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Agricultural extension is an approach to rural development and agricultural transformation in which training, demonstration and technology transfer are key to reducing rural poverty, ensuring food security, and sustainably managing natural resources. During recent decades, different extension approaches have been tested and validated by the Ethiopian government and non-governmental organizations to stimulate participation in the agricultural extension system (AES). The most recent was a German-funded project entitled “Integrated Soil Fertility Management Project” (ISFM+), which employed a novel approach to piloting and upscaling proven technology and best practice. The purpose of this study was to analyze and document the modalities of ISFM+ and illustrate its effects on technology uptake and dissemination. The study used a mixed methods approach to collect data. ATLAS.ti and SPSS were used for data management and analysis. Farmer Research and Extension Groups and Farmer Field Schools were found to be central to the participation process. Also, the ISFM+ was found to aid technology transfer and helped to increase grain and residue yields as well as farmer livelihoods. Based on these empirical findings, it is argued that the ISFM+ approach and technology should be integrated and institutionalized in the mainstream AES in order to promote their extensive application.  相似文献   
Use of decision support systems (DSS) has thus far been framed as a social process of adoption or technical process of usability. We analyze the development of a DSS as a process of institutionalization of new as well as drift of existing practices. We write an Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) account, i.e. an interpretive study, that follows the traces left by both human and non-human actors (e.g. technology, methodologies, etc.) to understand how a DSS development project institutionalizes DSS technology in several forest management organizations in the German state of Rheinland Pfalz. The research has an innovative value since it uses ANT in the design of a DSS, hence affecting it, while commonly ANT has been used to understand why networks work or do not. Moreover, we use a new technology (PREZITM, www.prezi.com) for the visualization of the whole actor network coherent to the ANT methodology, i.e. “keeping the social flat.” As a result, the development of the ANT account proposed in the present paper, even if still partial, supports the design of new technologies being introduced in current practice and generates an important learning effect thanks to the underpinning interpretative approach.  相似文献   
CBNRM是一种积极的、社区为主体的参与式方法,旨在可持续地利用自然资源的同时又关注社区生计发展,是实现农村人口、资源与环境可持续发展的策略。CBNRM方法的制度化是将CBNRM的方法/工具、理念以及基本原则在社区或社区组织和政府体系内推广,并使之最终成为他们日常工作和行为的规范。研究和实践表明,横向推广和纵向推广相结合,研究、培训和倡导手段并用是CBNRM方法制度化的有效方法和策略。然而目前CBNRM方法的推广应用还面临诸多限制,制定一套与之相适应的相关政策和措施是促进CBNRM方法应用并取得预期效果的根本保障。  相似文献   
当事人陈述制度化是抛弃将当事人陈述仅作为独立证据的传统观点,理念上从“为权利而斗争”转变为“为权利而沟通”,遵循交往理性真实、正当、真诚三原则,通过完善当事人陈述的具体程序规则、制度,充分激活当事人陈述的表明、催化、调控等功能,推动我国民事诉讼的现代化。  相似文献   
社会转型时期,将社会组织纳入社会治理主体范畴已成为现代化社会治理体系中的重要内容。民族地区社会组织凭借区域与文化的组织特性,在现有法律框架下,在基层具体公共事务、公共服务与产品、基层民主管理等基层社会领域中发挥重要作用,具有广泛的参与空间。但民族地区社会组织参与面临行政化倾向和管理体制缺陷、参与制度化缺失、参与动力不足等瓶颈。因此,从参与体制机制、制度规范、参与平台、激励扶持等方面设计民族地区社会组织参与基层社会治理的制度化路径就显得十分重要而紧迫。  相似文献   
哥斯达黎加以其在生物多样性保护和可持续旅游发展等方面所取得的丰富成果而受到IUCN、WWF等国际组织的广泛关注和高度评价。国家公园是哥斯达黎加自然保护地体系中承担保护和游憩功能的主要载体。科学有效的管理为哥斯达黎加国家公园的功能发挥提供了有力保障,具有较高的示范意义和参考价值。文中介绍了哥斯达黎加国家公园建设概况,在对其国家公园管理体系梳理的基础上,提炼了制度化、精细化和公众化等管理精髓,并解析了管理框架、法律法规体系、顶层设计、科学管理系列研究、公众参与和志愿者管理机制等管理核心内容与关键技术,以期为我国国家公园建设和管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
高校现有的社会实践存在诸多问题,而制度化是实践教育发展的趋势。目前实践教育还处于探索初期,需要加强创新,构建行之有效的模式。文中以研究性实践教学为基础,构建实践教育模式。  相似文献   
乡贤组织在矛盾纠纷化解、法律宣传、民情反馈等方面具有独特的治安治理价值。当前,乡贤组织面临组织效率低下、乡贤权威弱化、治理能力不均衡、发展后劲不足等问题,这些问题与乡贤组织规章制度、培训制度、激励制度等制度缺失紧密相关。乡贤组织应从建立“规范稳定”的组织选拔制度、搭建“四维一体”的教育培训制度、创新“精细可操作”的工作管理制度、健全“灵活多元”的激励保障制度、完善立体化监督评价制度等五个维度展开制度构建,推动乡贤组织制度化发展。  相似文献   
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