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This experiment was conducted to study the effects of Bacillus amylolyticus on rumen dry matter digestibility, fermentation parameters and metabolites of dairy cows. Experiment 1: six dairy cows with permanent fistula and had the similar parity (2 to 3 fetuses), body weight [(662 ±57) kg], lactation days [(160 ± 22) d] and milk yield [(36.1 ±3.8) kg / d], were randomly divided into 3 groups with 2 cows per group. Using 3 ×3 Latin square design, each group was extra fed 0 (control group), 5 ×109 and 5 ×1010 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus, the trial period was 3 periods, 13 days for each period, including 10 days for the pre-trial period and 3 days for the trial period. At the beginning of the trial period, the rumen dry matter digestibility of cows was measured by nylon bag method. Experiment 2: thirty dairy cows with similar parity [(2.5 ±0.3) fetuses], initial body weight [(559.2 ± 7. 4) kg], milk yield [(35. 2 ± 1. 5) kg / d] and lactation days [(99 ± 22) d] were randomly divided into three groups with 10 cows in each group. Cows in the 3 groups were extra fed with 0 (control group), 5 ×109 and 5 ×1010 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus, respectively. The pre-trial period was 10 days and the trial period was 42 days. The rumen fluid was collected on the last day of the trial period, and the rumen fermentation parameters and metabolites were determined. The results showed as follows: compared with the control group, 1) supplementary feeding of 5 × 1010 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus could significantly improve the rumen dry matter digestibility of dairy cows at 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 h (P <0.05), supplementary feeding of 5 ×109 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus could significantly improve the rumen dry matter digestibility of dairy cows at 36 and 48 h (P <0.05); 2) supplementary feeding of 5 ×109 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus could significantly increase the contents of isobutyric acid, butyric acid, isovaleric acid, valeric acid, total volatile fatty acid and microbial protein in the rumen of dairy cows (P < 0. 05), supplementary feeding of 5 × 1010 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus could significantly increase the contents of isobutyric acid and isovaleric acid in the rumen of dairy cows and significantly reduce the rumen acetic acid / propionic acid (P < 0. 05), supplementary feeding of 5 ×109 and 5 ×1010 Bacillus amylolyticus had no effects on rumen pH and ammonia nitrogen content (P >0.05); 3) eleven metabolic pathways related to differential metabolites were detected, and ascorbic acid and alginate metabolism were significantly enriched (P < 0. 05) . In conclusion, Bacillus amylolyticus can increase the rumen dry matter digestibility, and improve the rumen fermentation function of dairy cows by affecting the content of rumen metabolites. By comprehensive analysis, supplementary feeding of 5 × 109 CFU / d Bacillus amylolyticus can achieve better effect. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
那天和爱人一起去逛商场,在儿童专柜前,一个三四岁的小男孩在一堆玩具前流连忘返,他妈妈接连不断地催他走,他都置之不理,充耳不闻.孩子的爸爸生气了,过去三巴掌下去,打得孩子"哇哇"大哭,孩子耍起了牛脾气,就是拽不走.  相似文献   
广西钟山县农民张辉,看到别人赚钱多,于是“下海”淘金。海水有多深他还不知道,在商海不到一年便呛了一口水,结果血本无归。他垂头丧气地感叹:现在生意越来越难做,打起了退堂鼓。有朋友说他做生意三心二意,主要是没用心去做。笔者认为这一说法很有道理。  相似文献   
目的 探讨复杂闭合Pilon骨折分期手术治疗的临床效果.方法 我院2006年3月~2011年7月共治疗复杂闭合Pilon骨折34例,分期行手术骨折复位固定治疗.结果 术后随访11~46个月,平均29.6个月,骨折均在3.5~6个月临床愈合.按照美国骨科协会足踝外科分会(American Orthopedic Foot Ankle Society,AOFAS)评分系统进行疗效评定.评定结果优15例,良13例,可4例,差2例,优良率为82.35%.结论 复杂闭合Pilon骨折行分期手术骨折复位固定治疗,可减少伤口感染等并发症的发生,是一种治疗复杂闭合Pilon骨折有效的方法.  相似文献   
<正> 枣在我省占有特殊的经济地位,尤其是金丝小枣,栽培面积广,产量高,品质好,效益大,是我省的大宗出口产品。但由于大部分散经营,低产园面积占很大比重,仅沧州地区低产园面积就达15万亩,而且低产与高产相差悬殊。为加速改造低产园,我们在1986~1987年进行了试验,取得了较好效果。基本情况试验在南皮县常庄乡进行。试材为16—20年生金丝小枣,株行距为3 米×7米。枣园耕层土壤全氮0.045%,碱解氮42.7ppM,速效磷2 ppM,速效钾127.5ppM。针对缺氮贫磷的情况,增施氮磷肥。此外对试验区枣树普遍推行以下几方面的措施:  相似文献   
虾青素是一种类胡萝卜素,具有抗氧化和抗炎等生理功能。其在动物遗传资源保护方面,被用于动物精液低温保存、受精卵和胚胎的冷冻保存。不仅促进了动物遗传资源异位保种效果,而且有助于解决配子和胚胎远距离运输面临的困难。在动物营养与饲料研究方面,虾青素常作为添加剂被广泛应用于水产养殖和畜牧业生产等领域。该文就虾青素的理化性质、来源、生理功能和应用等方面进行了论述,为开展虾青素研究、开发改性产品和实现其在动物遗传资源保护和畜牧业中的高效利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
池栽与田间试验表明,灭虫精0.5g/亩有效剂量就能有效地控制棉花苗蚜、伏蚜的危害,是一种新型的超高效低毒杀虫剂,优于目前使用的甲胺磷、久效磷、功夫菊酯等常规药剂。  相似文献   
动物机体健康与生产性能、畜产品安全及经济效益密切相关。自噬调节是一种非常重要的细胞修复机制,是通过清除错误折叠的蛋白质、损伤的细胞器以及入侵动物机体的病原微生物进行高度保守的一种自我消化过程。自噬调节在维持动物机体健康方面起着重要作用,失调的自噬调节与各种疾病的发生相关。植物活性成分对生命机体具有生理调节作用,堪比天然的“药房”,可通过调控不同信号通路介导自噬而减轻炎症反应,改善细胞基质代谢,提高机体免疫状态。本文围绕自噬调节的分子机制及其对动物机体健康的影响和植物活性成分对自噬的调节作用进行综述,以期为动物疾病防治提供新思路和新选择。  相似文献   
测量了 30keV的N+、Ar+和 1MeV的He2 +、1 .2MeV的F+辐照尿嘧啶样品时的剂量效应 ,得到了不同实验条件下荷能离子对样品的损伤效率 ,同时研究了离子质量和能量对分子残存率的影响。研究发现 ,对于能量为keV量级的离子 ,在低剂量条件下 ,曲线与靶模型的预期基本一致 ;但是随剂量的上升 ,残存率要高于预期结果 ,这主要是离子无法到达部分样品分子所致。对于能量为MeV量级的离子 ,由于离子可以穿透样品 ,因此其损伤行为基本与理论预期符合。能量为MeV量级的离子导致了高的损伤速率 ,残存率和离子剂量之间的关系也基本符合靶模型的预期。  相似文献   
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