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休闲农业是乡村经济发展的重要途径,也是乡村振兴的有力推手.休闲农园是实现农业多功能、三产融合、增产增收的重要载体.目前,资金短缺成为休闲农园发展的桎梏,研究其低成本打造及管理意义重大.从规划设计角度出发,结合多年规划设计实践经验,对休闲农园的低成本投入、低成本管理、集约高效生产、节约型景观美化提升以及绿色生态可持续发展等方面做了有益探索,以期为乡村振兴添砖加瓦.  相似文献   
高远飞 《猪业科学》2020,37(7):67-69
传统的养猪模式难以应对诸如非洲猪瘟这样的疫病,普通平层猪场叠加而成的楼房没有从本质上得到改进,而结构创新之后的楼房猪场在养猪的可靠性上大大增强,并可能发展为城市养猪新模式,为防非保猪、稳产保供提供一种解决方案。在此基础上升级的"料、养、宰、商一体化"造肉工厂模式,更是一种能把运猪变为运肉的可行解决方案。当这些模式得到应用和推广时,困扰行业的"猪周期"问题也将得到妥善解决。  相似文献   
Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae are the causal agents of important needle diseases on Pinus radiata in New Zealand. Little is known about the epidemiology of the diseases, making the development of control strategies challenging. To investigate the seasonality and climatic drivers of sporulation, inoculum traps, consisting of pine fascicles floating on water in plastic containers, were exchanged fortnightly at five sites in P. radiata plantations between February 2012 and December 2014. Sections of needle baits were plated onto selective media and growth of Phytophthora pluvialis and P. kernoviae recorded. To explore the generalizability of these data, they were compared to detection data for both pathogens from the New Zealand Forest Health Database (NZFHDB). Further, equivalent analyses on infection of Rhododendron ponticum by P. kernoviae in Cornwall, UK allowed the comparison of the epidemiology of P. kernoviae across different host systems and environments. In New Zealand, inoculum of P. pluvialis and P. kernoviae was detected between January–December and March–November, respectively. Inoculum of both species peaked in abundance in late winter. The probability of detecting P. pluvialis and P. kernoviae was greater at lower temperatures, while the probability of detecting P. pluvialis also increased during periods of wet weather. Similar patterns were observed in NZFHDB data. However, the seasonal pattern of infection by P. kernoviae in the UK was the opposite of that seen for sporulation in New Zealand. Phytophthora kernoviae was likely limited by warmer and drier summers in New Zealand, but by colder winter weather in the UK. These results emphasize the importance of considering both environmental drivers and thresholds in improving our understanding of pathogen epidemiology.  相似文献   
以新疆地产赤霞珠葡萄籽为原料,采用响应面法对微波辅助提取葡萄籽原花青素的工艺进行优化,并对其体外抗氧化活性进行评价。结果表明,最优提取工艺条件为:液料比25∶1(mL/g),乙醇浓度60%,微波功率427 W,微波时间3 min,在该条件下葡萄籽原花青素得率为8.66%±0.25%;抗氧化试验结果表明:葡萄籽原花青素具有较强的清除1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(DPPH)、羟基及2,2-联氮-双(3-乙基-苯并噻唑-6-磺酸)二铵盐(ABTS)自由基的能力,其在三种体系中的IC50值分别为3.71、4.05和3.78 μg/mL,是一种极具开发潜力的天然抗氧化剂。  相似文献   
4个甜樱桃品种在德州的引种表现及设施栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引入山东德州的4个甜樱桃品种美早、萨米脱、布鲁克斯、拉宾斯进行了日光温室栽培试验,对其性状表现进行了观察。结果表明,4个品种均表现生长良好,适应性强,结果正常,果实品质优良,可以作为德州地区日光温室的栽培品种发展。简述了4个甜樱桃品种在日光温室的栽培技术。  相似文献   
以竹代塑新产品竹微丝复合包装材料的制备及其性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为减少塑料制品的使用,缓解其对全球环境的污染,以质量分数为90%的竹微丝、2%的聚乙烯、8%的甘油制备竹微丝复合材料,参照传统竹编织技艺,分别采用纯纵向编织法和纵横向编织法等制备了竹微丝复合包装材料,并对其性能进行分析。结果表明:1)与通过传统竹篾工匠手工制备的竹微丝相比,由大型智能化竹拉丝设备制备的竹微丝边缘更整齐;2)与竹微丝单方向编织技术相比,采用纵横向交叉编织技术的竹微丝复合包装材料的抗拉性能更好;3)竹微丝复合包装材料的拉伸强度远大于PE、PVC等传统塑料包装材料。  相似文献   
熟牛油、生奶皮、白砂糖是制作新疆塔吉克族特色面制品的主要原料。通过正交试验确定三者在卡提拉玛中的添加量,研制具有新疆独特风味的卡提拉玛。在基本配方(高筋小麦粉500 g,酵母3 g,食盐2 g,鸡蛋清30 g,牛奶185 mL,饮用水100 mL,清油4 mL)的基础上,确定三者最佳添加量(以高筋粉为基重)。结果表明:加入熟牛油6 mL、生奶皮15 g、白砂糖3 g,可制作出色泽金黄、口感醇香、质地酥脆、具有生奶皮特有香气的新疆卡提拉玛。  相似文献   
Increasingly, weeds have been taking on global distributions. With the proliferation of invasive weeds has come the challenge of managing these species over broad geographical regions, with diverse habitats and political jurisdictions. Here, we review the management of Mikania micrantha Kunth (Asteraceae; mile‐a‐minute) throughout its invaded range, extending through most of the Pacific islands and southern and south‐east Asia. Context matters when determining the best course of action for managing M. micrantha, as it has invaded a large variety of agricultural and natural systems. In Queensland, Australia and Florida, USA, M. micrantha has been targeted in relatively successful eradication campaigns, highlighting the importance of early detection and rapid response methods, while elsewhere in its invaded range, populations are either still increasing or showing limited signs of decline. An inter‐regional approach to research and management should incorporate successful management strategies employed throughout the invaded range including, but not limited to, chemical and cultural control practices, manual and mechanical control, classical biological control using the rust fungus Puccinia spegazzinii, plant–plant competition and integrated approaches utilising two or more control methods concurrently. Additional knowledge of M. micrantha genetics is required to determine if management approaches could be fine‐tuned for particular populations. Countries bordering the Mekong River formed a network in 2011 to co‐ordinate the management of invasive species such as M. micrantha. Expanding such a collaborative approach to other regions could further reduce populations of M. micrantha and limit its spread.  相似文献   
禾田稻2号(代号松辽628)是公主岭市松辽农业科学研究所以白粳1为母本、长白19为父本,双亲配组,有性杂交,后代材料经世代选拔培育,系谱法、穿梭育种,最终选育而成的水稻新品种。该品种株高适中、株型紧凑、分蘖力较强,成穗率好,结实率高,中感稻瘟病,米质好,产量高,综合性状优良,2020年通过内蒙古自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜在内蒙古中晚熟稻区等地种植。  相似文献   
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