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燃煤热风炉解决北方温室供暖问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着"菜篮子"工程的实施,温室和蔬菜大棚得到了广泛应用,它对改善人民生活,解决北方冬季吃青菜难问题,繁荣农村经济发展发挥着重要的作用.但是,在北方大部分地区,冬春两季气温低,如果无强制供暖设备,就无法进行农业生产.因此,为保证北方地区冬季新鲜蔬菜的供应,温室和大棚内供暖设备的研究一直是一项重要的研究内容.为此,根据我国的能源状况、环境保护要求以及温室农作物的特点,对燃煤热风炉在温室蔬菜生产供暖系统中的应用进行了系统阐述.  相似文献   
本文就烧成温度对C-B_4C-SiC碳/陶复合材料结构与性能的影响进行了初步研究,发现复合材料密度、强度随烧结温度的升高而明显提高,电阻率随烧成温度的升高而下降,这和烧成体显微结构(气孔率、晶粒大小与分布、晶界状况等)密切相关。  相似文献   
袁帆 《湖南农机》2013,(6):72-73,81
文章论述了利用改变晶闸管的触发角来调节异步电动机定子两端电压,进而改变电机的转速和定子电流的软起动的原理。这种软起动方式结构简单,性能好,调试容易,对于要求不高的风机、泵类负载非常适用。  相似文献   
The authors have fabricated long persistence phosphors rapidly by combustion method at a comparatively lower temperature range.This process goes quickly and the loose resultants with small hardness and tiny particles have been obtained,which is important for the phosphor's utilization.  相似文献   
“二炒”温度是炒青绿茶品质形成的关键,研究二炒温度对传统客家炒青绿茶品质特征形成至关重要.以梅占炒青毛茶为原料,设置3个不同的二炒温度,研究二炒温度下茶叶品质成分的变化.结果表明:二炒温度升高,茶叶中茶多酚、咖啡碱、儿茶素总量和酯型儿茶素含量均有持续减少趋势;而可溶性糖和游离氨基酸总量,随着温度升高呈现出先减后增的趋势,可溶性糖在115℃复炒时显著增加到4.31%,而后显著减少,游离氨基酸含量在115℃时显著降到2.74%,而在125℃时显著增加到4.00%;EGCG、GC含量随二炒温度的提高显著增加,C、GCG、CG含量则显著下降,当二炒温度达到125℃时,EGCG、GCG、CG、CG、ECG、EGC和EC变化并不显著,C含量则显著增加.二炒温度升高,毛茶中青气消失,火甜香增加,滋味浓厚回甘,125℃时,焦火韵味明显,茶汤鲜爽味减少.二炒以115℃3 h时茶叶品质最佳,儿茶素品质指数最大.  相似文献   
暖季型草坪草优良选系和品种抗盐性的初步评价   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
以叶片枯黄率为指标,通过水培法对5属12种50份暖季型草坪草优良选系和品种进行了抗盐性评价,为选育抗盐优质草坪草新品种提供试验依据。结果表明,供试草种间的抗盐性变异很大,总的变异系数达到60%,其中,结缕草属和狗牙根属变异系数分别为52%和29%,而结缕草和中华结缕草是变异最大的种,变异系数分别为56%和52%。总的来讲,抗盐性最强的多为细叶结缕草和沟叶结缕草植物,海雀稗‘Adalayd’、钝叶草‘S004’及部分结缕草、中华结缕草植物的抗盐性也较强,部分结缕草属其他材料和狗牙根属植物的抗盐性中等或较弱,而假俭草的抗盐性最弱。结缕草属中抗盐性比‘马尼拉’强的有7份材料,比‘兰引3号’强的有12份材料,而狗牙根属中除‘C158’、‘南京’狗牙根和‘C610’外,多数材料的抗盐性比对照品种‘Tifgreen’和‘Tifdwarf’强。抗盐性最强的3份选系(品种)为细叶结缕草‘Z160’、沟叶结缕草‘Diamond’和‘Z075’。  相似文献   
随着原油储备库规模的大型化、集约化,原油储罐也逐渐向大罐容方向发展,罐区一旦发生火灾,极易引发连锁火灾效应,造成巨大的经济损失甚至人员伤亡.为合理设计大型原油储罐的安全间距,降低着火罐对邻近罐的热辐射,采用CFD技术对储罐火灾进行数值模拟,通过控制单一变量和设计正交试验工况,分析了风速、喷淋强度、油品燃烧速率3个因素对...  相似文献   
Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) is a widely used turfgrass in tropical, subtropical and warm-temperate regions in the world. It is a salinity-tolerant plant, but much genetic variation exists among its genotypes. Genetic diversity has been shown to exist from a morphologic level to a molecular level among Chinese natural bermudagrass germplasm resources; however, the extent of variation in their salinity tolerance has remained unclear. We conducted greenhouse hydroponic and sand culture experiments to evaluate the variation in salinity tolerance of natural bermudagrass germplasm resources obtained from their main areas of distribution in China and treated at a 33 dS m?1 salinity level for three weeks. Compared with non-saline controls, salinity stress significantly decreased shoot clipping weight (46.5% and 44.2%) and increased leaf firing (41.1% and 37.6%) in hydroponic and sand culture experiments, respectively, across all genotypes. However, significant genetic variations in relative leaf firing percentage (RLF) and relative shoot weight (RSW) were found among genotypes in both experiments, and their coefficients of variation ranged from 25.5% to 41.6%, indicating that considerable variation exists in the salinity tolerance of Chinese natural bermudagrass germplasm resources. Shoot Na+ concentrations increased under salinity stress for all genotypes in both experiments. However, significant genetic variations were also found in shoot Na+ concentrations. Salinity tolerance in bermudagrass genotypes was found to be significantly negatively correlated with shoot Na+ concentrations in both experiments. Using a cluster analysis of RLF and RSW data, all genotypes were classified into four groups with different salinity tolerances. The results of our evaluation indicate that there is much potential for improving salinity tolerance among Chinese natural bermudagrass cultivars.  相似文献   
利用"三七"高炮炮弹爆炸后AgI在不同温度下的成冰率及前后2个温度梯度倍数关系,以及高炮83型增雨弹引信自炸时间和射角及其所达垂直高度、水平距离、斜距等资料,计算出理想浓度的理想弥散半径和发射角度,从而分析得出在人工增雨作业中适宜的用弹量和作业方法,以期利用合理的射击方法,使用最少的人雨弹,达到最佳的增雨效果。  相似文献   
By analyzing the problems and their reasons existed in the water firing prevention system, it is pointed out that the current Chinese firing prevention system is a partial and half-baked one, based solely on the individual building. Fire is an accident to a building, while it is a necessity to a city. Fire fighting is not only the responsibility of individual buildings, but also a part of disaster prevention system. The specialized management, power of fire fighting and salvation of the city nowadays should be reinforced. The responsibility of firing prevention system in a building is to put off the initial flame and prevent the fire extending within the right time, meanwhile to start the fire prevention and contingency measurements of the city.  相似文献   
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