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A field experiment using system of rice intensification (SRI) techniques was conducted in Chiba, Japan during the 2008 rice-growing season (May–September) with eight treatment combinations in a split–split plot design (S–SPD) to observe the potential of SRI methods under the temperate climatic conditions in Japan. Intermittent irrigation with alternate wetting and drying intervals (AWDI) and continuous flooding throughout the cropping season were the two main-plot factors, while the effects of age of seedlings and plant spacing were evaluated as sub and sub–sub plot factors, respectively. The experiment results revealed that the proposed AWDI can save a significant amount of irrigation water (28%) without reduced grain yield (7.4 t/h compared with 7.37 t/h from normal planting with ordinary water management). Water productivity was observed to be significantly higher in all combinations of practices in the intermittent irrigation plots: 1.74 g/l with SRI management and AWDI as compared to 1.23 g/l from normal planting methods with ordinary water management. In addition, the research outcomes showed a role of AWDI in minimizing pest and disease incidence, shortening the rice crop cycle, and also improving plant stand until harvest. Synergistic effects of younger seedlings and wider spacing were seen in tillering ability, panicle length, and number of filled grains that ultimately led to higher productivity with better grain quality. However, comparatively better crop growth and yields when using the same SRI practices with ordinary water management underscore a need for further investigations in defining what constitute optimum wetting and drying intervals considering local soil properties, prevailing climate, and critical watering stages in rice crop management.  相似文献   
Soil colour was expressed in terms of chromaticity coordinates instead of traditional Munsell notations which facilitated correlation with the moisture content of soils. Spectral reflectance of twenty-one soil samples was measured in the visible region from saturation to air-dryness from which the colour coordinates for each soil at various moisture levels were calculated. The data were transformed to metric lightness, metric chroma and Munsell values using the tables of Wyszecki and Stiles (1982). All the colour coordinates, metric lightness, metric chroma and Munsell value were negatively correlated with the moisture content. For dark soils, the rate of change of colour parameters with moisture is less compared to red and light coloured alluvial soils. An interesting feature of the study is that all the colour parameters converged to a characteric value for a group of soils at zero moisture level (intercept), which will be useful to assess the moisture status of a soil in that group from the regression equations, if the colour of soil is estimated in terms of spectral parameters.  相似文献   
畜牧业是尼泊尔北部山区的重要生计支柱,提升牧草产量是我国对尼泊尔开展农业技术援助的关键领域。为筛选出适宜尼泊尔北部山区栽培的燕麦品种,于2019年5-10月在尼泊尔热索瓦县郎唐山区对12个燕麦品种(爱沃、太阳神、贝勒1、美达、科纳、林纳、青引1号、青海444、青海甜燕麦、陇燕2号、陇燕3号、Kamadhenu)的物候期、株高、产草量、穗含量、叶茎比和关键营养成分等进行了品比试验。结果表明:美达、科纳、青引1号、青海444、青海甜燕麦和Kamadhenu 6个品种能完成生育期,生育天数在115~141 d,其余多数品种只能达到乳熟期。各燕麦品种的株高为134.8~177.7 cm,其中引进品种太阳神、青海444、青海甜燕麦、美达和林纳的株高较对照品种Kamadhenu高6.3%~20.4%,存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。青海甜燕麦、青海444和美达的干草产量分别达到了14723.0、13491.0和13369.6 kg·hm-2,分别比对照品种Kamadhenu增产36.0%、24.7%和23.6%,差异极显著(P<0.01)。贝勒1、科纳和太阳神的叶茎比分别为0.40、0.38和0.36,是对照品种Kamadhenu的1.50~1.67倍。各燕麦品种的干物质、粗蛋白、总灰分、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量变化范围分别为93.5%~95.6%、5.7%~9.9%、4.4%~6.9%、68.2%~78.4%和39.3%~48.7%,其中太阳神的粗蛋白含量是对照品种Kamadhenu的1.57倍,存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。对各燕麦品种的10个农艺性状进行主成分分析及综合评价,结果表明,引进品种青海甜燕麦、美达、青海444和太阳神综合适应性较好,适宜在该地区推广种植。  相似文献   
Summary An experiment was conducted to study the effects of feeding urea-treated rice straw to lactating buffaloes in the Koshi Hills. Six pairs of similar buffaloes on farms were selected. All were given a conventional diet based on rice straw for four weeks, then one of each pair was given 15 to 20 kg/day of urea-treated rice straw for a period of four weeks while the control group received untreated rice straw. In the final four week period all animals were given the conventional diet. Feeding straw treated with 4% urea increased the voluntary intake of straw by 25% and increased milk yield by 1·6 litres/day compared with buffaloes fed the conventional diet containing untreated straw. Milk production remained elevated after the four-week treatment period had finished. The results show that buffalo cows fed urea-treated straw achieved better weight gain, and milk yield increased significantly (P<0·01) compared with the control animals. During the treatment period the net benefit was 4·0 (i.e. US$ 0·16) Nepalese currency rupees (NCRs) per day and the incremental rate of return was 46 per cent. Moreover, in the four weeks following the treatment period the net benefit was 10·0 NCRs (i.e. US$ 0·40) per day. Ensiling rice straw with 4% urea can be recommended as a safe, economical and suitable method for improving the nutritional value of rice straw on small farms in Nepal thus increasing milk production and liveweight of lactating buffaloes. The practice of feeding urea-treated straw is economic for farmers during the dry season from January to April. It is urged that urea be made available in villages through the Agricultural Inputs Corporation, local co-operatives and private dealers.
