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Severe equine asthma (SEA) syndrome is a chronic recurrent respiratory disease, common among adult horses. The disease occurs in genetically susceptible individuals after their exposure to organic dust. Thus, environmental management has proved essential in controlling airway challenge and disease exacerbation. This is a demanding process that can only be achieved through the horse owners’ cooperation. One year after initial diagnosis of SEA in a group of 39 horses, owner compliance to an environmental management protocol was evaluated. The overall compliance to the protocol was poor and the horses’ clinical health and need for pharmacological management was related to the successful implementation of the environmental recommendations provided on disease diagnosis.  相似文献   
[目的]对比分析紫菀不同极性段提取物的镇咳、平喘及祛痰效果,为进一步研究其药效机理提供理论基础,也为其开发利用提供科学参考.[方法]分别采用浓氨水致咳法、喷雾引喘法、毛细玻管法观察紫菀不同极性段提取物对小鼠的镇咳效果、对豚鼠的平喘效果及对麻醉大鼠的祛痰效果.[结果]石油醚组(Ⅰ)、最后母液组(Ⅳ)及75%乙醇组(Ⅴ)可极显著延长小鼠咳嗽的潜伏期和减少2 min内咳嗽次数(P<0.01,下同),正丁醇组(Ⅲ)有显著的镇咳作用(P<0.05,下同);石油醚组(Ⅰ)、正丁醇组(Ⅲ)及75%乙醇组(Ⅴ)能极显著延长4%氯化乙酰胆碱引喘豚鼠的潜伏期;乙酸乙酯组(Ⅱ)、正丁醇组(Ⅲ)、最后母液组(Ⅳ)及75%乙醇组(Ⅴ)可极显著增加大鼠痰液分泌量,石油醚组(Ⅰ)和阳性对照氯化铵组有显著作用.[结论]紫菀75%乙醇提取物具有镇咳、平喘、祛痰作用,3种药效对应的主要有效极性部位分别为石油醚和最后母液部分、石油醚和正丁醇部分、正丁醇和最后母液部分.紫菀镇咳、平喘、祛痰各药效对应的有效极性部位不同,对其药效进行开发利用时应作针对性选择.  相似文献   
Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a physiological as well as an inflammatory mediator, causes contraction of airway smooth muscles by binding to endothelin-A (ETA) and endothelin-B (ETB) receptors. We investigated the interaction between endothelin receptors on contractions and oxidative stress of bronchial rings of clinically healthy horses. Rings for response studies were set in tissue chambers containing oxygenated Tyrode’s solution. Concentration-response relationships were determined for ET-1 on control rings, rings incubated with ETA antagonist (BQ123), rings incubated with ETB antagonists (IRL 1038 and BQ788), and rings incubated with all antagonists combined. For oxidative stress studies, rings were incubated for 30 minutes separately with ET-1, ETA antagonist + ET-1, ETB antagonists + ET-1, and all three antagonists + ET-1. The control rings were not treated with any agents. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method was used to measure total reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide, and peroxynitrite. Results showed that ET-1 caused dose-dependent contractions which were increased by ETA blockade and decreased by ETB blockade. Combined blockade significantly inhibited the response to ET-1. Regarding the oxidative stress, ET-1 and its antagonists significantly reduced the total ROS. Superoxide production was significantly decreased