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农业节水灌溉的多中心治理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统的农业节水灌溉治理采用的是一种"单中心"治理模式,政府作为农业节水灌溉的治理主体,忽视了市场机制和公众参与在治理农业水短缺中的作用."多中心治理"则是整合政府、农民组织及市场三方面的力量,形成相互促进相互监督的格局,共同促进农业节水灌溉.  相似文献   
目的 观察丹栀逍遥散对多囊卵巢综合征伴高雄激素血症大鼠雄激素、瘦素及其受体的影响。方法 利用脱氢表雄酮诱导建立多囊卵巢大鼠高雄激素血症模型,随机设立丹栀逍遥组、达英组、模型组、空白对照组,予以相应药物干预。实验结束后观察卵巢形态学变化;酶联免疫法测定血清雄激素水平;ELISA法检测血清瘦素;免疫组化测定卵巢瘦素受体的表达。结果 与模型组相比,丹栀逍遥散可显著降低大鼠血清瘦素、睾酮、游离睾酮水平值,减少卵巢瘦素受体阳性表达,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 丹栀逍遥散可降低多囊卵巢高雄激素血症大鼠血清瘦素、雄激素水平值,减少卵巢瘦素受体阳性表达,进而降低瘦素生物利用度及雄激素活性,从而改善多囊卵巢综合征高雄激素血症和排卵障碍。  相似文献   
Based on the study of economy development background and character in JINHUA region, with the analysis of six classical spatial growth models and the elaboration of evolution process in JINHUA urban agglomeration, the authors think a sustainable spatial growth model should be as the following forms, some cities were polycentricities, some were sole-core compact cities, and the whole was polycentric urban region.  相似文献   
With the aggravation of congestion, pollution, and other negative externalities generated by continued urbanization, polycentric strategies have gradually become one of the main urban and regional spatial strategies. It remains unclear, however, whether the polycentric structure is conducive to regional coordinated development. This study examines these issues using China's urban agglomerations (UAs) as a sample. The Prolonged Artificial Nighttime-light Dataset of China (PANDA) was used to measure the polycentric structure. The results of the nonparametric identification of sub-centers show that almost all of China's UAs exhibit multiple (sub)centers, and the number of (sub)centers in most UAs has increased from 1992 to 2020. Empirical analysis shows that a polycentric structure is beneficial for narrowing regional disparities within the UA, and the narrowing effect of the polycentric structure on regional disparities increases as the distance between centers increases. Furthermore, a polycentric spatial structure is more conducive to the economic growth of small cities in UA, thereby promoting the coordinated development of regions within UA.  相似文献   
基于多中心合作治理的食品安全问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场机制与政府机制在食品安全领域的失灵,产生了对多中心食品安全治理的制度需求.目前,我国建构食品安全的多中心合作治理模式应改变政府在食品安全领域的绝对主导地位,构筑食品安全社会参与治理的基础,促进食品企业的自我规制,构建第三部门参与食品安全治理的体制环境.  相似文献   
城市群多中心发展可以缓解核心城市过于集聚、中小城市发育不足的问题,通过培育城市群多中心,能够有效促进城市群内其他城市的发展,分担核心城市的部分功能.基于尼克·格林多中心研究方法,选取运输快捷、花费时间少、乘客选择意愿高的高速动车(G)、动车组(D)、城际高速(C)、直达特快(Z)、空调特快(T)等快速通勤列车,以成渝城市群内部各城市间铁路日均往来车次作为基础数据,计算分析成渝城市群功能多中心度,并与欧洲8城市区域、长三角城市群、珠三角城市群进行比较.研究发现:(1)成渝城市群中成都市和重庆市主城区仍然是发展重心,在双核外,德阳、遂宁、万州、涪陵、长寿等城市具有成为新的区域多中心的潜力;(2)四川省南部自贡、泸州和重庆市东部忠县、黔江等12个地级市、市辖区仍然没有铁路客运的往来,使得城市群难以发挥完全的功能多中心效应;(3)成渝城市群功能多中心度偏低,属于功能多中心发展的初级阶段,其发展水平不如已经发展到典型功能多中心的长三角城市群、珠三角城市群.  相似文献   
改善乡村生态环境,建设宜居美好乡村,实现乡村生态振兴,需要政府与社会多元主体的共同参与。多中心治理理论在农村生态环境治理领域的运用可以有效规避传统政府治理的不足。借鉴日本、美国和德国三个国家的乡村生态环境治理经验,以及中国发达地区农村生态环境治理的成功案例,结合当前国家提出的乡村振兴战略规划和中国农村发展实际情况,探索符合中国国情的农村生态环境有限政府、金融机构、高校科研院所、村民、农村自治组织、企业、非盈利组织“七位一体”多中心治理的可行性路径。  相似文献   
我国众多城市的空间发展模式逐渐由单中心向多中心开发转变.大多数山地城市受山水格局与规划因素的影响,较多沿用多中心发展模式,但山地城市多中心结构较少受到主流研究的关注.对城市各空间要素的特征进行分析,可有效反映其多中心空间结构特征.为此,本研究以典型山地城市重庆为例,基于房价、夜间灯光强度、公交站点密度、宜出行密度等多源数据,分析不同要素的空间布局及多中心空间特征,并重点识别了各中心/组团的发育程度.结果表明:重庆主城区呈现出明显的"多中心组团式"的空间格局,各中心/组团的空间特征差异有统计学意义;不同城市要素及空间结构在分布上内密外疏,具有山地城市独特的城市景观特征.不同中心/组团的发育程度内高外低,发展不均衡;内环以内各中心发育相对成熟,而外围中心/组团发展仍有待加强.最后分析了形成目前多中心体系的原因并提出了城市发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the levels of local stakeholder participation and the emergence of polycentric governance among buffer zone stakeholders in the La Amistad International Park (PILA) of Costa Rica and Panama. This investigation adds a geographical approach to common pool resource (CPR) theory to examine and better understand the management structure and integrated conservation and development of a binational park. It considers two of Ostrom’s institutional arrangements for CPR success: (a) collective-choice arrangements and (b) multiple layers of governance. A qualitative case study approach with semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and participant observation is used. Results reveal the current management structure exhibits varying degrees of fortress conservation. Greater stakeholder involvement has been attempted; however, these measures differ greatly across the regions with some success achieved on the Pacific side of La Amistad, but less success on the Caribbean side. Variations occur primarily due to asymmetries in funding, personnel, strength and number of park-related associations, and tension over indigenous rights.  相似文献   
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