Resumen Se condujo un experimento para estudiar el efecto de alimentar búfalos en lactación, con paja de arroz tratada con urea, en las monta?as de Koshi. Se seleccionaron seis pares de búfalos en algunas fincas. Todos los animales recibieron una dieta convencional con base en paja de arroz sin tratar, durante cuatro semanas. Seguidamente se suministró de 15 a 20 kg/dia de paja tratada con urea a un animal de cada pareja, recibiendo los animales controles paja sola sin tratar. Durante las cuatro semanas finales, todos los animales recibieron la dieta convencional. La alimentación con paja tratada con urea al 4%, incrementó el consumo voluntario 25% e incrementó la producción de leche 1·6 litros/día, comparado con los búfalos controles. La producción de leche permaneció elevada, después del suministro de paja tratada con urea durante cuatro semanas. Los resultados demuestran, que las vacas búfalo que recibieron la dieta experimental aumentaron de peso y produjeron más leche (P<0·01), que los animales controles. Durante el período de tratamiento, el beneficio neto fue de 4·0 (US$ 0·16) rupíes nepaleses diarios y la tasa de retorno incremental fue de 40 por ciento. Más aún, en las cuatro semanas después del tratamiento, el beneficio neto fue de 10·0 rupíes nepaleses (US$ 0·40) diarios. El ensilaje de paja de arroz con urea al 4% puede recomendarse como una tecnología segura y económica, para incrementar el valor nutricional de la paja de arroz en granjas peque?as en Nepal, incrementando así el peso y producción de leche en vacas búfalo. Esta práctica es económica para granjeros durante los meses de sequía, de enero hasta abril. Se sugiere en este trabajo, que se promueva el suministro de urea en villorrios, a través de la Corporación de Insumos Agrícolas, cooperativas locales y comerciantes privados.

Résumé Une expérience a été réalisée pour étudier les effets d'une alimentation de paille de riz traitée à l'urée chez des bufflesses en lactation des collines de Koshi. 6 paires homogènes ont été sélectionnées. Toutes ont re?u un régime alimentaire conventionnel à base de paille de riz pendant 4 semaines, puis un animal de chaque paire a re?u 15 à 20 kg par jour de paille de riz traitée à l'urée pendant une nouvelle période de 4 semaines. Dans le même temps, les animaux témoins n'ont re?u que de la paille de riz non traitée. Enfin, pendant la phase terminale (4 semaines), les animaux ont à nouveau re?u une alimentation classique. Le régime à base de paille traitée avec 4% d'urée a accru de 25% l'ingestion volontaire de paille et de 1,6 l/j le rendement laitier, par rapport à celui des animaux nourris avec une ration ne contenant pas de paille traitée. La production de lait est restée élevée après la fin de la période expérimentale de traitement de 4 semaines, les résultats montrent que les bufflesses nourries à la paille traitée ont un gain de poids plus élevé et une augmentation significative de leur rendement laitier (P<0,01) comparés à ceux des animaux témoins. Pendant la période de traitement, le bénéfice net quotidien exprimé en monnaie népalaise a été de 4,0 roupies, (soit 0,16$US), et l'accroissement du taux de rendement a été de 46%. De plus, durant les 4 semaines suivant la période de traitement à l'urée, le profit net quotidien a été de 10,0 roupies népalaises soit 0,40 $US). On peut recommander l'ensilage de la paille de riz avec 4% d'urée comme une méthode s?re, économique et adaptéc pour améliorer la valeur alimentaire de la paille de riz dans les petites exploitations népalaises et donc, pour accro?tre le poids vif et la production laitière des bufflesses en lactation.
Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), the major coproduct from the corn‐based fuel ethanol industry, is primarily used as livestock feed. Due to high protein, fiber, and energy contents, there is a high demand for DDGS. Flowability of DDGS is often hindered due the phenomenon of caking. Shipping and handling of DDGS has thus become a major issue due to bridge formation between the DDGS particles. The objective of this investigation was to measure flowability characteristics of DDGS samples from five ethanol plants in the north central region of the United States. Carr and Jenike tests were performed and the resulting data were mathematically compared with a previously developed empirical model. The largest particles had an average geometric mean diameter (GMD) of 1.19 mm, while the lowest particle size had an average GMD of 0.5 mm. Soluble solid levels were ≈10.5–14.8% (db). The effective angle of friction (δ) was 43.00–57.00°. Additionally, a few parameters exhibited fairly high linear correlations, including aerated and packed bulk densities (r = 0.97), geometric standard deviation and Carr compressibility (r = 0.71), geometric standard deviation and Hausner ratio (r = –0.70). Overall flowability assessment indicated that the commercial DDGS samples did have the potential for flow problems, although no samples exhibited complete bridging. Quantifying DDGS flowability is a necessary step toward overcoming this logistical challenge facing the fuel ethanol industry.  相似文献   
Genes normally resident in euchromatic domains are silenced when packaged into heterochromatin, as exemplified in Drosophila melanogaster by position effect variegation (PEV). Loss-of-function mutations resulting in suppression of PEV have identified critical components of heterochromatin, including proteins HP1, HP2, and histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase. Here, we demonstrate that this silencing is dependent on the RNA interference machinery, using tandem mini-white arrays and white transgenes in heterochromatin to show loss of silencing as a result of mutations in piwi, aubergine, or spindle-E (homeless), which encode RNAi components. These mutations result in reduction of H3 Lys9 methylation and delocalization of HP1 and HP2, most dramatically in spindle-E mutants.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to record the ideal source and level of alkali treatment to treat jatropha meal (JM) and to determine the effect of inclusion of variously processed JM (pJM) on nutrient intake, digestibility, blood metabolites and hormonal status in goats. The JM was treated with 10 g/kg sodium chloride and 5 g/kg calcium hydroxide. The content of phorbol ester and hemagglutination (HA) activity of JM and pJM were assessed. A feeding trial for 90 days was conducted in short-haired multipurpose goats (n?=?15; five per group). The experimental animals were offered oat (Avena sativa) straw ad libitum throughout the experimental period of 90 days. Each group was assigned to one of the three diets, viz. R1—soybean meal, R2—sodium chloride (10 g/kg dry matter, DM), and R3—calcium hydroxide (5 g/kg DM), with pJM substituting 250 g/kg DM of crude protein (CP) of control (R1). At the end of the feeding period, digestion trial of 7 days was conducted. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experimental period to assess the blood metabolites and hormonal status. The phorbol ester and HA activity were reduced considerably in pJM. The intake of DM, organic matter, CP, and nitrogen-free extract were comparable among all the groups. However, the intake of ether extract was significantly higher in pJM-fed groups. The hemoglobin, packed cell volume, serum urea, triiodothyronine and testosterone contents decreased in R2 and R3 as compared to R1. Concentration of glucose and activity of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase increased (P?<?0.01) in goats fed pJM. It was concluded that phorbol ester content and HA activity markedly decreased by processing JM with sodium chloride and calcium hydroxide. However, they were not reduced to the levels of safe feeding, as reflected in unusual values of blood metabolites among the experimental animals.  相似文献   
Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) is a widely used animal feed. But transportation of DDGS is often troublesome because of its stickiness. DDGS is formed by combining condensed distillers solubles (CDS) with distillers wet grains (DWG) and then drying. As a first step toward understanding drying behavior, this study's objective was to investigate batch‐drying kinetic behavior of DWG with three CDS addition levels (10, 15, and 20% wb) and three drying‐temperature levels (100, 200, and 300°C). Multiple nonlinear mathematical models were used to fit experimental drying data for moisture content versus drying rate. A new comprehensive model was developed (R2 = 0.89, SEM = 18.60) from a modified Chen and Douglas model to incorporate CDS and drying‐temperature terms. Drying temperature affected drying rate more significantly than did changes in CDS level; thus, drying temperature was the main effect and CDS was a subeffect. Increasing the drying temperature increased the drying rate significantly for all levels of CDS addition. This model can be used for predicting DWG drying behavior under broad operating conditions; it can be used to help the industry produce better DDGS, which may thus result in better DDGS handling and transport characteristics.  相似文献   
Neural network (NN) modeling techniques were used to predict flowability behavior of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) prepared with varying levels of condensed distillers solubles (10, 15, and 20%, wb), drying temperatures (100, 200, and 300°C), cooling temperatures (–12, 25, and 35°C), and storage times (0 and 1 month). Response variables were selected based on our previous research results and included aerated bulk density, Hausner ratio, angle of repose, total flowability index, and Jenike flow index. Various NN models were developed using multiple input variables in order to predict single‐response and multiple‐response variables simultaneously. The NN models were compared based on R2, mean square error, and coefficient of variation obtained. In order to achieve results with higher R2 and lower error, the number of neurons in each hidden layer, the step size, the momentum learning rate, and the number of hidden layers were varied. Results indicate that for all the response variables, R2 > 0.83 was obtained from NN modeling. Compared with our previous studies, NN modeling provided better results than either partial least squares modeling or regression modeling, indicating greater robustness in the NN models. Surface plots based on the predicted values from the NN models yielded process and storage conditions for favorable versus cohesive flow behavior for DDGS. Modeling of DDGS flowability using NN has not been done before, so this work will be a step toward the application of intelligent modeling procedures to this industrial challenge.  相似文献   
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