by ETA antagonist and completely abolished when ETA and ETB antagonists were combined. Peroxynitrite production was not changed significantly. The study suggested that an interaction between ET receptors exists in the expression of contractile responses and oxidative stress. ET-1 attenuated oxidative stress by decreasing total ROS. ETA receptors may be primarily responsible for superoxide production. It appears that ET-1 does not affect peroxynitrite production in normal equine tissues.  相似文献   
A 24-year-old, Thoroughbred gelding presented with difficulty breathing for a few days and intermittent nose bleeding before dying. At necropsy, the bronchoesophageal artery and the bronchial artery that flowed into the left anterior lobe were tortuous and dilated, and it was found that dilated tortuous branches of the bronchial artery ran over the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the left anterior lobe. Histopathologically, an anastomosis between a muscular artery and an elastic artery were demonstrated, which were identified as bronchial and pulmonary arteries, respectively. Based on the gross and histopathological findings, a bronchopulmonary artery fistula was diagnosed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a pulmonary vascular anastomosis in a horse.  相似文献   
【目的】改进和优化ABS血管铸型技术。创建猪支气管动脉立体标本的铸型方法,并构建猪支气管动脉立体标本。为探明猪支气管动脉在肺内的分支与分布状态提供实验方法。【方法】用改进和优化ABS铸型技术,采用支气管动脉单纯铸型和支气管动脉与支气管树或肺动脉联合铸型的方法构建猪支气管动脉的立体标本。【结果】(1)创建了猪支气管动脉立体标本的铸型方法。①猪肺支气管动脉单纯标本制作的方法要点:先分别在胸主动脉近心端和远心端插管并结扎胸主动脉。同时,为了防止在灌入铸型剂时经食管和气管周围的血管网发生渗漏,分别在胸主动脉插管处相应的位置结扎食管前端和后端,并在气管开口处插入盲端套管并结扎。然后调整肺的位置,使其背上腹下地置于解剖盘中。经胸主动脉间接向支气管动脉中注入铸型剂。灌注时强压梯度灌入60 mL 10%和100-160 mL 15%的ABS铸型剂,当橡胶管中间部位膨大后停止灌注。在连续灌注结束后5 h内随时观察橡胶管膨大部位的大小,当压力减小时,立即灌入20%的ABS铸型剂,保证主动脉内的正压力。将灌注好的标本置于冷水中静态硬化3-4 d,再用盐酸密闭腐蚀10 d左右。然后用流水漂浮和加压冲洗,再通过摘除凝块、打枝疏密和断枝再植修整后就可以获得完整的铸型标本。②猪肺支气管动脉与支气管树联合铸型标本制作的方法要点:首先,同时插管并结扎胸主动脉、食管和气管。然后经胸主动脉间接灌注铸型剂。间隔1-2 h后再对气管树进行灌注。最后同步硬化、腐蚀、冲洗和修复支气管动脉与支气管树联合标本。③猪肺支气管动脉与肺动脉联合铸型标本制作的方法要点:支气管动脉与支气管树联合铸型的方法和支气管动脉与肺动脉联合铸型的方法相似,不同之处在于在将铸型剂注入支气管动脉的同时,前者是将铸型剂注入支气管树内,后者则是将铸型剂注入肺动脉内。在联合铸型时,根据肺的大小确定注入铸型剂的量,而经支气管动脉单纯铸型时,则根据压力大小确定灌注量。(2)构建了猪支气管动脉立体标本、猪支气管动脉与猪支气管树的联合立体标本和猪支气管动脉与肺动脉的联合标本。【结论】采用该方法获得的支气管动脉立体标本血管层次清楚、管道充盈光滑、对比度清晰,能够完整显示猪支气管动脉的起源、分支、走向、分布以及与支气管树和肺动脉的毗邻关系。该工作为猪及其它动物支气管动脉的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
本文报道加用高频通气治疗哮喘持续状态的新方法,哮喘症状控制时间及住院天数均较常规治疗佳,收到满意效果,并就治疗机理进行讨论。  相似文献   
目的:观察布地奈德混悬液联合沙丁胺醇、溴化异丙托品雾化吸入治疗哮喘的效果。方法:急诊哮喘患儿88例随机分为2组,布地奈德混悬液联合沙丁胺醇、溴化异丙托品雾化吸入组(A组)46例,沙丁胺醇、溴化异丙托品联合吸入组(B组)42例。2组均用单剂量空气压缩泵雾化吸入。记录吸药前后喘息、哮鸣音记分和呼气峰流速(PEF)的变化。结果:A组患儿喘息及哮鸣音记分别于吸药后90min开始低于B组,而PEF在吸药后90min开始高于B组。结论:布地奈德混悬液联合沙丁胺醇、溴化异丙托品雾化吸入治疗急性哮喘的效果优于沙丁胺醇联合溴化异丙托品吸入治疗。  相似文献   
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