targeted ferns remained less abundant on treated than control plots after 10 years. Species richness recovered within 4 years following treatment. Shannon Diversity and Shannon Evenness were greater in treated than in control plots over the full study period, but the differences were not significant in any single year. The richness-based Jaccard index of similarity did not differ between control and treatment plots after year two, while relative abundance influenced indices showed significant differences through year eight. Results suggest that herbaceous layer vegetation is resilient to the disturbance created by herbicide-shelterwood treatments.  相似文献   
油菜抗除草剂不育系的抗性效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明转育获得的抗除草剂不育系的抗性效应,苗期用不同浓度草甘膦处理抗草甘膦油菜不育系TA6,TA7。结果表明:随着喷药浓度增加,对叶片、茎秆和根的生长表现为不同程度的抑制作用,其中对叶片生长的影响较早且最严重,对茎秆生长的影响较迟,程度相对较轻,对根部生长的抑制作用最小,表现为先抑后扬,但随着时间推移,影响程度逐渐减轻,至喷药60 d后,油菜苗生长基本恢复正常。花期育性调查和套袋自交结果表明,抗性不育系喷施草甘膦除草剂后,育性未受任何影响,TA6,TA7的不育率和不育度均表现正常。  相似文献   
转EPSPS基因抗草甘膦棉花的遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析转基因抗草甘膦棉花早代遗传情况,以花粉管通道法获得的26个转5-烯醇式丙酮酰莽草酸-3-磷酸合酶基因(EPSPS)抗草甘膦棉花转化事件为材料,以其背景亲本中棉所49为对照,喷施草甘膦后对转基因棉T1、T2分离比例进行考察。T1田间抗性鉴定结果表明,经卡方检测20个转化事件T1分离符合3∶1的分离规律,即外源基因插入1个位点;6个转化事件不符合1对基因的分离规律,出现了偏分离。T2田间抗性鉴定结果表明,通过花粉通管法共获得152个纯合株系,分别来源于25个转化事件;对T2不纯合株系继续进行分离比例的考察,发现来源于15个转化事件的57个株系符合3∶1的分离规律;此外卡方检测结果表明,每个转化事件都有不符合3∶1分离规律的株系,且其中10个转化事件没有符合3∶1分离规律的株系。表明通过花粉管通道法获得的转基因植株中外源基因的整合和遗传均较复杂。  相似文献   
除草剂草甘膦的性质及环境行为综述   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
草甘膦是一种广谱、非选择性芽后除草剂,它被越来越广泛地应用于农业。本文总结了草甘膦的一些基本性质及其在环境中的行为和降解机理,概述了国内外的研究现状,及影响其在土壤环境去向的一些因素,如土壤性质、磷酸盐、重金属和DOC的存在等,为进一步研究提供一些建设性的参考。  相似文献   
Recent increases in diesel price and decreases in glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine] price should favor the profitability and farmer acceptance of herbicide-intensive conservation tillage systems versus fuel-intensive traditional tillage (TT) systems. Profitability results from a long-term field experiment that compared TT, minimum tillage (MT), and delayed minimum tillage (DMT) systems for winter wheat–(Triticum aestivum L.)summer fallow in eastern Washington, USA were calculated using both 1998 and 2005 input prices. Net returns for the MT and DMT systems increased by US$ 6.37 and 6.30 (rotational ha)−1, respectively, and net returns to the TT system decreased by US$ 2.36 (rotational ha)−1 when 2005 versus 1998 prices were used. Here, rotational ha equals 0.5 ha fallow and 0.5 ha wheat. Focusing on the dominant crop of soft white winter wheat (SWWW), the 2005 price hikes pushed diesel costs up for all systems, from US$ 6.81 (rotational ha)−1 for DMT to US$ 9.00 (rotational ha)−1 for TT. The cost of diesel for the conservation tillage systems, relative to the cost for TT, decreased by US$ 1.50–2.20 (rotational ha)−1. The conservation tillage systems accrue greater savings from the price reduction in glyphosate because they consume more of this herbicide. An unanticipated result was that relative cost savings from price changes in N fertilizer rivaled those from diesel and glyphosate because anhydrous NH3–N was exclusively used in the experiment for TT and aqueous NH3–N for MT and DMT. The price of anhydrous NH3–N increased from US$ 0.55 kg−1 in 1998 to 0.85 kg−1 in 2005, a 56% increase. Aqueous NH3–N only increased from $0.75 kg−1 in 1998 to 0.85 kg−1 in 2005, a 15% increase. The greater price increase for anhydrous NH3–N penalized the TT system because of its use of this fertilizer. If the same source of N fertilizer were used on all three tillage systems, this fertilizer cost effect would disappear. Nonetheless, the conservation tillage systems still retained a statistically significant profitability advantage over TT even if the same fertilizer was used throughout. The sharp price increase for diesel and the concurrent price decrease for glyphosate herbicide favored the conservation tillage systems over TT in this study. Results provide strong evidence for the superior profitability of conservation tillage winter wheat–summer fallow under current economic conditions.  相似文献   
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